Shocking! Discovery of 16 Dead Protected Animals in the Cold Storage of Ocean Park Dalian | Spotted Seal | Park

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 20:17 PM

The Death of Spotted Seals

Discovery of 16 dead protected animals in the cold storage of Ocean Park

The department involved in the Dalian spotted seal poaching case claims to have rectified the situation

Due to the discovery of dead aquatic wildlife such as spotted seals in the cold storage, the Bazhong Ocean Park has once again been pushed to the forefront.

On July 20th of this year, under the inventory of the public interest litigation officers of the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District in Bazhong City, Sichuan Province and the staff of the Bazhou District Aquatic Industry Development Center, a total of 16 national first-class and second-class aquatic wildlife carcasses from 7 subjects were transported to the Natural Museum of Sichuan University, the School of Animal Science of Sichuan Agricultural University, and the Sichuan Provincial Rare and Unique Fish Protection and Utilization Center for specimen production. These dead animals were all found in a cold storage area of less than 10 square meters at the Bazhong Ocean Park.

Recently, staff from the Aquatic Industry Development Center in Bazhou District, Bazhong City, told Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News that the cause of the incident was the 2019 Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case. Bazhong Ocean Park was fined for illegally purchasing spotted seals, which involved feeding the illegally purchased seals at the park. The person in charge of the center introduced that the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District has put forward rectification suggestions for it this time, and the rectification has been completed. A live spotted seal involved in the case has been transferred to a marine aquarium in Guangyuan for temporary care.

Shocking and heart wrenching

16 national first-class and second-class aquatic wildlife carcasses found in the cold storage of Ocean Park

Recently, an online article titled "Death of Specially Protected Animals in the Aquarium, Cannot be Freezed" has attracted attention. The article claims that the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District, Bazhong City, has recently handled a public interest lawsuit for aquatic wildlife, and staff have discovered that the cold storage of the Bazhong Aquarium is piled up with various types of aquatic wildlife protection animal bodies. In June 2023, the public interest litigation officers of the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District discovered during the inspection of aquatic wildlife protection that the number of specially licensed aquatic wildlife protected animals applied for in the Bazhong Ocean Park did not match the actual number of aquatic protected animals used for exhibitions. They immediately launched further supervision and investigation. In the investigation, investigators found that the cold storage area of the ocean park, which is less than 10 square meters, is piled up with dead aquatic wildlife, mixed with daily materials to be used in the ocean park. The environment is far from meeting the needs of animal epidemic prevention and control.

On July 20th, under the inventory of the public interest litigation officers of the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District and the staff of the Bazhou District Aquatic Industry Development Center, a total of 16 national first-class and second-class aquatic wildlife protected animals were transported to the Natural Museum of Sichuan University, the School of Animal Science of Sichuan Agricultural University, and the Sichuan Provincial Rare and Unique Fish Protection and Utilization Center, including 1 spotted seal, 4 green turtles, 3 black finned sharks, and 3 dragon pontoons. The article also stated that after investigation, the ocean park did not declare or cancel the special permission for aquatic wildlife that had died over the years, and carried out freezing treatment on its own. The park manager said, "Since its opening 6 years ago, all fish that died from illness or other reasons have been here. As it is a specially licensed aquatic protected animal, I dare not handle it arbitrarily and have to freeze it first.".

The reporter learned that the article was contributed by the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District, Bazhong City. After this news came out, some netizens exposed that "at the end of 2018, Bazhong Ocean Park became the first aquatic wildlife rescue station in Bazhong City. In January of that year, Bazhong Ocean Park spent 100000 yuan to illegally purchase two wild poached leopard cubs without relevant procedures. A year earlier, they purchased 20 turtles, fish, etc. from another company in 2017." Journalists found that Bazhong Ocean Park was involved in the 2019 "Dalian 2.11 leopard poaching case" and became one of the seven defendant units. In the 2020 first instance judgment, seven defendant units were fined between 150000 and 3 million yuan respectively; To recover the illegal gains of each defendant and defendant unit in accordance with the law and confiscate the criminal tools. After a 4-year hiatus, relevant departments have once again discovered the bodies of several aquatic wildlife conservation animals, including spotted seals, in the cold storage of the ocean park.

Journalist visits

The incident originated from a poaching case four years ago

Response from relevant departments: A live spotted seal has been transferred

On August 14th, the reporter arrived at the Bazhong Ocean Park and found that the name had been changed to Haichang Ocean Exploration Museum. The staff explained that the ocean park is now operated by Haichang Ocean Exploration Museum and is managed by the Shanghai headquarters. The entry date is 2022. Subsequently, the reporter went to the Bazhou District Aquatic Industry Development Center in Bazhong City to learn about the relevant situation. According to the staff, the cause of the incident was the 2019 Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case, in which Bazhong Ocean Park illegally acquired spotted seals as one of the defendant units and was fined. In 2022, Haichang Ocean Exploration Museum took over the operation of the ocean park due to the fact that the ocean park owed rent and employee wages to the mall.

Mr. Wang, the person in charge of the Bazhou District Aquatic Industry Development Center, introduced to reporters that the Bazhou District People's Procuratorate recently handled a public interest lawsuit for aquatic wildlife, involving the previous "Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case". The illegally purchased spotted seals have been feeding at the Bazhong Ocean Park. "After the incident, we will report the situation to the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture. Afterwards, we will contact the Natural Museum of Sichuan University, the School of Animal Science of Sichuan Agricultural University, the Sichuan Provincial Rare and Unique Fish Protection and Utilization Center, and select 16 dead aquatic wildlife protection animals with scientific research value for specimen production. The remaining frozen fish carcasses will be treated harmless, and the procuratorial organs will be invited to supervise the entire process."

Mr. Wang told reporters that the Bazhong Ocean Park is the first aquatic wildlife rescue station in Bazhong. Due to the "spotted seal case" being at the forefront of the situation, a live spotted seal involved in the case has been sent to the Aquatic Animal Rescue Center of Guangyuan Haichang Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. for temporary care. Netizens question how many spotted seals and aquatic wildlife have been illegally acquired by Bazhong Ocean Park? Mr. Wang did not provide a positive response to this. Regarding the issues raised by the People's Procuratorate of Bazhou District regarding the incomplete registration ledger, failure to apply for cancellation, and animal epidemic prevention of the Ocean Park, Mr. Wang stated that he has put forward rectification suggestions and has now resolved them.

The Mystery of Death

Dead spotted seals will make specimens

Feeding personnel have resigned

It is understood that currently, the aquatic and fishery administration department of Bazhou District has refined the supervision and management system of "licensed aquatic protected animals" in its jurisdiction in accordance with relevant regulations, and standardized the protection measures for the breeding, breeding, medical treatment, transportation, and treatment of aquatic wild protected animals.

During the reporter's visit, a manager of Haichang Ocean Exploration Museum introduced that they took over the Bazhong Ocean Park from the mall last year and after simple decoration, it is now operating normally. The management personnel introduced that they heard that the Bazhong Ocean Park was involved in the Dalian spotted seal poaching incident shortly after its operation. After being fined, it was difficult to operate due to various reasons. "The boss gave the procedures to the mall, and we took over the operation from the mall."

The manager stated that they were unaware of the time of death of the spotted seal, and the staff responsible for feeding the seal had resigned. He claimed that the matter had been resolved and presented the relevant correspondence with the ocean park to the reporter at that time. The reporter saw that the above-mentioned letter shows that the dead spotted seal is one of the spotted seals involved in the Dalian spotted seal poaching case, and it has been transferred to the Sichuan Rare and Unique Fish Conservation and Utilization Center to make specimens for science popularization and education. The live spotted seal in question was transferred to the nearby aquatic wildlife rescue center for temporary care and transported to the Aquatic Animal Rescue Center of Guangyuan Haichang Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Marine Museum. The management confirmed to the reporter that two spotted seals were originally involved in the case of Bazhong Ocean Park, but one died due to illness and was sent to Guangyuan Ocean Museum.

Behind the scenes

The affiliated company changes ownership four times in three years

Multiple former employees claimed to be unaware

So, what kind of company is Bazhong Ocean Park? When did the spotted seal in question die? According to the reporter's inquiry, the Bazhong Ocean Park officially opened in January 2018. According to the China Agriculture Information Network hosted by the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China on October 25, 2018, "On October 19, the first aquatic wildlife rescue station in Bazhong City that integrates protection and treatment, Bazhong Ocean Park, was established, ending the history of Bazhong City without professional rescue institutions for aquatic wildlife."

According to Tianyancha, from February 28, 2019 to March 23, 2022, Bazhong Ocean Park Tourism Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Bazhong Ocean Park, underwent four changes in ownership. The current legal representative is Yue Mouhua.

One week after the "Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case" occurred in 2019, on February 28 of the same year, the legal representative of Bazhong Ocean Park Tourism Development Co., Ltd. was changed from Xu Mouyu to Fang Moushu. On December 11, 2019, Luo Mouyan was added as a senior management personnel, and the legal representative was changed to Luo Mouyan. On March 15, 2022, the legal representative of the company changed again, and Hu Mouming became the legal representative. One week later, the legal representative was changed to Yue Mouhua.

On August 21st of this year, the reporter contacted Luo Mouyan repeatedly. Regarding the deaths of the Bazhong Ocean Park and the spotted seal, Luo Mouyan stated that she was unaware and claimed that she was only the legal representative. Subsequently, the reporter contacted several staff members and mall managers who had previously worked at the ocean park, all of whom stated that they had left their posts and were unaware of the situation of the spotted seal.

On August 23rd, according to staff from the investment center of the shopping mall where Bazhong Ocean Park is located, there was a situation of rent arrears in the ocean park, which is currently operated by Haichang Ocean Exploration Museum. As of now, the park still owes some rent unpaid.

News replay

"Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case"

When it comes to the Bazhong Ocean Park, it is necessary to mention the 2019 Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case. On February 11, 2019, the police in Changxing Island, Dalian, cracked a major case of poaching of a nationally protected animal, the spotted seal, which was later known as the "Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case". This case involved more than 200 young spotted seals, which were illegally hunted, purchased, raised, transported, and sold. They were purchased by aquariums and individuals in Henan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, and other places. A total of 100 stolen spotted seal cubs were seized, and 61 survived in the end.

After the incident, the Dalian Public Security Bureau established a special task force to fully investigate the case. The Dalian 2.11 spotted seal poaching case has a total of 42 defendants and 7 defendant units, divided into 3 cases for trial. The first part is the hunting section, with 16 defendants; The second one is to acquire the transportation sales portion, with 11 defendants; The third one is the acquisition of the aquarium, consisting of 7 defendant units and 15 defendants. Among the 7 defendant units, there is "Bazhong Ocean Park Tourism Development Co., Ltd.", which is the company affiliated with Bazhong Ocean Park.

In 2020, the People's Court of Dalian Changxing Island Economic and Technological Development Zone will open the first instance of the case to the public through the Internet. The court publicly pronounced judgments on 42 defendants and 7 defendant units in a series of cases involving illegal hunting, transportation, sale, and acquisition of precious wild animal spotted seals. The 7 defendant units were fined between 3 million yuan and 150000 yuan respectively; To recover the illegal gains of each defendant and defendant unit in accordance with the law and confiscate the criminal tools.

Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News reporter Zhang Yang

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