She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:20 PM

After 24 years of hiding, Jie Mouping was arrested at the vegetable market in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. What attracted the attention of netizens were the "high appearance" photos of him when he was wanted many years ago, as well as the open letter "shouting" for his surrender from the Yumen Branch of the Yuncheng Public Security Bureau in Shanxi Province in 2020.

On January 3, 2020, the Yumen Branch of Yuncheng Public Security Bureau issued an open letter to fugitives and their relatives

It is reported that on the evening of July 7, 1999, a major criminal case involving one death and one injury occurred in the residential area of Shanxi Aluminum Base. After investigation, it was found that Hao Moucang and Jie Mouping were suspected of committing a major crime, and the two of them fled after committing the crime. In March 2013, the Yuncheng Public Security Bureau arrested Hao Moucang and brought him to justice in Jiexiu City. He confessed to the fact that he had conspired with Jie Mouping to commit the crime.

Jie Mouping grew up in a factory living area in Yongji City, Shanxi Province. During a visit by Red Star News reporters, several members of Xie Mouping's family mentioned that the injured person in the case, Xue Mouyi, was Xie Mouping's ex husband and had an affair during their marriage. The deceased Fan Mouying was Xue Mouyi's wife and also known as Xue Mouyi's infidelity partner. In a program about the case at that time, Xue Mouyi claimed that he married Jie Mouping because he had a crush on her beauty and culture. However, after getting married, the two had multiple arguments, and Jie Mouping had physically assaulted him and claimed that she had cheated on someone else. He attempted to divorce but was unsuccessful. In the end, he divorced Jie Mouping for 50000 yuan as a condition for divorce.

In Yongji and Xuzhou, the impression of Jie Mouping is completely opposite. The family of Jie Mouping stated that she has a lively personality. Previously, the police had announced that Jie Mouping had the intention to apply for a television station; In Xuzhou, the biggest impression that street vendors have of Jie Mouping is that she doesn't like to talk. A nearby vendor said that Jie Mouping has been working here for nearly four months and has never talked to her. In Xue Mouyi's account, after marriage, he discovered that Jie Mouping couldn't do household chores; However, some vendors in Xuzhou remember that when Jie Mouping came to buy groceries, she always negotiated the price and sometimes thought that the thirty yuan beef was too expensive, so she decided not to buy it.

Growing up in a state-owned factory living area

She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

The old neighbor is quite familiar with it

In the living area of the 575 Arsenal of the former China Ordnance Group Corporation, I remember that there were quite a few people in Jie Mouping's family. Upon hearing the inquiry, an old lady whispered, "A few days ago, she had an accident."

According to public information from the People's Government of Yongji City, the current Shanxiguan Aluminum Group is the original 575 Factory. Like most young factory workers, Jie Mouping's family has relocated to a residential area in the urban area of Yongji City. According to Yongji News, in 2013, Guan Aluminum Group began the renovation of shantytowns, and most of the elderly people who remained in the original 575 Factory living area lived in the renovated buildings and other residential areas in the shantytowns.

▲ Jie Mouping's Old Residence

Before the renovation of shantytowns, most of the people in Factory 575 lived in the bungalows built during the construction of the factory, including the old residence of Jie Mouping and her family. Now, Jie Mouping's old residence is still here and has been abandoned. One resident mentioned that Xie, her parents, brothers and sisters once lived here. Due to security problems, the old house has been sealed with red strips.

Yumen Branch of Yuncheng Public Security Bureau once announced the relevant information of Xie Mouping, who mentioned that she was born in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and her native place was located in a village in Fenyang, Shanxi Province, while her registered residence was in the area of the former residence of the May 7th Five Plant. From 1991 to 1993, there was a desire to apply to Hakodate University and join a television station, and a hobby of drawing. After divorce, he went to Yuncheng to study painting. In Fenyang City, the hometown of Jie Mouping, a relative of her told Red Star News reporters that the police had visited this place after the incident in 1999. According to this relative's understanding, Xie Mouping's father was once a soldier who served in Lanzhou, Gansu. Xie Mouping was also born in Lanzhou. When Xie Mouping was young, she lived with her grandmother's family in the countryside of Fenyang for a few months, and her family background was similar to that of an ordinary farmer. After Xie Mouping's father was discharged from the military, he entered the 575 Factory in Yongji City, Yuncheng City to work. Xie Mouping also went to Yuncheng to live and became a "factory and mining child".

She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

According to Yuncheng News Network, the construction of Factory 575 began in 1970 when Xie Mouping was two years old. A former employee of 575 Factory who is familiar with Jie Mouping told reporters that she has a lively personality and graduated from the first vocational school of 575 Factory. She has had two marriages in Yuncheng, and in the first one, she had a son who was raised by her husband. The injured person involved in the case, Xue Mouyi, is the second husband of Jie Mouping. The two met through a friend's introduction.

Relatives of Jie Mouping's hometown remember that there were a total of five children in the Jie family. Jie Mouping was the second child, and Hao Moucang, who committed the crime with her, was the husband of the third child, also known as Jie Mouping's brother-in-law. During the visit, the reporter learned that many members of Jie's family had worked at the 575 factory, and the two of them were also married to employees of the 575 factory. The injured person Xue Mouyi in the case is not an employee of 575 Factory, but a native of Hejin City, Yuncheng City, who once worked at Hejin Aluminum Factory.

The aluminum base in Hejin City committed a crime

Husband and wife claim each other's infidelity

Yongji and Hejin are both county-level cities under the jurisdiction of Shanxi Province, managed by Yuncheng City. There is only one bus a day from Yongji to Hejin. Several residents of Yongji recall that in the past, there were as many as four daily shuttle buses between the two places.

Several local residents in Hejin told reporters that "Hejin Aluminum Factory" is a folk term, and the factory was originally named Shanxi Aluminum Factory. A taxi driver proudly recalled, "In the past, there were tens of thousands of people in the aluminum factory, and the factory also had its own passenger station, departing from various parts of Shanxi Province every day." According to Shanxi Evening News, Shanxi Aluminum Factory was once the "largest aluminum oxide factory in Asia" and "China's first million ton aluminum oxide enterprise". It was also known as the "cradle and eldest son of Shanxi aluminum industry". The newspaper "Jinlv", sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Shanxi Aluminum Factory Committee of the Communist Party of China, published an article in 2007 showing that the Yumen Branch of the Yuncheng Public Security Bureau, which was investigating and solving the case of Mouping, was transferred from Shanxi Aluminum Factory to the People's Government of Yuncheng City.

She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

▲ The residential building where the incident occurred

According to reports, on the evening of July 7, 1999, in the residential area of Shanxi Aluminum Base located in Hejin City, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, a crowd suddenly heard someone shouting "kill! Help!" Then a man covered in blood ran out of a hallway. This man was Xue Mouyi, the ex husband of Jie Mouping, who was stabbed several times at the time. Subsequently, the police discovered that Xue Mouyi's wife had died in her own bathroom when she had just become pregnant.

Compared to the 575 Factory, Shanxi Aluminum Factory is even larger, with no less than five residential areas for employees alone. The location of the case of Jie Mouping belongs to one of them, which has no less than forty residential buildings. The original location of the incident was the residence of the injured Xue Mouyi and the deceased Fan Mouying. According to the residents of the same building, Xue Mouyi had already moved after the incident. A resident told Red Star News about the details of the case. Jie's family said that Xue Mouyi had an affair with Jie Mouping in their marriage, and the deceased Fan Mouying was the one who intervened. They are not sure about the specific process of the incident. A relative of Jie Mouping mentioned that she and Xue Mouyi do not have children. After getting married, Jie Mouping discovered that Xue Mouyi had an affair with Fan Mouying and arranged for Fan Mouying to work and purchase a house. According to this relative's understanding, Jie Mouping originally planned to divorce, but Xue Mouyi did not want to. After a period of entanglement, the two divorced, and Xue Mouyi married Fan Mouying.

Guizhou TV once recorded the "Truth" program, in which the parents of the deceased Fan Mouying believed, "You killed my daughter." According to Fan Mouying's parents' recollection, before Jie Mouping, Xue Mouyi had a wife. During this period, Fan Mouying had become Xue Mouyi's lover, and Xue Mouyi arranged temporary work for him. Xue Mouyi claimed that his wife was seriously ill and would pass away, promising to marry Fan Mouying in the future. But after his wife's death, Xue Mouyi got to know and understood Mouping, and chose to marry Jie Mouping, cutting off contact with Fan Mouying for a while. After marrying Jie Mouping for a period of time, Xue Mouyi contacted Fan Mouying again and the two resumed their romantic relationship.

In the same program, Xue Mouyi claimed that he married Xie Mouping because he saw her beautiful and cultured. However, after marriage, the two had multiple arguments, and Xie Mouping had physically assaulted him and claimed that she had cheated on someone else. He attempted to divorce but was unsuccessful, and ultimately divorced Xie Mouping for 50000 yuan.

Both fugitives have been arrested

She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

Acquaintance: Unable to connect her with photos of online fugitives

In 2013, on the "Truth" program, Hao Moucang, who was arrested, explained the process of the incident. According to Hao Moucang's recollection, Jie Mouping claimed to teach Xue Mouyi and his wife a lesson, and Hao Moucang decided to help Jie Mouping. He claimed that he did not intend to kill Fan Mouying, but due to Fan Mouying's loud shouting, he urgently killed the other party. In order to cover up his identity, they fabricated the scene of the rape and murder. During the fabrication process, Xue Mouyi returned home, and the two decided to kill Xue Mouyi. According to Xue Mouyi, when two people stabbed him, a neighbor downstairs came home and he was able to escape.

The police noticed that after the incident, both Jie Mouping and Hao Moucang were nowhere to be seen. Jie Mouping's sister claimed that she had gone on a trip. One year after the incident, Hao Moucang's wife and son suddenly disappeared. It was not until 2013 that the police arrested Hao Moucang's family in Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province, and learned that Hao Moucang and Jie Mouping had fled separately. A relative of Jie Mouping said that Hao Moucang was sentenced to life imprisonment; Hao Moucang's wife was also sentenced for the crime of sheltering and has now been released and moved out of Yuncheng City after serving her sentence.

In the residence of Jie Mouping's family, a Red Star News reporter noticed that there was no photo of Jie Mouping in the displayed photo frame. During the 24 years of Xie Mouping's escape, her family claimed that they had never received any news from her. A few years after the incident, Jie Mouping's father passed away, and her family did not know if Jie Mouping had learned about this.

▲ Entrance to Agricultural Market

Jie Mouping was arrested in Xuzhou. In the vegetable market where she works, several vendors said they were unable to connect the photos of Jie Mouping they saw with the fugitives circulating online. In Yongji and Xuzhou, the impression of Jie Mouping is completely opposite. Jie's family remembers that she has a lively personality. Previously, the police had announced that Jie had the intention to apply for a television station; In Xuzhou, the biggest impression that street vendors have of Jie Mouping is that she doesn't like to talk. A nearby vendor said that Jie Mouping has been working here for nearly four months and has never talked to her. In Xue Mouyi's account, after marriage, he discovered that Jie Mouping couldn't do household chores; However, some vendors in Xuzhou remember that when Jie Mouping came to buy groceries, she always negotiated the price and sometimes thought that the thirty yuan beef was too expensive, so she decided not to buy it. According to the Da Wan News, Xie Mouping once worked as a waiter in a restaurant, learned to steam Mantou and make dumplings. On the internet, Jie Mouping's most eye-catching feature is her beauty, while vendors in Xuzhou remember that she usually wears simple clothes and hardly wears makeup.

She once claimed to have cheated with her husband, and the "high looks" criminal Jie Mouping's other face: Growing up in a state-owned factory program | Jie Mouping | Factory Area

After Jie Mouping was caught, her family was temporarily unable to visit her. A family member asked, "Is that photo of her being caught really her?"

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