Shameful!, Who is changing the current situation in the Taiwan Strait? Li Jiannan: American and Western Thieves Shouting to Catch Thieves Taiwan | Mainland | Thieves Shouting to Catch Thieves

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:13 PM

In an interview with CNN reporters on 5 June, White House national security adviser Sullivan once again said that the United States does not support "Taiwan independence" and strives for neither side to unilaterally change the status quo.

"Unilateral change of the status quo" has become a rhetoric and routine used by Taiwan leader Tsai Ing wen Chanmei, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Austin and President Biden to attack, discredit and slander the Chinese Mainland in many international fields, such as the US led NATO summit, the G7, the US Japan India Australia Quartet Summit and the just concluded Singapore "incense club".

In the words of the above-mentioned Taiwanese and American politicians, Chinese Mainland seems to be the destroyer of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and they seem to be the defenders of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

■ Taiwan: from "Ming independence" to "hidden independence", but the harm of "independence" is wider and deeper

In the words of former Chairman of the Kuomintang, Hong Xiuzhu, this current situation is based on the oral expression reached during the 1992 Cross Strait Two Sessions, which stated that "both sides belong to one China and work together to seek national reunification"; Although there has been long-term political opposition between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been separated, which is the current situation in the Taiwan Strait.

This is also one of the important reasons why the "1992 Consensus" has been adhered to by the mainland to this day.

However, the calm in the Taiwan Strait did not last for a long time because of the existence of the "1992 consensus," and the current situation that "both sides of the strait belong to one China and jointly seek national reunification" soon encountered challenges.

In 1995, Lee Teng-hui visited Cornell University in the United States in the name of a so-called "private" and wantonly carried out "two-state theory" separatist activities aimed at creating "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan." under the influence of Shiba Ryotaro, a Japanese right-winger, he began to carry out a "de-Sinicization" campaign on history textbooks in Taiwan's primary and secondary schools.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress initiated the legislative process of the Anti Secession Law in accordance with the Constitution in December 2004.

From 2008 to 2016, the KMT once again came to power over Taiwan, and the two sides of the strait resumed institutionalized consultations on the basis of the "1992 consensus" and common opposition to "Taiwan independence." 23 agreements were signed and reached, and cross-strait relations returned to the track of peaceful development.

However, after Tsai Ing wen took office in 2016, she refused to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus". Although she claimed to handle cross-strait relations based on the current "Constitution" and "Regulations on Cross Strait People's Relations" on the island, it gave the impression that although the Democratic Progressive Party did not accept the "1992 Consensus", it abandoned the "Ming independence" line of Lee Teng hui and Chen Shui bian, and returned to the framework of the "constitutional system" that both sides belong to the same country.

The difference between him and Chen Shui bian is that he changed the "obvious independence" approach to "hidden independence", which is more harmful than Chen Shui bian.

For personal gain, the Tsai Ing wen administration engages in political manipulation, vigorously colluding with external forces, creating cross-strait confrontation, and attempting to lure Taiwanese compatriots into the evil path of "anti China seeking independence", increasingly pushing Taiwan into a dangerous abyss.

——They claim to maintain the status quo, not provoke, and release goodwill, but in practical actions, they distort and smear the One China principle and the 1992 Consensus, essentially denying the legal and historical consensus that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same China.

-- they vigorously engage in "de-Sinicization", openly tamper with history, castrate and distort the historical link between the mainland of the motherland and Taiwan, and their essence is to "break away from China and seek independence," in an attempt to change the status quo.

——They clamor that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are not subordinate to each other, and throw out the notion that the mainland is a "neighboring country", essentially concocting the "two country theory" and "one China, one Taiwan".

——They fully cooperate with external forces to harm China's core interests, stand on the opposite side of the Chinese nation, and seek breakthroughs in the international community, essentially challenging the international community's one China pattern.

——They abuse administrative and judicial means to obstruct and disrupt cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, suppress the forces on the island that support the development of cross-strait relations and promote reunification, deliberately incite "anti China" populism, and essentially create cross-strait confrontation.

——They bribed anti China politicians from the country to visit Taiwan or officials from Taiwan authorities to visit foreign countries, colluding with external forces to split the motherland. Its essence is to forget one's ancestors, betray the motherland, and split the country.


The above misdeeds of the Taiwan authorities have not only undermined the mutual trust that the two sides of the strait have not easily accumulated, but also provoked confrontation between the two sides of the strait.How can such an act be said to "maintain the status quo, avoid provocation, and release goodwill?"

The United States: gradually hollowing out the One China policy through "cutting sausages"

The One China policy was the political foundation for the United States to seek diplomatic relations with China in order to confront the Soviet Union. In the Shanghai Communique signed by China and the United States on February 28, 1972, the Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the United States on December 16, 1978, and the August 17 Communique signed on August 17, 1982, it explicitly pledged that "the government of the United States of America recognizes China's position that the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing China in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China," and promised to maintain unofficial relations only with Taiwan. ".

In October 1971, just before the signing of the Shanghai Communique, the 26th United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly passed Resolution 2758, deciding to restore all the rights of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations. The One China principle was confirmed and became an important component of the post World War II international order.

Over the past few decades, it is on this political basis that China and the United States have developed their relations. Although China and the United States have struggled and played games over the Taiwan issue in different periods, the United States has basically abided by the bottom line.

However, as China became the world's second largest economy and increasingly moved towards the center of the world after 2010, the United States began to remain calm.

Although in the "Joint Communique on the Establishment of diplomatic Relations between China and the United States," the United States acknowledges its adherence to the one-China policy, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress recently passed the so-called "Taiwan International Solidarity Act" by a vote of 40 to 0, trying to recognize the so-called "international status" of the Taiwan region, in an attempt to overturn UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and define Taiwan as "sovereignty is uncertain."

Although the US side has made it clear to the Chinese side in the three Sino-US joint communiques that it "maintains unofficial relations with Taiwan," it has violated this commitment in recent years by allowing House Speaker Pelosi and other senior officials as US leaders to visit Taiwan. or allow Tsai ing-wen to flee to the United States to meet openly with US Speaker McCarthy, and go further and further on the road of falsifying, hollowing out, and distorting the one-China principle step by step.

——In the three joint communiqu é s, the US has promised to "gradually reduce arms sales to Taiwan and lead to a final solution after a period of time." However, in recent times, the scale and performance of US arms sales to Taiwan have continuously improved, with a total amount exceeding 70 billion US dollars. The current US government has reached several billion US dollars, and the performance of weapons has shifted from defensive to offensive.

——In the August 17th Communique, the US stated that it has no intention of implementing the policy of "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan". However, in recent years, it has openly helped Taiwan expand its so-called "international space" and even jumped to Taiwan to help Taiwan solidify its country. During the two terms of Trump and Biden alone, the US Congress introduced nearly 20 bills aimed at splitting China.


While making trouble in the Taiwan Strait, the United States has solemnly reiterated to China that it does not seek to fight a "new cold war" with China, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to oppose China through strengthening alliances, and does not support "Taiwan independence." there is no intention of conflict with China.

Public opinion on both sides of the strait pointed out that no matter how high-sounding it is, the above-mentioned series of US operations on the Taiwan issue show that it is hollowing out and falsifying the one-China policy step by step in the way of "sausage cutting."

In the words of a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the essence of the United States and the West hyping the current situation in the Taiwan Strait and distorting China's necessary actions to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is to confuse the public and interfere with China's great cause of national reunification. supporting the separatist forces of "Taiwan independence" is the real saboteur and black hand behind the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

■ mainland: insisting on acting as a stabilizer for maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait

However, during this period, Chinese Mainland did not dance with the United States and Taiwan, but pushed forward the process of national reunification at its own pace, and served as a stabilizer for maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait for decades.

Since the "letter to Taiwan compatriots" issued by the standing Committee of the National people's Congress on January 1, 1979, it has solemnly announced the policy of Communist Party of China and the Chinese Government for resolving the Taiwan issue by peaceful means and realizing national reunification. Since then, the CPC Central Committee has proposed to add "one country, two systems" to the settlement of the Taiwan issue. Since then, "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" has always been the policy for resolving the Taiwan issue.

Even if in recent years the Taiwan authorities instigated the people to confront the mainland and exaggerated the threat of the mainland, while the mainland counteracted against the "Taiwan independence" forces and external interference, while adhering to the principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", and in the context of the Taiwan authorities obstructing cross-strait exchanges, the mainland firmly adhered to the concept of one family on both sides of the strait and successively issued a number of favorable pro-Taiwan policies. It has attracted more and more Taiwan compatriots from Taiwan enterprises to start businesses, work, study, and live in the mainland, and the mainland has repeatedly thwarted the attempts of the United States and other international anti-China forces to cause trouble in the Taiwan Strait, effectively safeguarding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

With regard to the so-called PLA warships and aircraft cruising the Taiwan Strait in the past two years accused by politicians in the United States and Taiwan, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have long made it clear that this is precisely for the purpose of maintaining the peaceful status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The PLA's actions are a counteraction and deterrent to a small number of "Taiwan independence" forces and external interference, not against ordinary people in Taiwan. In fact, this can be seen from the fact that the people of Taiwan chartered ships to watch the training at sea during the people's Liberation Army's island-besieged training.

The third is a verbal trap, where a lie told a thousand times will be considered a fact.

"There is nothing wrong with the Taiwan Strait, and the United States and Taiwan are causing trouble." Li Jiannan said that the Taiwan Strait was originally a peaceful sea, but the United States and the West often use ships and planes to approach and conduct reconnaissance or cross the strait, wantonly destroying peace in the Taiwan Strait, and even shouting and catching thieves, which is truly shameful.

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