Seeking Progress while Stabilizing | Confidence and Motivation Continuously Enhancing - Observations on Economic and Social Development in Various Regions of China in August

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 03:30 AM

In August, under the deployment of the Party Central Committee, various regions and departments successively introduced a series of policy measures to promote development. Recent visits by reporters have found that in implementing the central deployment, various parts of the country have mustered up their efforts and taken practical measures. The precise effectiveness of policy "combination punches" continues to emerge, and confidence and motivation for development continue to increase.

Observation 1: Summer tourism and other consumption have significantly rebounded

Wearing a small yellow hat and holding a small shovel, children play in groups of three or five in the sand pit... Since the launch of archaeological excavation and research courses, this has become a common sight in the summer at the Daming Palace National Heritage Park in Xi'an, Shaanxi.

During the peak of summer study tours, the park's archaeological exploration center receives an average of over 700 visitors per day. The daily average number of visitors to the Shaanxi History Museum reaches 12000, and the daily average passenger flow of the Tang Dynasty Never Nights City reaches 300000.

The constantly rising numbers have witnessed the booming summer tourism market in Shaanxi Province, which is backed by a series of measures to optimize the consumption environment in the local area: extending the opening hours of multiple museums, rectifying the non-standard operation of the tourism market, introducing ticket reductions and other benefits in major scenic spots, and tilting policy dividends such as finance, taxation, and finance towards cultural and tourism enterprises

Looking across the country, consumption remains the "main engine" of economic growth, with travel, watching shows, and watching movies becoming the three hot consumption scenes during the summer. Data shows that from July 1st to August 21st, the national railway summer transportation has sent a total of 701 million passengers; The summer performance market box office exceeded 3 billion yuan, and this year the summer box office of the Chinese film market has exceeded 20 billion yuan.

The sustained release of vitality in the consumer market is inseparable from a series of policy support from the central to local governments. Beijing has launched a new batch of "Jingcai Green" consumption vouchers for distribution; The second batch of 20 million yuan automobile consumption vouchers in Zhengzhou City has begun verification; Fujian Province has introduced 9 measures to further promote consumption and expand domestic demand

In the current situation where demand is still insufficient, restoring and expanding consumption is given priority. Since the recent release of the "Measures for Restoring and Expanding Consumption" by the National Development and Reform Commission, various regions have launched policies and measures to promote consumption, covering multiple key consumption areas such as tourism, automobiles, and catering, in order to stimulate the potential of the consumption market with "real gold and silver". With the effective implementation of policies to expand domestic demand and promote consumption in various regions, the consumption "carriage" will continue to release momentum to promote the recovery of the Chinese economy.

Seeking Progress while Stabilizing | Confidence and Motivation Continuously Enhancing - Observations on Economic and Social Development in Various Regions of China in August

Observation 2: Continuously Stimulating the Vitality of Private Investment

In the Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park of Jiangbei New District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, the construction of the in vitro diagnostic instrument and reagent industrialization base of Jidan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is in full swing, and it is expected to achieve the first phase of production in 2024. Only 14 kilometers apart, the Phase II and III projects of Jidan Biology are also under construction simultaneously.

"As a major project in Nanjing, we will produce 500 million in vitro diagnostic reagents and 20000 clinical testing instruments annually after being put into operation." Wang Zhanzhu, Deputy General Manager of Jidan Biotechnology, said that the recent continuous support policies issued by the government have greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of private enterprises to work hard and start businesses, and the company is full of confidence in the future.

Since August, a series of policy measures have been intensively launched from the central to local levels to address the pain points, bottlenecks, and difficulties faced by private enterprises, aiming to stimulate the vitality of private investment and encourage enterprises to dare to venture, invest, and take risks.

Zhejiang Province has introduced 32 measures to promote the high-quality development of the private economy, proposing to promote the "three project lists" to private enterprises, providing a platform for private capital to better understand and participate in major projects; Guangzhou has introduced 20 measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and proposed the establishment of a "no disturbance, no response" enterprise service mechanism; Shenzhen has proposed 20 precise and effective measures to address the concerns of private enterprises regarding relaxing market access, protecting legitimate rights and interests, and clearing outstanding corporate accounts

Private investment is an important link in the development of the private economy. Recently, while increasing macroeconomic regulation efforts, a series of measures to stabilize expectations have been launched, boosting market confidence. The reporter learned from various regions that in some major provincial and municipal projects, private enterprises actively participate in important fields such as "5G+", new infrastructure, "East Digital and West Computing", and digital infrastructure projects, resonating with national strategies and regional development.

Observation 3: Real estate policies in multiple regions are undergoing optimization and adjustment

"Previously, there was a lot of down payment pressure, and we had not made up our mind to replace our new house. In August, the down payment ratio for the first house in Nanchang City was lowered to 20%. We decisively sold the old house and purchased a new house of over 200 square meters in Jiulong Xinyuan, Qingshanhu District. Ms. Nie, who was busy with decoration, told reporters that the local real estate market's new policies helped her save nearly 100000 yuan in down payment.".

Seeking Progress while Stabilizing | Confidence and Motivation Continuously Enhancing - Observations on Economic and Social Development in Various Regions of China in August

Since August, homebuyers in various regions have frequently received positive news: Nanchang City in Jiangxi Province has issued 15 new real estate policies related to land transfer, new house purchase, and other aspects; The down payment ratio for second homes in Xiamen has been reduced to 40%; Jiaxing City has completely lifted purchase and sales restrictions; Zhengzhou City has launched 15 favorable policies, including subsidies for families with multiple children to purchase houses

"The new policies in the real estate market mainly release essential and improved demand, which helps to activate and boost potential housing consumption demand." Yang Wei, the head of the Development and Management Department of the Nanchang Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, introduced that since the launch of the new policies in the real estate market in Nanchang on August 17th, the city's newly built commercial housing online signing area increased by 4% month on month in the seven days from the 17th to the 23rd, compared to the seven days before the 17th.

Recently, relevant departments have successively released positive policy signals in the real estate sector: in early August, the People's Bank of China clearly proposed to "continue guiding the downward trend of personal housing loan interest rates and down payment ratios" when deploying work for the second half of the year; Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and three other departments have issued specific implementation standards for the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans"; The Ministry of Finance has also announced two tax incentives for the real estate market.

Since the Central Political Bureau meeting held on July 24th proposed to "adapt to the new situation of significant changes in the supply and demand relationship in China's real estate market, adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner", the frequency of optimizing policies issued by various regions and departments has significantly accelerated, and a series of policy measures have been introduced to meet the demand for rigid and improved housing. With the continuous release of policy effects, the stabilization and recovery trend of the real estate market will be further strengthened.

Observation 4: Steady progress in post disaster reconstruction

More than 10 buses with "Welcome Home" banners are gradually entering the village. As soon as the car stopped, the villagers eagerly picked up large and small packages filled with pots, bowls, ladles, and bedding to get off the car and run towards their familiar home.

While the relocation and resettlement personnel in the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area of Jinghai District, Tianjin are gradually returning, the machines are running rapidly in the workshop of Yanglin Food Co., Ltd. located in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. The company's manager, Yang Yunqiang, is busy arranging production tasks.

In August, many places such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei suffered losses due to rainstorm and flood disasters. "After the disaster, we quickly received a prepayment of 2 million yuan from the insurance company, and we will also receive a final prepayment of 3.24 million yuan in the coming days." Yang Yunqiang said that this money is a timely help, which can solve the current liquidity difficulties and help enterprises quickly resume work and production.

Seeking Progress while Stabilizing | Confidence and Motivation Continuously Enhancing - Observations on Economic and Social Development in Various Regions of China in August

In Heilongjiang, Shangzhi City organized machinery and personnel to accelerate the repair of water damaged facilities; In Hebei, in Zhaoliuwu Teaching Point, Liuchu Town, Raoyang County, Hengshui City, the classroom floor has been completely resurfaced and disinfection and sterilization; In Jilin Province, Shulan City is accelerating the repair and reconstruction of damaged residential buildings to ensure that the affected population stays warm during the winter... Since August, various regions and relevant departments have taken multiple measures to accelerate post disaster reconstruction, making every effort to ensure the basic livelihood of the affected population and ensure the normal operation and transportation of production and life.

Reporter observation: The post disaster reconstruction work in multiple areas is currently being carried out in an orderly manner, with the affected people being properly resettled and enterprises resuming work and production as soon as possible. During interviews on the front line of the disaster area, the reporter deeply felt the enthusiasm of local grassroots cadres and people to rebuild their homes. Everyone is working together to devote themselves to rebuilding their homes.

Observation 5: Fighting the "Defense War" of Stable Autumn Grain Production

"Now corn is in the filling period, and after the flood recedes, it is easy to cause diseases and pests. It is necessary to timely apply anti disease drugs." In Tuchengzi Village, Jiangwan Town, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, Qian Chunrong, Deputy Director of the Cultivation and Research Institute of the Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, stood on the ground, carefully reminding farmers to pay attention to the precautions of field management.

In early August, heavy rainfall caused some farmland in Heilongjiang to be affected. The Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has formed 13 science and technology alliance expert groups, which have been dispatched to multiple regions to carry out science and technology assistance services for agriculture.

Autumn grain is the mainstay of annual grain production. At this critical period of autumn grain production formation, various regions and departments quickly took action: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs dispatched 10 working groups and 24 scientific and technological teams to the disaster stricken front lines, relevant departments urgently issued 732 million yuan of agricultural production disaster prevention and relief funds, the Ministry of Finance arranged 2.4 billion yuan to support 14 provinces in the north to implement "one spray, multiple promotions" for autumn grain crops such as corn and soybeans, and the disaster stricken areas completed the planting and replanting of 84000 mu of short growth period crops

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics on the 23rd, China has achieved a bumper harvest of early rice this year, with a total yield of 28.337 million tons, an increase of 0.8% compared to 2022. At present, the planting of late rice nationwide has been completed, and the autumn grain area has been confirmed except for some late autumn crops. Except for local disaster areas, most regions of the country have good growth of autumn crops, and the growth of mid to late season rice in the south is significantly better than last year.

Currently, there is still about a month left until the large-scale harvest of autumn crops. To achieve a bountiful autumn harvest, we need to go through multiple checkpoints such as autumn drought, autumn floods, typhoons, frost, and pests and diseases. The task of resisting disasters and achieving a bountiful harvest is still arduous. The relevant departments are taking unconventional measures and making every effort to ensure that the annual grain production remains above 1.3 trillion kilograms.

Seeking Progress while Stabilizing | Confidence and Motivation Continuously Enhancing - Observations on Economic and Social Development in Various Regions of China in August

Observation 6: "Green Engine" Activates New Development Momentum

August 15th is the first National Ecological Day. At the signing ceremony in Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, a company from Shanghai signed a 20000 ton forestry carbon bill worth 300000 yuan with two villages in Jiangle County.

Tang Si, the Party Branch Secretary of Gaohou Village in Jiangle County, cleared an account: selling 8013 tons of carbon sink at a price of 15 yuan per ton, the collective income of the village increased by more than 120000 yuan. "The green mountains and waters have turned into real gold and silver!" Tang Siqing sighed.

Since August, the "green engine" has been continuously strengthening. The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Green and Low Carbon Advanced Technology Demonstration Projects" to promote the formation of competitive advantages in green and low-carbon industries. Yantai City, Shandong Province held the 2023 Green, Low Carbon, and High Quality Development Conference, with 33 projects signed on site; Yunnan Province has introduced an implementation plan for peaking carbon emissions in the industrial sector, focusing on seven key industries... Through high-level environmental protection, continuously shaping new driving forces and advantages for development has become an important path for promoting high-quality development in various regions.

A thin carbon ticket vividly demonstrates the concept that "green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver". Rows of photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine continue to be connected to the grid for power generation, making the driving force of China's economic development more "new" and "green". The realization of green mountains and the flow of green water provide strong support for high-quality economic development through a high-quality ecological environment.

Writing, writing, and editing | Video produced by Xinhua News Agency in China

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