Scientific ideas and methods contained in "tens of millions of projects" Xi Jinping | Project | method

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:31 PM

Li Yanan, editor of Xi Jinping New era Socialism thought Research Center of Zhejiang Province

The project of "demonstration of thousands of villages and renovation of thousands of villages" is a major decision personally planned, deployed, and promoted by Comrade Xi Jinping when he was working in Zhejiang. In June 2003, under the initiative and presiding of Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, focusing on the environmental improvement of the "three lives" of production, life and ecology in rural areas, Zhejiang launched the "10 million Project" in the whole province. it has launched a large-scale action of village renovation and construction with the core of improving the rural ecological environment and improving the quality of life of farmers. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has persevered, persevered, and contributed for a long time. The "10 million Project" has created thousands of beautiful villages and benefited thousands of farmers, with remarkable results and far-reaching impact.

We should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, learn and master the scientific ideas and methods contained in the "10 million Project," and earnestly transform it into a vivid practice of implementing the new concept of development, speeding up the integrated development of urban and rural areas, promoting the construction of a beautiful China, and promoting rural rejuvenation in an all-round way.

Transformation and application of investigation and research achievements

Investigation and research is the basis of planning and the way to get things done. If there is no investigation and research, there will be no voice, let alone decision-making power. Shortly after Comrade Xi Jinping went to work in Zhejiang, he traveled to 11 prefectures and cities in 118 days and made a major decision on the basis of fully grasping the agricultural situation in the province. At that time, although Zhejiang made considerable economic and social development, but compared with the ever-changing urban appearance, rural construction and social development obviously lagged behind. According to the special record of "Zhejiang Tongzhi Agricultural Chronicles" and "Ten million Project", "the layout of villages in some areas is lack of planning guidance and restriction, farmers' houses are lack of scientific design, and there are new houses but no new villages; the living environment is' dirty, chaotic, scattered, poor 'and other phenomena are common; the construction of spiritual civilization lags behind, and outdated habits and bad customs are very common. The functions of management and services are weak, infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity are relatively backward, and social undertakings such as culture, sports, and medical care lag behind, which forms a strong contrast with the needs of the peasant masses for a better life. " It can be said that the countryside is a major deficiency for Zhejiang to build a well-off society in an all-round way. The "10 million Project" is a scientific decision made based on the first-hand materials mastered by research, so it has a strong pertinence, and naturally it has won the warm support and support of the peasant masses. On the new journey, we are faced with many new situations and new problems, and there is an urgent need to solve the problems through investigation and research. We should learn from the successful experience of the "tens of millions of projects", adhere to seeking truth from facts and problem orientation, attach importance not only to investigation and research, but also to the transformation and application of research results, and promote scientific decision-making and solve development problems through investigation and transformation.

A vivid portrayal of the combination of theory and practice

Theory comes from practice and guides practice. The "10 million Project" provides a vivid practical basis for the formation of the idea that "Green Water and Green Mountain is Jinshan and Silver Mountain", and the concept of "Green Water and Green Mountain is Jinshan and Silver Mountain" guides and promotes the fruitful results of the "10 million Project". The re-practice of the "10 million Project" provides a typical practice sample for the formation of the new development concept and Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. this is a process of practice-cognition-re-practice-re-understanding. From the implementation of the "10 million Project" in June 2003 to August 2005, Comrade Xi Jinping put forward the concept of "Green Water and Green Mountain is Jinshan and Silver Mountain" in Anji Yu Village, which is a process from practice to theory. During this period, Zhijiang Xinyu has published many articles in this aspect, such as "both GDP and green GDP", "realizing the win-win situation of economic development and ecological construction", "the construction of ecological province is a long-term strategic task", "the concept of development determines the development path" and so on, from which we can see the process from the germination to the formation of the concept of "Green Water and Green Mountain is Jinshan and Silver Mountain". Under the guidance of the concept that "Green Water and Green Mountain is Jinshan and Silver Mountain", Zhejiang continues to deepen the iterative "ten million Project", turning the process of village renovation into a process of developing and utilizing superior resources with rural characteristics and developing characteristic industries. On the basis of protecting the natural ecology and improving the living environment, vigorously develop rural tourism, health care for the aged, sports health, e-commerce, cultural creativity and other rural new business type It has opened the channel of transformation from "green water and green mountains" to "Jinshan and Yinshan", and found a good way to "make money from beauty", which is a process of theory guiding practice. At the same time, the sharp contrast in the appearance of rural areas before and after the implementation of the "10 million Project" and the tremendous changes in production and life brought about by the promotion of implementation fundamentally reflect the change in the concept of development and the transformation of the mode of development. In this sense, the "ten million project" is also one of the logical starting points for the emergence of the new development concept in practice.

The methodology of the people's supremacy of world outlook

The report of the 20th CPC National Congress summarized and refined the world outlook and methodology of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the first of which is that "we must adhere to the supremacy of the people." The "ten million Project" stems from Comrade Xi Jinping's profound peasant complex and sincere feelings for the people, and fully embodies the world outlook and methodology that "we must adhere to the supremacy of the people".

Over the past 20 years, the whole process of the "10 million Project" from decision-making, implementation to continuous deepening has always considered problems from the perspective of the peasant masses, respecting public opinion, safeguarding the interests of the people, and strengthening the rule of the people. In Zhejiang at the beginning of the 21st century, in view of the problem of "dirty, chaotic and poor" living environment and the lag of infrastructure and social undertakings, the peasants responded strongly and complained a lot. To carry out village renovation, improve the ecological environment and improve the quality of life became the greatest demand of the peasant masses in Zhejiang at that time. The people call, I respond, the people have what they want, and I have what I do. The implementation of the "10 million Project" echoes the greatest needs of the peasant masses, and its starting point and foothold is to meet the people's yearning for a better life. For this reason, the "10 million Project" starts from the basis of solving the "dirty, chaotic, and poor" village environment, which is most strongly reflected by the peasant masses, cleaning up old garbage, grasping the cleaning of villages, and establishing a mechanism for centralized collection and treatment of rural domestic waste.

In 2013, the "dirty, chaotic and poor" environment in the village was basically eliminated. At the same time, in the process of implementing the "10 million Project," it is particularly emphasized that we should give full play to the main role of the peasant masses, mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of the broad masses of farmers to build a beautiful home, and encourage village collectives and farmers to act according to their ability and do their best. Investment and labor to build a beautiful home. It is precisely because the "10 million Project" fully respects the wishes of farmers and solves the practical problems that are most urgent and strongly reflected by farmers in agricultural and rural development that they have won the active support and sincere praise of the peasant masses. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to find out and solve the most direct and practical interests of those farmers one by one, without writing blank checks, so that farmers' sense of achievement, happiness, and sense of security will be fuller, more secure, and more sustainable. On the new journey, we should consciously stand firm on the stand of the people, strengthen our sense of purpose, respect the wishes of the people, and take more measures to benefit the people's livelihood and warm the hearts of the people, so as to make farmers rich and promote common prosperity.

Adhere to the systematic concept and systematic method

The concept of system is a basic thought and working method. Adhering to the systematic concept and method reflects our party's profound grasp and scientific application of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and provides a scientific thinking method for forward-looking thinking, overall planning, and overall promotion of various undertakings of the party and the state. The main contents of the "10 million Project" include drawing up construction plans throughout the region, implementing comprehensive improvement of the village environment, cultivating and building central villages, grasping the revolution of rural garbage, deepening the revolution of rural toilets, promoting the revolution of rural sewage, protecting and making good use of historical and cultural villages, strengthening the guidance of rural features, and carrying out demonstration and establishment of beautiful villages, etc. it is a systematic project involving the construction of rural political, economic, cultural, social and ecological civilization. Centering on the general requirements of scientific planning and layout, clean village appearance, clean environment, entrepreneurial income and civilized physical and mental beauty, Zhejiang promotes the construction of rural ecological human settlements, ecological environment, ecological economy, ecological culture, and builds a beautiful countryside. it has realized the virtuous circle of agricultural production, rural construction and rural life ecology, and walked out a broad road towards high quality and high efficiency of agriculture, rural livable industry and rich farmers. It has become a golden key to systematically solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. At the same time, we will implement the "10 million Project", from coordinating urban and rural development to promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, always promoting the equalization of urban and rural public services, considering and coordinating rural areas and cities as an organic whole, and gradually forming a new type of industrial-peasant urban-rural relationship of mutual promotion between workers and farmers, complementarity between urban and rural areas, coordinated development and common prosperity. Comrade Xi Jinping once pointed out at the on-the-spot meeting on the work of the "10 million Project" that the "10 million Project" is a leading project for promoting the construction of a new countryside, an effective starting point for co-ordinating urban and rural areas to revitalize "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and a popular project for the benefit of tens of millions of farmers. Therefore, from the perspective of methodology, the "ten million project" is the successful application and practice of systematic concepts and methods in the practice of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

The strategic determination of "drawing a blueprint to the end"

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: it is necessary to strengthen strategic thinking, maintain strategic determination, and unify planning with the situation, the present with the future. After the launch of the "10 million Project", Comrade Xi Jinping went to the cities and counties for investigation and research every year, and regarded the implementation of the "10 million Project" as an important content. timely discover, summarize and popularize the advanced models and experiences emerging in the implementation of the "10 million Project", solve the new situations and problems encountered in the implementation of the "10 million Project" in time, and hold an on-site promotion meeting once a year. Continue to push forward the "tens of millions of projects". Over the past 20 years, from the beginning of "demonstration and renovation of thousands of villages", to the deepening and upgrading of "fine products of thousands of villages and the beauty of thousands of villages", and then to the iterative upgrading of "the future of thousands of villages and the common prosperity of thousands of villages", the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee has always regarded the "10 million Project" as the "number one" project, maintaining strategic concentration, working one term after another, and deepening iteratively, accumulating a small victory into a big victory. It has created a model of continuous struggle, perseverance in implementation, and "a blueprint drawn to the end". Entering a new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to maintain historical patience and strategic determination, and that success does not have to have my historical responsibility in my spiritual realm and achievements. We should not only plan for the long term, but also work in the present, and draw a blueprint to the end. On the new journey, we should closely focus on the central task of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, focus on the primary task of high-quality development, and learn from the strategic determination of "drawing a blueprint to the end" such as the "tens of millions of projects". We should refrain from formalism and bureaucracy and refrain from engaging in "achievement projects" and "image projects". Overcome the incorrect concept of political achievements, such as impulsive political achievements, blindly acting recklessly, and "changing the track" and "leaving traces", insist on the goal, work one term after another, and give priority to promoting the modernization of Chinese-style Zhejiang with excellent work style.

[author: Zheng Jinyue, contributing researcher, Party Committee member of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, Director of Provincial Local Records Office, Research Librarian]

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