Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:33 PM

A tall man over 1.8 meters tall, curled up in a wheelchair, writing with just two fingers, yet persevering with astonishing perseverance to complete middle and high school studies. On the evening of June 24th, Dong Yichao, a 21-year-old high school graduate from Qidong Middle School who suffers from anterior spinal artery occlusion syndrome, finally waited for the results of the college entrance examination to be released. A score of 632 is not easy for Dong Yichao, who has been struggling with illness for 9 years and has been studying and pursuing his dreams while treating the disease. Gu Weihua, the mother who has been by his side all along, can better understand his son's perseverance and difficulties. In Gu Weihua's opinion, "No matter how many points his son gets in the exam, being able to persevere is already very satisfying."

The mother and son have been dependent on each other for six years, studying hard, and achieving success in their college entrance exams once

"632 points!" At around 8 pm on the 24th, when Gu Weihua saw the results, her heart finally settled. After six years of hard study and dependence, she was even more excited than her son. "You did well in the exam, it was pretty good." In fact, she knew that her son was a bit disappointed at this moment because there was a gap between his expected score and Dong Yichao's, so she turned her head and smiled to comfort him, encouraging the sunny and optimistic Dong Yichao to show his previous smiling face.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

"I told my son that as long as you show a smile, it's the spring of a mother." Time goes back half a month. After the last exam of the college entrance examination ended, Gu Weihua skillfully pushed his son out of the examination room, with a smile on both mother and son's faces. For the past 6 years, Gu Weihua has been able to pick up and drop off his son to and from school without any obstacles, and Dong Yichao's daily actions such as dressing and eating also need to be completed with her help. The pressure on Gu Weihua is unimaginable. But Gu Weihua didn't feel any hardship at all. In her eyes, the work that ordinary people couldn't bear was as easy and ordinary as daily small things.

After entering the third year of high school, Dong Yichao finished evening self-study at 10:30. He also had to go home to self-study for a period of time and complete homework that was too late for class. Additionally, because he had more time to use the restroom and take a shower than ordinary people, his rest time often exceeded 12 o'clock. With the high pressure of studying, Dong Yichao often became anxious, and insomnia at night became a painful thing for him.

"Mom, turn over." Whenever Dong Yichao suffers from insomnia, he always needs his mother to keep flipping him over and saying some comforting words. Gu Weihua's pressure has also increased. He usually has to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and can hardly sleep well. Gu Weihua vividly remembers one time, after working hard for several consecutive days and falling asleep until after 11 o'clock at night, he woke up and quickly ran to the classroom to pick up his son. In the empty classroom, only his son was left behind, but Dong Yichao calmly said, "Mom, no matter how late it is, I know you will definitely come. If it's okay, I'll wait for you until dawn." At that moment, Gu Weihua felt an indescribable sadness in his heart.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

Severe illness befalls the sunny boy, but he wins love all the way with sunshine

Black framed glasses, a small flat head, with a simple and honest smile, humorous and talkative. When the reporter saw Dong Yichao, he gave off the image of a sunny big boy. It is hard to imagine that this young man, accompanied by a wheelchair, has been fighting against illness for 9 years and has not been defeated. Instead, he has achieved excellent results in the college entrance examination.

Dong Yichao is talented and intelligent, and also studies hard. Due to his mother Gu Weihua being very busy working in a clothing factory and his father working outside, he started boarding at school when he first entered junior high school, and his life was almost entirely self-sufficient. However, a sudden and serious illness struck this flowering youth. On December 28, 2014, Dong Yichao suddenly felt weak in his hands and feet and fell to the ground. Later, he was sent to a hospital in Shanghai and diagnosed with anterior spinal artery occlusion syndrome, unable to move below the neck. This disease is extremely rare and incurable, and doctors have asserted that Dong Yichao will spend the rest of his life in bed.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

The parents, who were unwilling to give up, transferred Dong Yichao to another hospital for treatment. After more than two months of severe treatment, Dong Yichao's body, which was unable to move, gradually began to move and his feet began to react slightly. "My brain is clear and constantly thinking of returning to school," Dong Yichao had a strong desire in his mind. In order to recover his health, Dong Yichao had to bid farewell to the campus and with the help of hospital assisted treatment, he gradually recovered. He was able to stand for a while, and half of his body reacted. Both fingers and feet were able to move. After taking a 3-year leave of absence, Dong Yichao miraculously returned to the classroom and was admitted to Qidong Middle School with excellent grades.

Dong Yichao was lucky. After entering high school, Qidong Middle School arranged for Gu Weihua to take care of her son, so that she could take care of her son at any time and earn some living expenses. At the same time, the school also provides dormitories for the mother and son, and his class is always arranged on the first floor, equipped with dedicated tables and matching wheelchairs, allowing him to have a normal high school life. During this year's college entrance examination, the examination center also provided free accommodation and meals, as well as customized examination tables. In addition, police officers specially coordinated and sent the exam.

The wheelchair boy writes with two fingers, using optimism and persistence to move people around him

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

A simple set of two beds, a high desk, and a few exam books is the dormitory where the mother and son have lived for three years. However, every day back and forth to the dormitory, there is still a step that ordinary people can walk in a few seconds, but the mother and son need to spend more than a full minute. Dong Yichao's agile hand crossed his mother's shoulder, with one hand supporting his back and the other gripping his other. His mother walked ahead, and Dong Yichao used his strength to move. The mother and son struggled to climb five steps. Dong Yichao, who is 1.86 meters tall, leaned against his mother, who is over 1.6 meters tall, watching the hardships but appearing very warm.

Gu Weihua goes to pick up and see his son seven or eight times a day. After every two classes, he enters the classroom and uses breaks to help his son stand up for five or six minutes to relieve physical fatigue. The mother's silent persistence is also the driving force that supports Dong Yichao's continuous progress. "Mom is very hardworking, much harder than myself." Dong Yichao used optimism, strength, and a beautiful vision for the future to turn it into a driving force for daily hard work and hard work, step by step.

Due to suffering from illness, Dong Yichao could only rely on two fingers to write. In his words, "It's very difficult to hold two books, and there's almost no strength to hold them for a while longer." Every time he writes and does homework, he crawls his body, lowers his head, and struggles to hold a pen with two fingers. From writing 300 words in an hour, he gradually practices to over 600 words, and only Dong Yichao understands the taste of it.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

"He has never said anything negative or negligent, nor has he shown any expression of despair." Xu Jing, the homeroom teacher of Dong Yichao, told reporters that positive and sunny expressions can always be seen in Dong Yichao's mouth and face. Both students and teachers are infected by what he has. Dong Yichao's persistence was also noticed by the homeroom teacher. During the two years she took care of Dong Yichao, he attended classes almost full-time and hardly took any leave.

And he also gets along well with his classmates. As he is a few years older than his classmates, he is often referred to as "Chao Ge". When he needs help, his classmates around him will actively help him find books, and when his classmates ask questions, he is also willing to help answer questions. "His classmates are very friendly to him, and his spirit has also moved the classmates around him, so we get along well."

What left a deep impression on Xu Jing was that every time he finished his evening self-study in class, Dong Yichao would say, "Teacher, you worked hard, you should rest early." In Xu Jing's view, Dong Yichao has a high emotional intelligence, and even has a "maturity" beyond many adults. "He will be grateful for treating every person he treats well."

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

My son has a dream of being a teacher, and my mother continues to accompany me all the way

Nowadays, his high school career has come to a successful end, but his good college entrance exam results have caused some trouble for Dong Yichao. Due to physical inconvenience, Dong Yichao still felt a bit confused. He admitted that his living space is limited and he wants to go out and see more, hoping to receive good advice. In the near future, Qidong Middle School will have a consultation meeting on filling out college entrance examination preferences, and Dong Yichao looks forward to having face-to-face communication with some college admissions personnel.

Dong Yichao revealed to reporters that unlike the dull and oppressive atmosphere in the ward, school life has given him a lot of spiritual encouragement. Perhaps he gets along well with his younger classmates. He actually had the idea of becoming a teacher before, but due to health reasons, he hesitated to some extent.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao

"Psychology, Education..." Dong Yichao pondered about what major to choose as he was about to enter university? Which ideal university to go to? In fact, such thoughts have already been circulating in his mind. "No matter what major he ultimately applied for, he still cannot relax his studies in college and needs to learn more knowledge and skills." He is full of hope for the future.

Not long after, his son was about to start a new life, and Gu Weihua began to ponder. "My son will definitely need to use a computer when he goes to college. Do you have a voice controlled computer? It will be more convenient for my son to learn and he won't have to work so hard." Considering that the campus is larger after entering college, Gu Weihua still has some concerns about whether he can push a wheelchair to accompany his son every day and find another job as a companion.

"No matter where my son goes, I will accompany him all the way," Gu Weihua said firmly. After filling out his major, he and his son started packing up and heading towards the next stop.

Relying solely on two fingers to write and dream of becoming a teacher, mother and son have been relying on each other for six years and studying hard. A severely ill male student in Jiangsu scored 632 points in the college entrance examination, studying | physically | wheelchair | mother | life | Gu Weihua | son | Dong Yichao
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