Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:06 AM

Splendid Sichuan, Repeating the Splendid Chapter - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan

Chuanguan News reporter Wu Xiaoling

At the end of May, the "Jinsha Site - Sacrificial Area Excavation Report" with over 3 million words was officially published by the Cultural Relics Publishing House. After 22 years of archaeological excavation, the report once again reveals the mysterious veil of the sacrificial culture at the Jinsha Site, a capital site of the ancient Shu civilization, with detailed materials, adding further evidence to the diversity and unity of Chinese civilization.

Just recently, the National Social Science Fund's major project "The Complete Book of Bashu" was successfully completed. More than 20 scholars spent 13 years clarifying the important achievements and ideological system of Shu studies, understanding the background of Ba Shu literature, and sorting out the unique insights and innovative creations of Ba Shu scholars throughout history.

Chinese culture has a long and rich history, and Chinese civilization is vast and profound.As an important component of Chinese civilization, Bashu culture also has a profound and colorful heritage. In recent years, Sichuan has continuously assisted in a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Chinese civilization and Bashu culture through archaeological excavations, historical research, and the collection and organization of ancient books, contributing the wisdom and strength of the Bashu academic community to the promotion of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics and the construction of modern Chinese civilization.

Archaeological evidence

The Chinese civilization has a long and profound history and is vast and profound

Chinese civilization has lasted for five thousand years.

With the 5300 year old Liangzhu Ancient City Site successfully listed in the The World Heritage List, the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization is universally recognized. For over 5000 years, Chinese civilization has been continuously extending, reflecting outstanding continuity.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

At the Baodun Site in Chengdu, archaeologists have discovered that the ancient Shu civilization began to flourish here around 4500 years ago; In 2020, the Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology discovered remnants of rice paddies dating back approximately 4500 years, confirming that the ancestors of ancient Shu had already started consuming rice at that time.

Chengdu Baodun Site. Provided by Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

The exquisite cultural relics unearthed from six newly discovered sacrificial pits at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan once again prove that a unique bronze civilization was born in Southwest China over 3000 years ago.

At the Jinsha Site in Chengdu, archaeologists have discovered that it served as a sacrificial center for a thousand years, dating back 3500 to 2500 years ago.

At Chengdu Tianfu Square, accompanied by the archaeological excavation of the Donghuamen Site, cultural relics from the late Warring States period to the Ming and Qing dynasties prove that the city site of Chengdu has remained unchanged for over two thousand years.

"Understanding history cannot be separated from archaeology. The continuity of Chinese civilization has been demonstrated through archaeological achievements in Sichuan," said Tang Fei, President of the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.

It not only constructs the historical development of Sichuan through archaeology, but also empirically demonstrates the contribution of Bashu culture to Chinese civilization.

The innovation and inclusiveness of Chinese civilization, Sanxingdui, is a vivid microcosm. Tang Fei said that it was precisely the ancient Shu ancestors who continuously absorbed civilizations from the Central Plains and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River with an open and inclusive mindset that led to the emergence of foreign artifacts such as the Jade Zhang, Three legged Pottery He, and Bronze Zun in Sanxingdui. "What is even more precious in Sanxingdui is its unique innovative and creative ability. Based on the digestion and absorption of foreign cultures and technologies, the ancestors of Sanxingdui created mysterious, romantic, tall and solemn bronze divine trees, towering figures, and vertical masks, which are unique and exciting even in the world's bronze civilization."

On June 10th, the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology once again announced the successful cross pit pairing of two bronze artifacts. These two cultural relics are respectively the inverted bird foot top statue of the copper Lei seat and the kneeling human top statue of the copper beast pack. The composition of the artifacts comes from Pit 2, Pit 3, and Pit 8, respectively.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

The innovative genes of Bashu culture are also reflected in the weaving techniques of Sichuan brocade. In 2012, the Han Dynasty weaving machine model unearthed from the Laoguanshan Han Tomb in Chengdu proved that Sichuan's Sichuan brocade weaving technique over 2000 years ago was already the world's top "black technology".

The inclusiveness of Bashu culture has also left an immortal glory on the weaving of Sichuan brocade. During the Tang Dynasty, Dou Shilun from the Daxing Tai in Yizhou integrated and absorbed the characteristics of Persian and Sogdian patterns on the basis of traditional Shu brocade weaving art, creating a prosperous and grand "Lingyang Gongyang", which became popular worldwide.

With the development of archaeological work at the Yanyuan Old Dragon Head Cemetery, we have been able to understand the history of the exchange of bronze cultures in the southwestern and northwestern regions of China, as well as the Eurasian grasslands, as early as the late Shang Dynasty to the Western Han Dynasty. This is a vivid reflection of the diverse and integrated pattern of Chinese civilization and the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations. The archaeological work at the Jiangkou battlefield site in the late Ming Dynasty and the Shancheng site in the Song and Yuan Dynasties played an important role in studying the formation and development of a unified multi-ethnic country.

Research Interpretation

Drawing wisdom and strength from history

Promoting cultural revival cannot be separated from the nourishment of history. In addition to archaeological evidence of the 5000 year history of civilization, Sichuan continuously strengthens its research and interpretation of excellent traditional Chinese culture, indicating that Sichuan has the willingness and ability to inherit national culture, and ultimately draws wisdom and strength from history and excellent traditional Chinese culture to promote the construction of modern Chinese civilization.

In the view of Shu Dagang, Chief Expert of the National Social Science Fund's major project "The Complete Book of Bashu" and Director of the Institute of Ancient Books at Sichuan University, "By sorting out the wisdom crystallization of these ancient people, we can see that the ancestors of Bashu have demonstrated a rich and colorful institutional civilization and cultural achievements with an open and inclusive cultural atmosphere, inclusiveness, integration of impurities, courage to be the first, and courage to create. Strengthening the study of historical documents will provide new directions for tracing the roots of the diverse and integrated Chinese civilization."

Respondents provide pictures

The Ba Shu culture in history vividly confirms the five characteristics of Chinese civilization: continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

"Unification and peace are very evident in the culture of Bashu." Shu Dagang said, "Bashu established the concept of Yin, Yang, and Five Elements during the reign of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, which later became a common consciousness throughout the country. Yu became the ruler of the Nine Provinces, and the world was unified from then on. The first Chinese Book of Changes," Lianshan, "originated from the Bashu region, and from a philosophical perspective, it established a common cultural and world view for the Chinese nation."

Throughout history, various ethnic groups have coexisted peacefully in the Bashu region. There are numerous ethnic minorities in southwestern China, and historians such as Meng Wentong have verified that there were over a hundred ethnic groups that existed here before the Western Han Dynasty. Among them, Ba and Shu, as the "leaders of the Rong and Di dynasties," had friendly relations with the surrounding areas. Through the towering mountains in the southwest, the Southern Silk Road, starting from Sichuan, meandered all the way to present-day Afghanistan, India, and other places, becoming a witness to the ancient Shu ancestors who, even surrounded by mountains, had to walk out of the basin.

Looking back at history, we can also clearly see that some important inventions and creations in Chinese history began in Bashu. The first Buddhist woodblock printing series, "Kaibao Cang," was first completed in Chengdu, providing evidence of the development of woodblock printing in Sichuan during the Tang and Song dynasties; The first collection of the "Thirteen Classics" of Confucianism, the "Shu Stone Classics," was carved in Chengdu, proving that "Shu learning is the best in the world."; The "Huayang Guozhi" written by Chang Qu, a native of Sichuan, is known as the "ancestor of local chronicles"; The first gynecological work comes from Bashu

Provided by the Chinese Academy of Medical Literature and Cultural Relics

In recent years, with the establishment of nine traditional Chinese culture research institutes in Sichuan, Sichuan has accelerated the construction of a research and analysis system that promotes the Chinese spirit and reflects Sichuan's characteristics, and the results are evident to all. The compilation and publication of "Tian Hui Yi Jian" further showcases the profound and profound origins of traditional Chinese medicine culture. The 22 volume "General History of Bashu Culture" is the first comprehensive academic monograph in China that studies Bashu culture, filling the gap in research on Bashu culture... Preliminary statistics show that there are more than 100 academic research works related to excellent traditional Chinese culture. The progress and results of these projects are undeniable evidence that our country has created many miracles in history, and in the future, the Chinese people will also have the ability and wisdom to continue to write brilliant works.

Prosperous Era Writing

Let ancient literature continue the Chinese cultural heritage

Literature is the carrier of culture. Five thousand years of Chinese civilization have left behind a vast sea of literature and classics, which contain the historical memory, intellectual wisdom, and knowledge system of the Chinese nation, and accumulate the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese people.

Sichuan, with its vast collection of ancient classics, continues the Chinese cultural heritage in various ways.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

In July 2021, Wang Long, the director of the Sichuan Provincial Library, announced the census data of ancient books in Sichuan at the provincial library directors' meeting. "Sichuan has discovered more than 230000 Chinese ancient books and more than 1.87 million volumes in the census, with 246 ancient books included in the national list of precious ancient books. The number of ancient books ranks fifth in the country and first in the western region."

The classics shine brightly and are engraved with the Huazhang of Bashu. On the basis of understanding the family background, measures have been taken to promote the protection, management, and utilization of ancient books, such as establishing precious ancient book archives and rescuing the damaged ancient book bodies at the first and second levels.

The safety of ancient books is guaranteed. In accordance with the Basic Requirements for Library Ancient Book Library, Sichuan ancient book collection units have comprehensively improved the protection conditions of ancient books, fully built standard book libraries, and implemented specialized, specialized, and dedicated management for key ancient books.

Precious ancient books have records to search for. A total of 246 ancient books from 13 units in the province were selected for the National List of Precious Ancient Books, and 373 ancient books were selected for the First Batch of Precious Ancient Books in Sichuan Province. In June of this year, the second batch of evaluation for the "List of Precious Ancient Books in Sichuan Province" has also been launched.

With the establishment of institutions such as the Sichuan Provincial Center for the Restoration of Ancient Books and the Western Sichuan Literature Restoration Center, the protection of ancient books has further accelerated. The fragile ancient books that have gone through hundreds and thousands of years have been carefully taken care of.

Wang Long introduced that in order to make the characters written in ancient books come to life, Sichuan has completed the reconstruction of dozens of rare editions based on the restoration of ancient books, solving the contradiction between "storage" and "use" of ancient books. Nowadays, Sichuan has completed the reconstruction of national precious ancient books such as the Song Dynasty carved edition "Tea Classic", the Song Dynasty carved edition "Mr. Caotang Du Gongbu Poetry Collection", the Ming Dynasty clay gold written edition "Miaofe Lianhua Jing", the Ming Dynasty Jiajing carved edition "Huayang Guozhi", as well as a batch of characteristic ancient books. Through activities such as book sharing and restoration experiences organized by various ancient book collection units, more and more people are experiencing the charm of ancient books in the classics.

The firewood is passed down and guarded from generation to generation. Chinese excellent traditional culture is crossing time and space, providing spiritual nourishment and driving force for people today.

Splendid Sichuan, Repeating the Splendid Chapter - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan

Photo provided by interviewee Yu Rubo, journalist from Chuanguan News

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

Inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture has become a key keyword in the literary and cultural fields of Sichuan in recent times.

CCTV has launched a 5-episode documentary titled "Searching for Ancient China: A Record of Ancient Shu", which has sparked continuous discussions among audiences. Through the new appearance of cultural relics and research achievements, lead the audience to experience the unique charm of ancient Shu culture.

From June 30th to July 2nd, the Sichuan Opera grand performances of "The Legend of the White Snake", "The Marriage Record", and special performances of the traditional Chinese opera, as well as the traditional Chinese opera, were grandly performed on the banks of the Xiangjiang River. The unique and charming art of Sichuan opera is emerging from Sichuan and entering the hearts of more people.

In recent years, our province has continued to promote the development and dissemination of literary and artistic creation, cultural undertakings, and cultural industries. The colorful Chinese excellent traditional culture has continuously achieved new transformation and innovative development in Sichuan in the new era.

uphold fundamental principles and break new ground

Cultural creation, cultural confidence, mutual enhancement

On June 8th, the first batch of achievements of the Three Su Culture Publishing Project were unveiled at the Dongpo Academy in Meishan, including the "Series of Documents on Su Studies since the Song and Yuan Dynasties," "Popularization of the Three Su Culture Series," "Ye Jiaying's Discussion on Su Shi's Ci," and "There are Three Su Family Traditions and Family Education in China.". 19 types and 416 volumes of ink filled books meet the needs of readers from different perspectives.

Back in the clock a year ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Sansu Temple during an inspection tour in Sichuan and said with great emotion, "A drop of water can see the sun, and a Sansu Temple can see the breadth and depth of our Chinese culture. We say we should be firm in our cultural self-confidence, and this is an important example of the fact that China has the 'Three Sus."

To showcase the beauty of Chinese culture in a unique way, allowing cultural creation and cultural confidence to mutually inspire and enhance each other.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

Over the past year, the inheritance, development, and innovation of Sansu culture have been continuous: the play "Su Dongpo" has been upgraded and launched a national tour in 2023; The creative video "Calling Fish for a Clear Song" has officially started filming, incorporating elements such as dance, music, art, poetry, drama, etc; The Sichuan opera "Su Dongpo", the musical "Su Dongpo", the dance drama "Dongpo", and the Sichuan opera opera song "Memories of Dreams" have diverse forms and have attracted much attention.

Stills of the play "Su Dongpo"

Throughout the history and present of Sichuan, the ancient Shu civilization has a unique charm, with rich and diverse Ba Shu culture, splendid and diverse ethnic cultures, and deep red cultural genes. Our province upholds the spirit of integrity and innovation, continuing the historical context and composing a contemporary chapter.

As a unique flower of Sichuan culture, Sichuan Opera is an important treasure of Chinese opera and an important component of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Since the beginning of this year, our province has announced the second batch of Sichuan opera master studios, with a total of 17 studios; Arrange 23 million yuan of special financial funds to support the first Sichuan Opera Festival in Sichuan Province; Collaborating with Chongqing to promote the legislation of Sichuan Opera protection and inheritance, promoting the revitalization and development of Sichuan Opera, and polishing the cultural reputation of Sichuan Opera

Literary and artistic workers go out from the stage to a down-to-earth life, opening up the pattern and ideas of innovative development.

Screenplay of Sichuan Opera "Grass Shoes County Magistrate"

"Extracting themes, gaining inspiration, and absorbing nutrients from the treasure trove of Bashu cultural resources, we have created a batch of exquisite works that promote the righteousness of the times, showcase Chinese style, and praise the achievements of Sichuan's development." The relevant person in charge of the Department of Culture and Tourism introduced that in 2022, Sichuan opera "Grass Shoes County Magistrate" won the 17th Wenhua Award, Sichuan yangqin "Shu Road" won the 19th Star Award, and was selected for national level exhibitions and important activities, winning a total of 102 national level awards.

Bravely standing at the forefront of the tide

Make high-quality cultural resources more eye-catching and valuable

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

In 2022, it achieved a revenue of 479.73 billion yuan and ranked eighth in the national cultural industry development index. The development speed and overall strength of the cultural industry ranked first in the country and first in the western region... At the 19th Cultural Expo held in June this year, a series of numbers were lit up in the Sichuan exhibition area, recording the "shining moment" of the cultural Sichuan army.

To continue promoting cultural prosperity, building a strong cultural nation, and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point, we must strengthen cultural confidence and adhere to our own path. The confidence of the Cultural Sichuan Army in "trendsetting" stems from its adherence to the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the development of the cultural industry.

Zigong colored lanterns are a typical representative of inheriting traditional folk customs and modern colored lantern art, and also a cultural calling card for external promotion in Zigong and even our province. In the first quarter of this year, Zigong carried out 35 overseas lantern projects in 10 countries including the United States, France, Ireland, and Chile, achieving cultural exports of 14.7 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 42.75%.

On site of the Zigong Lantern Festival

This year, "Lantern Art Designers" were included in the "National Occupational Classification Encyclopedia"; The preparation work for the preparation of the national vocational skills standard for "Lantern Art Designer" has been completed, and efforts are being made to complete the preparation before the end of the year; The Zigong Lantern Industry Self discipline Convention and other relevant documents have been officially released or preliminarily formulated to assist the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

Transforming resource advantages into industrial advantages and making excellent traditional Chinese culture more attractive and valuable, our province has frequently launched the Tianfu Cultural and Creative Competition to establish the "Made in Sichuan" series of cultural and creative brands; Introducing a provincial-level "cultural and industrial loan" to inject financial vitality into cultural enterprises, with a maximum annual cumulative loan amount of 10 million yuan for individual enterprises, and various subsidies such as loan interest subsidies; The Sichuan Provincial Cultural and Tourism Creative Industry Alliance leverages the resources and talent advantages of thousands of member units to connect the entire industry chain of creative design, production and manufacturing, brand management, and promote brand cultivation

Various practical and innovative measures have laid a solid foundation for the development of the cultural industry in our province, building nests and attracting talents.

During the 19th Cultural Expo, the Sichuan Cultural Industry Investment Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen, attracting 15 projects to travel in both directions. Global Network General Manager Shan Chengbiao was deeply impressed by Sichuan's ethnic culture and other aspects: "This cooperation 'connects with Sichuan's local culture', while leveraging our communication advantages to jointly enhance the international influence of high-quality cultural resources in Sichuan."

Radiant presentation

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

High quality cultural resources within reach

"Finally sprint! Searching for texture in the rush, hoping to present it as perfectly as possible." Zhang Can, founder of a design brand in Chengdu, is currently leading a team to accelerate the internal construction of the new Sanxingdui Museum.

At the end of July, this highly anticipated public cultural venue will officially open on the opening day of the Chengdu Universiade.

Rendering of the new Sanxingdui Museum

Architectural design hides craftsmanship, and exhibition displays will also be exciting and diverse. Zhu Yarong, Deputy Director of the Sanxingdui Museum, introduced that the basic exhibition of the new museum will strengthen and closely follow the "ancient city, ancient country, and ancient Shu culture". In addition to the original high-quality cultural relics, it will also systematically display the cultural relics unearthed in the new round of major archaeological excavations in the Sanxingdui sacrificial area.

The Sichuan Museum's "Lotus Blossoming in a Prosperous Era - Lotus Image Special Exhibition in Chinese Culture", the Chengdu Museum's "Chinese Character China - Chinese Civilization between the Founders" exhibition, and the Chengdu Art Museum's "Exchange with the Spirit of Heaven and Earth - Huang Binhong Art Research Exhibition"... constantly presenting new cultural and artistic exhibitions, Sichuan audiences are "dazzled". Not only have numerous excellent traditional Chinese cultural themed exhibitions opened or continued to be exhibited, but the vast majority are also open for free.

"Chinese Characters in China - Chinese Civilization Between Founders" Exhibition Site

Entering public cultural spaces and adopting a different approach to opening up, the beauty of excellent traditional Chinese culture can not only be enriched and magnified, but also be leveraged through measures that benefit the people to achieve the effect of being a cultural person. The participation of the whole population in cultural inheritance and innovation is becoming a reality.

"These exhibitions have a high level of sophistication, with a significant proportion of first-class cultural relics. They are a rare learning opportunity for the public and academia, as well as a cultural enjoyment," sighed Professor Li Shuicheng from the School of Archaeology, Peking University.

Re composing the Huazhang - An Example of Cultural Inheritance and Development in Sichuan, Splendid Sichuan History | Sichuan | Culture

Cultural dissemination and promotion have also embarked on the fast lane of innovation. In the era of media integration and development, "online" and "offline" are advancing simultaneously. Through the Internet and digital technology, high-quality cultural resources are within reach.

The Chengdu Cultural Center has launched a series of short videos titled "Rong Piao at that time", focusing on historical celebrities who have had a significant impact on Chengdu, including Dian Fan Wenweng, the "father of paper currency" Zhang Yong, and Gao Pian, who laid the foundation for Chengdu's millennium urban pattern. "They were not born in Chengdu, but gathered here for various reasons," said the person in charge of the Chengdu Cultural Center, who will explore the cultural history of Chengdu and deepen people's understanding and love for Chengdu and Sichuan.

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