Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 19:22 PM

Talking about the ability of Chinese people to build roads, bridges, and tunnels,

People today naturally think of a word


Infrastructure maniac.

Where does this infrastructure capability come from?

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

The journey of Chinese people crossing the Tianshan Mountains,

It can precisely depict the "counterattack path" of China's infrastructure construction.

On August 19th,

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Jointly organized by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council News Center and China News Network

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Looking at China from Ten Dimensions——

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Officially launched.

The second stop is entering China Communications Group,

From People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

China News Network, Global Network, Pengpai News

State owned Assets Report, Future Affairs Management Bureau

@Panoramic Dapeng, Xiaoxin, Nth power, etc

Journalists from media organizations and internet celebrities form a check-in group,

Jointly Exploring the Creation of Central Enterprises

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

China's new benchmark for span.

#Check in China New Coordinates # Series Vlog Phase 3, Check in China Spans Across the Tianshan Mountains, Take the Great Country Highway to See the Drunk Beauty of Xinjiang

"The Most Beautiful Highway": How to Cross the Tianshan Mountains

The Tianshan Mountains, stretching for 1700 kilometers and with an average altitude of over 3500 meters, traverse Xinjiang within China, dividing the land into southern and northern regions, creating unique natural and cultural landscapes in both the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. But it is also this towering snow mountain that geographically blocks economic and cultural exchanges between the north and south of Xinjiang.

Crossing the Tianshan Mountains was once a dream for many people.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

The first road that truly connects the Tianshan Mountains is the Duku Highway, which is today known as the "most beautiful road in China".

Today, when people mention the Duku Highway, what comes to mind is the "internet famous highway" where people compete to take photos and check in. It is a "four season tour in a day, ten miles in different days.".

The picture shows the aerial view of the Duku Highway

Entering the Duku Highway

This highway runs through the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, connecting Dushanzi, Karamay City, to Kuqa City. Therefore, it is also called the Tianshan Highway by the local people. Among the 561 kilometers in total, half of the road section has an altitude of over 2000 meters, and the highest point, Tieli Maiti Daban, has an altitude of over 3400 meters.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

If you come to the Duku Highway from June to September, you can fully experience the temperature changes throughout the year, from the summer between the deep mountain canyons to the highest point where the temperature is close to freezing. Along the way, famous attractions such as Tangbula in the "Hundred Mile Gallery", Nalati in the "Sky Grassland", and Bayinbuluke in the "Nine Bend and Eighteen Bend" are connected, and the magnificent scenery and steep terrain along the way are breathtaking.

Entering the Duku Highway

But what most people don't know is that the original design of this road was a defense road on the western border. In the past 10 years, 168 road construction officers and soldiers sacrificed their lives to build this road.

In the 1970s, the construction of the Tianshan Duku Highway project began. Gao Hui, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Fourth Branch of China Communications Second Engineering Corporation, introduced that this transportation artery that connects southern and northern Xinjiang has a winding and steep terrain, and along the way, it needs to pass through a large number of cliffs and cliffs, ice and snow permafrost, as well as natural disasters such as avalanches and mudslides.

Under the technological conditions at that time, survey engineers and road construction officers and soldiers overcame extreme weather and environmental conditions by using primitive means of carrying their hands and shoulders to dig tunnels.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Aerial photography of the beautiful scenery of the Duku Highway

During construction, there is a steep 6-kilometer cliff section known as the "flying line". Upward, it is a nearly vertical cliff; Looking down, there is a vast abyss canyon. During the preliminary survey, the older generation of survey and design teams from CCCC First and Second Engineering Institute were unable to climb and measure, and could only mark with dotted lines on the drawings.

According to data from the Duku Highway Museum, the construction risk of "flying line" is extremely high. Generally, a hole is drilled first, a steel drill is riveted, a safety rope is hung, and the gunner is slowly lowered along the cliff; They carry wind drills on their backs, wrapped in explosive bags around their waists, hanging on the edge of the cliff, drilling holes and shooting guns. The "flying line" on the blueprint has transformed from a dashed line into a real road.

In order to realize the dream of crossing the Tianshan Mountains as soon as possible, survey engineers stood firm on the mountain without water, electricity and signals, and were on duty 24 hours a day to ensure construction. When the edible water ran out, they drank ice and snow until the key tunnel openings and important sections were laid.

Beautiful scenery of Duku Highway

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In 1983, the Duku Highway was officially completed, making it a reality to cross the Tianshan Mountains.

However, due to factors such as climate, the Duku Highway can only be opened for 4 months per year. Zhou Yufeng, Deputy General Manager of China Communications Highway Planning and Design Institute, told reporters that currently, China Communications Highway Planning and Design Institute and Second Public Engineering Institute are conducting preliminary feasibility studies on the newly planned Duku Expressway. According to the design, the travel time of the Xinduku Expressway has been shortened by nearly 9 hours, and it can be opened 24/7 throughout the year.

The longest highway tunnel under construction, using self-developed equipment

To this day, the Duku Highway is no longer the only passage across the Tianshan Mountains. Crossing the Tianshan Mountains also carries more of the goal of promoting local economic development.

In December 2021, the East Tianshan Tunnel, which took 5 years and 4 months to construct and has a total length of 11.775 kilometers, was officially opened. This tunnel is invested, constructed, and operated by China Communications First Highway Engineering Group. It is currently the longest road tunnel in operation in Xinjiang and the second transportation artery connecting the Tianshan Mountains, connecting the areas north and south of the Tianshan Mountains in Hami.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Unlike the winding and undulating Duku Highway, the East Tianshan Tunnel only takes 10 minutes to connect the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains after its opening.

Entering the East Tianshan Tunnel

The journey across the Tianshan Mountains has never been interrupted.

The third road connecting the Tianshan Mountains, the Wuwei Expressway, invested and constructed by China Communications Group, is currently under construction between these two highways. After the completion of the Wuwei Expressway, the travel time from Urumqi on the north side of the Tianshan Mountains to Yuli on the south foot of the Tianshan Mountains will be shortened from the current 7 hours to 3 hours.

The picture shows the construction site of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Miao Baodong, Chief Engineer of China Communications Construction Xinjiang Wuwei Highway Package Project, introduced that the project crosses the Tianshan and Altun Mountains at an altitude of over 3000 meters, crosses the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, the world's second largest mobile desert, and passes through the two "unmanned areas" of Lop Nur and Altun Mountains. It has a large scale, wide distribution, harsh natural environment, high construction difficulty, and complex construction environment.

The project officially started construction in 2019, and the approximately 22.1 kilometer long Tianshan Shengli Tunnel is currently the longest highway tunnel under construction in the world.

The tunnel entrance has an altitude of 2780 meters, with an annual average temperature of only -5.4 ℃ and an extreme minimum temperature of -42 ℃. The entire tunnel needs to pass through 16 geological fault zones, with poor surrounding rock stability and high risks of collapse, water inrush, and mud inrush.

The present is different from the past. Nowadays, construction workers no longer need to use "flying wires" for construction, but also use independently developed advanced excavation equipment and techniques.

If a super long tunnel with a length of over 22 kilometers is constructed using traditional techniques, the construction period will be 6-12 years and the risk is extremely high. The builders have specially customized the "TBM middle guide hole+main hole drilling and blasting method" combination technology for the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

The picture shows the construction site of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel

The "Tianshan" hard rock excavation machine at the entrance of the Tianshan Victory Tunnel was independently developed by China Communications Corporation. It has an excavation diameter of 8.43 meters, a total length of 282 meters, and a weight of about 2000 tons. It is like a giant excavation "fortress" and can cope with complex and changing geological environments.

TBM has the advantages of high automation, good on-site working environment, and high construction efficiency. It is 3-10 times faster than traditional drilling and blasting methods, and the construction period is shortened to 52 months. It is reported that TBM tunneling machines are currently rapidly tunneling at an average speed of 30 meters per day, creating a new speed for large-diameter TBM tunneling in complex formations.

Entering the Wuwei Tianshan Victory Tunnel in Xinjiang

The "infrastructure maniac" was refined in this way

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

If we calculate from the official completion of the Duku Highway in 1983 to 2023, it will be exactly 40 years.

From the Duku Highway to the East Tianshan Tunnel, and then to the Tianshan Victory Tunnel, the three roads connecting the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains have witnessed the rapid development of China's infrastructure, as well as the fearless and courageous will and determination of the Chinese people to turn natural dangers into accessible routes.

Entering the East Tianshan Tunnel

The infrastructure craze has also driven improvements in the lives of surrounding people.

Nurlati, a Kazakh boy living at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, said in an interview, "Our village and ranch are right at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. The mountains used to be high and the road was long, making it inconvenient to go anywhere. Before the opening of the East Tianshan Tunnel, it would take 3-4 hours to travel from Barikun to Hami on the old provincial road. In winter, if there is a snowy day, the traffic jam will last longer. Sometimes, when there is an urgent matter, it is difficult to get through. After the opening of the East Tianshan Tunnel, it is convenient and safe."

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

Now, he has stable employment at his doorstep and is engaged in road maintenance work on the G575 highway where the East Tianshan Tunnel is located.

It is understood that during the implementation of the Xinjiang project of China Communications Group, emphasis is placed on the localization of employees. "We need to build infrastructure in a place, prosper the local economy, and strive to directly benefit the local people, so that they can receive training, master skills, earn money in projects, and live a happy life," said Geng Zhiguo, Deputy Manager of CCCC Hami Transportation Construction Co., Ltd.

Entering Santanghu Station on Jiangnan Railway

The story of crossing the Tianshan Mountains continues.

In June 2023, China Communications Group won the bid for the West Tianshan Extra Long Tunnel, a control project for the entire G219 line from Zhaosu to Wensu. After the project is completed, the distance from Yining to Aksu will be shortened from 1710 kilometers to 500 kilometers. This route will also become the fourth passage to cross the Tianshan Mountains, following the Duku Highway, East Tianshan Tunnel, and Tianshan Shengli Tunnel.

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In order to build a beautiful Xinjiang that is united, harmonious, prosperous, civilized, progressive, comfortable, and ecologically sound, central enterprises not only cross the Tianshan Mountains and connect the north and south of Xinjiang, but also build a major channel for opening up to the outside world based on Xinjiang's geographical advantages, incorporating Xinjiang's regional opening strategy into the overall layout of the country's opening-up to the west. China Communications Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. led several government and enterprise units, including the Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. and China Railway Urumqi Bureau Group Co., Ltd., to establish Xinjiang Jiangnan Railway Co., Ltd. They jointly participated in the investment and construction of the new Naomao Lake to Jiangjunmiao Railway. The plan is to open in September this year, which will further meet the needs of "coal transportation from Xinjiang", promote the economic development of Xinjiang, and ensure national energy security.

Major Events of Duku Highway

On September 24, 1973, the measurement of the Dushanzi to Bayingou section of the Duku Highway in Xinjiang began

On April 21, 1974, the survey and design of the Duku Highway was carried out

On April 30, 1974, a detailed survey was conducted on the section from Bayingou to Ulaansadek

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

On May 2, 1974, a detailed survey was conducted on the section from Tieli Maiti Daban to Erxiang on the Duku Highway

In August 1974, the construction of the Duku Highway began

In May 1975, a detailed survey was conducted on the Qiaoerma to Halegate section of the Duku Highway

On June 18, 1975, a detailed survey was conducted on the section of the Duku Highway from Ulaansadek to Lapatgou

On May 20, 1976, a detailed survey was conducted on the section of the Duku Highway from Lapatgou to Hashilegendaban

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

On June 11, 1976, a detailed survey was conducted on the section of the Duku Highway from Hashelgendaban to Kashgar River

In October 1981, after a period of 5 years, the construction design team of the Duku Highway cooperated with the completion of the construction task

In August 1983, the entire Duku Highway was opened to traffic

Passed the completion acceptance in September 1983

In March 2019, CCCC Maintenance undertook the maintenance and renovation work of the Duku Highway, and carried out disease treatment and service quality improvement on key sections of 184 kilometers in total length

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

On September 2, 2021, the preliminary design phase of the Duku Expressway project underwent a modular review to supplement and improve the feasibility report

In January 2022, 16 specialized research and preparation work related to the Duku Expressway project began

In July 2022, the Duku Expressway project was included in the national highway network planning and the 14th Five Year Plan of the country

From March to August 2023, each preliminary design unit of the Duku Expressway project completed the field acceptance work one after another

Major Events of the East Tianshan Tunnel

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In August 2016, the groundbreaking ceremony was held for the construction of the Balikun Hami Highway on the G575 line

In September 2016, the design briefing for the East Tianshan Extra Long Tunnel was held

In September 2016, the construction of the left tunnel of the East Tianshan Extra Long Tunnel was carried out at an advanced rate

In March 2021, the left tunnel exit completed its target and reached the construction boundary mileage

In September 2021, the right tunnel was completed and connected

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In September 2021, the dual track tunnel was completed and connected

In November 2021, the construction of the power supply and lighting system for the tunnel was completed, marking the first application of landscape lighting on highways in Xinjiang

In December 2021, the G575 Baha Highway was officially opened for operation, and the East Tianshan Tunnel became the longest and highest altitude highway tunnel in Xinjiang that has been opened so far

Chronicles of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel

In March 2020, the construction of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel officially began

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In November 2020, the import end service tunnel "Tianshan" TBM officially launched

In January 2021, the construction of the 1 # vertical shaft at the import end was completed and officially entered the excavation construction phase

In August 2021, the imported "Tianshan" TBM successfully crossed the largest and most dangerous fault zone, the F6 Borokonu Akikkuduk Fault Zone

In December 2021, China's first ultra large diameter hard rock vertical tunneling machine, the "Pioneer", successfully launched at the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel. The No. 2 shaft is 706 meters deep, making it the deepest highway tunnel shaft in China

In September 2022, the TBM single day excavation of the export service tunnel reached 33.6 meters, setting a new record since construction

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

In December 2022, ventilation will be achieved in the 4 # vertical shaft at the export end

In April 2023, ventilation will be achieved in the 3 # vertical shaft at the export end

In August 2023, the TBM excavation of the service tunnel exceeded 19 kilometers, exceeding 86% of the total length of the pilot tunnel. It is expected to be completed by December

On August 25th, Xiaoxin joined forces with China News Network

Conducted global live streaming

Qiankun Move!, China Spans, Check in China New Coordinates | 40 Years Three Spans of Tianshan Mountains

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