Promoting the development and growth of the private economy, policies directly reaching fast enjoying enterprises and moving forward with light equipment (in-depth observation and smooth flow of funds)

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 18:18 PM

Customers are purchasing pastries at the No. 0 shop in Beijing Daoxiang Village, Dongsi North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing.

Photo by Cao Siyuan


The development team of Hefei Anda Chuangzhan Technology Co., Ltd. filmed science popularization videos for the cloud platform of Anda Smart Exhibition Hall.

Photo by Wang Yanran

In recent years, a series of tax incentives have provided financial support for agricultural production, promoting the improvement of production quality and efficiency. The picture shows Zhulou Village, Sankeng Town, Qingxin District, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, where a plant protection drone is carrying out pest and disease control operations.

Photo by Liu Zuihong

The recently issued "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" proposes to improve the support policy's direct and fast access mechanism. Since the beginning of this year, a series of policies benefiting enterprises and the people have been introduced. In order to ensure that good policies are accurately and quickly delivered to enterprises, various regions and departments actively launch practical and hard recruitment.

What conveniences does the continuous upgrading of "policy hiring" bring to enterprises? What are the benefits of financial subsidies and tax incentives that enterprises can enjoy without applying? What new measures are there to assist the development of private enterprises? The reporter conducted an interview.

Focusing on benefiting enterprises and facilitating the people, achieving "policy sourcing" at all stages before, during, and after the event

Promoting the development and growth of the private economy, policies directly reaching fast enjoying enterprises and moving forward with light equipment (in-depth observation and smooth flow of funds)

Walking into the No. 0 shop in Beijing Daoxiang Village, located on Dongsi North Street in Dongcheng District, Beijing, the exquisite environmental decoration and unique "Nine Palace Grid" pastry box are eye-catching. The time-honored brands embraced the national trend and gained a large number of young fans.

"Whether it's policy guidance, business guidance, online practice, or risk warning, the services of the tax department have effectively helped us solve the problems we encounter on the path of innovative development and enhanced our confidence in responding to market challenges," said Yang Hua, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Daoxiangcun Food Co., Ltd.

In March of this year, the government issued a policy to continue and optimize the existing tax incentives for employment security funds for people with disabilities. "Seeing the good news, I was about to search for documents and interpret materials online when I received a policy push from the electronic tax bureau's enterprise end." Jiang Yingzi, the head of the finance department in Daoxiang Village, Beijing, said, "Our company has arranged employment for people with disabilities, and the policy pushed by the tax bureau matches our situation perfectly. The terms are listed very clearly and in detail, so I don't have to spend time and effort searching for documents anymore."

Xiao Yongli, the financial manager of Henan Henglilai New Materials Co., Ltd., also received a policy push that meets their business needs: "Starting from this year, eligible enterprises can apply for the first half of the year R&D expense deduction policy during the July declaration period. At the beginning, we had some unclear aspects about this policy and did not declare it in a timely manner. After the tax department learned about the situation, they contacted us for publicity and guidance, allowing the company to smoothly enjoy the 3.22 million yuan R&D expense deduction policy."

"We actively utilize tax big data to accurately 'profile' and comprehensively sort out enterprises in our jurisdiction that meet various policy conditions according to policy categories, establish corresponding lists, and through screening and confirmation, carry out point-to-point policy push to ensure full coverage of applicable policy enterprises." Liu Zhenze, the head of the Income Tax Department of the Xuchang Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, said that when tax personnel screen out a list of enterprises, including Henglilai Company, that have R&D expenses incurred in the first half of the year, they immediately push the information to the enterprises. In July of this year, a total of 217 enterprises in Xuchang City declared to enjoy the policy of additional deduction of research and development expenses in the first half of the year.

"Don't worry if you encounter any problems during the tax process, there is an 'online guide'. Recently, Luo Dan, a financial staff member from Daoxiang Village in Beijing, applied for the deduction of input VAT for agricultural products at the electronic tax bureau. However, she has been unable to fill out the calculation table successfully. She sought help through the 'online guide'.". "This feature is like a one-on-one 'online customer service', where experts teach me how to operate it and successfully handle business," said Luo Dan.

Since the beginning of this year, tax and fee preferential policies have been continuously updated and introduced. How to ensure that enterprises know everything and enjoy everything they deserve? The tax department of Beijing relies on a hierarchical classification label system to push personalized tax and fee policies through the "customized e-service" function; The tax department of Xinle City, Hebei Province, has used tax big data to establish a tracking and effectiveness mechanism for the implementation of tax and fee preferential policies, with clear policies, clear records, accurate push notifications, and fast feedback; The tax department of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, focuses on 38 indicators such as the enjoyment of tax and fee preferential policies, tax risk reminders, etc., and regularly conducts tax related "intelligent medical examinations" and issues "medical examination reports" for private enterprises. Local tax departments are striving to optimize tax and fee services, allowing enterprises to experience the convenience of tax and fee processing and fully and efficiently enjoy the tax and fee dividends.

Recently, the State Administration of Taxation has launched the fifth batch of "Convenient Tax Spring Breeze Action" with 28 new measures, clarifying and improving the precise promotion mechanism of tax and fee policies, and formulating and implementing the "Norms for Precise Promotion of Tax and Fee Policies" to better achieve "policy recruitment" and ensure that policies are directly accessible and quickly enjoyed.

"Continuously optimizing and improving the 'policy recruitment' mechanism is conducive to fully and solidly implementing relevant preferential policies, reflecting the transformation of government functions from managers to service providers." Associate Professor Wang Tingting from Southwest University of Political Science and Law believes that private enterprises often face problems such as fragmented understanding of policies and low awareness of preferential policies. Through "one-on-one" guidance, "face-to-face" communication, and "hands-on" guidance from the tax department, private enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises, can timely understand and enjoy policies, ensure that policies enjoy "zero delay" and "zero discount", and increase their confidence in development.

Financial subsidies and tax incentives can be enjoyed without application, and funds can be accurately and directly received in red envelopes

Promoting the development and growth of the private economy, policies directly reaching fast enjoying enterprises and moving forward with light equipment (in-depth observation and smooth flow of funds)

"Redemption is fast! In addition to listing subsidies, major technology project rewards, industrial project construction subsidies, etc., as long as they meet the platform redemption requirements, can all be credited to the account as soon as possible. Recently, Wuhu Sanlian Forging Co., Ltd. automatically received a listing financial reward of 4 million yuan in its account. The company's CFO Yang Cheng said," No department needs to go, no application materials need to be prepared. We only need to provide accurate company bank account information, and through the 'Enjoy Without Application' platform, the financial reward funds can be directly transferred to the enterprise account. "

This year, with the integration of various service channels for benefiting enterprises as the link point, Anhui Province has launched the "Enjoy Without Application" platform, which optimizes the previous six steps of "enterprise application, department acceptance, department review, warning comparison, financial review, and department redemption" into two steps of "willingness confirmation and department redemption". As of now, the province has implemented 802 preferential policies for enterprises through the platform, which involve funds of 4.53 billion yuan and 17039 projects, benefiting 12399 enterprises.

"By logging in through one port, enterprises can complete the entire process of applying for preferential policies and funds. With just one click to confirm the policy, the enterprise related system will complete the review." Wang Xu, Director of the Budget and Performance Management Office of the Anhui Provincial Department of Finance, introduced that after obtaining the information of enterprise related projects pushed by "Anhui Enterprise Pass", the competent department will conduct warning screening for serious dishonesty and major tax violations in the enterprise related system, and submit the approved projects to the finance department for review; After being reviewed and approved by the financial department, a list of beneficial enterprise projects will be formed and automatically pushed to the integrated budget management system for redemption; The integrated budget management system timely grasps the implementation and benefits of various beneficial enterprise policies by analyzing data such as policies, beneficiary enterprises, and funds.

Simplify the application process and obtain funds faster, allowing enterprises to free up more energy to invest in production and operation.

"In the first half of this year, we enjoyed a pre tax deduction of 2.6199 million yuan for research and development expenses without applying, reducing the pre tax payment of 655000 yuan for corporate income tax. Zhengdai Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., located in Qingxin District, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, is a high-tech enterprise that integrates the research and development, production, sales, and service of cutting machine tools. The tax and fee preferential policy of" enjoying without applying "deeply impressed the company's financial manager, He Huijiao." You can enjoy the policy dividend without applying, and we can use more time and funds for research and innovation. "

"The policy of 'enjoying tax benefits without application' is aimed at allowing taxpayers who meet the policy requirements to enjoy tax benefits without the need to apply or submit materials, achieving zero materials and zero movement throughout the process. The head of the Qingxin District Tax Bureau in Qingyuan City, State Administration of Taxation, stated that since the beginning of this year, the tax department has continued to deepen the 'tax governance with numbers', playing the role of big data, accurately positioning taxpayers who meet the conditions for enjoying preferential policies, and conducting Q&A through online platforms such as' Tax News' to help taxpayers understand relevant tax policies in a timely manner and empower the development of enterprises.".

"We regard the inclusion of the 'exemption from application and enjoyment' policy for benefiting enterprises as an important basis for annual budget arrangements, and continuously improve the policy through the integration of fiscal funds. For subsidy funds related to enterprises, policy documents and the list of enterprises will be timely disclosed on the official website to increase transparency and accept social supervision. Wang Xu stated that the next step of the Provincial Department of Finance will focus on strengthening the full process management of 'exemption from application and enjoyment'. On the one hand, we will actively cooperate with the pre review of newly introduced policies to ensure that 'exemption is possible', and on the other hand, we will promote more policy service platforms of the competent departments for benefiting enterprises to be connected to the 'Anhui Enterprise Pass', allowing more policy funds to be' viewed online 'and' processed online '." One click delivery.

"In recent years, the central government has innovatively established a mechanism for direct access to fiscal funds, achieving a dual improvement of fiscal management and efficiency. The precise and direct delivery of 'red envelopes' and the' no application, no enjoyment 'of funds can help avoid situations where enterprises' passively give up' due to lack of understanding of relevant policies, or 'voluntarily give up' due to unfamiliarity with application procedures or fear of application trouble. This promotes the more comprehensive implementation of various policy dividends that benefit enterprises." Professor Xu Guangjian from the School of Public Management at Renmin University of China said that in the future, we will continuously improve the support policy direct access and quick enjoyment mechanism, continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of central government transfer payment funds, so that the government's financial funds used to support private enterprises can play a timely and full role, and promote positive fiscal policies. Enhance efficiency.

Strengthen cross departmental and cross regional collaboration, empower data to improve service efficiency for enterprises

"In just 3 days, a loan of 1 million yuan was secured, which solved the urgent need for the company," said Zhang Tongfeng, the person in charge of Shandong Qingtai Supply Chain Management Service Co., Ltd.

Promoting the development and growth of the private economy, policies directly reaching fast enjoying enterprises and moving forward with light equipment (in-depth observation and smooth flow of funds)

"The government provides subsidies for guarantee fees, and the finance department, in conjunction with banks and guarantee companies, establishes green approval channels to shorten loan time, alleviate loan pressure on agriculture, rural areas, and small and micro enterprises, allowing enterprises to truly enjoy the benefits brought by policies." Zhang Jun, Director of the Finance Bureau of Qingyun County, Shandong Province, introduced that since last year, Qingyun County has helped 467 farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises in the county to obtain financing of 437.27 million yuan through the "total to total" batch guarantee business of banks, and provided a subsidy of 63.73 million yuan in entrepreneurial guarantee loans for 329 returning entrepreneurs in the county, totaling 870000 yuan.

In recent years, various regions and departments have actively explored cross departmental and cross regional collaboration, empowering data to improve service efficiency for enterprises.

"Policies from multiple departments can be found on a single platform. One click service is both efficient and convenient, saving time on errands and allowing real-time monitoring of progress." Zheng Xueqin, Manager of the Enterprise Development Department of Hefei Anda Chuangzhan Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters, "In the past, when faced with massive policy data, enterprises often struggled to apply for subsidies. Now, through the 'Baohe Economic Brain', relevant preferential policies for enterprises are delivered in a timely manner. Since the beginning of this year, we have received more than 3.4 million yuan of district level policy subsidy funds."

In 2021, Baohe District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, based on regional economic analysis and monitoring, as well as comprehensive enterprise services, has created the "Baohe Economic Brain", achieving a "one-stop gathering" of beneficial enterprise policies and a "one-stop approval" of district level policies. "The platform has three basic databases: a legal person information database, a policy database for benefiting enterprises, and an industrial geographic information database. It gathers data from seven categories and 18 subcategories, including enterprise taxation, policy implementation, and business indicators. The policy terms are standardized and processed from the dimensions of industry direction, reward and subsidy methods, honors and qualifications." Jiang Yi, Director of the Economic and Information Bureau of Baohe District, introduced that the platform has fulfilled 1985 district level policies, involving a total of 280 million yuan in funds.

In Shanghai, you can complete tax registration in Jiangsu Province without leaving home; In Chengdu, Sichuan, it is possible to handle the tax prepayment declaration for enterprises operating in Chongqing; In Hebei, tax related procedures for relocating Beijing enterprises can be completed online... The tax department continues to promote the improvement of tax and payment services by allowing information to travel more and the public to travel less. This year, the State Administration of Taxation has further promoted the cross provincial and cross regional electronic tax payment business, and the new initiative of the "Convenient Tax Handling Spring Breeze Action" has optimized the cross provincial migration process of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is conducive to further facilitating tax and fee processing and continuously improving the sense of gain and satisfaction of taxpayers and payers.

"The next step is to further implement and take effect the various policies that have been introduced. On the one hand, we need to strengthen policy promotion, so that private enterprises can understand and familiarize themselves with the spirit of the policies, take the 'reassuring pill' in a timely manner, and make every effort to focus on production and operation. On the other hand, relevant departments need to do a good job in policy coordination, ensure that all departments are in sync, form a joint force, and promote the growth, optimization, and strength of the private economy." Xu Guangjian said.

"Relevant departments should continue to proactively provide services, make full use of big data analysis, rely on government integrated office platforms and grid operation platforms, improve policy direct and fast access mechanisms, do a good job in service tracking, and transform 'informative' into 'interactive' services, forming a service loop." Wang Tingting suggested that currently, a series of tax and fee policies are being intensively introduced, benefiting multiple types of taxpayers and payers. The finance and tax departments should actively adopt a full process closed-loop service to quickly solve practical problems for users, making policy communication and implementation more warm, and better serving the development of the private economy.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【