Promoting the Construction of a Better World (People's Observation) History | Humanity | People

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:49 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind" as one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization. Chinese path to modernization is a grand road for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, and it is also the only way for China to seek human progress and world harmony. In advancing the modernization drive, we have always held high the banner of a community with a shared future for mankind, placed China's development in the trend of the times of human development and progress, constantly provided new opportunities for world development with China's new achievements in development, and made positive interaction and common progress with the world. This not only creates favorable conditions and creates a good environment for Chinese path to modernization, but also makes significant contributions to the lofty cause of human peace and development.

Embodying the distinctive characteristics and essential attributes of Chinese path to modernization

Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC, and taking the road of peaceful development is its distinctive feature. Since the new era, China's diplomacy has focused on serving national rejuvenation and promoting human progress, promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and working together with other countries to build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, and green and low-carbon. This reflects the world vision of Chinese path to modernization, and reflects the distinctive characteristics and essential attributes of Chinese path to modernization.

It reflects the original mission of the CPC. The CPC is a party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. It is also a party that seeks progress for mankind and common ground for the world. The leadership of the CPC determines the fundamental nature of Chinese path to modernization, and the original mission of the Party determines that Chinese path to modernization not only benefits the Chinese people, but also promotes the common development of the world. From leading the people to fight bloody battles in the world anti fascist war to advocating and adhering to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and promoting the establishment of a new international political and economic order after the founding of New China, the CPC has always paid attention to the future and destiny of mankind from the world perspective, and correctly understood and handled relations with the outside world from the general trend of human development, the general pattern of world changes, and the great history of China's development. In the new era, our party grasps the new historical orientation of China's development, promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, constantly demonstrates its mission to benefit the Chinese people and promote common development of the world, makes greater contributions to mankind in promoting Chinese path to modernization, and works with all the progressive forces of the world to push the wheel of history forward towards a bright future.

Reflect the basic principles and lofty pursuit of scientific socialism. Chinese path to modernization is socialist modernization, not other modernization. Scientific socialism explores the path of human freedom and liberation from the perspective of the people, pointing the way for humanity to establish an ideal society without oppression, exploitation, equality, and freedom for all. Chinese path to modernization promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and actively responds to the common aspirations of people of all countries to seek peace, development, and cooperation. This is a vivid demonstration of the basic principles of scientific socialism and the lofty pursuit under the new historical conditions. The modernization of Western capitalism is based on the primitive accumulation of foreign colonization and exploitation of the people internally, which has brought profound suffering to the people of developing countries. Chinese path to modernization has always adhered to the socialist goal and direction, abandoned the old way of profiting at the expense of others and colonial plunder, and pursued its own development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, while better maintaining world peace and development with its own development. China has achieved tremendous modernization through peaceful means, creating miracles in the history of human modernization and demonstrating the advanced nature of scientific socialism.

Reflecting the global sentiment of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Chinese path to modernization continues the ancient Chinese civilization. It is a modernization that grows out of the land of China and inherits the spirit and ideological genes of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The excellent traditional culture of China has the social ideal of "the world is the public and the world is the same", the governance thought of "the people are the foundation of the country and the government is based on morality", and the way of communication of honesty, amity and good neighborliness, which has shaped the unique world view and civilization view of Chinese path to modernization and endowed Chinese path to modernization with a broad mind of "helping the world at the same time". Since the new era, China's contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30% for several consecutive years, becoming an important engine driving global economic growth. China has actively participated in United Nations peacekeeping, Gulf of Aden escort and other operations, actively built an open world economy, and jointly built the "the Belt and Road" with high quality to vigorously safeguard world peace and promote common development. The process of China's modernization is also a process of inheriting and promoting the national sentiment, and continuously contributing to the world.

Create a good environment for Chinese path to modernization

Today, with the development of economic globalization and scientific and technological progress, the world is becoming increasingly integrated. Any country pursuing modernization cannot rely solely on itself and achieve it under closed conditions. The Chinese path to modernization was pioneered by our party and the people through independent and arduous exploration. It was also constantly promoted in the process of expanding opening up and benign interaction with other countries. Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and closely linking China's destiny with the development of the world can create favorable conditions and create a good environment for the smooth progress of Chinese path to modernization.

Advocate and practice the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and create a good security environment for Chinese path to modernization. Security is a prerequisite for development. Promoting Chinese path to modernization requires a peaceful and stable environment. Peace requires joint maintenance by all countries. Only when all countries follow the path of peaceful development can countries coexist peacefully and develop together. China is promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocating for countries to uphold the principles of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, and to take a new path of dialogue, non confrontation, partnership, and non alignment in national exchanges; Advocating that humanity is an indivisible security community, all countries should adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, attach importance to the reasonable security concerns of other countries, and resolve differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation. On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, China has developed friendly cooperation with other countries and solemnly promises to never seek hegemony or expansion, while firmly safeguarding its sovereignty, security, and development interests. Actively participate in international security governance and play a constructive role in solving global hot issues. China's series of actions have won praise from the international community and created a good security environment for its own modernization construction.

Advocate and practice the cooperation concept of openness, accommodation, mutual benefit and win-win results, and create a good development environment for Chinese path to modernization. Development is the first priority, and the realization of all the wonderful visions of Chinese path to modernization is based on the continuous economic and social development. Economic globalization has connected the world economy as one, with me and you in each other. Countries need to strengthen connectivity in order to achieve common development. China promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocates an open, inclusive, mutually beneficial, and win-win cooperation concept, and advocates that win-win cooperation should become the basic policy orientation for countries to handle international affairs; By guiding economic globalization towards the right direction and unleashing its positive effects, we aim to benefit countries around the world with our development achievements. China adheres to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, actively promotes bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation, and continuously expands the convergence of interests with other countries. Promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", promote the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and hold the Expo for five consecutive years... In the extensive cooperation with countries around the world, China's ability to open up to the outside world has been continuously improved, and the development space for Chinese path to modernization has been constantly expanded.

Advocate and practice the civilization concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, and create a good humanistic environment for Chinese path to modernization. Chinese path to modernization not only follows the general law of modernization, but also is based on the national conditions, with distinctive Chinese characteristics. As a new form of human civilization, Chinese path to modernization is constantly exchanging and learning from various civilizations in human society. Today, many developing countries are still struggling to explore the path of modernization. Some people mistakenly regard the Western modernization path as the only way to achieve modernization, attributing the reasons for the "first mover" and "last mover" modernization to the advantages and disadvantages of civilization, and even exaggerating the "clash of civilizations" theory, casting a shadow over world peace and development. China is promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocating for a civilized concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness. Different countries should respect each other's history, national conditions, and development paths, engage in exchanges and mutual learning, and achieve harmonious coexistence. China has put forward the Global Civilization Initiative, committed to promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning, strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and promoting mutual understanding and affinity among people of all countries. This has created favorable conditions for Chinese path to modernization to learn from each other in exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations.

Advocate and practice the global governance concept of joint consultation, construction and sharing, and create a good order environment for Chinese path to modernization. In recent years, with the profound adjustment of the international economic power balance, the international community has called for a change in the global governance system to better adapt to the changing world political and economic order. China is promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocating for adhering to the global governance concept of consultation, joint construction and sharing. Countries should jointly write international rules, jointly govern global affairs, and share development achievements, promoting the development of the global governance system towards a more just and reasonable direction. China adheres to true multilateralism, firmly supports strengthening the role of the United Nations, and opposes all forms of unilateralism. Actively participate in the reform of global governance, enhance the representativeness, inclusiveness and effectiveness of global governance, and promote the global governance system to better reflect the legitimate rights and interests and reasonable demands of the vast number of developing countries, so as to maintain international fairness and justice and create a favorable external environment for Chinese path to modernization.

Jointly moving towards the direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind

China will always adhere to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development, and work together with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Taking promoting the construction of a new type of international relations as the fundamental path, deepening and expanding global partnerships. China is promoting the construction of a new type of international relations and deepening the expansion of global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation. Promote the construction of a pattern of major country relations characterized by peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development, and promote coordination and positive interaction among major countries. Always prioritize the surrounding areas in the overall diplomatic situation, continuously deepen friendship, mutual trust, and integration of interests with neighboring countries, and build a community with a shared future in the surrounding areas. Adhering to the principles of truth, sincerity, and righteousness, we will strengthen unity and cooperation with developing countries, and safeguard their common interests.

Pursuing the common value of all mankind and deepening cultural exchange and mutual learning. Building a community with a shared future for mankind requires consolidating value consensus and solidifying value recognition. Advocate the promotion of the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, understand the understanding of different civilizations on the connotation of values with a broad mind, and respect the exploration of value realization paths by people of different countries. Promote inclusive coexistence, exchange and mutual learning among different civilizations, oppose imposing one's own values and models on others, and refrain from engaging in ideological confrontation.

Take the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" as the practice platform to promote the common development of the world. Taking the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" as the practice platform to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind is proposed with a view to China's reform, opening up and long-term development, and conforms to the requirements of the times and the desire of countries to accelerate development. With the joint efforts of all parties, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has brought tangible benefits to participating countries and regions. We should adhere to the concept of openness, green and integrity, take high standards, sustainability and people's wellbeing as the goal, correctly grasp the new situation, constantly consolidate the foundation of development, expand new areas of cooperation, and promote high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road".

Taking the "Three Global Initiatives" as an important basis, we will promote the deepening and implementation of building a community with a shared future for mankind. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative provide solid support for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Advocate for countries to prioritize development, promote global balanced, coordinated, and inclusive development, and promote common development through more practical and effective measures. Actively participate in the formulation of global security rules, strengthen international security cooperation, and build a balanced, effective, and sustainable security architecture. Adhere to the principles of cultural equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness, promote the construction of a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, enrich communication content, expand cooperation channels, and work together with the international community to create a new situation of cultural exchange, cultural integration, and people to people communication among countries around the world. The implementation of the "Three Global Initiatives" will undoubtedly promote the continuous deepening and implementation of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【