Promoting high-quality and full employment development through technological innovation | Innovation | Technology

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:22 AM

Currently, technological innovation is increasingly becoming the driving force for China's economic growth, and its impact on employment is also increasing. Better leveraging the role of technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment, achieving a positive interaction and coordination between technological innovation and employment, is crucial for ensuring sustainable economic and social development.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to implement the strategy of prioritizing employment. Employment is the most basic livelihood. Strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms, and promote high-quality and full employment. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2023 Youth Employment Service Campaign for college graduates and other young people. Currently, technological innovation is increasingly becoming the driving force for China's economic growth, and its impact on employment is also increasing. This year is the year with the highest number of college graduates, and young people face greater employment pressure. It is crucial to better leverage the role of technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment, and achieve a positive interaction and coordination between technological innovation and employment, in order to ensure sustainable economic and social development.

Highlighting the role of technological innovation in promoting employment

In recent years, China has vigorously promoted technological innovation and entrepreneurship, nurturing and giving birth to a number of new industries, formats, and professions, continuously expanding new employment opportunities, and playing a certain role in promoting full employment of workers and alleviating employment pressure. Mainly manifested in the following aspects:

One is to vigorously promote the development of new technologies and industries, as well as the digital transformation of the real economy, which has changed China's employment structure and occupational types. China has continued to promote the development of new generation information technology, biomedicine, new energy, new materials and other high-tech and strategic emerging industries. The Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies have accelerated their deep integration with the industry, effectively promoting the birth of new industries and employment growth points. In 2018, the Guiding Opinions on Developing a Stable Digital Economy and Expanding Employment were released, proposing to accelerate the cultivation of emerging employment opportunities in the digital economy, continuously improve the digital skills of workers, promote economic transformation and upgrading, and promote mutual promotion and progress in employment quality and expansion. The new version of the National Occupational Classification Dictionary issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in 2022 has a net increase of 158 new occupations compared to the 2015 version, of which 97 are related to the digital economy. The "Digital Economy Employment and Entrepreneurship Report for College Graduates" released by Northeast Normal University and others shows that in 2021, China's digital economy absorbed 256 million jobs, accounting for 34.3% of the total employment in the country that year. The integration of China's digital economy and real economy has entered the 2.0 era. Since the beginning of this year, the employment scale of the digital economy has grown against the trend, playing a positive role in stabilizing employment.

The second is to vigorously promote technological innovation and entrepreneurship, improve social productivity and employment absorption capacity. In recent years, China has introduced a series of policies to encourage and support scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and actively promoted the development of various innovation and entrepreneurship platforms such as national high-tech zones, self creation zones, and maker spaces and incubators, creating a good environment and conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship. According to the China Entrepreneurship Incubation Development Report, as of the end of 2021, the number of entrepreneurship incubation institutions in China exceeded 15000, with nearly 700000 incubating enterprises and entrepreneurial teams, and a total of nearly 5 million people employed, including over 500000 fresh college graduates. In addition to continuing to carry out activities such as the "Double Innovation" Week and the China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the "Technology Entrepreneurship Driving High Quality Employment Action" was launched in 2020, which strengthens technology innovation and entrepreneurship to drive new employment.

The third is to promote the development of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and solidify the employment stabilizer. To further support the innovative development of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, starting from 2022, China will increase the proportion of R&D expenses deduction for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises from 75% to 100%. The Action Plan for Enhancing Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability, issued in August 2022, proposes the establishment of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise projects in the application key special projects of the 14th Five Year Plan and some "Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Projects", and supports the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises through the National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Guidance Fund, promoting their growth as an important source of innovation. As of the end of 2021, there were 330000 high-tech enterprises in China, 328000 enterprises included in the national science and technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprise information database, and more than 40000 "specialized, refined, unique, and new" enterprises and 4762 "little giant" enterprises were cultivated. Technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprises are playing an increasingly important role in promoting high-quality employment.

The fourth is to actively develop research assistant positions and attract college graduates for employment. In 2022, seven departments jointly issued a notice on the development and implementation of research assistant positions, requiring affiliated universities, central research institutes, central enterprises and other units, national high-tech zones and self created zones, as well as local governments to increase the development of research assistant positions, and to promote the development of more than 100000 research assistant positions in relevant institutions undertaking various science and technology plan projects that year. This year, the relevant work is still being promoted and continues to attract college graduates for employment.

Technological progress has brought about changes in employment structure

Currently, China's economy continues to rebound and improve, but the task of stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihoods remains arduous. At the same time, the emergence of ChatGPT has raised concerns that artificial intelligence may reduce job opportunities and lead to large-scale unemployment. However, historical experience has shown that technological progress has brought about changes in the employment structure, but has not led to a reduction in the total employment volume. The employment opportunities ultimately created by technology are always more destructive than what it destroys. The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, the introduction of new technologies and changes in the division of labor between humans and machines will result in the disappearance of 85 million jobs, but it will also create 97 million new jobs. Therefore, we should strengthen our confidence, maintain composure, and continue to promote the development of science and technology.

It is worth mentioning that new technologies have improved the employment quality of workers and also put forward higher requirements for their skills and qualities. Research by the World Bank and others shows that new technologies are changing the skills required for work, and the rapid iteration of industry and organizational models means that individual workers will engage in more and more differentiated work in their careers, making work and life more mobile. Individuals need to have a solid foundation of human capital and engage in lifelong learning. Therefore, people need to pay more attention to the cultivation of "common skills", improve overall quality, and adapt to the changes in future career structure and job nature, so as to make it easier to switch between different regions, professions, and industries.

Promoting the positive interaction and coordinated development between technological innovation and employment

In order to actively respond to the various challenges faced by China's economic and technological development, we must adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall modernization construction, deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, and pay attention to the positive interaction and coordinated development between scientific and technological innovation and employment, so as to better play the role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment. Efforts can be made from the following aspects:

One is to incorporate the concept of prioritizing employment and promoting high-quality employment into the scope of scientific and technological innovation policies and decision-making. It is recommended to increase the weight of employment indicators in the comprehensive evaluation of national high-tech zones and the evaluation of enterprise innovation capabilities, making increasing employment opportunities an important evaluation indicator and incorporating factors such as technology finance and government venture capital support.

The second is to strengthen funding for innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting more entrepreneurial and employment opportunities. The national science and technology plan should focus more on small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises and platform enterprises, and select a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with innovative potential through "horse racing system" and "unveiling and leading system", provide funding and policy support, and accelerate the cultivation of "specialized, refined and innovative", "small giant enterprises", "unicorn enterprises", "Nezha enterprises", "gazelle enterprises", etc. Drawing on the operational experience of small and medium-sized enterprise innovation funds in developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, we have added "Small and Medium sized Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation Fund" in relevant science and technology plans to directly support small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively enhance their technological innovation capabilities, and create more high-quality employment opportunities.

The third is to further strengthen science education in primary and secondary schools and universities, focusing on the cultivation of "universal skills". Vigorously carry out various science and technology competitions and popularization activities, encourage various small inventions and creations, stimulate students' internal interest in technological innovation, cultivate their "universal" ability to explore, think, and solve problems from an early age, so that they can better adapt to the needs of future job positions, and cultivate more innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

The fourth is to strengthen research on the relationship between technological innovation and employment. The academic community should be encouraged to conduct various social experimental studies on the relationship between technological innovation and employment, and fully pay attention to the specific impact of artificial intelligence on employment. In particular, forward-looking research should be conducted to address the potential applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT, their potential impact on employment, their role and mechanisms in replacing traditional employment and expanding new employment, and relevant contingency plans should be formulated to prepare for the response.

◎ Zhang Wenxia Shi Changhui Lu Yangxu

Currently, technological innovation is increasingly becoming the driving force for China's economic growth, and its impact on employment is also increasing. Better leveraging the role of technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment, achieving a positive interaction and coordination between technological innovation and employment, is crucial for ensuring sustainable economic and social development.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to implement the strategy of prioritizing employment. Employment is the most basic livelihood. Strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms, and promote high-quality and full employment. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2023 Youth Employment Service Campaign for college graduates and other young people. Currently, technological innovation is increasingly becoming the driving force for China's economic growth, and its impact on employment is also increasing. This year is the year with the highest number of college graduates, and young people face greater employment pressure. It is crucial to better leverage the role of technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment, and achieve a positive interaction and coordination between technological innovation and employment, in order to ensure sustainable economic and social development.

Highlighting the role of technological innovation in promoting employment

In recent years, China has vigorously promoted technological innovation and entrepreneurship, nurturing and giving birth to a number of new industries, formats, and professions, continuously expanding new employment opportunities, and playing a certain role in promoting full employment of workers and alleviating employment pressure. Mainly manifested in the following aspects:

One is to vigorously promote the development of new technologies and industries, as well as the digital transformation of the real economy, which has changed China's employment structure and occupational types. China has continued to promote the development of new generation information technology, biomedicine, new energy, new materials and other high-tech and strategic emerging industries. The Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies have accelerated their deep integration with the industry, effectively promoting the birth of new industries and employment growth points. In 2018, the Guiding Opinions on Developing a Stable Digital Economy and Expanding Employment were released, proposing to accelerate the cultivation of emerging employment opportunities in the digital economy, continuously improve the digital skills of workers, promote economic transformation and upgrading, and promote mutual promotion and progress in employment quality and expansion. The new version of the National Occupational Classification Dictionary issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in 2022 has a net increase of 158 new occupations compared to the 2015 version, of which 97 are related to the digital economy. The "Digital Economy Employment and Entrepreneurship Report for College Graduates" released by Northeast Normal University and others shows that in 2021, China's digital economy absorbed 256 million jobs, accounting for 34.3% of the total employment in the country that year. The integration of China's digital economy and real economy has entered the 2.0 era. Since the beginning of this year, the employment scale of the digital economy has grown against the trend, playing a positive role in stabilizing employment.

The second is to vigorously promote technological innovation and entrepreneurship, improve social productivity and employment absorption capacity. In recent years, China has introduced a series of policies to encourage and support scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and actively promoted the development of various innovation and entrepreneurship platforms such as national high-tech zones, self creation zones, and maker spaces and incubators, creating a good environment and conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship. According to the China Entrepreneurship Incubation Development Report, as of the end of 2021, the number of entrepreneurship incubation institutions in China exceeded 15000, with nearly 700000 incubating enterprises and entrepreneurial teams, and a total of nearly 5 million people employed, including over 500000 fresh college graduates. In addition to continuing to carry out activities such as the "Double Innovation" Week and the China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the "Technology Entrepreneurship Driving High Quality Employment Action" was launched in 2020, which strengthens technology innovation and entrepreneurship to drive new employment.

The third is to promote the development of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and solidify the employment stabilizer. To further support the innovative development of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, starting from 2022, China will increase the proportion of R&D expenses deduction for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises from 75% to 100%. The Action Plan for Enhancing Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability, issued in August 2022, proposes the establishment of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise projects in the application key special projects of the 14th Five Year Plan and some "Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Projects", and supports the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises through the National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Guidance Fund, promoting their growth as an important source of innovation. As of the end of 2021, there were 330000 high-tech enterprises in China, 328000 enterprises included in the national science and technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprise information database, and more than 40000 "specialized, refined, unique, and new" enterprises and 4762 "little giant" enterprises were cultivated. Technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprises are playing an increasingly important role in promoting high-quality employment.

The fourth is to actively develop research assistant positions and attract college graduates for employment. In 2022, seven departments jointly issued a notice on the development and implementation of research assistant positions, requiring affiliated universities, central research institutes, central enterprises and other units, national high-tech zones and self created zones, as well as local governments to increase the development of research assistant positions, and to promote the development of more than 100000 research assistant positions in relevant institutions undertaking various science and technology plan projects that year. This year, the relevant work is still being promoted and continues to attract college graduates for employment.

Technological progress has brought about changes in employment structure

Currently, China's economy continues to rebound and improve, but the task of stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihoods remains arduous. At the same time, the emergence of ChatGPT has raised concerns that artificial intelligence may reduce job opportunities and lead to large-scale unemployment. However, historical experience has shown that technological progress has brought about changes in the employment structure, but has not led to a reduction in the total employment volume. The employment opportunities ultimately created by technology are always more destructive than what it destroys. The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, the introduction of new technologies and changes in the division of labor between humans and machines will result in the disappearance of 85 million jobs, but it will also create 97 million new jobs. Therefore, we should strengthen our confidence, maintain composure, and continue to promote the development of science and technology.

It is worth mentioning that new technologies have improved the employment quality of workers and also put forward higher requirements for their skills and qualities. Research by the World Bank and others shows that new technologies are changing the skills required for work, and the rapid iteration of industry and organizational models means that individual workers will engage in more and more differentiated work in their careers, making work and life more mobile. Individuals need to have a solid foundation of human capital and engage in lifelong learning. Therefore, people need to pay more attention to the cultivation of "common skills", improve overall quality, and adapt to the changes in future career structure and job nature, so as to make it easier to switch between different regions, professions, and industries.

Promoting the positive interaction and coordinated development between technological innovation and employment

In order to actively respond to the various challenges faced by China's economic and technological development, we must adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall modernization construction, deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, and pay attention to the positive interaction and coordinated development between scientific and technological innovation and employment, so as to better play the role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting high-quality and full employment. Efforts can be made from the following aspects:

One is to incorporate the concept of prioritizing employment and promoting high-quality employment into the scope of scientific and technological innovation policies and decision-making. It is recommended to increase the weight of employment indicators in the comprehensive evaluation of national high-tech zones and the evaluation of enterprise innovation capabilities, making increasing employment opportunities an important evaluation indicator and incorporating factors such as technology finance and government venture capital support.

The second is to strengthen funding for innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting more entrepreneurial and employment opportunities. The national science and technology plan should focus more on small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises and platform enterprises, and select a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with innovative potential through "horse racing system" and "unveiling and leading system", provide funding and policy support, and accelerate the cultivation of "specialized, refined and innovative", "small giant enterprises", "unicorn enterprises", "Nezha enterprises", "gazelle enterprises", etc. Drawing on the operational experience of small and medium-sized enterprise innovation funds in developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, we have added "Small and Medium sized Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation Fund" in relevant science and technology plans to directly support small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively enhance their technological innovation capabilities, and create more high-quality employment opportunities.

The third is to further strengthen science education in primary and secondary schools and universities, focusing on the cultivation of "universal skills". Vigorously carry out various science and technology competitions and popularization activities, encourage various small inventions and creations, stimulate students' internal interest in technological innovation, cultivate their "universal" ability to explore, think, and solve problems from an early age, so that they can better adapt to the needs of future job positions, and cultivate more innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

The fourth is to strengthen research on the relationship between technological innovation and employment. The academic community should be encouraged to conduct various social experimental studies on the relationship between technological innovation and employment, and fully pay attention to the specific impact of artificial intelligence on employment. In particular, forward-looking research should be conducted to address the potential applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT, their potential impact on employment, their role and mechanisms in replacing traditional employment and expanding new employment, and relevant contingency plans should be formulated to prepare for the response.

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At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【