Promoted and reused, 8 Party members and cadres who have been disciplined | Disciplinary | Party members and cadres

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:30 PM

Recently, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province conducted a follow-up education on disciplined party members and cadres. Among them, 8 party members and cadres were promoted and appointed due to outstanding work performance after the disciplinary period expired.

Many people believe that disciplinary action against party members and cadres is equivalent to killing them with a single stick. In fact, it is not the case. Many disciplined cadres across the country later received promotion and reuse.

How can disciplined cadres be promoted and reused? What is the basis? We have sorted out the current situation.


8 disciplined party members and cadres

Promoted and appointed

"Thank the organization for not abandoning, not giving up, talking to me for many times, encouraging me to put down my ideological burden and move forward with light clothes..." Zhang, a cadre of the Management Committee of Mount Sanqing Scenic Area in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, felt deeply about this experience after being punished.

Previously, Zhang was given a serious warning and disciplinary action within the party for violating integrity discipline. Afterwards, he couldn't muster up his energy for a while, and his work enthusiasm and initiative were affected. The Shangrao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Supervision Commission have tailored a follow-up education program for him. After multiple follow-up visits, Zhang unloaded his ideological burden and reignited his passion for work. He took the initiative to assist the management committee in carrying out urban and rural construction and planning, key project promotion, and other work, winning unanimous praise from leaders and the masses.

Punishment is just a means, education and rescue are the ultimate goal. Since last year, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shangrao City have regarded return visit education as an important part of the second half of the article on supervision and discipline enforcement. They have carried out special activities on return visit education for punished personnel throughout the city, strengthened supervision, education and management of punished personnel, and urged "fallen geese" cadres to return to their posts.

As of now, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in the city have conducted follow-up visits and education on 453 disciplined party members and cadres. Among them, 8 party members and cadres were promoted and appointed due to outstanding work performance after the disciplinary period expired.



There are still many cases like this

In recent years, there have been many cases where Party members and cadres who have been disciplined have been promoted and reused after the punishment period due to their outstanding work performance.

In the past three years, more than 20 disciplined cadres in Zhongning County, Zhongwei City, Ningxia Autonomous Region have been re promoted and used after their term of influence has expired.

In April of this year, Wuma Street, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province officially issued a document promoting Wang from an ordinary employee to a middle-level cadre. At this time, he had just passed the period of disciplinary impact.

In April 2016, Chen, former chief clerk of Yanshikou Street Office in Jinjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, was given a warning within the party. In April 2018, Chen was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of Yanshikou Street Office in Jinjiang District, Chengdu.

In October 2010, the People's Court of Taoyuan County ruled that Yang, Deputy Director of the Planning Bureau of Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, had committed the crime of abuse of power and was exempted from criminal punishment. Yang received a serious warning and administrative demerit within the party. In February 2016, Yang was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau; In March 2019, Yang was once again promoted and appointed as the Party Secretary and Director of the County Housing Security Service Center.

In March 2002, Ao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Zhushan Town, Yushui District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, was dismissed from his party position and administratively dismissed due to illegal occupation and other errors. In April 2006, Ao was re promoted to Deputy Town Mayor and Deputy Secretary of the Town Party Committee. In April 2011, Ao was appointed as the Party Secretary and Director of the Yushui District Petition Bureau in Xinyu City. In October 2016, Ao was promoted to become a member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference in Yushui District, Xinyu City.


Under what circumstances

After being disciplined, one can still be promoted

In the above cases, some of the parties involved were only subject to party disciplinary action, while others were also subject to both party disciplinary action and government disciplinary action. Some were given light and some were given severe punishment, but after the period of punishment's impact, they were all promoted. This indicates that disciplinary action against party members and cadres is not meant to "kill them with a single stick", but rather to educate and transform them, treat illnesses and save lives through punishment. The Regulations on Party Discipline and Disciplinary Actions, as well as the Civil Servant Law and the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions against Civil Servants in Administrative Organs, all stipulate the impact period of disciplinary actions. For cadres who have performed well beyond the impact period of disciplinary actions, the organization still provides them with opportunities for promotion and reuse.

According to the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions against Party Members, there are five types of disciplinary actions against Party members: warnings; Serious warning; Revoke party positions; Stay with the party for inspection; Dismissal from the Party. These five types of party disciplinary actions all have a certain period of disciplinary impact.

1. Warning. Within one year of receiving a warning, Party members are not allowed to be promoted within the Party or recommended to non Party organizations for non Party positions higher than their original positions. For example, in the above case, Chen was given a warning within the party and was not allowed to be promoted within the party or recommended to non party organizations for non party positions higher than his original position within one year. However, upon the expiration of one year's disciplinary action, as long as the individual meets the conditions for promotion, the warning or disciplinary action previously received will no longer affect their promotion.

2. Serious warning. According to the 2018 Party Discipline Punishment Regulations, Party members who receive a serious warning shall not be promoted within the Party or recommended to non Party organizations for non Party positions higher than their original positions within one and a half years. However, if the substantive basis for disciplinary violations is the application of the 2003 Party Discipline Punishment Regulations, the impact period of giving a serious warning within the Party is one year. For example, in the above case, Yang was given a serious warning within the party in 2010, which obviously applies to the 2003 Party Discipline Punishment Regulations. The impact period of the serious warning he received is one year. After the one-year penalty period expires, it does not affect promotion.

3. Revoke party positions. Revocation of disciplinary action within the Party refers to the revocation of disciplinary action taken by a Party member who has been elected or appointed by an organization within the Party. For those who should be punished with revocation of their party positions but have not held any party positions, they shall be given a serious warning. If a party member is punished with revocation of their party position, or should have been punished with revocation of their party position but received a serious warning due to their failure to hold a party position, they shall not be allowed to hold a position within the party or recommend a position equivalent to or higher than their original position to non party organizations within two years. For example, in the above case, Ao received a disciplinary action of revoking his position within the party. After the two-year disciplinary effect expires, his promotion will no longer be affected. It is worth noting that in the case, Yang was sentenced by the court to commit the crime of abuse of power and was exempted from criminal punishment. According to the Party Discipline Punishment Regulations, if a party member's crime is minor and the People's Procuratorate makes a decision not to prosecute in accordance with the law, or if the People's Court makes a guilty judgment and is exempted from criminal punishment in accordance with the law, he should be given the punishment of revoking his party position, staying in the party for observation, or being expelled from the party. In this case, Yang was supposed to have been dismissed from his party position, but he was given a serious warning because he did not hold any party position. The impact period of this severe warning is two years. After the two-year penalty period expires, it does not affect promotion.

4. Stay with the party for inspection. Disciplinary measures for party probation include one year of party probation and two years of party probation. For party members who have been subject to probation for one year and still do not meet the conditions for restoring party member rights after the expiration of the term, the probation period for one year shall be extended. The maximum period of probation for the party shall not exceed two years. During the period when Party members are subject to probation and disciplinary action, they do not have the right to vote, vote, or be elected. During the probation period, if there is indeed a sign of repentance, their party member rights shall be restored after the expiration of the term; Those who persist in not changing or discover other disciplinary violations that should be punished by the Party shall be expelled from the Party. If a party member is subject to probation and disciplinary action, their position within the party will be naturally revoked. For those who hold non party positions, it should be suggested that non party organizations revoke their non party positions. Party members who have been subject to disciplinary action of staying in the Party for observation shall not, within two years after restoring their rights as Party members, hold positions within the Party or recommend positions that are equivalent to or higher than their original positions to non Party organizations. That is to say, after being punished by staying in the party for probation, if there is indeed repentance, the party member's rights will be restored after one or two years of influence. After two years of restoring party member's rights, it will no longer affect the promotion of the position. That is to say, staying in the party for observation has an impact on job promotion for three or four years.

5. Dismissal from the Party. Party members who are expelled from the Party shall not rejoin the Party within five years, nor shall they be recommended to hold non Party positions that are equivalent to or higher than their original positions.

According to laws and regulations such as the Civil Servant Law and the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions against Civil Servants in Administrative Organs, there are six types of administrative sanctions: warning, demerit recording, major demerit recording, demotion, dismissal, and dismissal. The impact period of the disciplinary action is: warning, 6 months; Record a demerit for 12 months; Record major demerits for 18 months; Demotion, dismissal, 24 months. During the period of influence of administrative sanctions, the person subject to disciplinary action shall not be promoted to a higher position or rank. Among them, those who are subject to disciplinary actions such as demerit, major demerit, demotion, or dismissal shall not be promoted to a higher salary level; Those who are dismissed from their positions shall be demoted according to regulations. For disciplinary actions other than dismissal, if the punished person shows repentance during the disciplinary period and has not engaged in any further violations of discipline or law, the disciplinary action will be automatically terminated upon the expiration of the disciplinary period. The removal of demotion or dismissal from office shall not be deemed as the restoration of the original level, position, or position. However, after the disciplinary action is lifted, the promotion of salary level, rank, position, and rank will no longer be affected by the original disciplinary action.

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