[Practice of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Research Line] Ningde Crossing Industry | Enterprise | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:28 AM

A corner of the urban area of Ningde City, Fujian Province.

Shishanyang Ecological Tourism Zone, Zherong County, Ningde City, Fujian Province. Photo by Li Minxiong

Ningde, located in the northeastern part of Fujian Province, is the place where General Secretary Xi Jinping worked. It was once "old, young, border, island, and poor". The total economic output ranked the end of the province. It is one of the 18 concentrated and contiguous poverty-stricken areas in the country. one.

Ningde is now a rising emerging port city along the southeast coast of China. In 2022, the gross domestic product of Ningde region was 355.462 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.7%, ranking among the top prefecture level cities in China and ranking first in Fujian Province for four consecutive years. Its total economic output ranked among the top 100 cities. In the first half of this year, Ningde ranked first in the province in terms of the growth rate of five major economic indicators.

From backwardness to leading, to the province's new growth pole and the model of the construction of a new Fujian with "flexible mechanism, excellent industry, rich people, and ecological beauty", for more than 30 years, the cadres and masses of Ningde have continued to struggle and work hard along the direction guided by Comrade Xi Jinping, realizing great-leap-forward development and historic transformation.

Industrial leap——

Embrace more "golden dolls"

Once upon a time, due to multiple constraints such as transportation bottlenecks, Ningde had a weak development foundation and weak industrial foundation.

"More big projects, more 'golden dolls', to speed up leapfrog development." Comrade Xi Jinping put forward ardent hopes during his research in Ningde, Fujian in September 2010. In 2020, he put forward higher requirements for Ningde and "strive to take new steps in promoting high-quality development".

Remembering the instructions of General Secretary, Ningde insists on focusing on the real economy as the focus of economic development, and focuses on "grasping leading enterprises, forging chains, and building clusters". Nowadays, Ningde not only embraces multiple high-quality "golden dolls", but also has made great efforts around them.

In 2022, Ningde was selected as one of the first 12 pilot cities for the construction of industrial and supply chain ecosystems in China, and was included in the list of cities with significant results in stabilizing industrial growth and transformation and upgrading.

During the investigation, the reporter found that compared with other cities in China, the supply chain ecosystem of Ningde's industrial chain has three characteristics: strong leadership by leaders, connectivity between the top and bottom of the chain, and efficient cluster collaboration.

——How to make a chain out of nothing? Strengthen the driving force of leading enterprises

"Charging once only takes a few minutes!" Compared to the "mileage anxiety" of many new energy car owners, taxi driver Wu Zhihua is quite calm. This confidence comes from the technology of Ningde Times Intelligent Exchange Power Station.

On June 2nd, the reporter took a taxi to enter the smart battery swapping station. Master Wu used his phone to operate a one click battery swapping function on the app, and the interface displayed the real-time progress of battery swapping. After 3 minutes, the intelligent battery swapping station's voice broadcast will sound: "Battery swapping completed, please drive away!"

The battery swapping business is a new sector expanded by CATL after the power battery and energy storage businesses.

Speaking of Ningde, Ningde Era New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is an unavoidable topic. This enterprise, established only in 2011, became the world's number one in the field of power batteries in just 6 years, with a global market share of up to 37%. As a result, Ningde has become the world's largest production base for polymer lithium-ion batteries.

"Only by running continuously can we continue to lead." During an interview with Ningde Times, reporters heard this statement multiple times. With its strong capabilities, CATL has been selected as one of the "100 Most Influential Enterprises" by Time magazine in the United States.

In Ningde, there is more than one enterprise with global leading strength. Qingtuo Group is currently the largest and most comprehensive enterprise in the world in stainless steel production; China Copper Southeast Copper Industry Company has the world's largest copper smelting production line with a single system scale; New energy technology companies stand out in technologies such as battery cells, packaging, and system integration

The establishment of enterprises like Ningde Times in Ningde is indeed related to Chairman Zeng Yuqun's strong affection for his hometown, but all opportunities that can be seized stem from sufficient preparation. Ningde has introduced leading enterprises with rigorous top-level design and logical thinking.

We focus on two aspects - how to stand out in competition and highlighting advanced technology leadership

Can you believe that 2000 apartment buildings will be built in 18 days?

Using the stainless steel products of Qingtuo Group, in just 18 days from construction to topping out, 2000 stainless steel apartment buildings totaling 73000 square meters were built in Changsha, setting a new record for China's infrastructure construction.

Behind speed and passion, advanced technology is indispensable.

"Without mastering core technologies, it is difficult to gain a favorable position in competition, let alone win the respect of the international market." When it comes to the research and development of core technologies, many companies in Ningde suffer from skin to skin pain.

Large screen televisions have long entered households, but in the process of LCD screens growing from small to large, there is a little-known story.

Due to the low purity of the raw material of electric fused zirconia used for refractory bricks in kilns, bubbles are prone to occur during the firing of liquid crystal glass, which affects the panel size. Sanxiang New Materials Company, located in Shouning County, Ningde, has improved the purity of fused zirconia through technological research and development, reduced the generation of bubbles, and enabled LCD screens to grow larger and larger.

For this reason, the leading global glass industry enterprise - Asahi Nippon subsidiary of Japan - has specially awarded the Excellent Supplier Award to Sanxiang New Materials Company. The person in charge exclaimed, "The whole world should thank Sanxiang Company!"

In recent years, technological innovation has become a trend in Ningde enterprises. Innovation not only expands application scenarios, but also greatly improves production efficiency.

On May 9th, in the deburring workshop of Ningde Wenda Company, the robot was working in an orderly manner with its arms stretched back and forth. Xiao Chuanzhou, the deputy general manager of the company, told reporters that in the end plate process of new energy vehicle battery materials, the workshop uses 50 machine arms to produce simultaneously, which can replace 700 workers and produce 40000 finished products per day.

The "5 tenfold growth" reflects the strength of Ningde's technological innovation investment: R&D investment increased from 785 million yuan in 2012 to 7.701 billion yuan in 2021; The number of national high-tech enterprises has increased from 22 in 2012 to 227 in 2022; The number of research and development platforms has increased from 16 in 2012 to 167 in 2022; The proportion of the added value of high-tech industries to the added value of large-scale industries has increased from less than 5% in 2012 to 54.2% in 2022; Talent funding has achieved a tenfold growth rate in 10 years.

——How can the industry be both large and strong? Creating industrial cluster effects

The reporter walked into the hot rolling workshop of Qingtuo Group and saw modern intelligent production lines. Dozens of tons of stainless steel slabs were rolled into 2mm thick steel coils in just 2 minutes.

The efficient operation of enterprises relies on agglomeration effects. How to build a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster? How to form an independent, controllable, safe and efficient industrial and supply chain system?

Ningde's approach is to implement precise investment promotion in the industrial chain: first, draw an "industrial map", list key projects in the industrial chain, prepare a guide for investment promotion, and then carry out special actions to attract investment point-to-point.

"A leading enterprise builds an industrial cluster, relying on the strong competitiveness and traction of the leading enterprises, and constructs a unique model of sustainable development of the Ningde industrial chain and supply chain. Currently, the Ningde industry has formed a pattern of 'production and sales integration, mutual market'," said Wang Yilin, Deputy Director of the Ningde Development and Reform Commission.

Qingshan Steel Pipe Company, located in the stainless steel deep processing industrial park in Zhouning County, Ningde City, can achieve the arrival of raw materials in just one hour. "The unified layout of supply chain enterprises within the park, concentration of upstream and downstream enterprises, full utilization of natural gas pipelines and other facilities, and intensive use of land make the cost advantage of the park self-evident," said Sun Chaohui, Chairman of Mengxin Group. Driven by industry leaders, stainless steel deep processing enterprises in Zhouning County have shown a trend of joining forces.

In Ningde, the four leading industries have formed a highly integrated ecosystem: lithium batteries are the core components of new energy vehicles, nickel and cobalt in stainless steel raw materials such as laterite are important materials for lithium batteries, and copper products are an indispensable key element in the manufacturing of automobiles and lithium batteries.

"In recent years, Ningde has gathered more than 200 industrial chain projects. From the industrial system mainly supported by key industries such as electrical machinery and appliances, food, new energy, ship building and repair in 2012, it has developed into four leading industrial clusters of lithium battery new energy, new energy vehicles, new stainless steel materials and copper materials." Miao Minghua, a second level researcher of Ningde Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said.

Introduce a project, cultivate an industry, and drive an economy. The prosperity of industries is an important support for the high-quality development of Ningde.

Rural butterfly transformation——

The more mountain songs are sung, the more beautiful they become

"Nine mountains, half water, half fields" is a true portrayal of Ningde. Due to the lack of large flat land, the local area faces many difficulties in promoting agricultural industrialization.

How to break through bottleneck constraints and form development advantages?

"rely on the mountain to eat the mountain to sing folk songs, rely on the sea to eat the sea to read the sea sutra." During his work in Ningde, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for Ningde farmers to increase their income and become rich. On August 4, 2019, when General Secretary Xi Jinping replied to the villagers of Xiadang Township in Shouning County, he encouraged the people of eastern Fujian to "strive to find a road to rural revitalization with the characteristics of eastern Fujian".

For many years, Ningde has kept in mind its instructions, leveraged the advantages of eastern Fujian, developed industries according to local conditions, and initially embarked on a new path of rural revitalization led by industries, driven by cities and towns, empowered by culture, and ecologically livable.

——Develop industries that can make the people prosperous

Located in the northeast of Ningde City, Fuding Mountain is connected to the sea. This is the largest white tea production area and export base in China, with 380000 people involved in tea among the city's population of over 600000.

However, in the 1980s, Fuding was still listed as a national level poverty-stricken county, and most of the local people made a living by going out to work or doing business.

The rise of white tea in Fuding has been a history of nearly 20 years.

"Previously, people from Fuding also tried greenhouse vegetable and grape planting projects. However, due to being located along the coast, they are easily affected by typhoons. When a typhoon strikes, all the blood and sweat of farmers go to waste," said Cai Meisheng, Executive Deputy Leader of the Fuding Tea Industry Leading Group and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

Tea has a long history of cultivation in Fuding, and its cultivation resistance is high, relatively less affected by typhoons. After repeated attempts, it has gradually become a consensus to develop tea as the main crop.

The green tea market is saturated, and the competition between flower tea and black tea is fierce. To establish its reputation, Fuding tea can only take a different approach. At that time, there were not many places in the country that produced white tea, and the birthplace and main production area of white tea were in Fuding, which strengthened Fuding's confidence in the development of white tea.

On May 7th, at the white tea refining automation production workshop of Fujian Pinpinxiang Tea Co., Ltd., the reporter saw a production line integrating automated and intelligent equipment such as tea infrared color sorting machine, automatic stacking machine, and robot packing machine. A small piece of tea needs to go through six refining processes, including screening, air selection, color selection, electrostatic impurity removal, manual picking, and even stacking, and layer by layer picking is considered qualified.

After entering the new century, Fuding white tea gradually gained recognition, and white tea enterprises emerged like mushrooms after rain. As of the end of last year, there were 16 tea enterprises in Fuding City that paid taxes of over 1 million yuan. "Fuding white tea is a real industry that can make the people rich," said Cai Meisheng.

[Practice of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Research Line] Ningde Crossing Industry | Enterprise | Economy

For many years, Ningde has adhered to the revitalization of industries as the foundation of rural revitalization. "We leverage our regional resource advantages, focus on local specialties, and vigorously develop" 8+1 "rural characteristic industries such as tea, fruits, vegetables, edible mushrooms, traditional Chinese medicine, bamboo and flowers, animal husbandry, aquatic products, and rural tourism. We have created regional public brands such as Ningde yellow croaker, Gutian edible mushrooms, and Fuding white tea. In 2022, the total scale of the entire" 8+1 "characteristic industry chain reached 215 billion yuan." said Xia Rui, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Ningde City.

——Financial innovation solves funding difficulties

Mushroom racks are seven or eight stories high, with mushroom sticks arranged neatly and white fungus blooming like flowers... During the research period, it was the peak season for white fungus production. In the production workshop of Tiantianyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in Daqiao Town, Gutian County, edible mushrooms were growing well.

Gutian County is known as the "capital of edible mushrooms in China", but there is a high risk of cultivating edible mushrooms. Affected by natural disasters and pests and diseases, the necrosis rate of production rods is high.

In order to prevent risks to the greatest extent possible, Gutian County has strengthened the construction of a digital brain platform for edible mushrooms since last year. Through digital means, it provides services such as Tremella cultivation insurance to enhance the ability and resilience of mushroom farmers to cope with risks.

"Starting from the cultivation of edible mushrooms, every step of the process is completed by mushroom farmers through credit purchases. It is not until the edible mushrooms are sold that mushroom farmers have the funds to repay their debts. Once the mushroom price fluctuates or sales are blocked, it is easy to form a 'triangular debt'. Now mushroom farmers can directly apply for loans on the platform, and the bank evaluates the amount based on the mushroom farmer's order, achieving dedicated use of funds." said Lin Jianming, the head of the Gutian Edible Mushroom Digital Brain.

Wang Jianzhen, Chairman of Gutian Rural Credit Cooperative, told reporters that in order to solve the financial difficulties, the local government actively improves and expands the construction of the Minfu Center platform, equipped with comprehensive information, guarantee and credit enhancement, local industry support, financial product innovation, and financial inclusive promotion services.

As of the end of December last year, through the Minfu Center platform, cooperative banks have issued loans to 4761 households, with a cumulative loan amount of 1.219 billion yuan. The Minfu Center has become a window for inclusive financial reform and innovation to serve rural revitalization.

——Give trial and error opportunities to introduce rural talents

Amidst the green trees, the quaint and unique old house is nestled. Butterflies dance gracefully around the flowers, and groups of golden carp swim in the clear and bottomless stream. Arriving at Longtan Village, Xiling Township, Pingnan County, Ningde City, it feels as if one has entered a paradise.

However, just before May 2017, Longtan Village was once empty, with over 120 old buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties in disrepair and less than 200 people left behind.

What revitalizes the village is cultural creativity.

Pingnan County is located in deep mountains, which have been insurmountable by generations of Pingnan people. However, as a result, Pingnan has been fortunate enough to preserve a batch of ancient villages with a long and unique landscape.

After multiple arguments, the Pingnan County Government has decided to take cultural and creative activities as the starting point, introduce a team of cultural and creative experts, and use the "external brain" to achieve the protection, activation, and utilization of traditional villages.

At this moment, an unexpected guest named Lin Zhenglu came and proposed to develop the cultural and creative industry in Pingnan and revitalize the ancient village. Zhang Zhengrong, then Deputy Minister of Propaganda Department of Pingnan County Committee, immediately said, "Then give it a try!"

In 2017, the Longtan Village Traditional Village Protection Project was launched, establishing a "Everyone is an Artist" public art teaching platform, and promoting the cultivation of new formats such as coffee shops, bars, homestays, and art studios. After years of silence, the village has become vibrant again, attracting not only hundreds of old villagers to return, but also 131 new villagers who enjoy rural life. "They brought new life concepts, sparked a wave of cultural and creative activities, and successfully transformed Longtan from a 'hollow village' to a 'treasure trove'," said Yang Lin, the head of Xiling Township.

The transformation of Longtan Village from a dilapidated wooden house to a golden house is a microcosm of rural revitalization in Ningde. In recent years, many areas in Ningde have continuously stimulated rural creativity, coordinated urban and rural areas and regions with the concept of "coordinated" development, and solved the problem of uneven development.

Bibo Digging Gold——

Born by the sea and thriving towards the sea

Ningde has a coastline of 1046 kilometers, accounting for one-third of Fujian Province, and a sea area of 44600 square kilometers. There are 29 ports of various sizes in the area. Whether it is the revitalization of the mountainous economy or the development of the coastal economy, both are important wings for the economic development of eastern Fujian to reach a new level.

——Innovation, Saving Endangered Yellow Croaker

On Chinese dining tables, 8 out of every 10 large yellow croakers come from Ningde.

However, in the 1970s, wild yellow croaker resources were on the brink of depletion due to overfishing.

During the period of the "Seventh Five Year Plan" to the "Ninth Five Year Plan", Liu Jiafu's aquaculture technology promotion station in Ningde City, Fujian Province, overcame difficulties and continuously broke through the artificial mass breeding and rapid breeding technologies of yellow croaker, achieving industrialized aquaculture.

"The once endangered yellow croaker has now become the largest aquaculture scale marine fish in China and a pillar industry for local fishermen to rely on the sea for survival." According to Huang Shaoyuan, a fourth level researcher at the Ningde Marine and Fisheries Bureau, such a comeback started with "seedlings".

Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture, while fishery seedlings are the "chips" of marine aquaculture. Relying on the unique conditions of seawater aquaculture, the people of Ningde have made great efforts around small fish fry.

One end, inward cohesion. The construction of 12 original and superior seed farms at the municipal level and 2 national modern seed industry demonstration farms is accelerating, and the only national level yellow croaker original seed farm in China has settled in Ningde, laying the foundation for the construction of the aquatic original and superior seed system.

One end, borrowing force from outside. Breaking the boundaries between scientific research institutes and enterprises, strengthening the cooperation between production, education and research in the aquatic seed industry, the State Key Laboratory of large yellow croaker breeding and the national level genetic breeding center of large yellow croaker were established, and the breeding of new varieties of "Fufa No. 1", "Ningxin No. 1" and "Ningxin No. 2" was completed, and the aquatic seed industry continued to innovate.

On May 9th, 10 million large yellow croaker fry, approximately 3.5 centimeters long, were released into aquaculture fishing rafts in the Dongchongkou area of Sandu Bay, Ningde. Changcheng's listing is expected to bring in 20 million yuan in revenue.

——Clear the sea, clear out billions of industries

The rapid development of marine aquaculture has become an important industry for fishermen to increase their income and wealth, but it has also caused the problem of disorderly and high-quality aquaculture.

"In the past, the blind expansion of the marine aquaculture industry and the traditional and extensive farming methods led to the long-term accumulation of a large amount of floating garbage, and water quality and white garbage problems were very prominent." Liang Weixin said about the situation before the "Clean Sea Action", and in 2018, the provincial party committee and government issued a military order, requiring two years to completely solve the transformation and upgrading of the marine industry.

The Ningde "Clean Sea Action" has been launched, and the Municipal Party Committee and Government have launched three heavy punches to launch a comprehensive campaign for the improvement of marine aquaculture.

With a single punch, a new look is revealed. Based on the environmental capacity of the sea area, strictly delineate the areas that can be raised, prohibited, and restricted, and solve problems such as where to raise, what to raise, how much to raise, and how to raise. Accumulated investment of 4.548 billion yuan has been made to clear and upgrade 1.427 million fishing rafts, 541500 acres of shellfish and algae breeding facilities, and 165000 tons of marine debris.

Two fists are standardized and nurtured to create a new order. Break the old pattern of "who owns who uses" in the sea area in front of the village, coordinate coastal counties, townships and villages, and promote the issuance of sea area use rights and water mudflat breeding certificates that are mature and in line with the sea use plan. Promote the transformation of small to large aquaculture cages and optimize the layout of aquaculture. Exploring the transformation of aquaculture net cages from inside to outside, and launching the far-reaching marine aquaculture platform "Ningde 1".

Three fists of long-term management create a new atmosphere. Establish a scientific and practical long-term management mechanism for marine areas, and create a high-pressure situation of illegal aquaculture where the fish are exposed and the water is cleared. Divide 218 marine aquaculture management responsibility zones at the county, township, and village levels through grid management, and consolidate responsibilities.

Speaking of the "Clean Sea Action", Wu Zhiguo, Deputy Director of the Marine and Fisheries Bureau of Jiaocheng District, recalled: "Jiaocheng District alone organized three special operations for thousands of people, and the most common meal was over 1400 boxed meals."

The "Qinghai" work and the "Ningde model" have been listed as typical cases of high-quality and green development in national aquaculture, and the National Development and Reform Commission has replicated and promoted them as typical experiences of national ecological civilization pilot zones.

The sea is clear, the water is clean, and the water quality has improved. "Nowadays, the large yellow croaker has beautiful stripes and comparable meat quality to wild yellow croaker." You Weide, Chairman of Guanjingyang Large Yellow Croaker Breeding Co., Ltd. in Ningde City, built 84 large net cages measuring 24 meters square and 12 meters deep in the Baiji Bay area of Sandu Ao. He calculated for the reporter that the production of a single net cage after renovation has increased by 40 times compared to before, and the purchase price has increased from 15 yuan per kilogram to 25 yuan.

In 2022, the production of large yellow croaker in Ningde reached 194700 tons, which were sold throughout the country and 28 countries and regions. The total industrial chain output value exceeded 10 billion yuan, driving 300000 employees.

——Digging for potential, turning blue ocean into golden ocean

In addition to aquaculture, Ningde shallow mudflat has vast resources, with a culturable area of 9.5 million mu, which is also an important space resource for marine development and utilization.

May is the season of kelp maturity. In the sea area of Sansha Town, Xiapu County, there are more than 10000 bamboo poles standing on the mudflat. Ships full of kelp shuttle between them, and they are integrated under the light and shadow.

"There is no fish in the mudflat, but it is a good field for cultivating laver and kelp." Lin Fei, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Xiapu County Committee and head of the Publicity Department, said that Xiapu is the coastal county with the largest mudflat area in the province. Eleven of the 15 towns and townships are close to the sea, and the fishery population accounts for 64% of the county's agricultural population. The cultivation and processing of seaweed and seaweed are the backbone of the county's economy and also the industry for enriching the people.

The development of marine fisheries in Ningde is thriving, with multiple regional characteristic and advantageous aquaculture varieties such as yellow croaker, sea cucumber, abalone, kelp, and seaweed. In 2022, the city's aquatic product production reached 1.073 million tons, with a fishery output value of 33.24 billion yuan, driving 600000 employees.

The May Day holiday has passed, and Dongbi Village in Sansha Town, Xiapu County is still bustling with tourists.

"At present, the county receives more than 7 million tourists annually." Zheng Dexiong, a national first-class photographer and president of Xiapu County Home Accommodation Industry Association, said that Xiapu's entry into the public eye is a "mudflat photography" spread across the whole country through the camera lens. The "cross-border" combination of photography and tourism has greatly enhanced the recognition of Xiapu mudflat.

Relying on ecological and mountain and sea resources, Xiapu County has invested over 16 million yuan to complete the construction of 11 photography sites, including Beiqi and Dongbi, and has held 8 consecutive "Xiapu · The Sea in My Heart" international photography competitions. Photography enthusiasts from all over the country have flocked to bring popularity and drive the development of the service industry. Over 400 homestays have witnessed the transformation of this coastal county, including "Shijian Hai", "One Stay One Night", and "Neighbors and Neighbors".

"By reciting the 'Classic of Mountains and Seas' and making good use of the advantages and resources of the sea, we can find the right direction and path for development." Lin Linghua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Sansha Town, Xiapu County, said that in 2022, the county's comprehensive tourism revenue exceeded 6 billion yuan, with the homestay industry directly driving nearly 20000 people to find employment.

Born by the sea, thriving towards the sea. Adhere to the principle of high-quality development to take the overall picture, focus on addressing weaknesses and strengths, adjust the imbalance in the marine industry structure, accelerate port infrastructure development, and press the fast forward button for Ningde's marine development.

Green transformation——

Promoting high-quality economy through ecological beauty

In May of this year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment commended 22 cities at or above the prefecture level that achieved significant results in the field of ecological environment in 2022, and Ningde City was listed.

However, even such "ecological elites" have faced challenges such as piling up rocks, floating garbage on the water surface, and destroying farmland due to flash floods... Ecological and environmental issues have become a concern for people's livelihoods and a pain in their hearts in Ningde.

——A person should not betray the green mountains, and the green mountains will not betray others

[Practice of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Research Line] Ningde Crossing Industry | Enterprise | Economy

"Looking up at the barren mountains, busy with food and clothing; with tight pockets at the end of the year, parents are anxious." In the 1960s and 1970s, the local rhyme simply and directly described the true face of ecological degradation, poverty, and backwardness in Houyang Village, Qibu Town, Zhouning County at that time.

In 1983, Huang Zhenfang, who was then the accountant of Houyang Village Brigade, led his family to reclaim barren mountains and make loans for afforestation under the guidance of the No. 1 central document, and developed the forest farm area from 50 mu to 1207 mu in just three years.

From July 7, 1988 to January 3, 1989, Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Party Committee, went to the Huang Zhenfang Family Forest Farm in Houyang Village three times in less than half a year, praising Huang Zhenfang for "greening the barren hills and making outstanding contributions to the greening of eastern Fujian." and personally planted three fir trees.

"The potential for economic development in eastern Fujian lies in the mountains, and prosperity lies in the forests." Comrade Xi Jinping traveled to nine counties and cities under his jurisdiction, and after fully understanding the local production, life and ecological conditions, he gave strategic guidance to the future development of Ningde.

Zhang Miaoxiang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Houyang Village, introduced that the forest area of Houyang Village has now exceeded 7300 acres, and almost every family has a forest farm, with every piece of land being green.

The green concept has completely changed the face of Zhou Ning. At 9:34 am on May 10th, the reporter observed on the real-time air quality monitoring screen in Houyang Village that the number of negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter of air was 16023, far higher than the World Health Organization's standard of over 2000, which is considered very fresh. On March 16th this year, Zhouning County was awarded the title of "China Natural Oxygen Bar" by the China Meteorological Administration.

Similar to the issue of Houyang Village, there is also Xiadang Village in Xiadang Township, Shouning County. Due to poverty, villagers go up the mountain to cut firewood and burn fires, sell trees for money, and the foundation of production and life is the wood on the mountain. No matter how many trees are planted, they will become "bald mountains".

"Now the forest coverage here has reached 81%, and extremely impoverished villages have become popular check-in spots for internet celebrities."

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The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet
The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【