Playing cards, gambling, drunk driving! 29 cadres in Hunan were named and reported to the public security | organs | warnings | personnel | gambling | driving | disciplinary measures | issues

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 00:08 AM

Regarding 7 Cases in Loudi City

Party members, cadres, and public officials play cards and gamble

Notification of typical cases

1. Yu Lijun, former member of the Standing Committee of the Louxing District Committee and former director of the District Committee Office, played cards and gambled. From October 2016 to February 2023, Yu Lijun participated in card and gambling multiple times during her tenure as a member of the Standing Committee of the Louxing District Committee, Director of the District Committee Office, and a second level researcher in Louxing District, winning 230000 yuan in gambling. Yu Lijun also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In May 2023, Yu Lijun was expelled from the party and from public office, and her suspected criminal issues were transferred to the judicial authorities for legal processing.

2. Wu Zhuohui, a staff member of the Integrated Media Center in Lengshuijiang City, organized participation in gambling issues. From March to May 2022, Wu Zhuohui acted as a "coin merchant" at a gambling video game city in Lengshuijiang City, illegally profiting by purchasing game coins from participants and then exchanging them for cash at the owner of the game city. In June of the same year, Wu Zhuohui surrendered to the public security organs and was criminally detained on suspicion of opening a casino. Later, the prosecution made a decision not to prosecute Wu Zhuohui. Wu Zhuohui also has other disciplinary issues. In April 2023, Wu Zhuohui was demoted from his position level.

3. Li Haibiao, a staff member of the Dabuqiao Sub district Office in Loudi Economic Development Zone, participated in gambling issues. On the evening of July 12th to 14th, 2022, Li Haibiao gambled multiple times in a certain esports hotel on Leping Avenue in Louxing District, using playing cards such as "baccarat" to bet on points. He was later caught by the public security organs and given administrative penalties. In May 2023, Li Haibiao was given a serious warning within the party and a disciplinary record for administrative misconduct.

4. Zhou Yubin, Deputy Minister of the People's Armed Forces Department of Changqing Street, Louxing District, participated in gambling issues. On August 17, 2022, Zhou Yubin was caught by the public security organs on the spot and given administrative penalties for gambling with others in a restaurant near the Changqing residential area in Louxing District, using the form of playing mahjong. In February 2023, Zhou Yubin was given a warning within the party.

5. Long Zejiang, a staff member of the Sanjia Township People's Government in Lianyuan City, participated in gambling issues. On March 2, 2023, Long Zejiang was caught by the public security organs on the spot and given administrative penalties for gambling with others in a mahjong parlor on the first floor of a residential area in Lianyuan City. In May 2023, Longzejiang was given a warning within the party.

6. Xie Junbin, the deputy captain of the Xinhua County Transportation Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade, and others are playing cards during working hours. On the morning of January 30, 2023, Xie Junbin, along with Hu Yi, the head of the ship inspection department at Xinhua County Water Transport Affairs Center, and Xie Xinmin, the head of the planned infrastructure department, were typing cards in the safety department office of Xinhua County Water Transport Affairs Center during working hours. In June 2023, Xie Junbin and Hu Yi were given disciplinary warnings within the party, while Xie Xinmin was given administrative warnings.

7. Deng Yixue, Deputy Squadron Leader of the Housing and Construction Squadron of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade for Urban Management in Xinhua County, and Liu Runchun and others are playing cards in the workplace. On the evening of March 27, 2023, Deng Yixue, Liu Runchun, and four members of the Housing and Construction Squadron, including Chen Ping and Zhou Xianyong, were on standby at the 312 office of the County Urban Management Bureau while playing cards in the form of "bombs". In July 2023, Liu Runchun, Chen Ping, Zhou Xianyong and other three individuals were given warnings within the party, while Deng Yixue was given a government warning.

Notification from Xiangxiang City

2 cases of party members and cadres participating in gambling

Typical problems

1. Li Bingyang, Deputy Leader of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade in Longdong Town, is involved in gambling issues. On February 22, 2023, Li Bingyang and others engaged in gambling by playing poker and dividing the fish. They were arrested by the public security organs and given administrative detention for 10 days and a fine. In June 2023, Li Bingyang was given a serious warning.

2. Xiao Liangping, a staff member of Xiangxiang Economic Development Zone, is involved in gambling issues. On February 22, 2023, Xiao Liangping and others engaged in gambling by playing "Zhuanzhuan Mahjong", and were arrested by the public security organs and given administrative detention for 2 days. In August 2023, Xiao Liangping was given a serious warning.

Announcement from Yuanjiang City

5 cases of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials

Typical cases

1. Liu Zhisheng, a staff member of the Jucheng Office of the Market Supervision Administration of Yuanjiang City, is experiencing drunk driving issues. On March 17, 2023, Liu Zhisheng was caught driving a motor vehicle while passing by the entrance of Baihui Supermarket on Qionghu Road after drinking alcohol. It was identified as drunk driving and the vehicle's annual inspection was overdue. In March 2023, the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau imposed a fine of 1720 yuan on Liu Zhisheng, suspended his motor vehicle driver's license for 6 months, and deducted 13 points from his driver's license as an administrative penalty. In June 2023, Liu Zhisheng was given a serious warning within the party.

2. Liu Qian, Director of the Marketing Department of Anyuan Water Resources and Hydropower Construction Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yuanjiang City Urban Investment Group, was drunk driving. On January 8, 2023, Liu Qian was caught by the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau while driving near the Guangtong Hotel in Yuanjiang City after drinking alcohol, and it was identified as drunk driving. In January 2023, the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau fined Liu Qian 2000 yuan and imposed an administrative penalty of temporarily withholding her motor vehicle driver's license for 6 months. In June 2023, Liu Qian was given a serious warning within the party.

3. Li Xuewen, a teacher at the Central School of Nandashan Town in Yuanjiang City, is experiencing drunk driving problems. On April 14, 2022, while driving a motor vehicle to Jinniuqiao Road in Nandashan Town after drinking alcohol, Li Xuewen was caught by the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and identified as drunk driving. In June 2022, the procuratorial organs found Li Xuewen guilty of dangerous driving, but due to the minor circumstances, they made a decision not to prosecute him. In April 2023, Li Xuewen received a serious warning within the party and was demoted by one position level.

4. Liu Jianjun, Director of the Office, Chairman of the Trade Union, and Secretary of the Party Branch of Hunan Xingchao Food Co., Ltd., is involved in drunk driving. On January 7, 2023, Liu Jianjun's vehicle was seized by the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau at kilometer 01115 of County Road in Yuanjiang City. It was identified as drunk driving and the motor vehicle he was driving did not undergo safety technical inspection. In January 2023, the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau fined Liu Jianjun 1700 yuan and imposed an administrative penalty of temporarily withholding his driver's license for 6 months. In July 2023, Liu Jianjun was given a serious warning within the party.

5. Wang Qingquan, a member of the Sanxin Village Branch in Nandashan Town, Yuanjiang City, is facing drunk driving issues. On December 15, 2022, Wang Qingquan, while driving a vehicle to the Fifth Hospital section of Line 008 in Nandashan Town after drinking alcohol, was caught on site by the Traffic Police Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and identified as drunk driving. In May 2023, the procuratorial organs determined that Wang Qingquan was guilty of dangerous driving, but due to the minor circumstances, they made a decision not to prosecute him. In May 2023, Wang Qingquan was dismissed from his position within the party.

Notification from Anhua County, Yiyang City

Two cases of drunk driving among party members, cadres, and public officials

Typical cases

1. Yao Ming, a staff member of the Jiangnan Law Enforcement Squadron of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade for Transportation in Anhua County, engaged in illegal driving of motor vehicles after drinking alcohol. At around 20:00 on June 13, 2021, Yao Ming was caught driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol while driving from Wangcheng Village in Meicheng Town, Anhua County to the section of the Liangyi Village community. After identification, he was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol. On January 6, 2022, Yao Ming was convicted of the crime of dangerous driving by the People's Court of Anhua County and exempted from criminal punishment. In March 2022, Yao Ming was subjected to two years of probation and dismissal from the party.

2. Yang Fan, a staff member of the Social Affairs Office in Dongping Town, Anhua County, engaged in illegal driving of motor vehicles after drinking alcohol. At around 13:00 on August 1, 2022, Yang Fan was caught driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol while driving to Yangsha Community in Zhexi Town, Anhua County, and was identified as drunk driving by the public security organs. In September 2022, the People's Procuratorate of Anhua County made a decision not to prosecute him in accordance with the law. In May 2023, Yang Fan was dismissed from his position.

Notification from Yueyang County

3 cases of party members and cadres participating in gambling

Typical cases

1. Yi Hui, a staff member of the Law Enforcement Brigade of the Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau in Yueyang County, is involved in gambling. On the afternoon of February 20, 2022, Yi Hui and his friends were caught by the public security organs and punished with five days of administrative detention for gambling in a restaurant in Yueyanglou District, Yueyang City. In addition, Yi Hui also has other illegal issues. In July 2023, Yi Hui was punished with a major administrative demerit.

2. Xu Anjun, a staff member of the Land Reserve Center of Yueyang County Natural Resources Bureau, is involved in gambling issues. On December 6, 2021, Xu Anjun, Zhou, and Wan gambled in a basement next to a high school in the county town by catching shrimp. They were caught by the public security organs and punished with three days of administrative detention. In July 2023, Xu Anjun was given a serious warning within the party.

3. The gambling problem of Liao Xufeng, the principal of Mengcheng Teaching Point in Maotian Town, Yueyang County. On the evening of December 22, 2021, Liao Xufeng and his friends engaged in "three public" gambling at Li's house, and were arrested by the public security organs and fined 2000 yuan for 12 days of administrative detention. In July 2023, Liao Xufeng was given a serious warning within the party.

Announcement from Shuangpai County, Yongzhou City

5 cases of drunk driving by party members and public officials

Typical problems

1. The issue of Lu Caisong, former deputy director of the Party History Research Office of Shuangpai County Committee, driving a two wheeled motorcycle under the influence of alcohol. On July 8, 2022, Lu Caisong was caught by the public security organs driving a lightweight two wheeled motorcycle at the intersection of Zijin South Road and Sizhong Road in Shuangpai County after drinking alcohol. The alcohol test result was 55mg/100ml. In July 2022, the public security organs imposed an administrative penalty of 2512 yuan on Lu Caisong in accordance with the law. In March 2023, Lu Caisong was given a warning within the party.

2. Jiang Ning, a staff member of the Emergency Management Bureau Office in Shuangpai County, was found driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. On September 11, 2022, Jiang Ning was caught by the public security organs driving a motor vehicle to the opposite section of Lingling Sports Center on Nanjin Middle Road in Lingling District after drinking alcohol. The alcohol test result was 22mg/100ml. In September 2022, the public security organs made an administrative penalty decision on Jiang Ning, imposing a fine of 1000 yuan and temporarily withholding his motor vehicle driver's license for 6 months in accordance with the law. In March 2023, Jiang Ning was given a government warning.

3. Tang Zefeng, a teacher at Cailikou Central Primary School in Shuangpai County, experienced drunk driving of motor vehicles. On September 15, 2022, Tang Zefeng was caught by the public security organs driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol at the intersection of Liangcun Road and Shuangpai Avenue in Shuangpai County. After testing, the alcohol concentration in Tang Zefeng's blood was 54.64mg/100ml. In September 2022, the public security organs imposed an administrative penalty decision on Tang Zefeng, imposing a fine of 1500 yuan and temporarily withholding his motor vehicle driver's license for 6 months in accordance with the law. In May 2023, Tang Zefeng was given a warning within the party.

4. Tang Wenbo, a member of the hospital committee of Shuangpai County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, was involved in driving a motor vehicle. On January 13, 2023, Tang Wenbo was caught by the public security organs driving a motor vehicle to Yangming Road in Shuangpai County after drinking alcohol. The alcohol test result was 43mg/100ml. In January 2023, the public security organs imposed an administrative penalty of 1500 yuan on Tang Wenbo and suspended his motor vehicle driver's license for 6 months in accordance with the law. In April 2023, Tang Wenbo was given a government warning.

5. Jiang Xiaochun, a staff member of the Shuangpai County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, has been driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. On February 20, 2023, Jiang Xiaochun was caught by the public security organs driving a motor vehicle to Xiadeng Village on Shuanghong Road in Shuangpai County after drinking alcohol. The alcohol test result was 65mg/100ml. In February 2023, the public security organs imposed an administrative penalty of 2000 yuan and suspended the driver's license for six months on Jiang Xiaochun in accordance with the law. In May 2023, Jiang Xiaochun was given a government warning.

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