People's Daily full page explanation: Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusivity in China | culture | inclusivity

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:55 PM

People's Daily

Chinese civilization is an open system formed through continuous exchange and mutual learning with other civilizations.Chinese civilization has made significant contributions to the progress of human civilization through open mindedness, exchange and integration with other civilizations, and has been constantly evolving through inclusiveness. This inclusive and inclusive approach is of great significance for the development of Chinese civilization and the progress of human civilization. This academic edition focuses on the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization.


Deeply understand the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization

Wang Xuedian

The reasons can be analyzed from multiple aspects, and finding the answer from the long historical development process and rich cultural heritage of the Chinese nation is one important aspect. The unique geographical environment in which Chinese civilization is nurtured and developed contributes to the formation of a dominant culture with strong centripetal force and cohesion. The long-term and highly developed culture of the Chinese nation helps to form strong cultural determination and cultural confidence. It is precisely because of this cultural subjectivity and cultural confidence that inclusivity has become a prominent feature of Chinese civilization.

The long history of cultural integration

Examining the development process of human civilization, especially in its early stages, it can be found that geographical environment is often an important factor affecting the development of civilization. The Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness and is closely related to the unique geographical environment in which it develops.

The Chinese civilization is the only great civilization in the world that has been continuously developed in the form of a nation to this day. China has a history of millions of years of human history, ten thousand years of cultural history, and over five thousand years of civilization. In the early stages of origin and evolution, Chinese civilization has nurtured and produced a civilization gene that is inclusive and cohesive internally, laying the foundation for the diversified and integrated development of civilization. This is closely related to the unique geographical environment of our country. Our country is surrounded by oceans, mountains, grasslands, deserts, etc. The eastern and central regions have vast plains and basins with abundant resources. This geographical environment is self-contained. Within our country, the terrain is complex and the ecology is diverse. Many regions have superior agricultural production conditions, which are conducive to population aggregation, forming a complementary and relatively self-sufficient geographical pattern as a whole.

Ten thousand years ago, scattered and independently developed early cultures began to emerge on the vast land of China. In the Neolithic Age, these distinctive regional cultures had already taken on a considerable scale. Representative examples include the Majiayao culture in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the Longshan culture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the Dawenkou culture in the Haidai region, the Qujialing Shijiahe culture in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Liangzhu culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and various local cultures in southern China. With the further development of production and the continuous increase of population, some regional cultures have taken on the initial form of certain countries, presenting a situation of "thousands of states standing together". The dispersed early civilizations developed towards higher levels, while gradually developing complex interactions and exchanges with each other. This kind of communication makes people realize that peaceful coexistence and mutual learning can lead to better development. Therefore, in the early development process of Chinese civilization, mutual tolerance, consultation, and cultural exchange and integration among different cultural settlements in different regions became a rational choice to handle mutual relationships.

Later, due to the relatively advantageous geographical location and resources of the Central Plains Chinese civilization, it continuously absorbed and integrated surrounding ethnic groups and cultures, forming a culture with strong centripetal force and cohesion. This culture has a strong attraction to other cultures, presenting a development trend of peripheral convergence towards the center and internal self-sufficiency and renewal. This situation is vividly referred to as the "double petal flower like" structure in the academic community, and the Central Plains culture is the "flower heart" of the entire flower. The Book of Documents, Yao Dian, records the situation of "harmony among all nations" during the reign of Emperor Yao. This kind of "harmony" is largely achieved through the expansion of cultural influence rather than military conquest. It can be seen that the exchange and integration of civilizations promote the diversified and integrated development of Chinese civilization, and in this development process, peace and inclusiveness are more prominent.

Confidence and openness in cultural development

The outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization is closely related to the long-term high-level development and leading position of culture in the world. This cultural development situation shapes a high level of cultural confidence and an open and inclusive mindset. In the record of the "Tu Shan Hui" during the reign of Emperor Yu in the "Seven Years of Duke Ai" of the Zuo Zhuan, it is said that "those who hold jade and silk hold all nations", which means that many civilizations have shown admiration for the Central Plains civilization. It can be seen from this that in that era, mutual exchange between different civilizations was a real existence.

By the Yin and Zhou dynasties, Chinese civilization had developed a relatively complete writing system and a mature culture of ritual and music. The systematic and complete Western Zhou ritual and music system, from ritual vessels to musical instruments, formed strict usage regulations and had a profound impact on future generations. The Zhou ritual culture also continuously integrated with other local cultures. In the pre Qin era, a hundred schools of thought argued and different schools of thought proposed various ideas, arguing and learning from each other, which made the academic ideas of that era shine brightly. Many core ideas of later generations emerged in that era, and China became one of the birthplaces of ancient Axis civilizations. After the Qin and Han dynasties, China gradually established a long-term stable unified state, developing a relatively advanced political system and a relatively complete governance system in ancient society. A highly developed culture, a unified and stable country, an effective governance system, and a hardworking and resilient population, coupled with unique agricultural production conditions and the basic national policy of "agriculture as the foundation" throughout history, have enabled Chinese civilization to lead the world in terms of population, economic strength, political development, and ideological and cultural aspects for a long time. It not only maintains great attraction to neighboring ethnic minorities, but also makes significant contributions to the progress of Asian and world civilizations, exerting profound influence.

The Chinese civilization has been highly developed and continuous for a long time, which has never yielded to external enemies, and has also developed a distinct cultural subject consciousness and an open and inclusive cultural mentality. This mentality is not blind cultural superiority and cultural arrogance, but mainly manifests as a confident and broad mindedness on how to view the world and how to coexist with the world. In the eyes of the ancients, the ideal of a society where the world is public and the world is one family, and cultural identity allows for peaceful coexistence. This mentality demonstrates a broad perspective and broad realm. The principles of "governing the world", "embracing one as the world", and "sharing the meaning of the world" provide ideological and theoretical support for cultural inclusiveness.

Chinese civilization has long been highly developed and possesses cultural confidence. It can not only dissolve the impact and invasion of foreign cultures, but also develop strong learning and adaptation abilities. By absorbing different cultures from multiple regions and ethnic groups, it integrates and harmonizes, promoting the continuous metabolism and innovative development of national culture. After Buddhism was introduced to China, it formed Chinese Buddhism, and Western astronomy and mathematics were introduced to China. These examples illustrate the continuous integration of various cultural elements into Chinese civilization throughout history, highlighting the inherent characteristics of openness and inclusiveness of Chinese civilization, and becoming an important reason for the eternal vitality of Chinese civilization.

The Inheritance and Promotion of Universal Harmony

The Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness and is deeply related to the concept of universal unity formed in ancient China. In ancient society, governing China, a vast and multi-ethnic super large country, was quite difficult. Throughout dynasties, various measures have been taken to promote the development of a unified multi-ethnic country. Among them, cultural tolerance and acceptance is also an effective means.

Chinese people have had the concept of universal harmony for a long time, proposing the concepts of "conquering people with virtue" and "tolerance is great", as well as the value orientation of "going to different paths together, being consistent but full of worries" and "being close to each other if you are the same, and respecting each other if you are different". Narrow concepts such as race and region have never been the mainstream of Chinese civilization. The era of "peace" is a political ideal, a unified society with a world of unity and a world of unity. Culture is an important link to maintain this kind of peace, advocating rulers to devote themselves to making "the voice of education end in all corners of the world" and "if the distant people do not accept it, then they will cultivate their literary and moral character", using moral education and cultural influence rather than military conquest to maintain the stability of the world. For differences in ideology and culture, we should approach the relationship between civilizations with a broad mind and a strategy of understanding all directions, adhering to the concept of "the Tao runs parallel but does not contradict each other", and handling it with an attitude of "harmony but difference".

Meanwhile, Chinese people advocate for mutual exchange and learning between cultures. At the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Shi Bo proposed the concept of "harmonious living beings", believing that "balancing others with others is called harmony.". This means that "he" cannot be singular, but diverse. If it is singular, it means "same", and "same means no continuation", it is difficult to develop. Multiple elements achieve balance and harmony through interaction and complementarity. This concept deeply influenced future generations. For example, the three major cultural forms of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism have been integrated, complemented, and developed together in the development process of traditional Chinese culture, rather than aiming to eliminate each other, fully reflecting the principle of "harmony but difference".

In today's globalized and diversified world, the fusion tradition of Chinese culture, which emphasizes harmony but diversity, is of great significance. With a profound understanding of "harmony without uniformity", the CPC has always been concerned about the future and destiny of mankind from a global perspective, and has recognized and handled its relations with the outside world from the perspective of the major trends of human development, the major pattern of world changes, and the major history of China's development. Adhere to the concept that the world is rich and colorful and civilizations are diverse, promote exchanges and integration of different civilizations, promote mutual understanding and trust among countries around the world, and consolidate the humanistic foundation for jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind, which is the embodiment of the CPC's aspiration to the world. History has fully proven that adhering to inclusiveness, openness, and inclusiveness is the key to the continuous development and prosperity of human civilization. Only by strengthening dialogue and mutual learning among different civilizations can human civilization shine brightly. We must respect the diversity of human civilization, promote the beauty of different civilizations, and work together to build an open and inclusive world, and work together to promote the progress of human civilization.

The historical orientation of communication, exchange, and integration of the Chinese nation


People's Daily full page explanation: Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusivity in China | culture | inclusivity

The nine schools of rivers flow back to the sea. For thousands of years, the continuous communication, exchange, and integration of various ethnic groups have added endless vitality to the development of Chinese civilization.

Historical development has its own laws. The historical orientation is manifested as a correct direction that has been repeatedly verified through practice and actively chosen by the historical subject. In the process of the development of the Chinese nation, the communication, exchange, and integration between different ethnic groups is a continuous historical fact and a value orientation recognized by the people of all ethnic groups.

During the Neolithic period, the ancient culture on the land of China was like a starry sky, shining brightly together. About 3800-3500 years ago, the more inclusive and influential Erlitou culture emerged in southern Shanxi and western Henan. The academic community believes that the Erlitou Site should be the location of the capital city of the Xia Dynasty. After the summer, the Yin people from Dongyi established a more magnificent and extensive Yin Shang culture on this basis. The Zhou people, who originated from the northwest and had close relationships with the Qiang and Rong tribes, followed suit and developed a profound civilization of ritual and music. The Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties were extremely important and glorious periods in Chinese history. The history of three generations is also the history of communication, exchange, and integration among various tribes. This period of history not only laid the foundation for the core area of early Chinese civilization, but also established the cultural spirit of Chinese civilization embracing all rivers at an early stage.

The unification of China by Qin Dynasty established a unified political power with books and texts, vehicles and tracks, quantity and balance, and conduct and ethics. This not only effectively consolidated the historical achievements of mutual integration and learning among the people of the five regions during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but also provided a broader historical stage and stronger institutional guarantee for the communication, exchange, and integration of various ethnic groups in China under new historical conditions. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, frequent wars and social unrest were one aspect of history, while the other was a broad and profound ethnic integration. After a magnificent fusion of ethnic groups, a group of ancient ethnic groups such as the Xiongnu and Xianbei integrated into the Central Plains, and their national culture also merged into the mainstream of Chinese culture. It is on the basis of the great integration of ethnic groups and the great intersection of cultures that a prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, with vast territory, vibrant customs, and uplifting spirit, stands tall in the world. Not only during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, but also during various periods in Chinese history, new ethnic groups have continuously integrated into a unified multi-ethnic country, new production technologies have been invented and applied, and new cultures have been integrated into the bloodline of Chinese civilization. As a result, the Chinese nation has been increasingly developing and growing.

In the process of continuous communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups in China, generation after generation of Chinese people have traveled from east to west, from south to north, and have walked out of several famous corridors in Chinese history, such as the Hexi Corridor and the Liaoxi Corridor. These corridors are not only channels for ethnic migration and exchange, but also channels for economic and cultural exchange and integration. They are like thick blood vessels, connecting China's mountains and rivers together, and making the hearts and blood of all ethnic groups in China flow together.

In the long process of historical development, the communication, exchange, and integration between various ethnic groups have also demonstrated the value orientation of the Chinese nation's integration and commonality. Chinese culture does not advocate stubbornness and complacency, but emphasizes inclusiveness and adherence to the principle of inclusiveness. The opening of the Confucian classic "Analects of Confucius" in the pre Qin period states: "Learning and learning at the same time, isn't it also true? Isn't it also true that having friends from afar brings joy?" This deeply reflects the cultural background of the Chinese nation, which loves learning, is good at communication, and enjoys sharing. During the Warring States period, the Hu suit of King Wuling of Zhao, horseback riding and archery, was a popular story, and similarly, the sinicization reform of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei was also regarded as the "way of sages" of great talent and strategy. During the Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng married and brought grain cultivation techniques, Chinese classics, and Buddhist statues to the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Tang Dynasty poet Chen Tao sighed in his poem "Journey to Longxi": "Since the noble lord's marriage, half of the Hu style has resembled that of the Han family." At the same time, Tibetan culture has also subtly influenced the Central Plains. Bai Juyi's poem goes: "A round girl has no hair like a bun, and a slanted red face without a halo." The fashionable makeup of Chang'an ladies originated from imitating Tibetan women. Huang Daopo, a female textile artist from the Yuan Dynasty, settled in Hainan and learned textile technology from the Li people, which was then promoted and disseminated in the Yangtze River Delta region. This is a vivid example of exchange promoting innovation. It is in this long-term and frequent communication that the bloodlines of various ethnic groups blend together, gradually forming an unbreakable community of the Chinese nation, jointly developing the beautiful mountains and vast territory of the motherland, and jointly creating a long history and brilliant Chinese culture.

The exchange and integration of various ethnic groups is an important foundation for the unity and unity of the Chinese nation.The long-term communication, exchange, and integration of various ethnic groups have not only formed a pattern of mutual benefit, but also formed a community concept of sharing weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny. It is precisely because of this that when facing major setbacks in modern times, all ethnic groups can closely unite and support each other, jointly building a new Great Wall of the Chinese nation. Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity, the root of national unity and the soul of national harmony. We need to promote exchanges, unity, and integration among all ethnic groups, with a focus on enhancing the awareness of the Chinese nation as a community, guiding people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish correct views on the motherland, ethnicity, culture, and history, continuously consolidating the great unity of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, comprehensively promoting the construction of a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and gathering strong forces for building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Broad and profound, timeless and innovative

Chinese culture has an open and inclusive mindset

Feng Yanli

Inclusive approach is a form of wisdom. Han Yu said in his book "The Explanation of Learning": "Yu Zha Dan Sha, Chi Jian Qing Zhi, Niu Ze Ma Bo, the skin of a defeated person, all are well received, and those who are ready for use are also good physicians." This means that wise physicians will store different types of things for unexpected needs, with the intention of having both and embracing everything. Inclusive approach is also a kind of broad mindedness. Reflected in culture, it means maintaining an open mindset, actively learning from all the excellent achievements of human civilization, drawing on the strengths of others, and making use of them.

The open mindedness of Chinese culture has a profound historical heritage, constantly demonstrated in the new era conditions, and has expanded the broad prospects for the development of civilization.

Chinese culture has always had an open and inclusive mindset since ancient times. Chinese civilization is the only great civilization in the world that has been continuously developed in the form of a nation to this day. One of the important reasons for the continuous development of Chinese civilization is to integrate different civilizations around the world and continuously inject vitality into its development. There are countless stories of cultural exchanges and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. More than 2100 years ago, Han Dynasty envoy Zhang Qian set out from Chang'an to travel to the Western Regions, starting to open up the road from the East to the West. Since then, an ancient Silk Road that runs from east to west and connects Europe and Asia has gradually been opened up. This road has become a path of economic and trade exchanges, as well as a path of exchange and mutual learning among different civilizations. During the Tang Dynasty, the monk Xuanzang traveled westward to seek enlightenment, traveling back and forth for 17 years, bringing back over 600 Buddhist scriptures and actively translating and disseminating them. Buddhism has evolved in China for a long time, with the convergence of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, leaving a profound impact on the religious beliefs, philosophical concepts, literature and art, etiquette and customs of the Chinese people. During the Ming Dynasty, Xu Guangqi and the Western scholar Matteo Ricci, who came to China, jointly translated "Elements of Geometry", which is considered one of the symbols of the introduction of Western science to China. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, a group of Islamic scholars who were proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism combined Islamic culture with Confucian culture, which had a profound impact on promoting the sinicization of Islam.

Chinese culture has an open and inclusive mindset, which has profound historical reasons. In ancient China, there was a huge population and region, with a long-term leading level of economic development and frequent economic and trade exchanges with other countries and regions. The most prominent was the formation of the overland and maritime Silk Roads. These economic and trade exchanges not only promote economic prosperity, but also bring about the exchange and integration of science, technology, culture, and art between China and other countries. At the same time, an important concept in the Chinese culture of "harmony" is to prioritize peace and harmony among nations, advocating for peaceful treatment and harmonious coexistence among different countries. Chinese people view the world from the perspective of the world and believe that the world should be one family. Many ancient rulers also saw that cooperation and communication between countries were far more conducive to stability and development than wars of conquest. In addition, the ancient Chinese philosophy of practical application advocated the integration of knowledge and action, and put practical actions into practice. It opposed empty talk and advocated solving practical problems. Therefore, methods and means that are beneficial to social development and effective in improving people's livelihoods can be learned and used for my own benefit. This forms a pragmatic and proactive mindset. When people are exposed to excellent foreign cultures, systems, and arts, they are more willing to learn and learn from them.

In modern times, Marxism was introduced to China, injecting new vitality into ancient Chinese civilization. The inclusive and open mindedness of Chinese culture is highly compatible with the Marxist worldview, global perspective, and the broad mindedness of proletarians from all over the world. The excellent traditional Chinese culture includes the ideal of great harmony for the world, the people-oriented ideology of putting the people first, the patriotic sentiment of promoting harmony and peace, the concept of striving for self-improvement as a gentleman, and the practical philosophy of integrating knowledge and action. These ideological concepts and value pursuits are highly compatible with Marxist theory. This high degree of compatibility provides conditions for the combination of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture. The people of the CPC regard Marxism as their belief, deeply grasp this compatibility, combine the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, make Marxism Chinese, activate the ancient civilization with the power of truth, and constantly promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The direction of human society towards conflict or prosperity largely depends on how we approach the differences between different civilizations. The inclusive and inclusive attitude of Chinese civilization is of great significance for promoting the progress of human civilization. The CPC is determined to seek happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, greater harmony for the world and progress for mankind, promote the common values of all mankind, such as peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, advocate respect for the diversity of world civilizations, transcend civilization estrangement with civilization exchanges, civilization mutual learning over civilization conflicts, civilization tolerance over civilization superiority, promote people of all countries to know each other, and work together to promote the progress of human civilization.

Continuing to maintain an open-minded attitude of inclusiveness, not forgetting the past, absorbing foreign elements, and facing the future, we will set the tide of the times and set the forefront of the times. We will definitely continue to create new brilliance in Chinese culture, build modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and promote the construction of a better world.

People's Daily

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