Party members and leading cadres should take the lead, and China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Breaking Bad Customs, Wedding, Funeral, and Celebration | Culture | Leading the Way

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:01 AM

But we also see that in reality, there are still a few party members and cadres who turn a blind eye to the call and requirements of the Party Central Committee, which corrupts the atmosphere and has a negative impact. It is still a long way to go to break bad customs and advocate for a civilized new style.

Bad customs continue to be banned repeatedly

The atmosphere of a place or department depends on how party members and cadres behave. Some party members and cadres disregard relevant regulations and are obsessed with various bad customs, even playing tricks and changing faces with the organization.

On red and white celebrations, some party members and cadres try to change their ways and violate rules and regulations. Some banquets are scattered and organized in batches, time periods, and locations to avoid exceeding the designated number of tables. Some cleverly and indirectly organize housewarming banquets, college entrance banquets, and birthday banquets under the guise of gatherings and "tasting dishes". Some "retreat behind the scenes" and operate remotely without appearing on their own, arranged or assumed to be handled by relatives or friends. Even worse, they engage in "cloud hosting of wine", privately distribute red and white wedding notices, do not hold banquets, only accept gifts, and receive gifts through WeChat red envelopes, transfers, and other methods, and organize "hidden cats and cats". For example, after the birth of his daughter, Liu, the director of Mingyang Town Health Center in Enyang District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, publicly promised the organization not to hold a banquet, but secretly received gifts from management service recipients through WeChat, thinking that releasing a "smoke bomb" in this way would allow him to fish in troubled waters.

Some party members and cadres flaunt and compare their clothing, food, housing, and transportation everywhere. Food should be luxurious, smoking Chinese cigarettes and drinking Maotai liquor. The luxury and richness of the dining table should be treated as a matter of value and face, regardless of the difficulties of farming and extravagance. Clothing should be of high quality, and one loves famous brands. For example, Changmao, a former deputy city mayor of Hezhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, who has accumulated millions of yuan, usually wears very simple clothes. Even the surface of the belt is cracked into four or five knots, but his wardrobe is filled with various types of famous brand clothing given by others. Accommodation needs to be meticulous. Some business trips are not staying in five-star hotels, and on the surface, they emphasize following regulations. However, in reality, when faced with reception exceeding standards, they often give up halfway and remain calm; Some long-term illegal occupation of multiple housing and office buildings; Some also accept luxurious mansions from their bosses, such as a villa that Zhao, former deputy secretary of the Xiangtan Municipal Party Committee in Hunan Province, requested from a private business owner, with a value of tens of millions. When traveling, it is important to have a face-to-face arrangement. Some state-owned enterprise leaders strive to align with the ranks of civil servants at the job level, but they hold a "special view of the enterprise" when it comes to travel, which requires first-class or business seats; Some even borrow high-end vehicles from others for a long time to satisfy their own vanity, in order to show off their status as a superior leader.

Some party members and cadres are enthusiastic about using backdoors to establish relationships, and do not follow the right path or the wrong path. Some people rely on connections and seek connections when faced with problems, and their minds are full of loopholes in the system and seizing social resources. They are influenced by this negative social atmosphere, and many people also follow the trend, feeling that not doing so is not reliable and lacks a sense of security. Some engage in "long-term investment", treating guests and giving gifts to build relationships whenever they have something to do, deliberately "burning a cold stove", cultivating emotional connections, and only waiting for "raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while". There are also those who lack discipline and principles in their children's daily lives, and use their power and public resources to care for and care for their children at "critical moments". They engage in "carrot recruitment" when they enter the workforce, and play behind the scenes in selection and appointment. Typical examples include being unqualified as parents and being unfair as leaders.

Party members and leading cadres should take the lead, and China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Breaking Bad Customs, Wedding, Funeral, and Celebration | Culture | Leading the Way

In addition, the lack of filial piety in thin and thick burials is also a prominent manifestation. Some party members and cadres ignore their parents in their daily lives, using the excuse of being busy with work and having many things to attend to. They rarely show up after years, and when they need to take care of things, they see their parents as a burden, lacking filial piety and filial piety towards their close relatives and elders. Some use money to "buy" filial piety, only satisfying material needs and ignoring the spiritual needs of their close relatives and elders. Some people only begin to "perform" filial piety after their parents pass away, and their daily routine is like a joyful event, with singing and dancing, playing cards, playing mahjong, playing drums and setting off firecrackers, and so on. This not only disturbs the peace of the neighbors, but also eliminates the mournful and solemn atmosphere. Some even use their deceased parents for entertainment, such as some officials searching for a "treasure ground" for the burial of their elderly family members and hiring feng shui masters as dojo, seemingly to repay their parents' upbringing, but in reality, to seek their own smooth official career.

Why do some party members and cadres enjoy this tirelessly

The reason why some party members and cadres have accumulated bad habits that are difficult to reverse is still because the idea of "being an official and being a master" is deeply rooted. Some party members and cadres have a wrong understanding of the essential attributes of power, and are influenced by the ideology of privilege. They view specialization as a symbol of identity and position power as a weight for exchanging interests and building a network of relationships. Some people are extremely obsessed with power and resort to any means, regardless of the cost, in order to seek official positions. They even pray to gods and Buddha to bless themselves with promotion and wealth, losing the principled stance of communists. Some adhere to the principle of "one person gains the right, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven", using their power to do everything possible, and even touching party discipline and national laws to "build bridges and pave the way" for their children, and "umbrella and support" for relatives and specific relationships. Some people believe that promotion and wealth must be enjoyed, and only by spending a lot of money in high-end consumer places, drinking famous wines, smoking famous cigarettes, and wearing famous brands, can one match their identity. Therefore, they are willing to take risks and try the law.

The driving force of practical interests is also one aspect of the reason. Some people take advantage of their power to accumulate wealth, such as Yang, former director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau in Fengqing County, Yunnan Province, who received more than 300000 yuan in gifts from 585 people other than relatives at his son's graduation banquet. Nearly a quarter of department level cadres and one eighth of department level cadres in the county became his guests and gift givers. Some people used to follow the trend and send out a lot of gifts, hoping to make up for their losses. Some people use the practice of organizing weddings, funerals, celebrations, and receiving gifts to "wash away" illegal income, defending others' bribery as "reciprocity" and covering up the fact of bribery. Some also take the handling of weddings, funerals, and celebrations as an opportunity for "emotional investment", using the opportunity of banquets to connect with people and build relationships. In the eyes of both parties, this is a lucrative "industry".

"It's all about personal relationships, not doing it has no face." The psychological motivation for many party members and cadres to do big things is to compare themselves with others and pursue fame. Some blindly compare, funeral events are more filial than filial piety, marriage is more financial than wealth, birthday wishes are more influential than influence, believing that "the bigger the show, the more face", and some even try to cover up unfilial behavior with the grandeur of the funeral behind the elderly. Some did not lead by example and set a good example, allowing their subordinates and the masses to follow the trend and engage in illegal activities. For example, members of the leadership team of the Education Bureau of Xiping County, Henan Province, took the lead in illegally organizing weddings, funerals, and celebrations, leading to competition among primary and secondary school principals and other personnel in the education system. 31 people engaged in illegal activities such as organizing weddings, funerals, and celebrations, and taking advantage of opportunities to accumulate wealth. Some are influenced by a herd mentality, thinking that others have done a lot of good and bad things, but they don't do it themselves, which makes it easy for them to hold their heads up in the local area, be gossiped about, and blindly follow the crowd and follow the trend.

Another objective factor that cannot be ignored is loose regulation and insufficient constraints. One is that the level of attention is poor, and in some places, the work of party organizations to eliminate bad customs is only lip service, lacking practical action, turning a blind eye, allowing themselves to flow freely and turning a blind eye. Another issue is the difficulty in implementation. Many disciplinary inspection and supervision officials have stated that a series of hidden evasion methods, such as failing to keep records of gifts received, genuine and fake gift books, and electronic red envelopes, have emerged, leading to difficulties in investigation and evidence collection. In addition, relevant regulations in different regions have different requirements and social customs, making it difficult to define problems and grasp scales. Another reason is that the cost of violating discipline is low. Some party members and cadres believe that most of the relevant personnel are close relatives, friends, and service recipients, and no one will report them. Even if there is an incident, they often give a light punishment to the party discipline, which is not a big deal.

Party members and leading cadres should take the lead, and China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Breaking Bad Customs, Wedding, Funeral, and Celebration | Culture | Leading the Way

Bad customs are more harmful than tigers

The wind rises at the end of the green duckweed, and the waves form between the gentle waves. The formation of bad culture often arises from seemingly unintentional small things, small details conceal big problems, and small phenomena affect the overall culture. Some party members and cadres, under the guise of traditional customs, believe that receiving gifts and drinking alcohol is just a matter of human interaction, that running away from relationships and handling personal matters does not affect the holiday, and that eating, drinking, and taking some food are common human habits. These are all things that we should be highly vigilant about.

The work style of cadres is a barometer for the people to observe and evaluate the Party's and government's conduct, as well as a window for observing the image of the Party and the government. Party members and cadres engage in extravagant activities, show off their wealth and compare themselves, and use backdoors to establish relationships, which creates negative perceptions and tarnishes the image of the Party and the government. The people deeply condemn this. Under the influence of bad customs, some party members and cadres have developed a sense of superiority brought about by their power, developed privileged thoughts, showed indifference towards the masses, distanced themselves from the masses, and disrupted the flesh and blood connection between the party and the people, shaking the foundation of the party's governance.

The harm of party members and cadres engaging in outdated customs to social atmosphere should not be underestimated. The trend of extravagance and comparison not only brings psychological burden to the masses but also increases economic pressure. Due to the constraints of "face saving", the masses have to follow the trend of "big business", and some even build up debts for it, forcing smiles on the surface and feeling depressed and bitter inside. Not only that, but also using backdoors to establish relationships and exploiting loopholes through privileges has led to the prevalence of the unwritten rule of treating and giving gifts when handling affairs, exacerbating social inequality. From another perspective, the relationship between wealth and extravagance, as well as vulgarity, has also distorted the taste of traditional Chinese virtues.

For individual party members and cadres, indulging in bad customs also lowers their personal ethics, reduces their ability to resist hunting, and promotes self-discipline. "One minor violation was overlooked, two minor violations were ignored, and in the end, the illegal and criminal activities were not taken seriously, and the concept of right and wrong gradually became blurred..." From the confession of a certain leading cadre, it can be seen that the thousand mile embankment was destroyed in an ant's nest, and the issue of work style should not be underestimated. Many party members and cadres are scattered and degenerated in the small details of eating, drinking, and drinking. For example, Cai, former director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau in Cenxi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, often accepts banquets arranged by private enterprise owners, repeatedly greets "close friends" who undertake projects, opens the back door, and walks into the abyss through small favors and cup swapping. This is a typical case of wind and corruption.

Party members and cadres should take the lead in curbing unhealthy tendencies and promoting righteousness

Party members and leading cadres should take the lead, and China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Breaking Bad Customs, Wedding, Funeral, and Celebration | Culture | Leading the Way

The accumulation of bad customs is deep, stubborn and repetitive. It takes effect when grasped and relaxes, and then returns to the trend. To grasp habits and transform customs into customs, one must persevere and work hard for a long time. To correct stubborn diseases, one should not seek treatment for headaches or foot pain. It is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease, prescribe targeted medication, and receive comprehensive treatment.

Consolidate the foundation and cultivate the foundation, and keep up with education. Learning and education are fundamental, fundamental, and pioneering tasks that require both continuous and concentrated efforts.Strengthen education on discipline and law, understand what party members and cadres can and cannot do, and let everyone know discipline and law, respect discipline and law, and implement discipline and law. Strengthen family ethics education, make leaders understand what they should do, squeeze out more time to communicate and exchange ideas with their relatives and children, promptly educate and guide those around them when problems arise, strictly manage those around them, and set an example in inheriting excellent traditional cultures such as upholding morality and integrity, putting integrity first, and upholding integrity through practical actions.

Draw clear boundaries and establish rules. It should be prohibited and strictly prohibited. Party members and cadres are strictly prohibited from handling red, white, and happy events that involve political, commercial, power, and money transactions, as well as the transmission of benefits from superiors and subordinates. Illegal eating and drinking with a "small circle" nature and forming cliques are strictly prohibited. The control measures should be taken to strictly control the banquet standards for handling wedding, funeral, and festive events, and to tighten and narrow the number and scale of participants based on actual circumstances; Strictly control official expenses, advocate for strict thrift and living a tight life, advocate hard work and simplicity in clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and oppose extravagance and waste. As soon as necessary, we will further standardize the procedures for applying, approving, and publicizing relevant matters, and effectively enforce strict and effective management of the work style of leading cadres.

Make up for the shortcomings and strengthen the responsibility. Whoever is responsible, the board should not only hit the parties involved, but also hold their leaders accountable. Whoever is responsible bears the responsibility, clarifying the division of responsibilities, consolidating the main responsibility, supervising relevant departments to fulfill their duties, and promoting the transmission of pressure layer by layer. For example, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Changtu County, Liaoning Province, in response to the problem of hidden mutations caused by changing customs, has issued disciplinary reminders, organized the signing of work responsibility agreements, and conducted frontline visits and inspections to urge all levels and departments to improve the reporting system for red and white affairs, and curb the resurgence of phenomena such as large-scale operations.

Be merciless and punish severely. Smooth clue channels, for example, Jinan City in Shandong Province is exploring the establishment of a "QR code supervision" reporting platform, which will post the "QR code" of the report to the service windows of public service agencies, making it easier for the public to report issues related to illegal operations. Enhance the ability to proactively identify problems, closely monitor important milestones, and follow up and inspect the application, approval, and public disclosure of marriage, funeral, and celebration matters handled by Party members and leading cadres through methods such as open inspections, special inspections, and random spot checks. The "board" is really ruthless. We insist on discovering and punishing them together, reporting them together, and dealing with behaviors that attempt to evade organizational supervision, such as wearing invisibility clothes or vests, strictly.

Rectifying the trees simultaneously, the fresh air fills up. Intensify the selection and promotion of exemplary and advanced figures, establish a new style benchmark, incorporate the construction of a clean culture into the content of cadre promotion assessment, establish a better employment orientation, and supervise and guide leaders at all levels to take the lead in correcting and cultivating new styles. Building a platform for the public to sing "emotional dramas" well, the government should strengthen the construction of public welfare facilities in areas such as elderly care and funeral, guide social public welfare organizations such as the Red and White Council to better play their roles, and grassroots party organizations should provide convenient services for the people to simplify and newly organize red and white celebrations. Improve the ways and methods of cultivating new customs, such as promoting civilized points, moral supermarkets, "red and black lists", etc. to praise civilization and criticize bad customs, using village evening folk songs, comedy skits, short videos and other popular ways to transform customs, and promote the deepening of new customs and righteousness in people's hearts.

Party members and leading cadres should take the lead, and China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Breaking Bad Customs, Wedding, Funeral, and Celebration | Culture | Leading the Way

To forge ahead on a new journey and make achievements in the new era, it is necessary to have a more pure team of Party members and a better style of cadres. We must closely focus on specific problems, pay attention to details and small issues, and use breakthroughs in specific problems to lead to an overall transformation of the behavior style, forming a clean and positive social environment, and cultivating the foundation of the Party's governance, in order to gather tremendous strength for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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