Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:10 PM

Starting from last Saturday evening, rainfall began in the northern region of China. In Beijing, it rained for three days and three nights, with a total duration of over 81 hours. Even worse, the amount was heavy. There are two monitoring stations in Beijing, with a cumulative precipitation of over 700 millimeters. The average annual rainfall in Beijing is only about 600 millimeters, equivalent to three days of rain, more than a year. Moreover, the total amount of rainfall in Beijing this time reached 4.283 billion cubic meters, equivalent to 306 West Lake water falling from the sky and splashing onto Beijing, which is the largest rainfall recorded by instruments in 140 years. In this context, the main rivers in Beijing, especially the Yongding River, have experienced a surge in water levels, and floods and landslides have occurred in Mentougou and Fangshan. This is just a microcosm of the North China region, and the disaster situation in Zhuozhou, Hebei is even more severe. The pressure in Tianjin has also been ongoing. This week, Newsweek focuses on the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, which has been hit by water.

In the camera, the area where the water overflows is Mentougou District, Beijing. On July 31, the rainstorm had been raining day and night. Around 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning, a flash flood broke out, and the large water carried stones and mud from the mountain, overflowing the river and rushing into the city.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

When someone noticed the courier, the situation was already very critical. He was knocked down by the flash flood, and his motorcycle was pinned to his leg, unable to move at all. The turbulent flood control ditch behind is causing the water level to skyrocket. Rescue workers quickly called in bulldozers, put ropes on the courier, and pushed away the motorcycle.

According to information released by the Mentougou District Government, on July 31st, the cumulative rainfall in the entire area reached 471.1 millimeters, the highest value on meteorological records. The vast majority of floods in Mentougou pass through the Yongding River and its tributaries that run through the entire area. In the section flowing through Shougang Park, the white mist rising on the water makes it difficult to see the bottom of the large diving platform.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Liu Jiahong, Senior Engineer at the China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research: Mentougou is a long strip of mountain range, with the upstream peak at an elevation of approximately 900 to 1000 meters. At the intersection of Mentougou and the Yongding River, there is only an elevation of about 50 to 60 meters. Looking at this valley, it descends from 1000 meters to 50 meters, with a total length of about 89 kilometers. With a drop of nearly 900 meters, the speed of water accumulation is very fast, and the combination of mountain floods and waterlogging forms a huge impact and destructive force.

97% of Mentougou District is mountainous, and multiple villages and towns are built on the canyons and beaches on both sides of the Yongding River, connected by National Highway 109. The flash floods triggered collapses and landslides, not only destroying homes, but also cutting off water, electricity, communication, food supply, and more. Nearly 20000 people are waiting for rescue.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

CCTV reporter Wang Feng: It is now 1:27 am on August 1st, and we have arrived at Jiagou Village located in Tanzhesi Town, Mentougou District. This village has been in a state of disconnection before, and the firefighting and rescue personnel have just opened up this road. There is also a rushing car on the side of the road, with these branches mixed in the bottom of the car. So, it was rushed down to the side of the road. Do you hear the sound inside? The water flow is very fast. The rescuers suggested that we stop here.

After a night of search and rescue, at 5am on the 1st, all trapped residents in Jiagou Village have been transferred to a safe zone. On this same day, the land aviation helicopter overcame adverse weather and began to deliver urgently needed supplies such as drinking water, food, raincoats, blankets, etc. to the besieged masses.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

In Fangshan District, also located in the southwest of Beijing, floods have uprooted a large number of power supply poles and transformers, resulting in power outages for approximately 60000 households. From 20:00 on July 29th to 6:00 on August 1st, the average precipitation in Fangshan also reached 415.4 millimeters. The two districts along the Taihang Mountains in the southwest of Beijing, Mentougou and Fangshan, have become the hardest hit areas in Beijing this time.

Liu Jiahong, senior engineer of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, said that the formation of this rainstorm mainly depends on three conditions. The first condition is that Typhoon Dussuri brought very abundant water vapor. The second condition is the obstruction of subtropical high pressure. The third condition is the uplift effect of the terrain in front of our Taihang Mountains. These three conditions happened to meet together to form this extremely heavy rainstorm.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

This advance rescue team, consisting of 40 armed police soldiers, is advancing towards the Luopo Ridge in Mentougou. On July 30, 976 passengers travelling to Beijing by train K396 were detained in Luopo Ridge due to the suspension of the train due to rainstorm. There is also a water, power, and communication outage here. They have been trapped for two days and two nights, and there is a shortage of food. They need to be transferred as soon as possible.

Due to the impact of flash floods, the mountain under the railway sleepers has become hollow, forming a suspension bridge over 20 meters long. The railway track is over five meters high from the mountain below, and if there are too many people walking or walking too fast, it may break. The armed police soldiers each carried over 20 kilograms of supplies and passed through six tunnels over 700 meters long. After four and a half hours, they finally arrived at Luopo Ridge. Previously, over 900 stranded travelers were warmly welcomed by the villagers of Luopo Ridge, who freed up their houses to share their scarce food. In the home of villager Lao Lv, a house of less than 22 square meters houses 8 strangers.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Passenger Wang Min of K396 train: The residents here have no water or electricity in their own homes, and we have eaten all the rice and noodles in their homes. However, they still have a way. One morning, you can see that a plate of noodles was brought out over there to share with everyone on the way who didn't eat. We are very grateful for this place.

In the early morning, soldiers carried young children and elderly people who couldn't walk, guiding young and energetic people, totaling 328 passengers, to move down the mountain. They walked for five and a half hours, bypassing the washed out railway, and arrived at the next station, Xiehejian Station. Among these passengers, there is a child with leukemia who must receive platelet injections before August 3rd.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the train slowly entered Beijing Fengtai Station. As of August 3, all passengers detained due to rainstorm have been transferred safely. As rescue forces marched on foot, villages that were once lost in Mentougou and Fangshan were all connected to the outside world. The reservoirs and rivers in Beijing are also in the stage of receding water, and the water situation is tending to stabilize. This Friday, with the opening of National Highway 108 and 109, more rescue, supplies, and maintenance vehicles were able to penetrate deeper into areas more severely affected by the disaster.

CCTV Zhang Tengfei: I am currently on a small bridge in Nanxinfang Village, Mentougou. There are about 50-60 damaged houses in the entire village, accounting for about half of all houses. Now this village is still in a state of water and power outage, and some villagers have returned home. The important reason is that they are eager to clean up, and the house is full of debris and mud. Large scale equipment has been brought in locally, and we are trying to clean up the vehicles and debris here to provide convenience for everyone's lives as much as possible.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

The rain stopped this Tuesday, and the floods in Fangshan District, Beijing are receding. However, in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, downstream of the Dashi River, the water level is rising and quickly becoming the forefront of flood control. Zhuozhou has taken on many industries from Beijing's urban function diversion. This time, people only found out that rivers such as the Dashi River, Xiaoqing River, and Yongding River in Beijing flow through Zhuozhou City downstream. On the one hand, it has received a lot of rainfall and upstream water, causing more than 130000 people in this small town to be affected. What was their experience this week?

Li Su: On July 31, the rainstorm in Zhuozhou suddenly became very heavy. Then my father called me and said that he had received the notice of the impending transfer, but he didn't say how serious it was. That is, if there is a flood, please transfer.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Around 10 o'clock that evening, Li Shuo, who was in Beijing, heard from his family in Zhuozhou that there was a power outage and the signal was sometimes off at the beginning. At around 2am on August 1st, he learned through intermittent calls that the first floor of his home had started to flood, and at 5am, the first floor was completely submerged. His parents, loved ones, and children were surrounded by water, and he became the only person who could maneuver but could not reach the rescue phone. What worries him the most is that the child has a high fever.

Li Shuo: Suddenly, when I touched my child, it was already burning and wilting, and I became very anxious because I was powerless in Beijing. All the routes to Zhuozhou had been closed, and the heavy rain was particularly heavy. On August 2nd at 8 o'clock, my wife called me again and complained about me. You should stay in Beijing and say you don't care about your home. I just looked at the message and didn't reply to my wife's text message for a long time because I really didn't know what to reply to. I checked the map again, and the navigation showed that the Beijing Hong Kong Macao area could be opened to traffic. I drove home several times, tears wrapped around my eyes, clearly. When I was driving, my legs were already trembling, and I had to hold back my tears several times. I said I had to hold back, I had to go home to see the situation, and now the whole family is waiting for me.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Li Shuo drove a few kilometers away from home and finally saw the rescue team and said he wanted to go and save the child. Stepping onto the ship, he received a call from an uncle stating that his family had been rescued and sent to a resettlement site. After following the rescue team to save some people, Li Shuo went to the resettlement site to pick up the child and went to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed it as an environmental infection. This Friday, Li Shuo finally returned to the village, and the flood has receded.

The mud covered his ankles, and the air was filled with a pungent smell. The smell from home almost made him vomit. Later, Li Shuo found out that one of his nieces and nephews had a fever while being surrounded by water.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Liu Jiahong, Senior Engineer of China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research: There are three main confluences in Zhuozhou, one is the Beijuma River, one is the Dashi River, and the other is our Xiaoqing River, which quickly converges to the location of Zhuozhou. The section from the mountain slope to Zhuozhou has a fast flow rate, and this time it is indeed a very rare major flood in history, which belongs to the level of a catastrophic disaster. For our water conservancy, it is a massive flood caused by extremely heavy rainfall that exceeds the standard.

Li Shuo's family is located in Xiahuliang Village, adjacent to the Huliang River, which is a tributary of the Juma River, a tributary of the Haihe River and the Hebei branch of the Daqing River. His house is located between these two rivers.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

At that time, hundreds of thousands of people in Zhuozhou were affected by the disaster. The Emergency Management Department announced the small program of asking for help, the Internet and social networks launched the rescue information platform, and the rescue documents were circulated in the society. At that time, the information of asking for help surged, and the Zhuozhou Public Security Bureau continued to release information: Zhuozhou currently needs a large number of ships to transfer people.

Liu Jiahong, Senior Engineer of China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research: According to the list of responsibilities and thresholds for urban waterlogging released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the recurrence period for waterlogging prevention and control in Zhuozhou City is once every 20 years, corresponding to 24 hours of precipitation of 154 millimeters. Zhuozhou has already exceeded 350 millimeters, and the 24-hour precipitation has also exceeded 200 millimeters. Even when the precipitation exceeds one level, all your engineering measures are used, and all emergency measures are also used, but the waterlogging cannot be stopped.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Yuan Muge is a bookseller with a warehouse located in Wharf Town, less than three kilometers away from one of the rivers used for this flood, the Juma River. It is one of the areas with the most severe flooding in Zhuozhou.

In the past few years, influenced by Beijing's relief policies and other regulatory measures, a large number of book publishing companies have relocated their warehousing, printing and other businesses to Zhuozhou, which has become an important part of the industrial belt around Beijing composed of Langfang, Tianjin, and other cities. The warehouse was flooded, and Yuan Muge couldn't do anything, so he volunteered at the resettlement site. But every time I think of more than a decade of hard work and dedication, I feel heartbroken.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Yuan Muge: After you notified me, it was too late. The flood was nothing else, it didn't come slowly, it came suddenly, and even I was caught off guard.

This Friday, the reporter noticed that the water in some areas of Zhuozhou is still deep and has not yet receded. Experts say that precipitation has ended, but there is a process of water level decline, and there will be another 300 to 400 million cubic meters of water passing through Zhuozhou in the later stage. For some villages that are flooded, those with a relatively high village foundation may experience rapid water withdrawal, but for some cultivated land, water withdrawal still takes time, with a total withdrawal time of about a month.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

The Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, which we often talk about, is truly connected by mountains and rivers when floods come. The region has a common mother river, which is the Haihe River. After heavy rainfall, the flood control pressure in the Haihe River basin, especially in the middle and lower reaches, becomes even greater. On Thursday of this week, the Ministry of Water Resources issued a flood situation report, stating that 21 rivers in the five major water systems of the Haihe River Basin have experienced floods exceeding the warning level. It was determined that the Haihe River Basin has experienced a large-scale flood, and the entire flood control engineering system is experiencing the most severe test since the 1996 basin flood. With reservoirs and embankments unable to control floods, the Haihe River Basin has taken the last resort and opened up to eight flood storage and detention areas for diversion and discharge. You should know that some flood storage areas have not been used for 60 years.

This Thursday, with only a few hours left until noon for evacuation, township cadre Li Zujian is rushing to conduct household inspections and persuade the last few villagers to evacuate as soon as possible.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Li Zujian, Director of the Public Safety Office in Taitou Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin: He just felt that the water wasn't that big yet and wanted to wait and see. They said we would definitely move, we would definitely leave, but when they said you were going collectively or on your own, he didn't express his opinion, so we still did a lot of ideological work and knocked it out.

Due to the low rainfall in the area and the relatively low water level of the nearby Daqing River, some villagers still adopt a wait-and-see attitude. However, the flood storage and detention area has been put into use, and the upstream is about to release floodwater, which poses a risk of flooding for farmland and villages.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

When personnel evacuate, village and town staff will register the main property of villagers and take photos as evidence to provide a basis for possible post disaster compensation. For Wang Depeng, who is preparing to evacuate, he is not only worried about the corn fields and a few tiled houses, but also about his elderly father who cannot take care of himself. Wang Depeng hopes to seek help from the emergency center.

Wang Depeng, a villager from Jianshe Village in Taitou Town: Take some personal clothes, take some father's medicine, and you can't take anything else with you. Breaking the family is worth thousands of yuan, and no one is willing to leave. No one is willing to give up. If you say you're leaving, you definitely won't want to, but there's nothing we can do. We have to cooperate with the country, and we should be willing to give up.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

At noon on August 3rd, all the mass transfer work was completed.

This Thursday, the Ministry of Water Resources determined that there was a large-scale flood in the Haihe River basin. And including the Yongding River floodplain and Dongdian flood storage and detention area, there have been 8 flood storage and detention areas in use in the Haihe River Basin. The opening of these 8 flood storage and detention areas aims to alleviate the peak pressure of the Haihe River from different directions such as the Yongding River, Daqing River, and Ziya River.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

Liu Jiahong, Assistant Director of the Institute of Water Resources at the Chinese Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research: A characteristic of large-scale floods in a basin is their large volume, long duration, and wide impact range. After such a large flood, we still have to discharge into the sea, and the pressure of flood discharge often lasts for a relatively long time.

This Friday, after the diversion and deceleration effect of the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area, the water head of the Daqing River staggered and reached Tianjin, while the incoming water from the Ziyaxin River is expected to reach Tianjin next week.

Over 100000 people in Zhuozhou have been affected by the disaster... The Mentougou Railway has been washed away, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by water! Three Days of Rain in Beijing for a Year Zhuozhou | Beijing | Rice Noodles

In the later days of this week, while North China is still at a critical moment of flood control, the flood situation in Northeast China has once again begun. Although the impact of Typhoon Du Suri, which caused this flood situation, has come to an end, a new typhoon Kanu has already made landfall in Zhejiang. The main flood season of seven to eight months has only passed halfway, and it is obvious that there is no time to relax. At the same time,

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Two women were stabbed to death and reported to have committed a crime 4 days before the follow-up visit for schizophrenia. Suspect of a bloody murder case in a Hong Kong shopping mall appeared in court today. Male | Last Friday | Murder case

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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest
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New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【