Or could it be an opportunity for the US and North Korea to ease tensions?, US soldier crossing North Korea incident | US military | soldier

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:12 AM

After US soldier Travis Kim burst into laughter and crossed North Korea, North Korea didn't mention it, and the United States was in a difficult situation for a while.

Against the backdrop of a new round of escalation in the Korean Peninsula situation, Travis Kim's crossing of North Korea has become an unexpected "interlude" in the tense situation, as the United States and South Korea hold grandiose military exercises, North Korea launches missiles multiple times, the US strategic nuclear submarine docks in North Korea after a 40 year hiatus, and North Korean military and political officials continue to deliver tough speeches. How this "interlude" affects the situation on the Korean Peninsula is of great concern.

US soldier Travis King

Soldiers crossing the border

The United States is shocked, North Korea remains silent

After Travis Kim crossed North Korea, the North Korean authorities did not mention it at all, and the United States is currently using various means to contact North Korea. On July 20th, CNN reported that the United States is attempting to establish contact with North Korea through the United Nations Command and is requesting assistance from the South Korean government. At the same time, the United States will also attempt to engage with North Korea through the Swedish Embassy in North Korea, which represents American interests.

On July 19th local time, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a press conference, "Yesterday, the US Department of Defense attempted to contact the North Korean People's Army, but to my knowledge, North Korea did not respond." Miller said, "The US is actively collecting relevant information to search for Travis' whereabouts. The government will continue to take active action to ensure his personal safety and repatriation."

23-year-old US Private Travis King crossed North Korea on July 18th. According to information released by the US Department of Defense, Travis King enlisted in 2021 and is currently facing disciplinary action. Previously, he was detained for 47 days on charges of assaulting a South Korean, and was fined for kicking open a patrol car door of a South Korean police officer present. After his release, he was placed in a one week detention at a US military base in South Korea, and his rank was not promoted as a result. Before crossing the border, Travis King was required to be deported back to his country for further disciplinary action, but after being sent to the airport, he did not board the plane and signed up for a tour group to visit the joint security zone. He then crossed the military demarcation line and entered the North Korean side.

CNN reported that Korean soldiers on the South Korean side of the joint security zone shouted "catch Travis Kim" when they saw him walking towards the North Korean side. The tour guide attempted to chase the soldier, but did not catch him. Someone saw him being detained by North Korean soldiers. It is currently unclear whether Travis King plans to defect. Colonel Isaac Taylor, spokesperson for the US military in South Korea, stated that the soldier "intentionally crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea without authorization.".

White House spokesperson Caroline Jean Pierre also stated at a press conference, "We are trying to gather relevant information. It will take some time to restore the facts." After that, Pierre added, "The US Department of Defense is in contact with the North Korean People's Army."

North Korea's handling of Travis Kinbei's unauthorized border crossing has attracted attention from the outside world, but as of now, the North Korean government has not responded to this matter, and North Korean media has not reported on the cross-border incident.

It is worth noting that on July 20th, North Korean Defense Minister Kim Jong Un issued a statement in response to the docking of a US strategic nuclear submarine in South Korea. Kim warned that the docking of an Ohio class strategic nuclear submarine in South Korea posed a direct nuclear threat to North Korea and may meet the conditions for North Korea to use nuclear weapons. Qiang Chunnan did not mention any information about US soldiers crossing North Korea in his conversation.

According to an article published by Yonhap News Agency, it is speculated that the North Korean side may be investigating the identity of this American soldier, questioning his motives and background in crossing the Korean Demilitarized Zone, and whether he genuinely defected.

Li Jiacheng, Associate Professor at the School of International Relations at Liaoning University, said in an interview with The Paper that North Korea has remained silent on this matter so far because the topic of US soldiers crossing the border is relatively sensitive, and North Korea needs time to formulate contingency plans. Secondly, it is related to the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Recently, the United States has sent strategic missile submarines to dock on the Korean Peninsula, which North Korea is quite dissatisfied with.

The US strategic nuclear submarine Kentucky has docked at the Busan Operations Base in South Korea.

Or could it be an opportunity for the US and North Korea to ease tensions?, US soldier crossing North Korea incident | US military | soldier

The situation is tense

Unfavorable atmosphere, or becoming a bargaining chip in the game

According to the South Korean National Daily, in May 2018, the then Secretary of State Pompeo, who visited Pyongyang in preparation for the first North Korean US summit in June of that year, brought three American citizens back to the United States. Former President Bill Clinton also returned to his home country in 2009 with two American journalists detained by North Korea. The following year, former President Jimmy Carter returned with an American.

According to reports, the most recent incident in which an American intentionally crossed the border was in October 2018 when Bruce Byron Lawrence was arrested after illegally entering North Korea through the China North Korean border. After the June summit between North Korea and the United States, North Korea and the United States continued to discuss the issue of denuclearization. One month later, they were deported, and the US government expressed gratitude for this.

It is worth mentioning that the previous situation was either that North Korea US relations were easing, or that North Korea was actively trying to ease. During this period, the then US President and other high-ranking officials met with North Korea's top leaders as a friendly dialogue to express their sincerity - to allow American citizens to return home with American visitors. However, recently, North Korea's relationship with the US South Korea has not only not eased, but has also become increasingly tense. The situation on the Korean Peninsula has once again become tense, and there is even a risk of slipping towards the brink of losing control, due to events such as joint military exercises between South Korea and the United States, North Korea's launch of new intercontinental missiles, and the docking of US nuclear submarines in South Korea.

The US Navy's Ohio class strategic nuclear submarine, Kentucky, entered the Busan combat base on the 18th of the first meeting of the South Korean US nuclear consultation group. This is the second time in 42 years that the US strategic nuclear submarine has docked in South Korea, following the Robert Lee submarine in 1981.

South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol visited the USS Kentucky on July 19th and in a speech before boarding, stated that visiting one of the world's strongest strategic assets - the US strategic nuclear submarine, the USS Kentucky, is very meaningful and reassuring. Yin Xiyue stated that this move fully reflects the firm will of South Korea and the United States to strengthen their extended deterrence execution through regular deployment of US strategic assets.

Kurt Campbell, the Indo Pacific Coordinator of the US National Security Council who is currently visiting South Korea, said on the 18th, "This is the first time in decades that a US nuclear strategic submarine has docked at Busan Port. With the establishment of the US South Korea Nuclear Consultative Group, cross departmental cooperation and efforts will continue for a long time." "We believe that reflecting the relevant will and commitment of the US is crucial."

According to Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean military reported on July 19th that it detected North Korea firing two short-range ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula in the Shun'an area at 3am that day. The missiles flew about 550 kilometers each before falling into the Sea of Japan. Analysts believe that the distance from Shun'an to Busan combat base is about 550 kilometers, and the missile launch has strong targeting and a strong warning.

North Korea has tested the Mars Cannon-18 solid intercontinental missile for the second time.

On July 22nd, the South Korean military announced that in the early hours of the 22nd, North Korea launched multiple cruise missiles into the western waters of the Korean Peninsula. This is North Korea's third missile launch event this month. On July 12th, North Korea tested the new solid intercontinental missile "Mars Cannon-18". The day after North Korea launched the intercontinental missile, a US B-52H strategic bomber appeared on the Korean Peninsula for joint exercises with the South Korean Air Force. On July 16th, the US, Japan, and South Korea's Aegis warships held a joint anti missile exercise in the Sea of Japan.

Li Jiacheng's analysis suggests that since the Biden administration came to power, the relationship between North Korea and the United States has been basically zero contact. Recently, North Korea has responded strongly to the extended nuclear deterrence and strategic nuclear submarine docking in South Korea. The military level confrontation between the two sides is very intense, and the relationship between North Korea and the United States and South Korea has become even more tense, without a good atmosphere for handling cross-border events.

Li Chunfu, Deputy Director of the Center for Asian Studies at Nankai University, told The Paper that the United States is the anxious side regarding the cross-border incident of US soldiers. There is a demand from North Korea, and North Korea does not need to be in a hurry. It can temporarily cool down and wait for changes. "If the United States wants to bring back soldiers who have crossed North Korea, they must come into contact with North Korea. This is an opportunity for dialogue and contact between North Korea and the United States, and the subsequent development of the situation is worth paying attention to," Li Chunfu added.

Li Jiacheng stated that this incident is an "unexpected" event under the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea has two possibilities for handling this matter: one is to return American soldiers in a relatively short period of time, and the other is to use it as a bargaining chip for a long-term game between North Korea and the United States.

The crossing of US soldiers into North Korea is likely to be a crisis for the Biden administration. Analysis suggests that the Biden administration will face greater pressure to put effort into releasing American soldiers. According to precedent, the United States should send high-level officials to North Korea for negotiations, but whether American officials can see American soldiers and visit North Korea involves a series of complex diplomacy.

Or could it be an opportunity for the US and North Korea to ease tensions?, US soldier crossing North Korea incident | US military | soldier

Li Jiacheng believes that the unexpected cross-border incident of US soldiers has led to dialogue and contact between North Korea and the United States. However, the two sides currently have serious differences on some major core issues. Even if the dialogue is based on the actual situation of the US soldier's cross-border incident, it is difficult to guarantee that the dialogue will continue and expand to the level of resolving the North Korea US conflict.

If Travis Kim sought political asylum in North Korea and stayed there, this cross-border incident may become long-term. Previously, American soldiers crossed North Korea, and later worked and lived in North Korea for a long time. Some cross-border soldiers even got married in North Korea, and their children even joined the Korean military.

background information

Six US soldiers defecting to North Korea

According to public information, from the ceasefire of the Korean War in 1953 to the end of the Cold War, six American soldiers defected to North Korea, with the last occurrence occurring in 1982. Currently, all six American soldiers who defected to North Korea have passed away.

Nalairi Abushier

The first American soldier to cross the border and seek refuge in North Korea was Larry Allen Abushier from Illinois. On May 28, 1962, 19-year-old Asher quietly left the South Korean military base, crossed the demilitarized zone, and entered North Korea.

Ai Busher has had two marriages, with his former wife being North Korean and his successor reportedly from Thailand. Neither of them had children with him. Aibusher passed away on July 11, 1983 due to heart disease at the age of 40, and the North Korean government hosted the funeral.

James Joseph Dresnock

Three months after Larry Abbshire defected to North Korea, Private James Joseph Dresnock also defected to North Korea, becoming the second American soldier to do so. He is known for his statement, "Even if you put 1 billion dollars of gold on the table, I don't want to leave North Korea.".

Dresnock later produced a documentary in the UK called "Crossing the Border", which tells the story of how he crossed a minefield and entered North Korea. It also describes how he lived in seclusion with Charles Robert Jenkins and two other American soldiers who defected to North Korea - Larry Allen Asher and Jerry Wayne Parish - for several years after entering North Korea. These four soldiers were finally assigned independent residences and obtained Korean citizenship in 1972. Dresnok later taught English at university and translated articles for North Korea. Dresnok later played the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States in the North Korean film "Duel", which depicted the 1968 Pveblo incident, and gained some fame in North Korea.

Dresnok married twice in North Korea and gave birth to three sons. In 2016, Dresnok, known as the "last surviving American deserter in North Korea," passed away in Pyongyang at the age of 74.

Jerry Wayne Parish

Jerry Wayne Parish from Kentucky crossed the border to North Korea in December 1963. Before the appearance of Jenkins in 1965, little was known about Parish's experience in North Korea. As for the motivation of Parrish's escape, Jenkins described in his book that "he did not explain these reasons in detail, but said that if he went home, his father-in-law would kill him." Dresnock said in his documentary that Parrish received death threats from his stepfather, who accused him of having sex with his stepsister.

Parish later married a Lebanese woman named Siham Schreit and had three sons. On August 25, 1998, Parish passed away due to kidney disease. Siham and their children are still staying in North Korea.

Or could it be an opportunity for the US and North Korea to ease tensions?, US soldier crossing North Korea incident | US military | soldier

Charles Robert Jenkins

Charles Robert Jenkins is one of the most famous among the six American soldiers who defected to North Korea. In 1964, Jenkins left the team midway on a routine patrol mission under the pretext of "observing unusual sounds ahead" and did not return thereafter. Two weeks later, North Korea announced the news of Jenkins' defection, and Jenkins claimed in North Korea's propaganda broadcast that he had found his "Shangri La" in North Korea.

In 1980, Jenkins starred as a US military officer in the official Korean War related film "Unknown Heroes". At the same time, Jenkins also taught English at Pyongyang Foreign Studies University. In the same year, Jenkins married a Japanese woman named Zeng Wutong who was kidnapped to North Korea and had two daughters.

In 2002, five kidnapped Japanese people including Zeng Wutong were able to return to Japan, but Jenkins and his two daughters continued to stay in North Korea. In July 2004, Jenkins and his daughter left North Korea and reunited with Zeng Wutong in Indonesia before going to Japan for treatment.

In September of the same year, Jenkins went to the US military base in Tokyo to surrender and pleaded guilty in exchange for being demoted to Second Class, expelled from the military, and given a light sentence of 30 days in prison. Later, the Jenkins family settled in Niigata Prefecture, where they were once my child. Jenkins passed away in 2017 at the age of 77.

Zheng Luoyi

Zheng Roy is a Korean American soldier serving in the US military. In 1973, Zheng Roy and his family immigrated to the United States from South Korea. On June 5, 1979, 22-year-old Zheng Roy went missing while serving in the military near West Germany's Bayreuth and was reported to have been absent without permission. 30 days later, he was listed as a deserter.

Three months later, North Korean radio station Pyongyang announced that he had defected, stating that he "could no longer tolerate a shameful life of national humiliation and abuse among American imperialist aggressors.". The Pentagon and the US State Department insist that this may be true, and they have no reason to doubt North Korea's claims, nor will they conduct a major investigation into the matter, as Zheng Roy is unable to access confidential information and does not pose a security threat.

Joseph T. White

Joseph White was the last American soldier to defect to North Korea during the Cold War. At around 2am on August 28, 1982, he opened fire and destroyed a gate leading to the North Korean Demilitarized Zone. He walked past a post near Kaesong and shouted to North Korea, who was about to become new friends, "I'm here.".

The North Korean authorities have refused a request from representatives of the United Nations Command to meet with White and inquire about the reason for his defection. The North Korean authorities subsequently released a video of White, in which he condemned the United States for "corruption, crime, immorality, weakness, and hedonism", and confirmed that his defection was to demonstrate "how unreasonable it is for the United States to send troops to South Korea.".

Jenkins wrote in his memoir that he only met White at a press conference shortly after the government announced his defection. According to Jenkins' government caregivers, White was paralyzed due to a certain type of epileptic seizure. Afterwards, Jenkins never heard any news about him again.

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