New Scenery of Rural Revitalization (Mid year Economic Observation) Rural | Agriculture | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:53 PM

Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important task for building an agricultural powerhouse in the new era.

This year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. All regions and departments adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization with greater determination, clearer goals, and stronger measures.

On July 24th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting, emphasizing the need to strengthen the protection and quality improvement of arable land, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

In the first half of the year, the country's summer grain harvest was once again abundant, agricultural production remained stable, the employment of migrant workers improved overall, the income of rural residents increased, and the rural consumer market was active... One by one, prosperous scenes converged into a new picture of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

The comprehensive production capacity of grain and important agricultural products is constantly upgrading

The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy must prioritize ensuring the supply of important agricultural products, especially grain.

Each region and department conscientiously implements the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, continues to focus on agricultural production, stabilizes the basic situation of agriculture, and effectively plays the role of a ballast stone for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

More powerful supply guarantee.

"This year, the quality of wheat is good, with a bulk density of over 790 grams per liter." The granary of Da Liang Agricultural Service Company in Wenshang County, Shandong Province, is filled with golden harvest grain. In the nearby corn field, the sound of drone operation rotor rotation can be heard. The company's manager Zhao Kai said, "Grain production is one crop after another. This year, corn is appropriately planted and more than 1500 acres of demonstration fields for yield improvement have been set up, with expert guidance and guaranteed yield."

During this year's summer harvest, various regions and departments have scientifically and effectively responded to the impact of weather and other factors, with summer grain production reaching 292.3 billion kilograms, ranking second in history. The abundant summer harvest provides strong support for promoting sustained economic recovery, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, and focusing on promoting high-quality development. Pan Wenbo, Director of the Planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stated that the next step is to focus on disaster prevention and reduction, as well as large-scale increase in yield and expansion.

Rural industries are more prosperous.

200000 kilograms of finished lotus root, transported by truck to Shandong, expanded recruitment of packaging workers for lotus leaf tea processing, and training classes for villagers on Sundays... In Yanhuai Village, Huaihe Town, Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province, the development plan bulletin board is filled with key work points for a week.

"One section of lotus root" drives the development of industries in villages. "The comprehensive cultivation and breeding of rice, shrimp, crab, and lotus root have been developed, and the collective operating income of the village has exceeded 3 million yuan. Currently, efforts are being made to build a thousand acre lotus pond, and everyone is full of enthusiasm." said Wang Chaolun, Secretary of the Party Branch of Yanhuai Village.

In Xuyi, based on the endowment of ecological resources, 154 villages have implemented "one village, one policy", and 12 industries such as shrimp rice symbiosis, efficient agriculture, horticultural picking, and traditional Chinese medicine cultivation have gathered and developed, strengthening the village and enriching the people.

Industrial prosperity is an important foundation for rural revitalization. Each region takes the construction of the entire agricultural industry chain as the main line, relies on agricultural and rural characteristic resources, and does a good job in promoting local specialties. In the first half of the year, China built a total of 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, and 200 strong agricultural industry towns.

A more solid ecological chassis.

Entering the intelligent greenhouse of the Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Industrial Park in Fengtai County, Anhui Province, rows of soilless cultivated tomatoes and sweet peppers hang on the branches. "Here, one million fruit and vegetable seedlings are mainly grown on coconut bran as the substrate, using organic water-soluble fertilizer for precise drip irrigation. The nutrient absorption rate is twice that of ordinary planting modes," said technical manager Wang Zenghui.

Green is the foundation of agriculture, and ecology is the foundation of agriculture. Quality driven agriculture, green driven agriculture, and brand driven agriculture have become the driving force of agricultural production. At present, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in China has been continuously declining for many years, with the utilization rate of fertilizers and pesticides in the three major grain crops exceeding 41%. Various regions continue to carry out green, high-quality and efficient actions, increasing the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products. In the first quarter, more than 3900 new green food and organic agricultural products were added.

The per capita disposable income of rural residents continues to grow

Rural revitalization thrives for farmers.

"Sewing a bag earns 3 yuan, more work pays more. When I work more than a day, I can earn more than 200 yuan. I work at my doorstep, and earning money takes care of my family without any delay," said Ren Zaoxia, a villager from Zhaoping Village, Yongxing Town, Li County, Gansu Province. Li County is promoting the construction of rural employment factories, introducing labor-intensive enterprises, and attracting farmers to work nearby.

Increasing the income of farmers is the central task of rural work. Various regions and departments attach great importance to promoting the increase of farmers' income, and take multiple measures to develop industries, stabilize employment, promote entrepreneurship, and broaden channels for increasing farmers' income. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 10551 yuan, a year-on-year nominal increase of 7.8% and an actual increase of 7.2%. The income growth rate of rural residents was faster than that of urban residents; The per capita disposable income ratio of urban and rural residents has decreased by 0.05 compared to the same period last year.

More diverse channels for increasing income.

"Following the market, cultivating high-quality cherry, grape and other fruit seedlings has opened up online sales channels, with a turnover of over 1 million yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of over 20%." said Li Jikai, a "farmer maker" in Changle Town, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Industrial efficiency enhancement promotes income growth. The operational income of rural households accounts for about one-third of the total income and is an important source of income. In order to increase the income of grain farmers and actively increase policy support, the minimum purchase price of wheat this year has been increased by 2 cents compared to the previous year, and the central government has issued a one-time subsidy of 10 billion yuan to actual grain farmers; Implement action to enhance characteristic industries and drive farmers to increase their income through industrial development.

Stabilizing employment and expanding employment to promote income growth. "By participating in skill training and obtaining a special equipment operator certificate, I can earn an additional 2000 yuan per month," said Li Jianglong, a migrant worker in the steel structure workshop of China Construction Second Bureau Yangguang Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Integrated training, internship, and employment training have provided 60 migrant workers in the company with a "technical meal".

The income from migrant work is the "big head" of farmers' income. Coordinate the development of county-level economy in various regions and departments, and promote nearby employment; Carry out skill training for migrant workers, strengthen employment guidance services, and overall improve the employment of migrant workers. In June, the unemployment rate of migrant agricultural registered residence labor force in cities and towns was 4.9%, which is at a low level since this year. At the end of the second quarter, there were 18.705 million rural migrant workers, a year-on-year increase of 3.2%.

More solid income support.

"A cooperative was established in the village, and I worked at the chili pepper base at my doorstep. I received both salary and stock, with a daily wage of 100 yuan. After the chili peppers matured, there was also a commission of 10 cents per kilogram," said Luo Wanghu, a poverty-stricken household in Zhouzui Village, Jialing Town, Huizhou County, Gansu Province. Huizhou County is exploring the model of "Party branch+village level joint-stock economic cooperative+base+farmers" to promote sustained and stable income growth for poverty-stricken people.

Each region and department takes increasing the income of poverty-stricken people as the fundamental measure, and promoting the accelerated development of poverty-stricken counties as the main direction of attack, working together to promote the sustained increase in income of the poverty-stricken population. Since the beginning of this year, the scale of central government subsidies has reached 175 billion yuan, an increase of 10 billion yuan from the previous year. As of the end of March, a total of 21.55 billion yuan in newly issued small loans for poverty-stricken people had been granted, benefiting 485000 households lifted out of poverty.

Rural consumption is more active.

Fan Lei, a villager from Yanxia Village, Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province, is particularly happy to drive new energy vehicles. My waist is bulging and I have enough confidence. Now when I go out to do things, I can leave as soon as I say. The per capita disposable income in Yanxia Village exceeded 40000 yuan last year, and cars and high-definition televisions have become standard equipment for every household.

Income growth enables villagers to consume, dare to consume, and be willing to consume. In the first half of this year, the per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents was 8550 yuan, an increase of 8.5%. After deducting price factors, the actual growth was 7.9%. The retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas increased by 8.4% year-on-year, faster than in urban areas. The growth rate of retail sales of cosmetics, gold, silver, and jewelry in units above the designated size in rural areas was also significantly faster than in urban areas. The development of rural e-commerce is accelerating, and big data monitoring shows that during the 618 promotion period, the growth rate of online retail sales in rural areas is faster than the growth rate of all online retail sales.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that expanding domestic demand and promoting circulation have enormous potential in rural areas. Next, we will further implement and refine various measures to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become prosperous.

New achievements have been made in the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas

Rural areas are not only the spatial carriers of agricultural production, but also the homeland where farmers are born and raised. Rural modernization is an inherent requirement and necessary condition for building an agricultural power, and building livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas is the duty of an agricultural power.

Targeting the new needs of farmers for a better life, various regions and departments will coordinate the construction of rural infrastructure and public service systems, implement various tasks of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural construction, and promote new progress and achievements in rural construction, rural governance, and rural development.

The rural environment is more livable.

"Every household's water, electricity, and network signals are fully connected, and rural construction not only beautifies the village, but also ignites the lives of the villagers." said Bai Luo, Party Secretary of Huangmaoya Town, Cangxi County, Sichuan Province. In just one Gaotai Village, more than 300 characteristic rural courtyards in northern Sichuan have been renovated, and more than 20 themed homestays and farmhouses have been renovated and newly built. Since the beginning of this year, rural tourism has attracted 32000 tourists and achieved tourism revenue of more than 3 million yuan.

Various regions are vigorously promoting the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas, improving the completeness of rural infrastructure, convenience of public services, and comfort of living environments. At present, the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets in China exceeds 73%, and over 91% of natural village household waste is collected and treated.

Rural governance is more effective.

In Shaling Community, Jinxiang Street, Jinxiang County, Shandong Province, community grid worker Hu Yanfang must patrol the grid at least once a day, "If residents have any problems, they should come to us and solve them as soon as possible."

The performance of "Sending the Opera to the Countryside" in Jinxiang County is exciting on stage and lively off stage. The Party's policy of benefiting farmers and the good deeds of people around them have been compiled into opera and folk art programs, which the villagers enjoy watching with great interest.

Rural governance is the cornerstone of national governance. The rural governance system led by the Party organization, which combines autonomy, rule of law, and moral governance, is constantly improving, and the countryside is full of vitality and stable and orderly. Various regions have comprehensively implemented rural governance methods such as point system, inventory system, and digitization, and have created a total of 199 national demonstration townships and 1992 demonstration villages for rural governance, significantly improving the level of good governance in rural areas.

More abundant development vitality.

At the entrance of Hexi Water Industry Co., Ltd. in Chengguan Street, Xiangcheng County, Henan Province, bucket water transport vehicles come and go. The founder of the company, Xie Weina, said, "There are subsidies for returning home to start a business, land and tax incentives, and logistics and transportation are more convenient. We will work hard and contribute to rural revitalization." The daily sales volume of bottled water in Hexi Water Industry has exceeded 1000 barrels.

Rural revitalization relies heavily on people. Various regions are actively building nests to attract talents, and more and more talents who love agriculture, understand technology, and are good at management have become the protagonists of rural innovation and entrepreneurship. Data shows that there are currently over 22 million rural practical talents in China, including over 17 million high-quality farmers. By 2025, the country will cultivate 100000 rural industry revitalization leaders such as family farmers and the chairman of farmer cooperatives, and radiate and drive the development and growth of 5 million new agricultural management entities.

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

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