Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:37 AM

Focus on international issues and gain insight into global trends. The guest we are going to talk to today is from a beautiful South Pacific island country, and he is Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare. The two countries established diplomatic relations in 2019, and their relationship has developed rapidly. How does Prime Minister Sogavare evaluate the fruitful cooperation between the two countries after visiting China again after four years? What are his expectations for the development prospects of China Institute relations? What are the prospects for the development of the Pacific region? Today, let's search for answers together in the conversation.

The Solomon Islands are located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and are a country known as the "Island of Happiness". More than 900 islands of all sizes in the Solomon Islands are embraced by seawater, boasting spectacular natural landscapes, abundant natural resources, and unique cultural heritage.

In mid September 2019, the two countries officially established diplomatic relations, and since then, the development of bilateral relations has been accelerated, becoming a model of unity, cooperation, and joint development among countries of different sizes and developing countries. Four years later, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare visited China again and jointly announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development in the new era.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

On July 11th, Sogavare specially unveiled the Solomon Islands Embassy in China, hoping that with the opening of the embassy, cooperation between the two countries can be further deepened.

Host: Mr. Premier, it's a pleasure for you to be interviewed by "High end Interview". You arrived in Beijing earlier today. Your last visit to China was 4 years ago. How do you feel about coming back to China again? What are your expectations for this visit?

Sogavare: Thank you very much! When I arrived in China, I was warmly welcomed. At that time, I said, like going home, it feels so good! I will be very busy in the next week. We look forward to a productive exchange this week.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: Mr. Premier, China and Solomon Islands have established diplomatic relations for nearly 4 years. Despite starting relatively late, bilateral relations have developed rapidly. Looking back on the past, how do you view the decision to establish diplomatic relations with China? What achievements do you think have been made in the relationship between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations?

Sogavare: I joked in some interviews that we were lost in the wilderness for nearly 36 years. The Solomon Islands gained independence in 1978. Seven years ago, in 1971, the United Nations made a major decision and passed Resolution 2758, which stated that there was only one China in the world, the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan was an integral part of China. Therefore, 36 years later, I mentioned in our National Day event that if we look back at the decisions we have made over the past 45 years, establishing diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China will inevitably be one of the most important decisions. Although we only established diplomatic relations with China about 3 and a half years ago, we have benefited a lot from it.

Host: Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Solomon Islands has always adhered to the One China principle, and both countries respect each other's independent sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Sogavare: There is only one China in the world, which has already been clearly confirmed. Some countries claim that they will make their own decisions without following the decisions of the United Nations, and then these member states lose their value. This is regrettable. After 36 years of hesitation and hesitation, the Solomon Islands also stood on the wrong side of history, but we established diplomatic relations with China in 2019 and showed respect for the decisions made by the world's most authoritative decision-making body - the United Nations. I call on those countries that are still stubborn to reflect on their own actions. These countries have established diplomatic relations with China and recognize the One China principle, but their actions contradict this principle.

Host: The deepening relationship between China and the Solomon Islands may make some countries feel nervous, accusing China of exerting so-called influence on the Solomon Islands and even viewing the relationship between China and the Solomon Islands as a "threat". What is your response to this?

Sogavare: I feel very regretful. Some countries are concerned about the so-called expansion of China's influence in the world. What's wrong with expanding influence?We only established diplomatic relations with China 36 years later. You are right, some countries criticize the cooperation between the two countries in development, even though this cooperation has brought us tremendous results. Those people advocate this statement and worry about the so-called influence of China, but for the Solomon Islands, we are a sovereign country, and China is also a sovereign country. It is not anyone else's business who establishes diplomatic relations and develops cooperation with us. So far, all the huge fears about the so-called "debt trap" and "undermining democratic values" are simply baseless. This is just an excuse they fabricated because they are worried about losing control over small island countries. Taking the Solomon Islands as an example, we have been independent for 45 years. The day before yesterday was the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Solomon Islands. If we remain unchanged, we may remain in our current state for the next 45 years. This is not a good thing for a country with a rapidly growing population but a slow pace of development. Therefore, we will choose what is most beneficial to the country. Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. So we will never regret, never look back. This is a correct decision.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: You just mentioned that establishing diplomatic relations with China is one of the best decisions made by the Solomon Islands government. Why is this?

Sogavare: As a country, the Solomon Islands have been around for 45 years. We started from scratch and are currently working hard to build. We need to achieve connectivity in roads and important infrastructure. Those countries know that these are what we need, their strategy is to provide us with assistance, and we must continue to accept their assistance. So after 45 years of development, the Solomon Islands have become a highly aid dependent country. We have abundant natural resources, including forest resources, ocean resources, and mineral resources. We have abundant and unique tourism resources, but we are very poor. This makes us start to think about how we need to readjust. If we continue to do so for the next 45 years, the Solomon Islands may remain stagnant forever. So we need to seize the opportunity provided by China and establish trade relations between the two sides. So far, everything has been progressing very smoothly. The Solomon Islands will advance trade and investment in the future, rather than relying on aid.

Host: The security cooperation between China and Ukraine has also sparked opposition from some countries. How do you respond to these accusations?

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Sogavare: Once again, this is regrettable. I find it difficult to understand some big countries, and when they do it themselves, they say it's a good thing. Those countries seem to believe that we must not have security cooperation with another country and must not do so. We find this very difficult to understand.

In November this year, the 17th Pacific Games will be held in the Solomon Islands. This is the first time that Solomon Islands have hosted the Pacific Games. The sports stadium for this year's Pacific Games was built with assistance from China, which is also the first large-scale integrated project supported by China since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2019.

Terry El Solomon Islands National Stadium Project Site Engineer: This national stadium project is one of the largest projects in the Solomon Islands and represents a major infrastructure upgrade for us. Here, we can gather together and enjoy sports together. This kind of help and cooperation is truly appreciated and appreciated by the people of Solomon Islands.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Paul Dale, Local Employee Manager of the Solomon Islands National Stadium Project: Through participating in the National Stadium project, I found it unique. Because this project provides opportunities for local people in the Solomon Islands to make money, support their families, and learn the technical experience to do the project. Thank you.

Host: Mr. Premier, I would like to show you some photos. I think you should recognize it, right? This is a sports stadium project built by China in the Solomon Islands. Some people say that, especially when night falls, different lights illuminate this sports stadium, making it look like a shining pearl in the South Pacific. You have personally visited the venue and mentioned that it is a milestone for the Solomon Islands in the process of preparing for the Pacific Games. What is the significance of China's aid infrastructure projects, including this sports stadium, in your opinion?

Sogavare: This sports stadium is just a microcosm, and there will be more and better development facilities in the future. This stadium is a cooperative project of the the Belt and Road Initiative. We signed the "the Belt and Road" initiative cooperation agreement with China in 2019, and now we have seen the results. As I said, if this foreshadows a better future, we look forward to better development of bilateral cooperation, so we are very excited.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: As you mentioned, the two countries plan to carry out more cooperation. In particular, our cooperation will be further strengthened after the signing of the memorandum of understanding on the "the Belt and Road" cooperation between China and Belgium. How do you think the "the Belt and Road" initiative will synergize with Solomon Islands' national development strategy?

Sogavare: Thank you very much for your question. I think this is one of the weakest areas in our National Development Strategy, and the challenge we face is how to effectively implement the strategies mentioned in the document. Currently, we lack the ability to implement them. China has the strength to help us.

Host: Mr. Prime Minister, you just mentioned that the Solomon Islands have very rich natural resources. For example, fishing, world-renowned tuna, as well as mining and forestry. These are the main economic pillar industries of the Solomon Islands. What other competitive products do Solomon Islands want to export to China? The prospects for cooperation between China and Solomon Islands are broad now? In terms of bilateral relations, what new areas of cooperation do you think are worth looking forward to?

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Sogavare: I completely agree with what you said. Our country's tuna is world-famous.

Host: Is it delicious? I haven't tasted it yet.

Sogavare: To be humble, we produce the best quality canned tuna in the region. You must give it a try. I remember the late Ambassador of Solomon Islands to China once said that he hoped to one day see our canned tuna exported to China. You are right, our country is full of potential. What everyone is worried about now is whether the potential can be explored. We need to utilize these resources in a practical way, that is, to develop them. As you mentioned, we have advantages in mining, but mineral resources are non renewable. We are very cautious when developing non renewable resources. At present, we mainly export wood to China in the form of round logs. Before we established diplomatic relations with China, China had already been our largest trading partner, and we hope to further build on this foundation.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Moderator: Mr. Prime Minister, you met with President Xi Jinping, also by telephone. In your opinion, what kind of leader is President Xi Jinping?

Sogavare: We just need to look at the achievements of this great country, China. One of the most impressive feats left a deep impression on me. China's poverty alleviation is truly a remarkable achievement, and China's economic modernization is another unparalleled achievement that we greatly admire. Other countries will also emulate China in poverty alleviation, and I have also benefited greatly. These achievements cannot be achieved without strong leadership and will not appear out of thin air for no reason, precisely because China has such leaders.I have a complete set of four books.

Moderator: Is it about President Xi Jinping's governance?

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

I am truly honored to have received these four books, and I am eagerly looking forward to more works by this great figure.And you can see where his center of gravity is.

Host: The world now faces many uncertain factors and unprecedented challenges.

Sogavare: Speaking of global development initiatives, as you may have said, the world has experienced unprecedented challenges. We really need to work hard to adjust the direction of national development and get back on track, and we cannot just focus on ourselves. I mean the whole world. Because if major countries only consider themselves, it will create inequality, and we will not be able to fulfill our obligation to act together. This is the situation that global development initiatives focus on.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: Creating a Common Future.

Sogavare: A Common Future. This is the planet we share, the world we share. Therefore, this is an admirable initiative. This initiative should receive global attention and serious discussion, and be included in development strategies. When it comes to global security initiatives, the world is going crazy now, and this initiative happens at the right time. The Global Security Initiative is a brilliant initiative. This initiative takes into account human concerns. We appreciate this.

Host: Mr. Prime Minister, Solomon Islands is also a tourist destination. Especially a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Can you introduce to us what unforgettable experiences our audience would have if they had the opportunity to visit the Solomon Islands one day?

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Sogavare: There are many world firsts here. You may not have expected that we have the longest lagoon in the world. The turning point of World War II took place in the Solomon Islands, so we have experienced some major events. For example, the area where over 1000 ships and warships sank, called Tiedi Bay, is now a large war museum. We have also joined the Coral Reef Triangle Initiative, where we are protecting corals. There are some world-class diving sites here waiting for us to develop and for people to visit. What I want to say is that our country has great potential, and we believe that the tourism industry will be the future of Solomon Islands. At the same time, we hope to prevent environmental degradation as much as possible, which is the future development direction of the tourism industry and our attitude towards the tourism industry.

Host: Speaking of environmental friendliness, as you mentioned earlier, the geographical structure of the Solomon Islands is very unique. This very unique structure not only allows the Solomon Islands to enjoy unique natural resources, but also makes them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and pollution. Now the Japanese government has decided to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the ocean. As the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, what are your concerns about this? What potential threat do you think this poses to the Solomon Islands?

Sogavare: We are very concerned about this issue. For us, the ocean means life. We are a small country in the Pacific that relies on the ocean and tuna resources. 50% to 60% of global tuna comes from the Pacific, especially in the northern Pacific. The Solomon Islands are one of the signatories of the South Pacific Tuna Treaty, and we own almost 60% of our tuna resources as well as other marine resources. Obviously, all Pacific island countries will express concern about this decision. In fact, the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands previously led a delegation to Japan, all of which were leaders of Pacific countries. We have had serious discussions with the Japanese side and our position is very clear. Their scientists need to be fully open to our scientists and provide all the information we need. This issue may be raised again at the upcoming Pacific Island Forum Leaders Summit. I will directly answer your question here, and we express serious concern about this. If it is not safe, then do not discharge. This is the message that Pacific island countries want to convey.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: Another issue of concern to us is the announcement of nuclear submarine cooperation between the United States, Britain, and Australia. The Solomon Islands are a party to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty and have always supported regional denuclearization. What impact do you think the trilateral security partnership between the United States, Britain, and Australia may have on peace and stability in the region?

Sogavare: The treaty you mentioned is also known as the Treaty of Rarotonga, and Australia is also a party to it. We first heard about this news through media coverage. We were not informed of this situation before they announced their cooperation. We express concern about this. The position of South Pacific countries is very clear, that is, denuclearization, which is a nuclear free zone. We have seen the damage and consequences caused by nuclear tests conducted in the Pacific and Marshall Islands, and those nuclear tests conducted in the Pacific still have a negative impact on people today. On this issue, we share the same concern as Japan's nuclear contaminated water issue. What is the likelihood of these nuclear facilities losing control if an earthquake or other situation occurs? Will there be a leak that pollutes the ocean? These are all our concerns. Therefore, we are still speaking up for this and asking Australia to seriously consider it.

Host: Mr. Prime Minister, there are reports that you are not only a senior politician, but also a martial arts expert - a black belt in karate. Is that true? Since you have come to China, we are curious if you are interested or familiar with Chinese kung fu?

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Sogavare: You know my most admired hero, Bruce Lee led me on the path to martial arts. When we went to Hong Kong before, I would inquire about him everywhere. It was 1997 when I was still the Minister of Finance. After our meeting, I said I wanted to see Bruce Lee's former residence, and they took me to see it.

Host: Where have you been before?

Sogavare: I went there.

Never regret, never turn back, Solomon Islands Prime Minister: Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the best decision made in the history of our country. Sogavare | Country | Solomon Islands

Host: How do you feel?

Sogavare: It's like a factory with many facilities and exercise equipment, making it a tourist attraction. I have already been exposed to martial arts before, and Bruce Lee's ability to stand out is amazing

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