Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:22 AM

Lugou Bridge! Lugou Bridge!

The survival of the country lies on this bridge! "

July 7th

It is an unforgettable day for all Chinese people

July 7, 1937

The Japanese aggressors aimed to achieve

The evil ambition of annexing the whole of China by force

Excusing a soldier for "missing"

Fierce shelling of Wanping City

Created the shocking Lugou Bridge Incident both domestically and internationally

Pingjin is in danger!

North China is in danger!

The Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous time!

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

This is the Lugou Bridge under the occupation of the Japanese aggressor army.

The unity of the Chinese nation

Fighting with blood

The curtain of the entire nation's resistance war has thus begun

On July 8, 1937, the Chinese defenders in Wanping City rushed to the battlefield.

86 years have passed

Why do we still need to remember today?

The stories of these firsthand witnesses

Maybe I can tell you the answer

The sound of gunfire at Lugou Bridge will never be forgotten

He spent his whole life as a witness to history

Zheng Fulai was 6 years old that year

I live in the west of Lugou Bridge at home

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Less than 50 meters away from the incident site

On the evening of July 7, 1937

He woke up in shock amidst the dense gunfire

That night

The deafening sound of shells

It's been ringing for almost an entire night

The little friend who played with me the first day

The shell that was left in front of the house that night

It's blown up! "

The second uncle of the Wu family, Ren Dazui

There are also many other villagers

They were brutally killed by the aggressors

Right where he often goes to play

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

In a small patch of pine forest

Placed the remains of many soldiers

Zheng Fulai, an elderly man, walks on the Lugou Bridge in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

The seeds of resistance against Japan were planted in the hearts of 6-year-old children

At the age of 18, Zheng Fulai participated in revolutionary work

Soon he officially joined the CPC

Elected in 1952 as

The first mayor of Lugouqiao Town

Devoted all his youth to it

The construction of the capital

After retirement, Zheng Fulai

Becoming a "volunteer interpreter"

Introduce the inscriptions on the bridge to the tourists coming and going

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

And my own personal experience

Due to advanced age

Zheng Fulai needs to stand on the railing to explain

But he is not afraid of the wind and sun

Whenever it comes to the emotional aspect

Often unable to resist pounding the railing with force

I have encountered some Japanese tourists before

Do not agree with my explanation

But the Lugou Bridge itself is a witness to history

This is historical evidence that no one can erase

It is enough to refute those who do not agree with this history

Zheng Fulai, an elderly man, tells tourists about the history of the Anti Japanese War at Lugou Bridge in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

Zheng Fulai once wrote in his diary:

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

I am from Lugou Bridge

We cannot let the humiliating history of the past country be forgotten

History is our root

We need to be Chinese people with roots and souls

Japanese bombing

Make him determined to build airplanes for the country

That year, Gu Xuanfen was 7 years old

He was born into a scholarly family

My father is a famous master of traditional Chinese culture

Experience the July 7th Incident firsthand

Let him bond with the plane from now on

Gu Xuanfen's Memories

During the July 7th Incident

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

First time encountering airplane bombing

The Japanese bombed the area where they lived

Siheyuan bungalow

The shock was very severe

The sound of airplane bombing at that time

It is the voice that left the deepest impression on Gu Xuanfen's childhood

Having experienced such days

Gu Xuanfen made up her mind:

No aviation

Our country still has to be bullied

I want to build airplanes in the future

Gu Songfen's Favorite Toy during Primary School

From then on, Gu Xuanfen devoted her entire life

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Dedicated to the aviation industry of our country


China begins to develop the J-8 aircraft

This is self-designed by our country

Type 1 High Altitude High Speed Fighter

Gu Xuanfen as the Deputy Chief Designer

Responsible for aircraft aerodynamic design

As the chief designer in the later stage

Fully oversee the development of the J-8

Because in transonic flight tests

There is a vibration problem caused by airflow separation

Gu Xuanfen proposed to personally observe from heaven

This couple is nearly half a hundred years old

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

For Gu Songfen, who has never received flight training before

There is a significant risk involved

Due to brother-in-law Huang Zhiqian

Sacrifice due to air crash

Their family has an agreement

No longer flying

However, Gu Xuanfen's determination has been made

Riding a fighter trainer plane three times without telling my lover

Close up observation of J-8 fighter jets

The minimum distance between two machines is only 5 meters

Gu Songfen and Lu Mingdong are on the J-6 aircraft

In the Japanese bombing that year

A determined little boy

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Eventually, it became

Famous aircraft design masters in China

Founder of Aircraft Aerodynamic Design

from then on

Chinese children no longer need to

Because of the enemy's plane bombing, I am worried and worried

Unable to find a quiet desk

He gave up his voluntary study of shipbuilding

That year

Huang Xuhua just graduated from elementary school

His childhood aspiration was

Becoming a good doctor

However, due to the outbreak of the July 7th Incident

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Most schools in coastal cities have been forced to close down

In order to obtain a

A place where one can calm down and come to study

He and his classmates hiked the mountain road for four days

My feet are blistered with blood

Who knew that the Japanese bombers were even more frequent

Every time the alarm rings

My classmates and I were both held in arms by the crowd of refugees

Run to the cave outside the city

If the alarm is not lifted on this day

I'll have to spend the whole day starving in the cave

Huang Xuhua and his wife are taking a group photo in Shanghai. Shen Jizhong

Huang Xuhua's Memories

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

A very humiliating anger

Burning on me

I think, why do Japanese devils dare to be so reckless

If you want to land, land; if you want to bomb, bomb?

Why are we Chinese people

Unable to live on one's own land

But they have to flee everywhere, their wives and children are separated?

Why is China so vast in land

But even with one piece, one can calm down

Is there no place to read?

What's the point?

This is precisely because China is too weak

A weak country will be bullied by others

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Being slaughtered by others

What should we do? Stop studying medicine!

Huang Xuhua gave up his original aspirations

Entering the Shipbuilding Department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study

On March 4, 1988, Huang Xuhua was at the Huludao Experimental Base. Shen Jizhong

In 1958, China initiated the development of a nuclear submarine project

Huang Xuhua became one of them

No one has ever seen a nuclear submarine

No reference materials, strict foreign blockade

Everything depends on one's own exploration and progress

Huang Xuhua and his colleagues

Seeking and constantly breaking through deserted islands

Finally, on December 26, 1970

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

China's first nuclear submarine launched

Huang Xuhua was so excited that tears streamed down his face

August 1, 1974

China's first nuclear submarine

Named "Long March One"

Formally included in the naval combat sequence

At this point, China has become

After the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and France

The fifth country in the world to have a nuclear submarine

Enable China to have the ability to launch a second nuclear counterattack

The vast sea has become a great wall of defense against external enemies

On April 21, 1988, Huang Xuhua was observing a new type of nuclear submarine. Shen Jizhong

For the sake of confidentiality in work

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

I haven't been home for a whole 30 years

When developing a nuclear submarine away from home

I'm just in my early thirties

When I see my family at home

I am already an elderly person with white hair in my sixties

Huang Xuhua talks about his debts and regrets towards his family

Tears in the eyes

People often say that loyalty and filial piety cannot be both

I say loyalty to the country

It is the greatest filial piety to parents

The young man who gave up studying medicine for the country that year

Becoming the "Father of China's Nuclear Submarines"

He said, if life were to start over

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

He will still devote himself to the country's nuclear submarine industry

When my country needs me to charge forward

I only shed my own blood once

When my country needs me to bleed bit by bit

I'm just flowing drop by drop! "

On December 20, 2016, Huang Xuhua was in the office. Photo by Xiong Qi, Xinhua News Agency reporter

Why can't we forget this day?

Because the Lugou Bridge stands there

Because of the bullet marks on the walls of Wanping City

Still there

Because there are elderly people like Zheng Fulai

Historical witnesses stand on the Lugou Bridge

Because over the past 14 years

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

The Chinese people, with 35 million compatriots

The cost of casualties

In exchange for hard-earned peace

Because there are millions of patriotic soldiers who fought with blood and blood

It has brought us the prosperity of today's prosperous era

Because there are countless people like Gu Songfen and Huang Xuhua

Such a teenager

Because on this day

Losing the originally stable life

Forced to wander and wander

On this day, they

Established lofty aspirations

Devote one's life to the motherland

Never dare to forget!, On this day, Beijing Lugou Bridge | Lugou | China

Let the land of China go from suffering to glory


Revitalization of Rivers and Mountains, Splendid Prosperity

Enough to comfort

The heroic spirits of the martyrs in heaven


We always remind ourselves

The Chinese people who have made tremendous sacrifices

Will remain steadfast and unwavering

Defend the history written with blood and life

This day, never dare to forget!

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