National Summer Grain Harvest Again | Production | Summer Grain

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:01 AM

Summer grain grains are returned to the warehouse, and the new season of autumn grain is being pressed and pushed forward. "Seizing the farming season and keeping up with the schedule, the average yield of wheat per acre this year is 1200 kilograms. The next season of corn also needs to be managed well to ensure a good harvest throughout the year," said Xu Yanling, a grain grower in Fanbao Village, Chaibao Town, Guantao County, Hebei Province, while inspecting the growth of corn.

On the 15th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that the national summer grain production this year was 146.13 million tons, a decrease of 1.274 million tons from the previous year, a decrease of 0.9%. The summer grain production remained stable and slightly decreased, still at a high level, achieving a bumper harvest. As the first season of annual grain production, the summer harvest is abundant, and the annual harvest is already at its bottom.

China's grain and China's rice bowl have a special weight in General Secretary Xi Jinping's heart: "Solving the food problem of more than one billion people is always the top priority of our party's governance." "Only by taking the initiative in food security can we take the initiative to stabilize the country and revive it."

Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have seized agricultural time and strengthened field management, implemented detailed measures to stabilize grain production, comprehensively consolidated the foundation of food security, and fully implemented the same responsibility of the Party and government for food security. The summer grain production has achieved another bumper harvest, creating favorable conditions for achieving a full year grain harvest, and laying a solid foundation for stabilizing economic development expectations and ensuring the smooth operation of the national economy.

Seize production and control quality, always tighten the string of food security

Ensuring stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products has always been a top priority in building an agricultural power.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to food security, and various regions and departments have solidly promoted it during the agricultural season. Grain production has continuously reached a new level, stabilizing at over 1.3 trillion kilograms for 8 consecutive years. The Chinese people's rice bowl is firmly in their hands.

At present, the pattern of tight and balanced food supply and demand in China has not changed, structural contradictions are still prominent, and the food security situation is still severe. At any time, it cannot be lightly said that food will pass the standard, and food production must be tightened year by year.

The rice bowl is served together, the responsibility is shouldered together, and we must always seize the opportunity. This year's summer grain production is based on disaster resistance and has achieved a bountiful harvest, which has not been easy won.

——Grab and bake, seize and harvest abundant grain.

As wheat across the country gradually entered the concentrated harvest period, the northern winter wheat region experienced a large-scale and continuous rainy weather process in late May. Faced with sudden "rotten field rain", the main production areas promptly drained the accumulated water in the fields, scientifically adjusted machinery to harvest, and effectively dried and sun dried wheat.

For five consecutive days, the daily harvest of wheat exceeded 9 million mu, 30000 tracked harvesters rushed to the ground to harvest, and more than 600 emergency operation service teams of normalized agricultural machinery provided assistance on an area of over 450000 mu. In Henan, "racing against the rain" has become the main theme of this year's wheat harvest.

In the Huanghuai region, places such as front and back of houses, cultural squares, etc. have become temporary wheat drying fields. The comprehensive service center for the entire agricultural industry chain in Linyi City, Shandong Province, has fully turned on the drying equipment. Henan Province's finance department has urgently allocated 200 million yuan for wheat drying, with 4660 drying machines operating day and night.

Based on "grabbing" and highlighting "speed", during the summer harvest period, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs guided various regions to ensure cross regional machine harvesting and oil supply, strengthen the release of wheat harvesting information and machine scheduling, and 16.5 million various types of agricultural machinery jointly served the summer harvest and sowing.

——Implement meticulous management and "manage" the harvest fields.

"People are diligent and not lazy, and the key to good seedling condition lies in management. Looking back at spring plowing, Bai Guilin, a grain grower in Baijiadian Village, Da'an Town, Yanzhou District, Jining City, Shandong Province, sighed:" Step on the nodes and irrigate the 'four waters' well, spray foliar fertilizer in a timely manner. This year, there are 480000 ears per mu of wheat planted, and the seeds are full. "

Zhao Guihu, a major grain grower in Nanlai Village, Cizhou Town, Cixian County, Hebei Province, said, "Insecticide, sterilization, and foliar fertilizer are all in one. With a single drone spray, it effectively achieves pest control, disease prevention, and dry hot wind prevention."

Maintain the number of panicles, increase grain weight, and reduce losses. Pay close attention to key agricultural seasons and implement stable summer grain policies for seedlings. This year's Spring Festival has passed, and major production areas have been investing in a hundred day battle to harvest wheat. The central government will continue to implement the full coverage subsidy policy of "one spraying and three prevention" for wheat, and each province will invest special financial funds to fully increase the weight of wheat grains.

Harvest is both managed and retrieved. This year's wheat pests and diseases have been the most severe in recent years, and it is also the year with the best control effect and the lightest actual harm. The area affected by wheat stripe rust and scab has decreased by 25.3% and 15.6% respectively compared to the previous year.

Pan Wenbo, Director of the Planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stated that striving to achieve a bountiful grain harvest is the primary task of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. The next step is to continue to stabilize the area and yield, expand soybeans and oilseeds, increase yield per unit area, and increase self-sufficiency rate. We need to compact the planting area by variety, tap into the potential for increased production in different stages, establish a sound disaster prevention and reduction mechanism based on classification, and ensure that the annual grain yield is over 1.3 trillion kilograms.

Enhancing grain production capacity and consolidating the foundation of food security support

Ensuring food security and improving food production capacity are the primary tasks.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the construction of grain production capacity, firmly held the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, deeply implemented the action of revitalizing the seed industry, strengthened agricultural technology and equipment support, continuously consolidated and improved grain production capacity, and achieved basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolute food security.

The foundation of food security is capacity security. Improving comprehensive agricultural production capacity is given a more prominent position, and "storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology" is truly implemented. This year, the foundation of summer grain production is becoming more and more solid.

——Maintain quantity and turn more farmland into better ones.

"Drought can irrigate, waterlogging can drain, and my wheat is planted in the project area. The wheat is harvested in a timely manner, and my heart is at ease." Zhang Daoli, a major grain grower, calculated his abundant income in high standard farmland in Yuanzhuang Town, Wenshang County, Shandong Province.

"This year, it rained and we rushed to harvest wheat. Large agricultural machinery harvested quickly and well, with a yield of over 1100 kilograms per mu." Zhang Daoli said that in the past, the plot was small, lacked machine plowing roads, and the edges and corners were not harvested cleanly. Nowadays, the one-stop mechanized operation of farming and harvesting has reduced the cost of grain cultivation by 10%.

Farmland is the lifeblood of food production. As of the end of 2022, China has built a total of 1 billion acres of high standard farmland. This year, 45 million acres will be newly built, and 35 million acres will be renovated and upgraded.

Stable area and quantity. The area of winter wheat harvested this summer has steadily increased, maintaining over 330 million mu, providing a guarantee for achieving a bountiful summer harvest. The intended planting area for grain throughout the year was over 1.77 billion mu, increasing for four consecutive years, laying the foundation for achieving a bountiful grain harvest throughout the year.

——Improving quality, producing good crops.

The black wheat planted on Chenjia Village Family Farm in Botou Town, Zhanhua District, Binzhou City, Shandong Province this year has become the darling of the surrounding food processing and flour factories.

"Good crops yield good grains, and our black wheat is a 'staunch crop' and also a golden brand." Jia Wenge, Secretary of the Party Branch of Chenjia Village, said that black wheat is cold and cold resistant, lodging resistant, and drought resistant. Its zinc and iron content is twice that of ordinary wheat, and it has high nutritional value. The average yield per mu is 1200 kilograms, and the price per kilogram is 50 cents higher than ordinary wheat.

Targeting high yield and high quality, the seed industry's "chips" become brighter and brighter as they are polished. At present, the coverage rate of excellent crop varieties in China is over 96%, and the contribution rate of excellent varieties to agricultural production is over 45%. The area of independently selected varieties accounts for over 95%.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that the next step is to accelerate the implementation of a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by 100 billion kilograms. In response to the changing trend of demand structure, the production capacity growth target should be decomposed, and the two key points of seeds and farmland should be grasped to increase production capacity. A batch of high-yield, high-quality, and dense varieties should be demonstrated and promoted, and high-yield and high-yield technology models should be integrated and applied. The high-yield creation of grain and oil crop whole county reconstruction system should be carried out, and pilot projects for promoting high standard farmland construction in the whole region should be.

Strengthen mechanism guarantee to ensure that food can be produced, supplied, and supplied at all times

Consolidate the foundation of food security in all aspects and focus on mechanism guarantee.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the foundation of the system of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching them, and emphasizing agriculture and focusing on grain production has been continuously consolidated. The modern agricultural industry system, production system, and management system have been continuously improved, and agricultural technology and equipment support have been continuously strengthened. The mechanisms for ensuring the income of grain farmers and compensating for the interests of main production areas have been continuously improved. The mechanisms for agricultural subsidies and grain price formation have been continuously improved, and the capacity building of food security mechanisms has been continuously stepped up to a new level.

At no time can we relax food production and support for agriculture. Farmers who carry "golden carrying poles" to grow grain can earn money, making grain production more efficient and secure.

Strengthening support, improving mechanisms, and ensuring food security, we will promote the increase of production capacity, structural optimization, resilience enhancement, revenue guarantee, and accountability. This year's summer grain production has many highlights and abundant quality.

——Mechanized farming makes growing crops more effortless.

"With the use of 'Big Iron Bull', more than 350 acres of wheat can be harvested in half a day, saving labor and money. After calculation, the loss of 60 kilograms per acre of land can be reduced, saving costs by 100 yuan, and the yield is around 1000 kilograms." Speaking of summer harvest, Ma Yuping, the head of Tianyi Gold Grain Professional Cooperative in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province, opened the box. "Now, there is a Beidou navigation seeder for sowing, a drone for plant protection, and the entire process is mechanized, saving costs and increasing efficiency."

At present, Zhucheng has more than 5000 types of combined harvesting machinery, with a comprehensive mechanization level of over 93%. More than one million mu of wheat in the city has been harvested.

Agricultural machinery increases power, while grain cultivation adds confidence. The comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting in China has exceeded 73%, with 1.8 million agricultural machinery and equipment equipped with Beidou positioning operation terminals.

——Socialized services make a profit from growing crops.

"In the past, I used to search for agricultural machinery everywhere during summer harvest, but now I am sitting at home waiting for them. This year, two harvesters and three transport vehicles have helped my family smoothly store over 240 acres of wheat," said Chen Ruixiang, a grain grower in Suojiazhai Village, Yuangu Town, Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province.

The Xinyi Planting Cooperative provides services to Chen Ruixiang. "Farmers place orders, and we take orders, providing one-stop services from production operations, technical guidance, to harvesting and warehousing, covering more than 20 villages." Hu Jiaojiao, the head of the cooperative, is quite proud.

On the front line of summer harvest, mobile phone ride hailing, "sharing" agricultural machinery in the fields, "field nannies" emerge in the fields, and the level of specialization, standardization, and intensification of agricultural production continues to improve. Social service organizations play a new role.

Leading farmers to work and helping them earn money. At present, there are 4 million family farms and 2.23 million farmer cooperatives in China, respectively. There are over 1.04 million agricultural socialized service organizations with a service area of nearly 1.87 billion acres, serving over 89 million small farmers.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that the next step is to quickly formulate and improve the guidance on the mechanism for ensuring the income of grain farmers, implement policies such as the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat and rice subsidies, gradually expand the implementation scope of full cost insurance for rice, wheat and corn and planting income insurance, and increase efforts to encourage and guide new agricultural operating entities and service organizations to drive farmers to grow more and better crops.

Looking at the fertile fields, a new harvest is brewing. Newly planted rice seedlings grow vigorously and lush; The newly sown summer corn and soybeans are covered in new green, soaking the fields. On the new journey, grain production is being pressed forward, production measures are being implemented in place, and the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain is effectively protected. Billions of farmers are allowed to have accounts and money to earn from growing grain, and efforts are being made to achieve new breakthroughs in grain production on a high basis, ensuring that grain can be produced, supplied, and supplied at all times.

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