National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:53 AM

Editor's note:

This is the longest highway in China. It starts from Kanas in Xinjiang in the north and ends at Dongxing in Guangxi in the south. It passes through Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan and Guangxi, and will be 10065 kilometers long after completion.

This is the highest altitude highway in the world, crossing the world-renowned Kunlun Mountains, Gangdise Mountains, Himalayas

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

This is the road with the strongest ethnic characteristics, inhabited by dozens of ethnic groups such as Uyghur, Kazakh, Mongolian, Hui, Russian, Tibetan, Dulong, Dai, Jingpo, Zhuang, and Jing.

This is a road full of excitement. She rushes down from Mount Mount Taishan, through snow mountains, grasslands, deserts, glaciers, tropical rainforests, and finally arrives at the blue sea.

This is National Highway 219!

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Starting from March 29th, we will follow National Highway 219, running from snowy mountains to the sea, documenting the magnificent scenery of our motherland and telling the story of China in the new era.

What if you live in a depression in the mountains and your home gets flooded every rainy season? What if your field is on a rocky mountain and the boulders cut the land into pieces? What if your home is in the midst of mountains and there is only a two foot wide cliff path for entry and exit?

For these questions, the people of Xichou have given their own answers: generation after generation, they have used their passion, youth, and even life to collide and fight against stones, playing a high pitched and exciting colorful movement, which is a magnificent movement of life.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Xichou County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is located in the core area of rocky desertification in China and is one of the areas with the most severe degree of rocky desertification in the country. It is a place that experts call "losing living conditions": 99.9% of the land is mountainous and 75.4% of the land is rocky. Here, strange rocks and mountains surround; Here, the twin brothers of rocky desertification and poverty once plunged villagers into a situation of "no water to drink, no land to cultivate, and no firewood to burn". By 1990, the average annual grain per capita for farmers was only 238 kilograms, with an annual net income of 191 yuan, and there were 21800 extremely poor farmers who were unable to cover their bodies, eat, and shelter from rain; It is also here that generations of people from Xichou, adhering to the spirit of "waiting is not a solution, only then can there be hope", fight against mountains and shake people's souls.

The prelude to this life movement is "Man conquers nature": Liujiatang Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with low-lying terrain. During rainy seasons, floods flood and the fields fail to harvest. In 1962, the village party branch decided to dig a tunnel. Subsequently, the villagers began an astonishing move - all men, women, and children in the village joined forces, using hammers and steel drills as the main tools. Over the course of nearly half a century, they dug a 3.5 meter high, 1.5 meter wide, and 300 meter long tunnel through the mountain, completely solving the flood problem. Later, this tunnel was named "Shengtian Cave".

The Shengtian Cave under the mountain connects the road on the left and Liujiatang Village on the right. Photo by Yang Zhisen, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

At the entrance of the Shengtian Cave, the reporter took a group photo of Li Zongming, Liu Wenzheng, and Liu Xueguang, three elderly people. When they started drilling, they were only teenagers in their teens, and now they are all almost old. When it comes to the past, they don't have many bold words.

"Everyone decided to dig a hole in the mountainside to let the water out," said Liu Wenzheng, an elderly man with gorgeous hair, to the reporter.

Assembly photo: The above picture shows Li Zongming, Liu Wenzheng, Liu Xueguang and the builder of Shengtian Cave in Liujiatang Village taking a group photo in front of the cave in 2015; The following picture shows Li Zongming, Liu Wenzheng, and Liu Xueguang taking a group photo in front of Shengtian Cave on July 27, 2023.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Just as Liu Wenzheng and his companions were working hard to dig in the mountainside, the 20-year-old village chief of Muzhe Village, Liu Dengrung, also fired the first shot to transform the rocky desertification land.

"On December 3, 1990, the first gun was fired, and it was right here," Liu Denrong told reporters at the location where the "first gun" was fired. Muzhe Village has a lot of land located in the "Touching Stone Valley". As the name suggests, when you touch it casually, there are stones everywhere. The land is fragmented, with scattered rocks and dense karst areas, and soil erosion is severe. Muzhe Village was once a well-known "pocket village".

"It's just carrying a bag to borrow grain. Basically, one year of hardship is only enough to eat for half a year. If there is no money to buy, we go to borrow grain from others, so they say we are a pocket team. When a young man looks for his wife, when they ask if it's made of wood, they say it's not possible." Recalling back then, Liu Denrong sighed deeply.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

The party branch of Muzhe Village proposed that "hard work is better than hard work" and led the villagers to start the pilot work of blasting stones to create land. "At that time, I had no experience, and I was only in my twenties. After the first explosion, the people were unwilling to support us. Later, we used the land owned by party members to do it first, and after we finished it, let the people see it." Seeing the renovated terrace, the villagers were boiling with excitement, and the whole village, of all ages and genders, launched a battle to obtain land from Shitou Mountain. After 105 days of hard work, 365 acres of "Three Guarantees" platform were built. The increase in grain production has led to an increase in income.

"Previously, the granaries were empty. After preparing the terraces, there was more grain piled up on them, and over a meter thick, the granaries were crushed and collapsed." Liu Denrong couldn't help but laugh at this. Since then, the nickname "Pocket Village" has only remained in people's memories, and the village of Muzhe has become a grain selling village.

Assembly photo: The left image is a photo of Liu Denrong leading villagers to transform rocky desertification land in 2008; The picture on the right shows Liu Dengrung taking a photo on the renovated terrace on July 27, 2023.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

On July 27, 2023, Liu Denrong stood on the land where he and the villagers had fired their first shot. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

This is the "Three Guarantees" terrace built in Moshi Valley, Muzhe Village, captured on July 27th. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

On July 27th, a villager worked on the "Three Guarantees" platform built in the "Touchi Valley" of Muzhe Village. Photo by Yang Zhisen, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Liu Dengrung and the villagers would not have thought that the "first shot" they fired not only paved a way for survival, but also ignited the spirit of Xichou, which is "waiting for no solution, only then can there be hope". The experience of Muzhe Village was quickly spread throughout the county. Seeking land from mountains and rocks, and seeking survival from nature, Xichou launched a vigorous land blasting movement. From 1990 to 1995, a total of 107000 acres of high-yield and stable farmland were built through land blasting, slope land conversion into terraced fields, and low to medium yield field transformation, laying a solid foundation for crossing the food and clothing line.

The picture is taken on July 27, 2023, showing a corn tree planted in a stone pit. Most of the original land in Xichou County was like this. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fei Maohua

Assembly photo: The right image shows the desertification situation in Dawuma Village, Xichou County before the renovation, taken in 1991; The left picture shows the situation after the renovation of Dawuma Village in Xichou County, taken on July 26, 2023.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Assembly photo: The above picture shows the desertification situation in Dawuma Village, Xichou County before the renovation, taken in 1991; The following picture shows the situation after the renovation of Dawuma Village in Xichou County, taken on July 26, 2023.

Assembly photo: The above picture is a photo of the information before the transformation of low and medium yield fields in Changqing Village, Xichou County in 2010; The following picture is a photo of the transformed low and medium yield fields in Changqing Village, Xichou County in 2011.

The success stories of Shengtian Cave and Muzhe Village inspire and inspire more people from Xichou. In the valley not far from Liujiatang Village, Li Huaming, the village leader of Yantou Village, also led the villagers to start a battle between life and stones.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Assembly photo: The right image shows a photo of Li Huaming and Yang Yunfu and Li Guangcai, villagers from Yantou Village, working together to build a road in 2013; The left picture shows Li Huaming, Yang Yunfu, and Li Guangcai taking a group photo together on the village road they repaired on July 26, 2023.

"There are only 15 households in our village, and the village is located on a cliff. Previously, the only way to enter and exit the village was a two foot wide cliff road. Elderly people in their eighties and nineties have not left the village for more than 10 to 20 years. The villagers raised a big fat pig and asked seven or eight people to help carry it out for sale. When they were lifted to the cliff, their feet slipped and even the pig fell, causing the pig to die and the person to be injured. The owner sat on the ground and cried loudly: 'That's it, all the pigs fed for a year have been soaked in soup! The child had to walk back and forth for two or three hours to go to school. At 5am, the adult lit a torch and crossed the cliff to send them to class.'" Li Huaming was filled with emotions. In 2003, he led the villagers to swing a sledgehammer and hit the boulder on the cliff. It's really difficult to build roads! There are houses and power lines under the cliff, and explosives cannot be used. They can only be hammered, chiseled, and supported with expanding agents. If the shovel is broken, replace it; Hand worn out, endure; People roll downhill, get up!

Collage photo: The left image is a photo of Li Huaming and his companions shooting gunholes on a cliff while repairing a road in 2008; The picture on the right shows Li Huaming taking a photo on the repaired village exit road on July 26, 2023.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Puzzle photo: The left image shows a villager from Yantou Village, Xichou County, taking a photo in 2014 to fetch water from a stone pit. The water was collected during rainy weather, and at that time, the villager Li Daxin was only 5 years old; The picture on the right shows Li Daxin, a villager from Yantou Village, Xichou County, receiving tap water in his yard, captured on July 26, 2023.

"At the beginning of 2015, the simple road to the village was finally built. After that, the party committee and government provided us with funds for sand, gravel, and cement, and we watered it into a cement road surface, finally fulfilling the dream of our village's eight generations of road access." When the road was started, Li Huaming was already 47 years old, and he said he didn't know how long it would take to be built. "If my generation can't fix it well, I'll hand it over to the next generation, but eventually find a way to fix it. Doing something for the people, even if it costs a lifetime, I think it's worth it. Only when it's not a solution can there be hope."

This is the mountain road in Xichou County, taken on July 26th. The road on the right is the last kilometer of entry road built by Li Huaming, the leader of the Yantou Village village village group, and the masses. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

This is a scene of the mountain road in Xichou County taken on July 26th, with the county town in the distance. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

"Waiting is not a solution, only then can there be hope!" This is the most frequently said sentence by Li Huaming and reporters, and this spirit has already integrated into the bones and blood of the people of Xichou, constantly inspiring them to fight against fate. In 2021, Hua Chunying, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, introduced a Chinese woman to the world on social media. She led the villagers out of poverty and at the same time controlled breast cancer - she was Xie Chengfen, the village leader of Haiziba Village and a Communist Party member. Hua Chunying wrote: "Suffering from breast cancer, she led the local people out of poverty by planting walnuts, building roads, etc. This is called 'Xichou Spirit'."

"The perseverance and adventure of the predecessors from Xichou who refused to give up and accept their fate inspired me. When faced with difficulties, I must persevere, find ways to solve them, and not back down." Xie Chengfen recalled the original intention of road construction, saying, "Why our lives are so poor, and why we have a big gap compared to other regions, is because the roads are not accessible."

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

In 2008, with the support of the county and township party committees and governments, Xie Chengfen mobilized 17 households in his village to raise funds and invest in labor, declaring war on the mountains and poverty. In July 2010, after nearly three years of hard work, the 8.8 kilometer long cement road was finally fully connected.

Assembly photo: The left image is a photo of Xie Chengfen leading villagers to build roads together in 2009; The picture on the right shows Xie Chengfen standing on the repaired village road on July 27, 2023.

On July 27th, Xie Chengfen took care of the artificially planted golden lotus plants in the greenhouse he built at home. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

On July 27th, Xie Chengfen inspected artificially cultivated golden lotus seedlings in the greenhouse he built at home. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

There is also Zhang Rengui's family, who lives in the deep mountains of Laolin Village of the Zhang family. They have four members and three of them are disabled. They rely on simple tools such as sledgehammers, iron poles, and hoes to "dig" more than two kilometers of village roads in the rocky mountains for two years; In Xiaojiatang Village of Jijie Township, there are four people: Deng Zhaocai, Hou Shougao, Yao Shiyuan, and Yao Shibin. They start work at 7:30 am every morning and finish work at 8 pm. They have worked tirelessly for six years, rain or shine, and have built a 5-kilometer road in the Stone Mountain... These are all true modern versions of the story of "Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains".

Over the past 20 years, the local people have blasted stones to create over 100000 mu of land, and the per capita arable land has increased from 0.3 mu in the past to 0.78 mu; For over 20 years, the people of Xichou have relied on their perseverance to dig more than 3000 kilometers of roads in the cliffs, with a density three times that of the average level in Yunnan Province. Nowadays, in Xichou, winding cement roads can lead to any village, like magnificent poems carved in the mountains.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

Liu Denrong, Li Huaming, Xie Chengfen... In the music played by the struggle between life and stones, their figures turn into the strongest notes, inspiring and summoning the new generation of Xichou people. Since the 1990s, more than 400 advanced models have emerged in the fields of mountain governance, greening, road construction, and industrial development in Xichou County.

This is a scene of Xichou County under the sunset captured on July 26th. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

At a well-known tofu processing factory, the reporter met Liu Yudan, known as the "Tofu Xishi". She was a graduate of a prestigious university and gave up her job at a foreign company to start a business in her hometown.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

"As long as you want to do something and dare to do it, youth can bloom deep in the mountains," said Liu Yudan. At present, a factory covering an area of 1700 square meters has been put into operation, and the tofu products produced have gone beyond Xichou and Yunnan.

"I think the essence of the Xichou Spirit is the essence of life, the power of continuous growth, which means that as long as there is an opportunity, we will never give up, never give up, and then strive for any possible hope and opportunity." When talking about our understanding of the Xichou Spirit, Liu Yudan told reporters, "Don't wait to do nothing, only by doing will there be hope, and we can live well."

On July 27th, Liu Yudan was at his tofu processing plant. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

On July 27th, two workers worked at Liu Yudan's tofu processing plant. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Xinbo

The stubbornness in the bones of the people of Xichou, who refuse to accept defeat and give up their lives, not only shines brightly in the process of villagers fighting against heaven and earth, but also shines brightly on the road of poverty alleviation and even rural revitalization. Zhang Guixiang, whose daughter suffered from cerebral palsy and his lower body was paralyzed due to a car accident, became an expert in growing strawberries with the help of the local party committee and government, and also drove dozens of households to increase their income; Du Cen, a tea making entrepreneur born in the 1990s, invited experts to teach tea farmers how to pick and make tea, driving an average annual income increase of 5000 yuan per household. In Xichou, the modern version of the story of "Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains" continues.

In 2022, Xichou County achieved a total regional GDP of 6640.99 million yuan, an increase of 3.0% year-on-year compared to 2021, and an average increase of 7.9% over the past two years. The per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents was 34875 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.9%; The per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents was 13625 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.9%.

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

On July 27th, staff repaired sunshade nets at a traditional Chinese medicine base in Xisa Town, Xichou County, Yunnan Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Shuai

On July 27th, staff repaired sunshade nets at a traditional Chinese medicine base in Xisa Town, Xichou County, Yunnan Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Shuai

On July 27th, staff painted products at Xichou Tanggu Cultural and Creative Industry Park. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Shuai

National Highway Journey from Snowy Mountains to the Sea | Modern Version of "Yu Gong Moves Mountains": The Battle of Life and Stones Left | Photo | Life

This is the story of Xichou: Stone, hard, cold, and powerful enough to seem invincible, but in this battle between life and stone, seemingly weak life constantly impacts with its passion and resilience, fighting against the heavens and earth, and ultimately, moving the earth and changing the world.

New media poster: Cui Wen

Translated by: Zhu Wuqin

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