My younger brother acts as a "power broker", and the two brothers from Zizhong in Sichuan are both imprisoned: Secretary brother collects money to handle affairs, Chen | helps | Zizhong | brother | younger brother | Zheng Qiang | Zizhong County | Zheng Zhonghui

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:34 AM

After becoming the "leader", using his power to transfer work for others became his "way" to earn money; After collecting more and more money, he still wanted to make money and earn another sum. In addition to illegal private lending, he also started calculating to do business. As his voice grew stronger, his younger brother also had the idea of relying on his brother to expand his "financial path" and began to act as his "power broker"

On August 18th, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released a document revealing Zheng Zhonghui, former secretary of the Education Work Committee of the Zizhong County Committee and former party secretary of the County Education and Sports Bureau in Neijiang, Sichuan, on his path to corruption. Previously, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision also disclosed the corruption details of Zheng Qiang, the younger brother of Zheng Zhonghui and former deputy director of the Zizhong County Migrant Worker Service Center.

The Zheng brothers were sentenced to prison in the same month

After investigation, from 2016 to 2021, Zheng Zhonghui received a total of 11.29 million yuan in cash, of which a total of 2.62 million yuan was received in cash alone; Together with Zheng Qiang, we received a total of 8.67 million yuan in cash and received a personal share of 5.09 million yuan. In August 2022, Zheng Zhonghui and Zheng Qiang were sentenced to 12 years and 7 years in prison respectively.

Enthusiastic about "receiving money and transferring positions"

Received 1.88 million yuan in greetings for 17 job transfers over 6 years

According to an article by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on August 18th titled "Drinking Life's Bitter Liquor with No Distinction", Zheng Zhonghui was born in October 1964 in a rural family in Zizhong County and was admitted to Neijiang Agricultural School in 1980. After graduating in 1983, he was assigned to work in the Youth League Committee of Zizhong County in August. At that time, Zheng Zhonghui was serious, responsible, and proactive in his work, and quickly gained recognition from the organization. Two years later, he was transferred to work in Mengtang Township, formerly Longjiang District, Zizhong County, as the deputy township head. At the age of 23, he became the youngest deputy department level leader in the county.

My younger brother acts as a "power broker", and the two brothers from Zizhong in Sichuan are both imprisoned: Secretary brother collects money to handle affairs, Chen | helps | Zizhong | brother | younger brother | Zheng Qiang | Zizhong County | Zheng Zhonghui

According to the public resume, Zheng Zhonghui subsequently held various positions including Deputy Secretary and Acting Township Head of the Tianzhu Township Party Committee in Longjiang District, Deputy Secretary of the Zizhong County Committee of the Communist Youth League, Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Spiritual Civilization Construction Party Committee Office, Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Government Office, Mayor of Zhonglong Town in Zizhong County, Party Secretary of Zhonglong Town, Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Committee Office, Party Secretary and Director of the Zizhong County Personnel Bureau, Deputy Minister of the County Committee Organization Department, Party Secretary and Director of the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

After Zheng Zhonghui was investigated

In 2016, Zheng Zhonghui was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Education Bureau of Zizhong County. After becoming the "leader", he had more and more friends and business owners around him. Under the flattery and flattery of these boss friends, his mentality unconsciously changed. "I started relatively early and made progress quite quickly, so I felt a bit ethereal and gradually relaxed my requirements for my thoughts." From then on, Zheng Zhonghui was a bit particular about showing off and saving face.

The greed for pleasure has made Zheng Zhonghui no longer satisfied with simply eating, drinking and drinking. On the day before the 2017 Spring Festival, Wu, who was then the principal of Yinshan Town Central School in Zizhong County, gave Zheng Zhonghui 20000 yuan in cash in the name of New Year's greetings in order to get promoted in his position. After receiving the money, Zheng Zhonghui gave special attention to Wu's job transfer and helped Wu smoothly transfer to his desired position.

Afterwards, using personal authority to provide assistance for the transfer of work to others became Zheng Zhonghui's source of income. In order to receive his care, some principals even gave him a total of 220000 yuan in cash in three installments within just one year, ultimately achieving their desire for promotion.

Zheng Zhonghui

As his personal desires gradually expand, Zheng Zhonghui also gradually becomes domineering and domineering in his work. In the local area, if the school principal wants to be promoted, he must express himself to Zheng Zhonghui, which has become an open secret. According to the investigation, from 2016 to 2021, Zheng Zhonghui served as the Secretary of the Education Work Committee of the Zizhong County Committee, the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the County Education and Sports Bureau, and made excuses and greetings for 17 people in the system in the selection and appointment of cadres and job adjustments, receiving a total of 1.88 million yuan in property.

My younger brother acts as a "power broker", and the two brothers from Zizhong in Sichuan are both imprisoned: Secretary brother collects money to handle affairs, Chen | helps | Zizhong | brother | younger brother | Zheng Qiang | Zizhong County | Zheng Zhonghui

My younger brother acts as a "power broker"

Assist businessmen in winning bids and undertaking projects, and collect "thank you fees" together with brothers

With Zheng Zhonghui's increasing influence in the education system of Zizhong County, his younger brother, Zheng Qiang, former deputy director of the Zizhong County Migrant Worker Service Center, also had the idea of relying on his elder brother to expand his "financial path" and began to act as Zheng Zhonghui's "power broker".

Zheng Qiang is the youngest in the family, 11 years younger than his elder brother Zheng Zhonghui. According to the public resume, Zheng Qiang started working in August 1995 and initially worked at the Finance Office of Yuxi Town, Zizhong County. Two years later, he was transferred to work at the Zhonglong Town Finance Office in the county town. He later held various positions including Deputy Director and Director of the Zhonglong Town Finance Office, Director of the Zizhong County Government Procurement Center, Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Public Resource Trading Service Center, Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Branch of the Neijiang Public Resource Trading Service Center, and Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Government Procurement Center. In July 2019, he began serving as the Deputy Director of the Zizhong County Migrant Worker Service Center.

In April, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced in a document that Zheng Qiang had been working for two years. Under the care and coordination of his elder brother, he was transferred back from Yuxi Town, which had inconvenient transportation, to work in Chonglong Town in the urban area. At that time, Zheng Zhonghui successively served as the Deputy Secretary, Mayor, and Secretary of the Chonglong Town Party Committee.

Acting as a power broker, at the beginning, Zheng Qiang introduced his brother Zheng Zhonghui to a boss named Rao, who was engaged in the production of teaching instruments. With the cooperation of the two brothers, "one inside and one outside", Zheng Zhonghui helped Rao successfully win the bid for the Zizhong County Compulsory Education Balanced Development Inspection Teaching Instrument and Equipment Procurement Project and the Compulsory Education School Welcoming National Inspection Education Equipment Procurement Project, with a winning bid price of over 50 million yuan.

After Zheng Qiang was investigated

My younger brother acts as a "power broker", and the two brothers from Zizhong in Sichuan are both imprisoned: Secretary brother collects money to handle affairs, Chen | helps | Zizhong | brother | younger brother | Zheng Qiang | Zizhong County | Zheng Zhonghui

Two weeks later, Rao specially drove from Chengdu to Zizhong and delivered two fruit boxes filled with "thank you fees" to Zheng Qiang. Zheng Qiang readily accepted and delivered one of the boxes to Zheng Zhonghui's home. When Zheng Zhonghui saw the fruit box delivered, he asked directly, "Do you have this money?" After receiving a positive response from his younger brother Zheng Qiang, Zheng Zhonghui was satisfied and accepted it.

During the period from 2017 to 2018, Zheng Zhonghui and Zheng Qiang jointly received a total of 6.5 million yuan in cash from Rao, of which Zheng Zhonghui received 3.6 million yuan. The distribution method of "Brother has meat to eat, Brother has soup to drink" and the fish water relationship of "You have me, I have you" support the two brothers to cooperate and go further and further on the path of violating discipline and law in the anti-corruption action.

Since 2019, Chen, a construction contractor who had known Zheng Qiang very early, has repeatedly requested him to introduce engineering projects. Later, when Chen offered to share the high profits with him, Zheng Qiang readily agreed and informed Zheng Zhonghui of this situation. During the period from 2019 to 2020, Zheng Qiang repeatedly proposed to Zheng Zhonghui to help businessman Chen undertake construction projects for multiple schools in Zizhong County. Due to the tacit understanding between the two brothers, Zheng Zhonghui always agrees to his brother's proposal.

After agreeing to his younger brother's request and the conditions offered by businessman Chen, Zheng Zhonghui secretly conveyed to his subordinates that he had a good relationship with Chen, and successfully helped Chen undertake multiple engineering projects in the education system of Zizhong County by greeting the relevant person in charge. After the incident, the two brothers jointly received a total of 2.17 million yuan in cash from Chen, of which Zheng Zhonghui received 1.49 million yuan and Zheng Qiang received 680000 yuan.

The two brothers are both imprisoned

My older brother was sentenced to 12 years, and my younger brother was sentenced to 7 years

Thus, Zheng Zhonghui's money continued to accumulate. And at this moment, he began to contemplate how to quietly take the money and earn another sum of money with it? Zheng Zhonghui thought of private lending.

My younger brother acts as a "power broker", and the two brothers from Zizhong in Sichuan are both imprisoned: Secretary brother collects money to handle affairs, Chen | helps | Zizhong | brother | younger brother | Zheng Qiang | Zizhong County | Zheng Zhonghui

Lai is a real estate developer from Zizhong County who has frequent interactions with Zheng Zhonghui in his daily life. Zheng Zhonghui lent 1 million yuan to Lai and agreed to double the interest payment method over two years. Through this method, Zheng Zhonghui made a profit of 1 million yuan in just two years.

In addition to illegally issuing loans to the public, Zheng Zhonghui also played a small business plan. Zheng Zhonghui and his younger brother Zheng Qiang jointly invested and purchased a commercial property located in Zizhong County to open a hotel, with Zheng Zhonghui holding a 12.5% stake. During the operation of the hotel, Zheng Zhonghui received dividends twice, earning over 100000 yuan.

After investigation, from 2016 to 2021, Zheng Zhonghui received a total of 11.29 million yuan in cash, of which a total of 2.62 million yuan was received in cash alone; Together with Zheng Qiang, we received a total of 8.67 million yuan in cash and received a personal share of 5.09 million yuan. In November 2021, Zheng Zhonghui, suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, was announced to be under disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. A month later, his younger brother Zheng Qiang was investigated.

Now, both brothers are in prison. In March 2022, Zheng Zhonghui and Zheng Qiang were both expelled from the Party and dismissed from public office. In August of the same year, Zheng Zhonghui and Zheng Qiang were sentenced to 12 years and 7 years in prison respectively, and were fined RMB 900000 and RMB 600000 respectively.

"In the process of committing this crime, not only did I try the law myself, but I also dragged my own brothers into the water... Faced with him helping his friends with things, sometimes he was in trouble, and I not only indulged him, but also came forward to help, coordinate, support, and assist. Now we are committing a crime together, sharing the fruits of our crime together." Zheng Zhonghui repented and said that in the future, he should also reflect seriously, confess and repent, strive to reform himself, be a good person, reform himself, and become a new person.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【