Multiple similar training camps have been exposed to have caused deaths, with female internet celebrity losing weight and Cuihua | Weight Loss | Training Camp

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:45 PM

Recently, a 312 pound female internet celebrity named "Cuihua is about to make a comeback" passed away at a weight loss training camp, sparking heated discussions among netizens. Through interviews and browsing the Internet, upstream journalists found that although there have been some unfortunate deaths during participating in weight loss camps in recent years, some organizations have charged 7000 to tens of thousands of yuan, and there is still an endless stream of applicants.

1. Insider: The training camp once paid "salary" to "Cui Hua"

According to the extreme eye news report, the real name of the 312kg female online celebrity "Cui Hua wants to attack" is Zhou, from Xinyang, Henan province. the 21-year-old girl once weighed 312kg. On the short video platform, she added "lose 200 jin" to the net name of "Cuihua wants to counter attack", which is her ultimate goal of losing weight.

It is reported that on May 25th, "Cuihua" left her home in Xinyang, Henan and arrived at a training camp in Huayin, Shaanxi. Early on May 27th, the staff of the training camp discovered that she had passed away. It is understood that this weight loss camp claims to be a fully enclosed model that integrates nutritious dining, scientific rest, and healthy exercise. Since entering the weight loss camp, "Cuihua" has been persistently doing high-intensity training and controlling the amount of food eaten, with only simple rice, vegetables, and chicken.

▲ Photos of "Cuihua" during her lifetime. Image source/network

According to Changjiang Cloud, according to the videos and photos of "Cuihua" that were updated during her lifetime found online, Cuihua's training programs include running, skipping rope, climbing stairs, doing push ups, etc. However, during the training process, her expression appeared very painful, often out of breath, and sometimes even crying while persevering. Obviously, her body is under tremendous pressure every day.

At the same time, in addition to training during the day, she also livestreams in the evening, practicing in front of fans, and usually cooperates with the training camp to shoot promotional videos. According to a report by West China Urban Daily, an insider said that "Cuihua" initially joined a weight loss training camp and had to pay for weight loss. However, several subsequent weight loss training camps no longer required Cuihua to pay. Instead, the training camps would pay "salary" to Cuihua and "shoot weight loss videos, which is equivalent to promoting the training camp."

"Cuihua" once lost 57 pounds, her belly became smaller, her face became thinner, and her legs became thinner in just two months. However, to her surprise, she suddenly passed away unfortunately. Upstream journalists browsing the Internet found that in recent years, unfortunate deaths occurred frequently during participating in weight loss training camps.

2. He died during the training, and there was no health doctor in the training camp.

According to upstream news on August 14, 2021, on July 30, Zhang Meihui, a 20-year-old girl from Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, was revealed to have died in a weight loss institution called "360 Weight Loss Training Camp" in Harbin.

Zhang Meihui's brother said that her younger sister Zhang Meihui was born with a large skeleton. After entering puberty in junior high school, her sister began to gain weight. Zhang Meihui, who is 1.68 meters tall and weighs about 180 pounds, searched online for the "360 Weight Loss Training Camp" after the 2019 college entrance examination in order to have a new look and welcome college life. She participated in the training camp when graduating from high school. For the first time participating in training, Zhang Meihui successfully lost over 20 pounds. Due to feeling that the weight loss effect was good, she decided to participate in a training camp for the second time during the summer vacation.

Zhang Meihui's brother introduced that the weight loss center adopts a closed management system for food and accommodation. There are no medical staff or nutritionists set up in the camp, and it is unknown whether the coaches have qualifications. According to reports, before entering the camp, the training camp staff arranged a physical examination for him, but did not show any relevant qualifications.

According to a source named Xiao Li, the training camp only has 6 staff members, two managers, two coaches, and two chefs. In 2019, the coach of the training camp was a young college student without qualifications. The chef in charge of food and the two staff members who are responsible for it are also not professional nutritionists. Meanwhile, the training camp also lacks professional healthcare doctors.

According to Xinhua News Agency on July 29, 2014, a 17-year-old female student named Xiaoting, who had completed the college entrance examination, participated in a weight loss camp held by a fitness center in Shenyang. However, she suddenly died in the swimming pool of the training camp on the afternoon of July 22.

It is understood that the student named Xiaoting signed up on July 11th to participate in a weight loss camp organized by Shenyang Greenhouse Inn Fitness Club Co., Ltd. At around 15:30 on the 22nd, Xiaoting suddenly fell after completing swimming training. Then, with the help of a student and a coach, they entered the women's locker room. About 10 minutes later, a student rushed out of the women's locker room, found the coach, and dialed 120. Subsequently, Xiaoting was taken to Shenyang Red Cross Hospital, but she never woke up again.

Multiple similar training camps have been exposed to have caused deaths, with female internet celebrity losing weight and Cuihua | Weight Loss | Training Camp

▲ Xiaoting's mother. Image source: Xinhua News Agency

Some media have seen from the schedule of the weight loss camp that students engage in 130 minutes of training in the morning and afternoon each day, and 50 minutes of violent walking in the evening. From the diet of the weight loss training camp, it can be seen that the students eat very few staple foods in each meal, measured in grams, and their side dishes are mainly vegetables. On Sunday, I only have one serving of soy sauce beef at night all day. Ms. Guo, Xiaoting's mother, showed her photos to the media: "What they gave their child was a bowl of tofu soup, with two vegetable leaves floating in the soup, and the main food on the menu was not given either."

3. A well-known weight loss camp: more than 30 camps, charging 7,000 to tens of thousands

According to public information, the weight loss training camp is a closed exercise weight loss institution that uses exercise to lose weight. Obese people use certain aerobic sports to consume excess body fat, promote metabolism, and achieve the purpose of exercise to lose weight. The weight loss training camp mostly adopts a fully enclosed professional training mode, with anaerobic exercise aerobic exercise outdoor expansion training, combined with fashionable aerobic exercise class combination training, outdoor park orienteering expansion, psychological weight loss, improving their own health behavior, etc., and through scientific nutrition catering, finally achieves a healthy and ideal effect of reducing fat and slimming.

According to public information and relevant media reports, weight loss training camps entered the domestic market around 2000, and until 2008, there were only a few scattered institutions operating in a simple combination of gyms and hotels. By 2015, the industry had experienced its first explosive growth. Since then, especially since 2018, due to the influence of short video dissemination, industry costs have decreased, and the popularity of weight loss training camps has skyrocketed. As of the end of 2019, there were about 300 weight loss camps nationwide, mainly concentrated in first and second tier cities. The target audience was mainly obese individuals with better family economic conditions. This behavior of "spending money to suffer" has gradually been accepted by the 90s and 00s.

On the official website of a certain training camp, an upstream news reporter entered their basic information, and a few minutes later, a Guangdong phone number called to ask if the reporter needed to participate in a weight loss training camp. According to the staff member, they have been working for 17 years and are the "national standard setting unit for weight control. Currently, they are the most authoritative and largest weight loss training camp in China that integrates food, accommodation, and training. There are more than 30 campsites across the country, divided into economical, comfortable, and high-end campsites."

Subsequently, the staff sent a more detailed weight loss training plan through WeChat. The information showed that there were 48 types of courses in 8 major systems, with a small class teaching system, 1 head coach and 2 deputy coaches, and equipped with safety officers, field patrol coaches, life teachers, and nutritionists, leading about 8-15 students. According to the standards of the General Administration of Sport of China, the average weight loss ratio is 10-12%. "For example, students weighing around 180 pounds can lose about 18-21 pounds in one cycle."

The staff also introduced that the characteristics of the training camp are 60% aerobic and 40% anaerobic exercise, which combines weight loss and shaping, improves muscle content and basic metabolism of the body, and focuses on low to medium intensity exercise, without the phenomenon of rebound and obesity lines. As for the catering during weight loss training, it is based on the golden ratio provided by national professional nutritionists, with a ratio of 4:3:3 for carbon water, protein, and fat, and no dieting or meal replacement methods are used to lose weight.

Perhaps aware of the news of the death of the female internet celebrity weight loss camp mentioned earlier, the staff of this weight loss training camp voluntarily introduced details about exercise safety. "Our training camp will conduct professional physical examinations and evaluations of students before they participate to understand their physical condition. In addition, we will also wear professional wristbands for them during training, monitor heart rate and other data at all times, and prevent accidents."

The reporter saw through the fee standards sent by the staff that, taking the Chengdu campsite in June as an example, the students lived in a three person room. The original price of the 28 day training camp was 9980 yuan, and the discounted price was 7980 yuan; The original price of a 56 day training camp is 19960 yuan, with a special offer of 14960 yuan; The original price of the 84 day training camp is 29940 yuan, with a special offer of 20940 yuan. The training camp has an additional 112, 140, and 168 days, with the longest duration of 168 days. The original price is 59880 yuan, and the special price is 41880 yuan. It is reported that this fee includes all expenses including accommodation, meals, and training, and will not be charged separately.

The reporter also consulted several other weight loss institutions and found that during the summer weight loss camp, most people grow up from 14 days to two months, and the charging standards range from over 3000 to over 10000 yuan. Although various weight loss camps are not cheap, according to what the reporter learned, there is still a continuous stream of applicants for weight loss.

4. Those who have witnessed it: they will rebound and dig their throats and vomit for the weighing scale.

For weight loss training camp exactly how to effect, Qianjiang Evening News had interviewed a witness.

Mei Mei once studied at a university in Hangzhou. She has had a good appetite since childhood and has always been heavier than her peers. In her freshman year, Mei Mei's weight reached a historical high of 190 pounds, accompanied by various illnesses. During the summer vacation of her freshman year, Mei Mei went to Guangdong to participate in a weight loss training camp. Mei Mei said that the daily training time is 4 to 5 hours, "two to three hours each in the morning and afternoon, and two hours of rest in the afternoon."

Mei Mei's training courses include aerobic exercise, strength training: barbell exercises, aerobic exercises, plank support, swimming, badminton, running, etc. "It's not that a few hours of high-intensity exercise will be interspersed with some fun activities," Mei Mei spent about a week adapting to the courses in the training camp.

Multiple similar training camps have been exposed to have caused deaths, with female internet celebrity losing weight and Cuihua | Weight Loss | Training Camp

In addition to a lot of exercise, another point emphasized in the training camp is diet. "Snacks are not allowed. When we come in, we will check our luggage. We can only buy 10 fruits once a week, and we cannot eat watermelons and grapes. We can only buy apples, dragon fruit, grapefruit, and so on."

As for the meals for the three meals, she felt quite satisfied. "They were all the kind of meal boxes, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and rice, but in limited quantities. Eating more than one or two meals a day, she would use corn and sweet potatoes instead of staple food." For Mei Mei, who has always had a good appetite, she often felt hungry after a day. Mei Mei used to weigh herself by picking her throat with her fingers and vomiting after finishing a meal.

"The amount of exercise is high, and the amount of food is limited. In addition, with a large weight base, the weight loss in the first month was quite significant."

For the first time, Meimei stayed at a weight loss training camp for 3 months and eventually lost 145 pounds. About a year later, Mei Mei regained her weight and regained 180 pounds. The effect of the second attempt is significantly worse. Meimei's weight seems to be difficult to lose again.

5, health indicators are difficult to assess, lack of emergency treatment capacity

It is understood that in the weight-loss camp, the role of the coach is very important. It is not only necessary to control the students' daily life, exercise and diet, but also to conduct penetrating education in the psychological state. According to a previous report by the Southern Metropolis Daily, it is difficult for a large number of weight loss camps in the market to recruit qualified coaches, even the exercise methods and skills are difficult to master, and it is impossible to evaluate whether the amount of exercise of each student is scientific and reasonable. As a result, many students think that they do not exercise for a long time when they are not in good health. Just move more. In addition, in addition to setting up weight loss classes, many weight loss camps have also set up coach training courses, which can be quickly completed in less than one month. However, these "quick coaches" may turn around and enter another weight loss camp to become coaches, and they do not have a scientific and complete theoretical system of exercise, diet and psychological counseling.

Nutritionists are another important role in weight loss camps. Many weight loss camps claim to have a "scientific diet," "professional nutritionists pairing meals," and "eggs, meat, and milk." However, in reality, they only add less oil to stir fry and try to avoid meat dishes if you can eat vegetarian dishes. There is no nutritionist available, and the food cannot meet the daily nutritional needs.

In addition to coaches and nutritionists, which may not meet the standard, many training camps do not have medical staff or healthcare doctors, making it impossible to accurately evaluate the physical health indicators of students in real time. In case of emergencies, emergency treatment or treatment is also not possible. And this is closely related to the occurrence of the above-mentioned cases.

6, fitness people suggest: weight loss should be done according to one's ability, not too hasty

According to Changjiang Cloud, Yang Xiaowei, a fitness coach who has been engaged in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years, said that it is definitely wrong to take overload exercise and diet to achieve rapid weight loss in order to be eager for success. "Excessive weight loss can easily cause hair loss, fear of training, increase physical load, cause malnutrition in the body and affect the normal operation of various functions of the body, including the immune system, endocrine system, and cardiovascular system. At the same time, it may also cause organ damage and Metabolic disorders can also affect mental health, and in more serious cases, life-threatening. To lose weight, we should make a scientific plan, work and rest rules, stay up late, do not smoke or drink, eat a balanced diet, and pay attention to nutrition."

He also reminded that if it is a heavy weight loss, attention should be paid to heart rate, joint problems, underlying diseases, etc. If there is any discomfort during the weight loss process, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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