Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:51 PM

On the 26th, the reporter learned from Liu Changchu, a female doctor involved in the "poisoning case by her ex husband during marriage" in Feixian, Shandong that she recently received a "petition handling opinion letter" from the Feixian Health Bureau. According to the second instance judgment of the case, the bureau has cancelled the practicing physician qualification certificate of Liu Chang's ex husband and former physician Gao Mousen from the Liangqiu Center Health Center in Feixian, and is currently processing the procedures for dismissal from public office in accordance with the law.

Liu Chang's skin shows numerous cracks

At the same time, the Health Bureau of Fei County plans to issue administrative warnings to Cui, the then Vice President of Liangqiu Center Health Center, Li, the Director of Pediatrics, Zhu, the Head Nurse, and Li, the Director of Pharmacy. They will also issue a notice of criticism to Liu, the then pharmacy staff, and four others; Zhao, the head of the Food Safety Standards and Monitoring and Evaluation Department, and Wang, the then responsible person, who did not conduct a serious investigation after Liu Chang reported in 2018, are planned to be given disciplinary action, and three members of the investigation team, including Shi, will be given a notice of criticism.

The handling opinion also mentioned that the issue of the investigation team not fixing the original prescription in a timely manner during the investigation and verification process, as well as the unclear expression of "department surplus drugs" and "department reserve drugs" by the then head nurse of the pediatric department of Liangqiu Central Health Hospital, have all been transferred to the public security department for handling.

Liu Chang told reporters that he will submit a review application. "Criminal element Gao Mousen used his position to purchase long-acting hormones eight times for several months, but no one issued a warning. The hospital has serious problems with drug supervision and prescription review. I do not agree with the results of the warning and criticism."

A female doctor accuses her ex husband of poisoning

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

My ex husband was sentenced to 8 and a half years in prison for intentional injury

According to previous reports, in October 2016, female doctor Liu Chang felt unwell after marrying Gao Mousen for over a year, experiencing symptoms such as blurred vision, leg cramps, excessive drinking and urination, significant weight gain, and numerous cracks in the leg and abdominal skin. After the examination, the doctor suspected that she had taken a large amount of hormone drugs in a short period of time.

In September 2017, Gao Mousen filed for divorce after an argument and the two separated. Subsequently, Liu Chang's mother unexpectedly discovered a large amount of drugs at home, including seven steroid drugs, dexamethasone. These anomalies made Liu Chang suspect that Gao Mousen wanted to use drugs to harm himself. On January 24, 2018, the two divorced.

Discovered a large amount of medication at home

After Liu Chang repeatedly reported to relevant departments, in April 2018, the Health Bureau of Fei County made a decision to suspend Gao Mousen from work for 7 days and impose a fine of 500 yuan for illegally taking drugs without the consent of the head nurse. However, due to insufficient evidence, the public security organs were unable to file a case.

According to the data, Gao Mori was originally a physician at the Liangqiu Center Health Center in Feixian County, and obtained a practicing assistant physician certificate on November 12, 2015.

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

In July 2019, Liu Chang publicly reported on social media, which attracted public attention. At that time, it was suspected that Gao Mousen responded by stating that Liu Chang's report was a "false accusation" and that the use of drugs such as dexamethasone was used to treat Liu Chang's lumbar disc herniation, which made the case confusing.

On March 18, 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Fei County deemed that the case of Liu Chang being injured "meets the conditions for filing a case" and initiated an investigation. On the same day, the appraisal opinion notice issued by the Feixian Public Security Bureau showed that Liu Chang's physical injury was classified as level two serious injury. In April of the same year, Gao Mousen was arrested and approved for arrest.

On February 10, 2023, the Fei County Court pronounced the first instance verdict on the intentional injury case of Gao Mousen. The court ruled that due to family conflicts, Gao Mousen had the idea of retaliating and teaching Liu Chang a lesson by injecting her with dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection. From September 2016 to November 2016, Gao Mousen purchased 91 dexamethasone sodium phosphate injections eight times. In November 2016, due to Liu Chang's illness receiving intravenous treatment, Gao Mousen, without his knowledge, injected 50 to 60 doses of dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection at home for about 20 days.

The court also found that Gao Mousen had been concealing the fact that he had injected dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection into Liu Chang during the hospital examination when the doctor asked if he had injected steroids. In September 2019, Liu Chang was diagnosed with aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. According to the appraisal of Beijing Zhongzheng Judicial Appraisal Institute, Liu Chang's bilateral aseptic necrosis of the femoral head discovered during an examination in April 2019 cannot be ruled out as having a certain causal relationship with previous use of steroid drugs, and the degree of injury is classified as Grade II serious injury.

The Fei County Court ruled in the first instance that Gao Mousen was guilty of intentional injury and sentenced him to eight years and six months in prison. After Gao Mousen appealed, on May 18, 2023, the Linyi Intermediate People's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict.

Fei County Health Bureau: Cancellation of Qualification Certificate

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

Being processed for dismissal from public office

According to Liu Chang, after the first instance verdict was released in February this year, she reported the issue of Gao Mousen stealing hospital drugs, the hospital's lax review and inadequate supervision, and the investigators not fulfilling their detailed investigation obligations, which led to Gao Mousen escaping legal sanctions for four years, to the Feixian Health Bureau and demanded that the involved personnel be dealt with.

On June 25th, the Health Bureau of Fei County issued a handling opinion on its petition matters. According to the opinion letter, after investigation, in September 2017, Liu Chang complained through the 12345 Citizen Hotline that "Gao Mousen secretly brought a large amount of medicine home in November 2016, used it without authorization, causing discomfort to his body, and demanded that he be investigated and dealt with.".

After receiving the work order, the former Health and Family Planning Bureau of Fei County instructed the Liangqiu Center Health Center to establish an investigation team to investigate and implement the reported issues. The investigation team focused on investigating and verifying the drug management issues in Gao's department, and inquired about the relevant situation from Gao. At that time, Gao handwritten a situation explanation, stating that mannitol, some amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate, ambroxol injection, ribavirin and other drugs were borrowed from the backup drugs of the Liangqiu Central Health Center department. The investigation team did not find any evidence of Gao's drug theft, and immediately reported the situation to Liu Chang.

Handling the opinion letter, respondents provide pictures

On April 3, 2018, the investigation team of the former Fei County Health and Family Planning Bureau went to the Liangqiu Center Health Center to investigate and verify. The investigation conclusion was that Gao Mousen illegally took drugs without consent. In February 2018, the Liangqiu Center Health Center made a decision to deal with this behavior: suspend Gao Mousen from work for 7 days and impose a fine of 500 yuan, and give the head nurse of pediatrics, Zhu Mouxia, a notice of criticism and a written review to the entire hospital.

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

The aforementioned "handling opinion" shows that regarding the discrepancy between the "81 dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection bottles" in the response opinion issued in 2018 and the actual quantity of 91 bottles, the Feixian Health Bureau verified that it was due to the Liangqiu Central Health Center reducing 10 bottles according to Gao Mousen's oral statement at that time. At that time, a situation explanation was issued, which was also confirmed by Gao Mousen himself.

In February 2019, due to the lack of strict verification by pharmaceutical personnel, lax prescription review work, and the presence of large prescriptions and unreasonable drug use, the Liangqiu Central Health Center made a decision to dismiss Li as the director of the West Pharmacy.

In March 2019, various medical and health units in Fei County replaced the HIS management system, and the Liangqiu Center Health Center also carried out the replacement simultaneously. After resuming the investigation in February this year, Gao Mousen's electronic prescription for purchasing 91 doses of dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection from the hospital 8 times has been restored.

Handling the opinion letter, respondents provide pictures

The handling opinion also mentioned that in September 2019, in response to Gao Mousen's behavior of practicing medicine at home without obtaining a Medical Institution Practice License, the County Health Supervision and Law Enforcement Brigade decided to impose a fine of 3000 yuan on Gao Mousen in accordance with relevant provisions such as the Medical Institution Management Regulations and the Shandong Province Health and Family Planning Administrative Penalty Discretionary Standards.

On June 14, 2023, according to the verdict of Gao Mousen's second trial, the Feixian Health Bureau lawfully cancelled his practicing physician qualification certificate. At present, the bureau is handling the procedures for dismissing him from public office in accordance with the law.

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

Multiple people are expected to receive administrative warnings, notifications, and criticisms

Some clues have been transferred to the public security organs for processing

The investigation conducted by the Health Bureau of Feixian County found that the pharmacy personnel at Liangqiu Central Health Center did not strictly follow the verification process, did not rigorously review prescriptions, had large prescriptions and unreasonable drug use, and there were loopholes in the drug management of relevant departments; The investigators from the County Health Bureau and Liangqiu Central Health Center have problems with their work being not meticulous, comprehensive, and in-depth.

The investigation by the Health Bureau of Feixian County found that there were serious management loopholes in the pediatric drug management where Gao Mori was located. Gao Mori had repeatedly taken a large number of departmental drugs out of the hospital, resulting in serious management loopholes. The head nurse of the department at the time was unclear about the expression of "surplus drugs in the department" and "reserve drugs in the department", resulting in the inability to accurately define the source of drugs taken by Gao Mori privately.

Handling the opinion letter, respondents provide pictures

The "handling opinion letter" issued by the Feixian Health Bureau shows that regarding the issue of the source of drugs in Gao's external punishment documents being department surplus and inconsistent expression of department reserve, the investigation team did not fix the issue of the original prescription in a timely manner during the investigation and verification process, and the issue of Li's dismissal documents not being delivered to him according to the procedure and not being publicly disclosed within a certain range. The then head nurse of the pediatric department at Liangqiu Center Health Center has transferred the issue of unclear expression of "department surplus drugs" and "department reserve drugs" to the public security department for handling.

Multiple health personnel are expected to be warned and criticized, and a female doctor is being traced for her ex husband's poisoning case. Ex husband has been dismissed from public office for handling | Issue | Ex husband

According to laws and regulations such as the "Prescription Management Measures" and the "Hospital Prescription Review Management Standards", the Feixian Health Bureau plans to issue an administrative warning to Cui Moujun, who was then the Vice Dean in charge of pharmaceutical work at the Liangqiu Central Health Center, as the Assistant Dean and Director of Pediatrics Li Moujun in a timely manner; Give an administrative warning to Zhu Mouxia, the then head nurse of pediatrics, who has lax drug management in the department; Administrative warnings were given to the then pharmacy director Li and staff member Liu who did not effectively intervene in unreasonable prescriptions, and criticism was given to the then pharmacy staff members Huang, Geng, and Cao.

In addition, the Feixian Health Bureau has dealt with investigators who are not serious and meticulous in their work, as well as those who lack regulatory responsibilities. They plan to dismiss Zhao from his position as the head of the Food Safety Standards and Monitoring and Evaluation Department, and impose disciplinary measures. The then responsible person, Wang Jun, will be given disciplinary measures, and the members of the investigation team, Shi, Yang, and Qiu, will be notified and criticized.

Handling the opinion letter, respondents provide pictures

"The perfunctory investigation by the Liangqiu Health Center and the Feixian Health Bureau in the past resulted in the criminal case not being solved for several years, which missed my six years of youth. The relevant personnel only received administrative warnings and criticism. Liu Chang expressed that she could not accept the results of this investigation and planned to apply for a review to the Feixian People's Government or the Linyi Health Bureau.".

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