More than 200 media units form the Sichuan Communication "Aircraft Carrier"! Understanding the Communication of Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium | Consortium | Sichuan

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:36 AM

On July 17th, the establishment ceremony of the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium was held in Chengdu, marking the official launch of the largest and most standardized communication "aircraft carrier" in Sichuan's history.

Speaking of high standards, the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium is led by the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, with the assistance and guidance of the Party Committee Propaganda Department of each city and county; In terms of scale, the "4+21+185" super large battle formation covers more than 200 media units at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and the main force has comprehensively entered the main battlefield of mobile Internet.

As soon as the news spread, it attracted widespread attention. Why establish the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium? What is the underlying meaning and what are the functions and responsibilities of the consortium? In response to these issues, Chuanguan News reporters interviewed relevant member units and experts.

About "What"

The Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium is not a merger and integration, but a media "organization" formed by member units forming a "group" development

If we use the existing concept analogy, is Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium a company, a platform, or a super media?

According to the interviewees, the above concepts are not accurate enough. A relatively more accurate understanding is that it is a media "organization" - which means it is not engaging in mergers and integration, nor is it replacing various member units. Its emergence is the result of member units developing together. According to the information released at the establishment ceremony, its members include four joint initiators, namely Sichuan Radio and Television Station, Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group, Sichuan New Media Group, China Radio and Television Sichuan Company, as well as 21 city level media and 185 county-level integrated media centers.

As for the main function of "organization", it can be summarized as "triple empowerment" - providing communication empowerment, technology empowerment, and talent empowerment for media at the provincial, municipal, and county levels.

Empowering communication, adhering to the principle of Party controlled media and Party controlled propaganda, conducting prominent coverage of important activities and speeches of the General Secretary on the homepage of integrated media at all levels, with a focus on promoting the innovative theories of the Party and the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee; By combining key time nodes and important theme propaganda, coordinating media resources at all levels within the province, and collaborating with the main central news units stationed in Sichuan, we will carry out collaborative interviews and three-dimensional communication, forming a resource intensive, structurally reasonable, differentiated development, and highly efficient provincial all media communication system;

Technology empowerment mainly focuses on the development of independent and controllable technologies, absorbs high-quality resources from Internet business platforms, builds an open financial media technology platform, develops diversified application functions in data analysis, AI applications, platform operations, etc., and does a good job in technical support and operation and maintenance services, so as to create a provincial media data and information technology hub that is vertically connected and horizontally connected;

Talent empowerment mainly involves establishing an expert think tank for integrated media development, improving the training mechanism for integrated media talents throughout the province, improving the exchange and learning mechanism for key media personnel from cities and counties to provincial media, creating a practical base for integrated media talents throughout the province, unblocking channels for talent dissemination, and building a development ecosystem for integrated media talents that can be attracted, used well, and retained.

To ensure the implementation of the above functions, the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium has a corresponding market operation service organization - Tianfu Integrated Media Technology Co., Ltd. The company will rely on the Tianfu Integrated Media Technology Platform to provide technical support and operation services around the supply of public welfare products, integrated media technology support, value-added service provision, and social resource integration in the construction of integrated media.

About "Why"

The establishment of the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium not only solves specific pain points for its members, but also provides a regional support platform for exploring the strengthening of the entire media communication system construction

Why establish the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium? The most intuitive answer is to solve the problem.

Before the establishment of the consortium, relevant parties conducted in-depth research on the development status of media integration at the municipal level in Sichuan. The research report shows that the construction level of integrated media centers at the municipal level in Sichuan is uneven, with common problems in content production, talent team, operation and maintenance management, technical management, and other aspects, especially the continuous weakening of technical support capacity, insufficient operation and maintenance capacity, and lagging updates. Out of 36 municipal level media outlets in Sichuan, only 8 have achieved their own technological support. This is true for city level integrated media, let alone county-level integrated media.

Dai Xiaoping, Director of Ziyang Integrated Media Center, told Chuanguan News reporters, "Many common technologies, such as intelligent proofreading, are actually needed by everyone. However, relying on their own research and development and maintenance, the cost is too high, and the technical level, especially the ability to independently improve, is also difficult to improve. If done uniformly, we can leverage the advantages of scale, improve technical capabilities, ensure independent control, and save money." Xiang Hui, Chief Editor of Deyang Daily, mentioned that he particularly hopes to use the construction of provincial integrated media talent practice bases and solve the problem of improving the professional quality of practitioners during the transformation period through "learning by doing".

In the industrial field, digital transformation was promoted, and some benchmark demonstration enterprises took the lead in building industrial Internet platforms to empower SMEs, which solved the problem of "dare not transform" and "will not transform". Can this approach be applied to the news front? The Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium is conducting similar explorations.

In addition to addressing specific pain points, the interviewed experts also provided another perspective to understand why it should be established.

Song Jianwu, an expert consultant of the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium and professor at Renmin University of China, as well as the general director of the Media Integration Laboratory, stated that the establishment of the consortium provides an important idea for completing a key task of "strengthening the construction of the entire media communication system", which is to "build a regional support platform".

To understand the above viewpoint, it is necessary to first understand the construction of a comprehensive media communication system. This is a key deployment included in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Several interviewed experts, including Zhou Baohua, Vice Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Fudan University, and Guo Quan, Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Central University for Nationalities, pointed out that the continuous development of all media has led to profound changes in the public opinion ecology, media pattern, and communication methods, posing new challenges to news and public opinion work. Strengthening the construction of the entire media communication system is not only a localized exploration to address the aforementioned changes and challenges, but also a necessary way to enhance the dissemination, guidance, influence, and credibility of news propaganda and public opinion, and shape a new pattern of mainstream public opinion.

More than 200 media units form the Sichuan Communication "Aircraft Carrier"! Understanding the Communication of Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium | Consortium | Sichuan

The media at the provincial, municipal, and county levels have played different roles in the process of building a comprehensive media communication system. The "14th Five Year Plan for Cultural Development" issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council elaborates in detail on the work priorities of provincial-level media, municipal and prefecture level media, and county-level integrated media centers when deploying the construction of a full media communication system.

But in order to fully leverage the role of provincial, municipal, and county media, the interviewed experts believe that there are at least two major problems to face: the first is the problem of imbalanced development. Some media units in the province have already taken the lead in the deep integration and development of media in the country, but there are also some units that have obvious shortcomings in technology and talent. "If there is no corresponding support, the construction of local integrated media centers and other facilities may become mere formality, and there will be a 'missing link' in the construction of the entire media communication system."; The second issue is system collaboration. The interviewed experts remind that the full media communication system should be the result of comprehensive collaboration among various levels and types of new mainstream media, and a single media institution is difficult to independently complete the construction task of the entire system. This requires avoiding going it alone and avoiding inefficient internal friction.

The establishment of the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium is to provide support for exploring and solving the above-mentioned problems. Guo Quanzhong, Vice Dean of the School of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University, Cao Hui, and other interviewed experts believe that the consortium can, on the one hand, reduce the development gap of media at all levels and regions by empowering them, and on the other hand, promote the transformation of media in the province from "single player competition" to "group development" by coordinating in technology and communication, laying a solid foundation for building a comprehensive, coordinated and efficient all media communication system.

This is not only for Sichuan, but also for exploring the way for the whole country. As a representative of expert consultants, Song Jianwu expressed in his speech at the establishment ceremony that he looks forward to Sichuan Province exploring paths, accumulating experience, and creating examples for the construction of the national all media communication system through the construction and operation of the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium.

About "Why"

To establish a successful Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium, Sichuan has these three guarantees

During the interview, experts candidly stated that similar practices in some parts of China have not achieved the expected results. This raises a question - what is the basis for Sichuan to establish a successful Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium?

The respondents provided answers regarding goal assurance, capability assurance, and organizational assurance.

In terms of goal guarantee, the Tianfu Integrated Media Alliance will always focus on solving practical problems, and form centripetal force by continuously empowering media at the provincial, municipal, and county levels to stimulate participation enthusiasm. One important measure is "free". Tianfu Rongmedia Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for the specific task of building a Tianfu Rongmedia technology platform. This technology platform has strong public welfare attributes and provides free public welfare products to member units, including providing technical services such as strategy, procurement, editing, review, and distribution, to support the normal operation of various integrated media centers.

In terms of capacity guarantee, the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium has accumulated the technology and advantageous resources to achieve its main functions. Taking technology research and development as an example, all four joint initiators have considerable technological accumulation and self-developed capabilities. In recent years, Sichuan Radio and Television Station has been focusing on promoting the tracking, research and application of high-tech audio-visual technology and media integration applications. It has the technical ability to independently design integrated media production process system platforms, big data intelligent platforms, high-definition and ultra high definition broadcasting systems, and has taken the lead in completing the construction of the country's first fully IP-based 4K ultra high definition television broadcasting channel on provincial-level stations. It has also built the first ultra high definition news broadcasting hall based on 12G technology architecture in the western region. Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group has an Internet professional technical team of about 200 people, covering 13 technical categories and more than 20 technical types of work. It has deepened technical cooperation with leading enterprises such as Huawei, University of Electronic Science and Technology and colleges and universities, and has deeply participated in more than 10 joint open technology projects such as artificial intelligence and future media laboratory, 5G media laboratory, etc.

It is worth noting that the construction of Tianfu Media Financing Technology Platform focuses on attracting the participation of top enterprises in the Internet industry, opening up the content transmission channels of major business platforms, further broadening the integration boundary, and hiring the chief experts of China Electronics Technology Group and other enterprises as technical expert consultants. This is to strengthen the concept of borrowing wisdom and strength, cooperation and win-win, and pursue stronger technology, greater voice, and better integration in communication efficiency.

In terms of organizational support, the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium has its own characteristics and comparative advantages. Chuanguan News reporter learned from the establishment ceremony that the Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium is led by the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, with the assistance and guidance of the Party Committee Propaganda Department of each city and county. The consortium will actively seek financial support and fully leverage the role of market mechanisms to enhance its own hematopoietic function.

Chuanguan News reporters noticed that the Tianfu Integrated Media Technology Platform also has a "content aggregation and exchange" function, which means that the content is unified and aggregated to the technology platform, providing content exchange services to media in various cities and counties throughout the province. This is conducive to spreading grassroots voices wider, farther, and deeper. Many people also have a question, how can city and county integrated media retain users?

"News+government affairs+services" will be a beneficial exploration. The Tianfu Integrated Media Technology Platform will be based on data support functions, breaking down data barriers and integrating government services according to the needs of various levels of integrated media, providing services such as public consultation, party building and trade union, online affairs, social security and medical insurance, etc. This means that city and county integrated media is not only a news website or client, but also an important channel for close party mass communication and a platform for serving the people.

On July 17th, with a homophonic sound of "to be together", the theme of the establishment ceremony is exactly "to be wonderful together". The "Joint Declaration of Tianfu Integrated Media Consortium" released on site proposes to "jointly build a resource intensive, structurally reasonable, differentially developed, and synergistically efficient provincial communication system, and jointly create a mutually supportive, distinctive, and interconnected communication ecosystem."

Co construction, integration, and sharing, "4+21+185" go together!

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