Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:10 AM

On the 7th floor of the Jingwei Building of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province, there were 28 beds in the Department of Physical Diseases and Psychiatry. A 62 year old man named Luo Wenzhong stayed here for a full 70 days.

He has to cooperate with the doctor to take medication every day, and can only be allowed to talk to the outside world for 3 minutes on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. A retired cadre from the Zhangjiajie Municipal Political and Legal System, who is familiar with his entire treatment situation, said, "If it were me, even if I didn't have mental illness, I would have been locked up."

It was his son Luo, who worked at the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City, who sent Luo Wenzhong to a psychiatric hospital. Before Luo Wenzhong was hospitalized, he and his son had a heated argument over property rights and other issues, and then Luo Wenzhong smashed Luo's home. Regarding external doubts, Luo believes that his father "certainly has a mental illness, otherwise the hospital would not be able to treat it.".

In July of this year, Luo Wenzhong handwritten a "complaint letter" with crooked handwriting to the outside world. Luo Wenzhong "solemnly declared that I am not mentally ill.". He said that the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province was "biased and untrustworthy, completely disregarding the fact that their mental state was normal, controlling their freedom, and forcibly taking medication for them, causing significant physical and mental damage." He was very angry about this.

In order to "rescue" Luo Wenzhong, in the past two months, his sister Luo Wenren and other close relatives have filed complaints with police and health departments in many places in Hunan. Luo Wenren had multiple conversations with Luo Wenzhong, and she believed that Luo Wenzhong was just a normal person. Luo used her identity as a direct relative to exploit a loophole in the medical system's treatment of mental patients, forcing the hospital to imprison him, resulting in Luo Wenzhong being mentally ill.

On July 20th, Luo Wenzhong had a video call with his sister Luo Wenqing and sister Luo Wenren in the ward


"Who are you?" "Luo Wenzhong." "Do you think of it?" "Yes!"

This is a scene that occurred on the afternoon of August 11th at the corridor of the Department of Physical and Mental Health on the 7th floor of the Jingwei Building of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province. Through a shiny steel door, Luo Wenren and her brother Luo Wenzhong completed a hasty and brief conversation.

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

On August 11th, Luo Wenzhong's sister Luo Wenren had a conversation with him through the door

Luo Wenzhong was once a prominent figure in his family. When he was young, his family was poor. Later, due to urban construction, Luo's family received several compensation payments for land acquisition and demolition. Luo Wenzhong used these funds as start-up funds. He first worked with his brother-in-law to build a sand mine, then opened a China Pakistan bus route to rural areas, and then opened an imported car repair shop. He gradually accumulated tens of millions of assets and has storefronts in different areas of Zhangjiajie city.

Last October, Luo Wenzhong was diagnosed with "glioma" due to having a headache for more than ten years. On October 22 of the same year, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University performed a left frontal lobe mass resection under general anesthesia for him. Zhang Li, the niece of Luo Wenzhong, said that before her uncle's surgery, she had consulted relevant information and learned that some patients had become irritable after the surgery. "Therefore, I specifically instructed my family to take care of my uncle's emotions."

According to other close relatives of Luo Wenzhong, he and his son Luo and daughter Luo were originally getting along well, but since Luo Wenzhong's brain surgery, the two sides have become at odds due to property distribution issues, and their relationship has deteriorated. Luo Wenzhong's registered residence is the Sishanqiao Community, Chongwen Sub district Office, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City. The community secretary Qin Yuanyue introduced that the community had mediated several times on the "contradiction" between Luo Wenzhong and his children. When mediating the conflict between the two parties, Qin Yuanyue found that both Luo Wenzhong and Luo's father and son were very stubborn.

Qin Yuanyue told Red Star News reporters that after the surgery, Luo Wenzhong's physical condition was not as good as before, but he did not show some characteristics of a patient with "glioma" who had a hot temper after craniotomy. "He is no different from before and has not caused harm to society." Luo Wenzhong's sister, Luo Wenren, said that he can still drive alone after the surgery.

▲ Life photo of Luo Wenzhong

A retired political and legal system official, Chen, also confirmed to Red Star News that despite undergoing surgery, Luo Wenzhong is still a "normal person.". The retired cadre emphasized that his classmates and friends around him all knew that Luo Wenzhong was "mentally healthy.". During this year's May Day holiday, Chen drove with friends such as Luo Wenzhong to a local farmhouse for a meal. Chen introduced that at that time, Luo Wenzhong complained to him about his "unfilial children". "He said he gave his assets to his children, but now they don't care about him, so he is not convinced."

According to close relatives of Luo Wenzhong, he transferred multiple properties to his son and daughter. However, Luo also proposed that Luo Wenzhong should fulfill his mother's promise to "bear the living expenses of his grandchildren" during her lifetime, which made Luo Wenzhong very angry.

Sending patients to the hospital

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

At the intersection of Chongwen Road and Hongshawan Lane in Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City, there is a 6-story standalone building called "Hongshawan No.1".

The lower floors of the building have been rented out, and there are Taekwondo Gymnasium, Table Tennis Gymnasium, and other facilities in the building. A close relative of Luo Wenzhong introduced that "Hongshawan No.1" was built by Luo Wenzhong, but the property rights have been transferred to his son Luo. Both Luo Wenzhong and Luo live on the 6th floor, and there is an iron door built in the stairwell leading to the 6th floor.

▲ "Red Sand Bay No.1" built by Luo Wenzhong

According to a lawyer's letter commissioned by Luo Wenren, on May 25, 2023, Luo Wenzhong convened a family meeting with his son, daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law to discuss loan repayment, family inheritance, and his own retirement issues. Luo Wenzhong hoped that his children could repay part of the loan, but was met with resistance from his children, causing the family meeting to end unhappily.

According to four handwritten promissory notes, in April 2020, Luo Wenzhong's daughter Luo Mouhui and son-in-law Zhang borrowed 880000 yuan from him. In August and September of that year, his son Luo and daughter-in-law Yang borrowed 400000 yuan from him in three installments.

The direct conflict between Luo Wenzhong and his son Luo occurred on May 26th this year. Before the incident, Chen received a call from Luo Wenzhong, "He said on the phone that Luo changed the door lock at the staircase and was' kicked out ', which made him very sad."

"At that time, I comforted him by saying that it was his own home and he could go in. He could find a witness to accompany him, change another lock together, and then place the key at the iron door so that there would be no conflict between them." Chen recalled, and Luo Wenzhong said "good" to his suggestion at the time. "But just as he changed the lock, Luo ran down and angrily asked Luo Wenzhong, 'Do you know who owns the property of this house?'"

Chen told a Red Star News reporter that he quickly comforted Luo Wenzhong, "I told him to forget and not have any conflicts with his son, but shortly after I hung up the phone, my other friend called me and said Luo Wenzhong was tied up..."

▲ Screenshot of Luo Wenzhong smashing a video at his son Luo's house

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

A video shows Luo Wenzhong holding a long metal stick, smashing objects such as computers, televisions, and display windows indoors. After smashing, he sat on the chair and wiped the blood stains on his hands. A close relative of Luo Wenzhong claimed that he smashed Luo's indoor belongings, but he was stimulated by Luo. After Luo Wenzhong smashed Luo's home, Luo reported to the police, and then Luo Wenzhong was taken to the Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital located 70 kilometers away in Cili County.

Regarding the reasons for the conflict with his father and the situation of the conflict between the two parties, Luo himself did not provide an explanation to the Red Star News reporter. He said that the local police and community were aware of sending Luo Wenzhong to the hospital, "I took the 'normal medical treatment' route."

Qin Yuanyue, the secretary of Sishanqiao Community, confirmed that he received a call for help from Luo Wenzhong on the same day. Luo Wenzhong said he "didn't want to go to the hospital", but Luo Wenzhong was taken to the hospital by his family, and at that time, Luo Wenzhong was already on the highway to Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital, "so I am powerless."


Chen said that on May 26th, except for Qin Yuanyue, he and several other friends received calls for help from Luo Wenzhong. "But when I called back to Luo Wenzhong, there was no one answering," he said

The aforementioned lawyer's letter stated that on that day, Luo Wenzhong was forcibly sent to a mental hospital by Luo, who had gathered others. According to a close relative of Luo Wenzhong, after retiring from the military, Luo Wenzhong arranged for him to work at the Yongding District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Zhangjiajie City.

The person in charge of receiving Luo Wenzhong at Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital is Dr. Tang. Tang claimed that when Luo Wenzhong arrived at the hospital, he was accompanied by police officers, but he was "not very cooperative" with the hospital's treatment. According to his understanding at the time, Luo Wenzhong had "impulsive injuries". According to the evidence obtained by Red Star News reporters, after Luo Wenzhong was sent to Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital, Tang received calls from "various aspects", which greatly affected his "normal medical work".

Tang told Luo Wenzhong's close relatives that he had been working in the psychiatric department for over a decade and had encountered such a "tricky" patient for the first time. "But I don't want to complicate Luo Wenzhong's medical problems," Tang explained. "In clinical practice, glioma patients may experience emotional disorders and personality problems after surgery." Considering Luo Wenzhong's medical history, I decided to take him for observation. "

In Luo Wenzhong's diagnosis book, Tang did not draw a direct conclusion, but instead made many question marks. He told Red Star News reporters that Luo Wenzhong's family is "very complex", and various opinions are difficult to unify. He did not consider the principle of "treating patients with illness", but mixed many other factors. "Luo Wenzhong was not serious enough to be transferred, but his family eventually transferred him to other hospitals in Changsha."

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

A recording shows that Tang claimed that he was only responsible for treating Luo Wenzhong for about 15 days. After being hospitalized for 15 days, regardless of whether someone picked him up or not, he would release him. But he also told his family how Luo Wenzhong's condition is, and they can consult a large hospital in the provincial capital of Changsha. "There are many experts in large hospitals, and their skills are more exquisite."

As for Luo Wenzhong's admission process, Luo explained to the Red Star News reporter that only doctors can the final say whether Luo Wenzhong is ill or not. "Since the hospital finally admitted him, it proves that my father is really ill."

The second hospital to treat Luo Wenzhong is the Department of Physical Diseases and Psychiatry at the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province, located in Changsha City. This department specializes in treating various types of mental and behavioral abnormalities, including refractory mental disorders and psychiatric emergencies. Official information shows that Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital is a counterpart support and medical consortium unit of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province.


Luo Wenzhong's sister, Luo Wenren, said that Luo Wenzhong was sent to the Department of Physical and Mental Disorders on the 7th floor of the Jingwei Building of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province on June 2, with bed number 28. Here, Luo Wenzhong has to cooperate with the doctor on medication every day and can only communicate with the outside world for 3 minutes on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. The department's warm admission notice stated that it adopts a fully enclosed management system to "maximize the effectiveness of treatment".

According to Luo Wenren, the characteristic of treating patients with mental illnesses is that hospitals generally only adopt a communication approach with their immediate family members. They were informed by the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province that the hospital only interacts with immediate family members regarding the patient's admission and discharge processes. Specifically, regarding Luo Wenzhong, the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province is only responsible for his son Luo and daughter Luo Hui. "They told me that whoever brought it in can only be picked up by someone else."

Luo Wenzhong has one older sister above and two younger sisters below. In order to "rescue" Luo Wenzhong, Luo Wenren and the three sisters complained to the police and health departments in Zhangjiajie and Changsha for many times. They submitted a lawyer's letter to the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province, stating that Luo's actions "exploited loopholes in the medical treatment system" and resulted in Luo Wenzhong being "illegally detained".

The lawyer's letter stated that the relevant provisions of the Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulate that medical institutions should timely organize psychiatrists to conduct examinations and evaluations of hospitalized patients based on the condition of patients with mental disorders. If the evaluation results show that patients do not need further treatment, medical institutions should immediately notify the patients and their guardians.

Luo Wenren stated that on July 19th this year, she submitted paper and pen to Luo Wenzhong through medical staff. Luo Wenzhong used crooked and twisted handwriting to handwrite a "complaint letter" to the outside world.

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

▲ The handwritten "Appeal Letter" by Luo Wenzhong

"I solemnly declare that I am not mentally ill." In the "appeal letter," Luo Wenzhong stated that the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province "was biased and completely disregarded the fact that their mental state was normal, controlled their freedom, and forcibly used medication for them, causing significant physical and mental damage." I am very angry about this. ". Luo Wenzhong requested relevant departments to promptly stop the "illegal admission behavior" of the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province. If necessary, he requested the relevant higher-level departments to "identify my so-called illness".

In a three-way WeChat video recorded on July 20th, Luo Wenzhong told his sister Luo Wenqing and sister Luo Wenren, "I am not as good as dead here.". Luo Wenzhong clearly stated that he did not want to be hospitalized. "I didn't take any medicine this afternoon, so I said I wouldn't be allowed to talk on the phone tomorrow. I had no choice but to eat." He said that he was restricted from personal freedom and was confined to the hospital, "only a few days away from two months.".

A caregiver familiar with Luo Wenzhong in the Department of Physical Diseases and Psychiatry told Red Star News that Luo Wenzhong's emotions were very stable in the ward. During his 70 day stay in the hospital, he never physically abused medical staff, but he would be very angry when talking about his children.


Does Luo Wenzhong have any "mental illness"?

Due to complaints from Luo Wenzhong's family, the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province responded to relevant inquiries from the Hunan Provincial Health Commission. On August 11th, the court relayed this response to Red Star News reporters, which was made on July 26th.

The Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province stated that Luo Wenzhong was diagnosed with glioblastoma at a certain hospital in September 2022 due to head discomfort. After the surgery, he became suspicious and felt that his children were all trying to make money for him. He had a bad temper and disordered words and actions. On May 26, 2023, due to family conflicts, Luo Wenzhong made another noise by smashing doors, windows, furniture, and hitting his son. With the assistance of the police, Luo Wenzhong was sent to Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital for inpatient treatment, diagnosed with organic mental disorder.

Due to poor treatment results, Luo Wenzhong was transferred to the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province on June 2nd, accompanied by his first guardian - son, daughter, and doctors from Zhangjiajie Mental Hospital, to continue treatment. The main diagnostic results are "organic mental disorder of the brain" and "glioma of the brain with postoperative complications".

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

The Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province stated that according to the hospital's understanding, the wife of patient Luo Wenzhong has passed away, and there are disputes and conflicts between his children and their sister. Luo Wenzhong's son and daughter have applied to the court for a psychiatric judicial appraisal of Luo Wenzhong. On July 26th, the hospital called back to the patient's sister Luo Wenren, informing her of the hospital's rules and procedures for admission, and also informed Luo Wenren's daughter that family conflicts can be resolved through internal mediation, seeking local judicial assistance, and even resorting to legal means.

▲ Luo Wenzhong has been receiving closed treatment here for 70 days

The Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province did not show Luo Wenzhong's medical record to the Red Star News reporter. The head of the relevant department of the hospital stated that the hospital had previously contacted Luo Wenzhong's son, Luo, and claimed that Luo had met the conditions for discharge, but Luo did not appear.

The aforementioned lawyer's letter stated that Luo Wenzhong is not a serious mental disorder patient, nor has he engaged in self injury or endangering the safety of others. He claimed debt from his children and was later forcibly sent to a mental hospital for treatment, which constitutes exploiting the loophole in "mental illness treatment and diagnosis" to retaliate against his parents. The principle that medical institutions adhere to is "only responsible to those who bring him in". If he is mechanically used in this incident, the medical institution will invisibly become an accomplice to the unjust children.

Regarding the statement in the lawyer's letter mentioned above, the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province told Red Star News that the hospital is also exploring solutions, that is, if necessary, to strengthen communication with the patient's other family members, as well as with the police and community in the patient's place of residence.

For more questions about the entire process of Luo Wenzhong's hospitalization, Luo replied to Red Star News reporters that he needed to inquire with his lawyer. But his lawyer did not respond to relevant questions on the grounds that "the judicial department has regulations".

Regarding Luo Wenzhong's "appeal letter", Luo said, "He is currently sick, and what he said is definitely different. You can imagine that if he was not sick, the psychiatric hospital would not keep him for so long." He had previously applied for a psychiatric judicial appraisal of his father, but the appraisal application was blocked due to reports from his aunt Luo Wenren and others. "We are also waiting for the results of the appraisal. If there is a disease, treatment should be given. If there is no disease, I will support the one who should be supported," said Luo.

On August 14th, Zhang Li, the niece of Luo Wenzhong, called the Department of Physical and Mental Disorders and was informed that Luo Wenzhong had been taken away and discharged. As Luo Wenzhong's whereabouts were unknown, Zhang Li reported to the Dongtang Police Station of the Yuhua Branch of the Changsha Public Security Bureau. The police officer replied to Zhang Li that Luo Wenzhong's children told the police that Luo Wenzhong had been treated at another hospital, but the specific hospital was not disclosed by Luo Wenzhong's children.

Red Star News reporter learned from Luo Wenzhong's sister Luo Wenren that she has submitted a criminal complaint to the Zhangjiajie police, pointing out that Luo Wenzhong has lost contact with close relatives and his personal safety is in great danger. The behavior of Luo Wenzhong's children has been suspected of constituting the crime of illegal detention and abandonment. "The police have replied to us and will investigate whether there is any illegal or criminal situation in this matter based on Luo Wenzhong's appraisal results."

Millionaire sent to a mental hospital! He wrote a handwritten appeal letter for help and called the police after arguing with his son | Luo Wenzhong | Appeal letter

On August 17th, regarding the submission of criminal charges, Red Star News reporters communicated with the Yongding Branch of Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau, and as of the time of publication, no response has been received.

Red Star News reporter Liu Mumu from Changsha, Hunan

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