Made in 3 minutes, it's hard to distinguish between real and fake! "High imitation" health certificates are smoothly available on multiple food delivery platforms... It is difficult to distinguish between real and fake food delivery platforms

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:04 AM

Just need your name and a one inch photo

A "health certificate" with an official seal printed on it

It can be produced in a few minutes

Fees range from 30 to 35 yuan

Recently, a reporter from Huashang Daily found through investigation that these "high imitation" health certificates, which do not require physical examinations, have been circulating smoothly on multiple food delivery platforms, even blinding legitimate practitioners.

Insiders revealed

Having a health certificate does not necessarily mean being "healthy"

There are many fake certificates

"Nowadays, almost all major food delivery and errand platforms require riders to upload health certificates, mainly to ensure food safety during the delivery process. The country also has relevant regulations on this, but currently, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of health certificates." Liu Yu has been engaged in the food delivery industry for many years and currently has nearly ten "errand" WeChat groups on his mobile phone.

Previously, a user in the WeChat group frequently sent out "certificate application" messages, which caught his attention. "The other party said they can apply for a health certificate, and they have covered various platforms. There are also many people in the group who ask him to handle it on their behalf." Liu Yu said, driven by curiosity, he contacted the other party, and they promised, "The health certificate can be applied for only by name and personal photo, and it has been reviewed by various platforms." The other party saw that I don't believe it, and even took a video to show me a stack of health certificates on the table. It is said that most of them are processed through takeout, and at most, they can apply for nearly a hundred certificates in a day. "

Liu Yu said that he had previously applied for a health certificate for food delivery, and he needed to bring his employment certificate and other documents to a regular hospital or health center to make an appointment for the examination. The examination content included hepatitis A, tuberculosis, and some skin diseases. "What if a rider really suffers from these diseases and infects customers during the delivery process?" Liu Yu said, comparing only the health certificate photos sent by the other party with his own, he found that there is not much difference between the real and fake health certificates, and it is difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye.

After discovering this situation, Liu Yu reported it to the public security and health departments in his jurisdiction.

Journalist's undercover investigation

Merchant prepares a health certificate in 3 minutes

Claiming to be "authorized"

According to China's Food Safety Law, producers and operators engaged in direct contact with imported food should undergo annual health checks and obtain health certificates before they can start work. As a bridge between catering businesses and customers, delivery riders are also included.

Taking Yanta District of Xi'an City as an example, currently, the handling of preventive health examinations and health certificates in the entire district is handled by four units: Qujiang Community Health Service Center, Electronic City Community Health Service Center, Ejiapo Community Health Service Center, and Ducheng Community Health Service Center. The reporter learned through inquiry that health card processing needs to make an appointment through WeChat official account, and the materials to be prepared include the original ID card, employment certificate, one inch bareheaded certificate photo, etc. After a successful appointment and physical examination, the certificate will be issued the next afternoon.

How do I apply for a health certificate with just one ID photo and name? Recently, based on the clues provided by Liu Yu, a reporter from Huashang Daily visited a store called "New Fashion Advertising VS Photography" located in Xibali Village, Chang'an South Road, Xi'an City. The merchant heard that they were applying for a health certificate and recommended a blue version of the "health certificate" on site, stating that it was approved in seconds and can be used on delivery platforms at a price of 30 yuan.

After providing the name and one inch photo, the other party handwritten their name, age, and gender information on the document, and then stamped it with the "Special Seal for Physical Examination of the Electronic City Community Health Service Center in Yanta District, Xi'an City" and the date of issuance, and used a machine to seal the document. In less than 3 minutes, there is no need for a physical examination, and a fake "health certificate" can be successfully processed. The reporter saw many completed "health certificates" in the store, as well as many original health certificates that have not yet been filled in.

"Will these documents be found?" In response to the questions and concerns raised by the reporter, the merchant expressed that although they are reassuring, no one can check them, and they cannot find them. "This document only looks at the name and issuance time, including a batch near Xiaozhai Saige and Joy City." The merchant said that this "health certificate" cannot be called fake because the stamps are authorized by the health center and hospital. "The version was also taken from someone else, and for 20 yuan each, it can be used throughout Xi'an."

The merchant also told reporters that if there are still customers who want to apply for documents, they can recommend them to come here. "You can say that the fee is 35 yuan, and you can take 5 yuan. If the quantity is large, we can also give you a discount."

Fake certificate testing

Successfully passed multiple food delivery platform audits

"From an industry perspective, the recent years of fake health certificates can be said to be 'flying in the sky'. Riders, especially part-time riders who run crowdsourcing, do not work in the workplace regularly. Applying for a health certificate is actually just a 'stepping stone' for delivering food, because if a health certificate is not applied for, some platforms will limit the number of orders that riders can receive in the future, but no one will check this certificate when they run on the road." An industry insider said that some food delivery personnel who apply for fake certificates should not be publicized in the industry.

In the screenshot of Liu Yu's chat with fake certificate merchants sent to the reporter, it can be seen that there are many group chats formed by delivery riders in his WeChat chat. The merchant also later told reporters that there are indeed many offline food delivery platforms that are his loyal customers, including some restaurants.

In June of this year, the reporter worked at an offline rider station on a certain delivery platform. From the day of employment, he started delivering takeout by himself and ran nearly 20 orders the next day. During this process, the station manager did not inform the reporter to apply for a health certificate. On July 16th, during a visit to Xibali Village and Qujiang Yintai City, a delivery man clearly informed the reporter that he could spend money to apply for a health certificate. "You can spend 40 to 50 yuan and go to the black spot in Xibali Village to apply, and upload it directly on the platform."

By downloading three food delivery platforms for riders, namely Meituan Crowdsourcing, Hummingbird Crowdsourcing, and Dada Kuaishou, the reporter found that many platforms have set up the upload of "health certificates". Among them, some platforms stipulate that if riders do not apply for their health certificates within the specified period, delivery will be subject to relevant restrictions. However, for the employment certificate required to apply for the health certificate, the rider needs to officially start accepting the order and contact the platform to issue it after completing it. After the reporter uploaded the fake health certificate, the platform quickly approved it.

In addition, the reporter contacted a black intermediary who handled a health card for takeout online, charging 35 yuan. Less than 3 minutes after providing the name, photo and ID number, the other party sent a certificate entitled "Certificate of Qualification of Preventive Health Examination for Employees in Nan'an District of Chongqing City", saying that it is universal throughout the country. Before uploading the health card, it is necessary to change the working city to Chongqing, and then go back to the city where the health certificate is issued after passing the examination.

Electronic City Community Health Service Center:

Made in 3 minutes, it's hard to distinguish between real and fake! "High imitation" health certificates are smoothly available on multiple food delivery platforms... It is difficult to distinguish between real and fake food delivery platforms

There is no situation of entrusted processing

I will report to my superiors

Is it true that, as stated by the merchant, the document processing has been authorized by the health service center?

At around 10am on July 17th, the reporter arrived at the Electronic City Community Health Service Center in Yanta District. Many citizens applied for health certificates on site. After inquiry, many people said they were working in a restaurant and needed to apply. A citizen who handles business said that by making an appointment in advance, the health certificate can be processed for a physical examination on the same day, and the certificate can be obtained the next day without any fees, which is still very convenient for those in need.

By comparing with the official health certificate issued by this citizen, the reporter still discovered many "tricks" of fake certificates - the formal certificates have a pattern printed on the top, a darker blue color on the bottom, and a clearer official seal. The layout of the "instructions for use" on the back of the certificate is also different, but without careful comparison in front of the eyes, these details cannot be easily discovered.

On site, the reporter approached a physician at the medical examination center with a "health certificate" issued for 30 yuan and asked if it was possible to distinguish the authenticity of this health certificate. After a brief examination, the physician said, "It's a genuine certificate. As long as it's stamped with our seal, it's a genuine certificate. There's no problem with our seal, and it's also the words we wrote on it."

Seeing the reporter's doubts, the doctor then questioned and compared the handwriting of several staff members on site with his identification documents. One of the staff members looked at it and said, "This is not our certificate."

After the reporter revealed the source of the document, the doctor presented a formal document and compared it in detail, confirming that it was not a document processed by the Electronic City Community Health Service Center, and stated that this situation needs to be reported to the leadership. The staff said that the medical examination point handles nearly a thousand health certificates per week, and it is also convenient to make appointments. "Because it is free, I didn't expect there will be fake certificates," they said

Subsequently, a director surnamed Yao from the Electronic City Community Health Service Center in Yanta District, upon seeing this certificate, stated that the certificate was fake and there was absolutely no situation of being entrusted to handle it. He would report to his superiors.

On July 17th, the reporter learned from the Disease Prevention and Control Center of Yanta District that after receiving feedback from citizens, it was highly valued and reported the case as soon as possible. On the morning of July 17th, relevant department heads went to the Mingdemen Police Station of the Yanta Branch of the Public Security Bureau to coordinate and assist the police in conducting an investigation. Currently, the police have filed a case.

A few questions

Who will supervise the health certificate of delivery riders?

As a food transfer station, obtaining a health certificate is a prerequisite for food delivery riders to work. For the sake of convenience, some food delivery riders choose to apply for fake health certificates and pass the platform's review. Some platforms even agree that riders should go to work first and then apply for certificates, which also has loopholes in the supervision of health certificates. At present, the handling of health certificates by food delivery personnel is mainly subject to platform management and constraints.

In this interview, the reporter used a fake health certificate to pass the review of three food delivery platforms, including Meituan Crowdsourcing, Hummingbird Crowdsourcing, and Dada Express Knight Edition. Surprisingly, even though the surname displayed on the fake health certificate did not match my actual surname, I still passed the review of the health certificate through Meituan Crowdsourcing and Dada Express Knight Edition platforms.

Experts suggest that platforms should increase supervision over the authenticity and timeliness of the sale of rider health certificates to the public, while improving the efficiency of certificate processing and supervision through information sharing.

Why are fake certificates "unobstructed"? How much has flowed into the market?

The reporter learned from the Yanta District Center for Disease Control and Prevention that the current health certificate is under localized management, processed in the district, and universally used throughout the city. There are four physical examination units in Yanta District that are specifically responsible for physical examination business, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is responsible for supervision. They conduct quarterly supervision and assessment, and have certain requirements for the quality of their work. The authenticity of a health certificate can generally be detected through on-site visual inspection or system queries by the issuing authority. However, if the fake certificate looks particularly similar, it may be difficult for non professionals to distinguish

That is to say, currently there is no unified digital management of health certificate related information in Xi'an. The authenticity can only be checked visually or through internal systems by various issuing authorities in each district. As stated by merchants during secret interviews by journalists, in daily inspections, functional departments usually tend to check for expired health certificates and verify information, while the authenticity of certificates cannot be effectively judged on site. This also leads to the common occurrence of the gray industry of producing and selling fake certificates.

For many people who purchase fake certificates, obtaining a fake certificate may be a convenient and convenient way to complete it early and start work early, saving time for appointments, procedures, and waiting for certificates during physical examinations. From the perspective of only one fake certificate manufacturer that the reporter secretly interviewed, if 50 certificates are produced in a day, 1500 fake certificates will flow to the market in a month, and the merchants can illegally profit nearly 50000 yuan per month. Besides being used by food delivery personnel, have these fake certificates also flowed to some catering industries? How should we investigate? Without effective regulatory measures, as more and more fake certificates enter the market, there will be significant safety hazards in public health.

In recent years, there have been multiple cases of health certificate fraud throughout the country. Some media suggest that in response to fake health certificates, on the one hand, there should be stricter supervision and strengthened spot checks on relevant institutions and workplace employees. Medical institutions involved in counterfeiting and profit-making should be punished severely; On the other hand, it is necessary to upgrade the digitization and informatization of health certificates to increase the difficulty of counterfeiting.

Lawyer's statement

Purchasing and using fake health certificates violates the Public Security Administration Punishment Law

Zhao Liangshan, Senior Partner and Famous Public Welfare Lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, stated that a health certificate refers to the pre employment, pre employment, and inter semester health examinations conducted in accordance with national health laws and regulations for food and drinking water production and operation personnel, personnel directly engaged in cosmetic production, personnel directly serving customers in public places, hazardous workers, radiation workers, and students. The health certificate mainly involves 5 major industries and 6 types of diseases: engaged in food production and operation, public place services, professional production of cosmetics, disposable medical and health products, toxic, harmful, and radioactive operations, and relevant personnel in childcare institutions must have a health certificate; The diseases involved include dysentery, typhoid fever, active pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases, and other infectious diseases.

"Merchants who produce and sell fake health certificates violate the provisions of Article 280, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Law. Those who forge company, enterprise, public institution, or people's organization seals shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance, or deprivation of political rights, and shall also be fined. Those suspected of forging public institution seals may be held criminally responsible. Zhao Liangshan said that if a delivery rider purchases and uses fake health certificates, it violates Article 52 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law. Those who forge, alter, or buy official documents, certificates, proof documents, or seals of state organs, people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, or other organizations shall be detained for not less than ten days but not more than fifteen days and may also be fined not more than 1000 yuan." Fine; Those with minor circumstances shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan.

"Delivery riders who purchase fake health certificates in order to save trouble are generally not responsible for administrative or criminal responsibilities when dealing with and deceiving delivery platforms. However, if consumers are infected or sick due to the use of fake health certificates, when consumers demand compensation, the delivery platform will bear some civil liability for fault compensation due to lax review." Zhao Liangshan said that delivery platforms should also further strengthen supervision and make every effort to ensure the safety of the delivery process.

In addition, Zhao Liangshan suggests that the health department should shoulder its responsibility, strengthen the law enforcement inspection of health certificates for online catering service practitioners in its jurisdiction, and promote the establishment and improvement of digital management of health certificates in its jurisdiction. At the same time, the policy of free application for health certificates should be actively promoted, and personnel in service industries such as food delivery and catering should be encouraged to apply through formal channels.

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