Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:14 AM

What is the "nightlife" in Hangzhou? Most people's answer is bar+barbecue. During the long summer season, seeking coolness at night is the most effective way to tap into one's inner needs.

But there is a professional staff member who goes out to work in the evening. Although they have escaped the scorching heat, they are facing higher temperatures of barbecue. They are the barbecue masters in the barbecue shop.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


Lao Yang small yellow croaker is Hangzhou barbecue enthusiasts no one knows the barbecue shop. Lao Yang has been doing barbecue for 25 years, which once led to the development of Hangzhou bar industry. Many bar owners said that Lao Yang should be awarded an outstanding contribution award. This summer, the "night economy" is hot, making Lao Yang's shop even busier.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


Lao Yang Xiao Huang Yu is a well-known barbecue restaurant for barbecue enthusiasts in Hangzhou. Lao Yang has been doing barbecue for 25 years, which once drove the development of the bar industry in Hangzhou. Many bar owners say that Lao Yang should be awarded an Outstanding Contribution Award. This summer, the "night economy" is hot, making Lao Yang's store even busier.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

At 5 o'clock in the evening, Chao reporters came to Lao Yang's store in Le Shi City and found that it was already in a busy state. The two barbecue chefs filled the cold fan in the open air with ice water. They said that only when the guests felt cool could they have an appetite for barbecue.


Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

In 2017, Lao Yang worked at Ocean Shipping International

At 5 pm in the evening, a trendy news reporter arrived at Lao Yang's store in Le Shi Cheng and found that it was already in a busy state. The two barbecue chefs first filled the outdoor cooling fan with ice water. They said that only when the guests felt cool would they have an appetite for barbecue.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


Lao Yang's small yellow croaker is open from 6 pm to 1 am. Although the outdoor "fever" has been "down" during this period, the "roasting test" for the barbecue masters has just begun.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The reporter is well aware of the scorching high temperature in the kitchen. A three piece set of beverages, thermometers, and tissues has been fully prepared for this interview with the journalist.


Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The staff in the store also prepared supplies to fight against the high temperature at night - a huge watermelon and enough water.

Lao Yang's small yellow croaker kitchen covers an area of more than 20 square meters. There are three ovens in it. Two charcoal stoves are waiting for the market to open. The electric stove has not been turned on. The reporter placed a thermometer on the workbench more than one meter away from the oven. After a while, the temperature displayed was 34.5 ℃.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The business hours of Lao Yang's small yellow croaker are from 6pm to 1am. Although the outdoor temperature has cooled down during this period, the grilling inspection for the barbecue masters has just begun.

Before opening the business, the charcoal fire of the oven must be lit. For fire safety reasons, only indoor fires can be lit. There are two charcoal stoves in the store, and when starting a fire, the high flames fiercely output a rolling heat wave.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


Gradually, more and more guests came to the store, and everyone liked to sit in an air-conditioned room. Although the outdoor cold fan is blowing, the temperature is 34 ℃.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

With more and more guests, one large oven was no longer enough, and all three ovens were opened. At this time, the kitchen can be divided into three temperature zones, and the second sister's worktable is still the "coolest" area, with a temperature of about 37 ℃.

The kitchen of Lao Yang Xiaohuangyu has an area of about 20 square meters, with three ovens inside. Two charcoal ovens are waiting for the market to open with the charcoal fire closed, and the electric stove is not turned on. The reporter placed a thermometer on the workbench more than one meter away from the oven, and after a while, the displayed temperature was 34.5 ℃.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


At this moment, Lao Yang's second daughter arrived and everyone called her Second Sister. Her job was to guard in front of the workbench and assign tasks to three barbecue masters. She told me that as soon as the business starts, the temperature in the kitchen will immediately soar, and her workbench can be considered the coolest place in the kitchen.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


The business started, and in no time, the second sister's workbench reached 35.9 ℃. She said that in order to prevent the temperature in the kitchen from rising too quickly, the three ovens will not be fully turned on, and when guests are not fully seated, only one large oven will be turned on.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


There is a smaller oven on the left of the big oven. Standing in front of it is 43-year-old Master Wang.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Gradually, more and more customers arrived at the store, and everyone liked to sit indoors with air conditioning. Although the outdoor cold fan is blowing loudly, the temperature is also 34 ℃.


Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

As more and more guests arrived, one large oven was no longer sufficient, and all three ovens were turned on. At this time, the kitchen can be divided into three temperature zones, and the second sister's workbench is still the "coolest" area, with a temperature of around 37 ℃.

Standing in front of the large oven is Master Ba, who is 31 years old and the youngest barbecue master in the shop. The temperature in front of his oven has always been around 43.1 ℃.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

There are also two strong heat sources between the small oven and the big oven, which "raise" charcoal that needs to be added at any time. For fire safety, this cannot be placed outdoors.


Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Master Ba was wearing a black T-shirt, and upon closer inspection, it was completely soaked through. Beads of sweat as big as beans flow down their cheeks to their chin, and drop onto the ground one by one. Although sweating profusely, Master Ba couldn't spare any time to wipe his sweat. He only wiped it when sweat flowed into his eyes and he couldn't open them.


Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Second sister said that although the kitchen is equipped with air conditioning, it does not work at all. This air conditioner is quite powerful in other places, but when it comes to the high temperature and lampblack of the barbecue shop, it can only lie down.

Second sister said that she had to use several packs of tissues to wipe sweat all night in the kitchen. At first, people tried using sports sweat absorbing headbands, but this type of headband had no problem with exercise and still couldn't be used in front of the oven. Although it absorbs sweat, it affects heat dissipation and only makes it more uncomfortable to bake. It's better to use a towel instead.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Master Ba's bucket for drinking water is 4 litres, and the net red "ton ton barrel" is just a younger brother than it. Although the barbecue chef drinks a huge amount of water, all people can control the rhythm of drinking water and cannot drink too much at one time.

To the left of the large oven is a smaller one, and standing in front of it is Master Wang, 43 years old.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature


The one on the left that forms a right angle with the small oven is an electric oven, which Mr. Xia uses to bake oysters.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Occasionally, guests will go into the kitchen to wash their hands or urge dishes. They only stand in the kitchen for a minute or two at most, and they can't stand it with sweat and immediately escape from the kitchen. Many guests admire the barbecue masters working in the kitchen, how heat-resistant ability is so strong.

Mr. Xia, who is 54 years old this year, is the oldest barbecue chef in the shop. He cannot continue to bake for too long, as someone needs to replace him after 45 minutes. Teacher Fu, due to sweating too much, will lose about ten pounds after baking in a summer, and gradually gain weight again when the weather gets cold.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

To grill oysters, you need to take the oysters and open them. You can walk back and forth without being constantly grilled, and the temperature of the electric stove is slightly lower than that of the charcoal stove. Therefore, I arranged for Master Xia to grill oysters.

There are two strong heat sources between the small and large ovens, which nourish the charcoal that needs to be added at any time. For fire safety reasons, this cannot be placed outdoors.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

Lao Yang said that fortunately, the two daughters have been baking with him for nearly 20 years, and the technology has been passed down. The small yellow croaker is as delicious as he baked it.

So, the corner of Master Wang and Master Xia became the hottest area in the kitchen. Standing here, the reporter immediately felt what it meant to fully unleash the firepower. After standing for a while, the temperature displayed 52.6 ℃. The reporter felt that all the pores in his body were opened, and sweat flowed down his neck.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The reporter joked with Lao Yang about whether he could be his apprentice to learn barbecue. Lao Yang said, what's good about barbecue? Can't raise old, also can't raise small. I can't do it when I'm old, and I don't want to do it when I'm young.

The second sister said that although the kitchen is equipped with air conditioning, it doesn't work at all. This air conditioner cools quite well in other places, but when it comes to the high temperature and oil fumes in a barbecue restaurant, it can only be used for sleeping.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The clothes of barbecue chefs get wet and dry, and when they dry, they will form a white salt frost. Chefs must replenish water and salt in a timely manner.

The bucket that Master Ba drinks water in is a 4-liter container, and compared to it, the internet celebrity "ton ton bucket" is just a little brother. Although the barbecue master drinks water with huge figures, everyone can control the rhythm of drinking water and cannot drink too much at once.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

This bucket of water can be consumed by Master Ba in one night. His bucket can only be placed at the kitchen door, and what he drinks in the kitchen is warm water. Previously, he used to drink ice water, but later found out that pouring ice water aggressively during hot weather would harm his body, so he switched to drinking at room temperature.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, guests who came out for supper also began to enter the store. The barbecue masters in the kitchen continued to sweat like rain, while the restaurant, which was only separated from the kitchen by a curtain, was another cool world.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature

The second sister said that the store has been constantly recruiting workers for several years, and many 18-year-old waiters can no longer tolerate the temperature of entering and exiting the kitchen alone, let alone become apprentices in front of the oven. Whenever they work until summer, they will resign and leave.

Occasionally, guests may come into the kitchen to wash their hands or urge dishes. They only stand in the kitchen for one or two minutes at most, sweating profusely and shouting uncontrollably, and immediately escape from the kitchen. Many guests admire the barbecue masters working in the kitchen for their strong heat resistance.

Lose over 10 pounds in a season, drink 4 liters of water in one night, barbecue master's summer: kitchen temperature 52 ℃, oven | store | temperature
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