Learning is reasonable and looking at Xi Jinping's vivid practical strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang from the "88 Strategy"

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:48 AM

Bird's-eye view of the Chuanshan Port area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port. Shen Jizhong

On July 10, the third Plenary session of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee was held to examine and adopt the "Resolution of the third Plenary session of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on unswervingly and deeply implementing the" August 8 Strategy "to play an exemplary and leading role in promoting common prosperity and Chinese-style modernization and strive to create an important window for comprehensively demonstrating the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Emphasize the need to deeply understand the overall significance and value of the times of the" August 8 Strategy "leading Zhejiang to achieve great changes, continue to promote the" August 8 Strategy "to deepen and become more practical, better play the role of demonstration and leadership, and promote Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics Practical exploration has achieved greater results.

In the past 20 years, under the guidance of the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has achieved a historic leap from a small resource province to an economic province, a large foreign trade province to an open and strong province, an environmental improvement to a beautiful Zhejiang, and an overall well-off society to a high-level and comprehensive well-off society. The "Five in One" and party building have comprehensively improved in all fields, ushering in a significant leap from solving "growth troubles" and taking the lead in transformation and development to "two pioneers" to create "important windows".

Combined with the vivid practice of the "August 8 Strategy", we can have a deeper understanding of the formation and development, theoretical system and essence of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and at the same time, it can also promote Zhejiang to continue to forge ahead in the new era and new journey. to create a more vivid practice of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang in the new era.

The 1. "Eight-Eight Strategy" has opened up the Zhejiang realm of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The "eighty-eighth strategy" was put forward and implemented in a specific period of change.

Since the beginning of the reform and opening up, Zhejiang has been at the forefront of the country in many aspects. Through its vivid practice, it has proven that it is necessary to respect and protect the autonomy and enthusiasm of the people in entrepreneurship, creation, and innovation, so that the entire society can come to life; We must vigorously develop the market economy and flexibly and timely allocate resources according to market demands; We must break the dual structure of urban and rural areas, allow farmers to move towards cities, and promote urban-rural integration; We must open the door and widely participate in production, communication, and competition in the world market.

It is in this exploration process that Zhejiang has become the fastest and best place for the development of private economy, as well as a typical example of productivity development, market economy development, social revitalization, and people's prosperity in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has also become a model of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

As human society enters the 21st century, China enters a new stage of development in comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating socialist modernization. The international situation has undergone profound changes, and the trend of world multipolarity and economic globalization is developing in twists and turns. Technological progress is advancing rapidly, and the competition for comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. For Zhejiang, the reform and opening up have achieved great results, but also face better development opportunities. How to think about the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang with a broader perspective, promote new development in Zhejiang, take practical actions, lead the way, self pressure, self transcendence, and self-improvement, consciously and purposefully adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promote better and faster development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang at the provincial level, is an important issue facing Zhejiang's development.

At that time, the development of Zhejiang also encountered a series of "growth troubles".For example, the extensive pattern of high investment, high consumption, high emissions, and low efficiency in economic development has not been fundamentally changed. There are more people and less land, and resources are scarce. The constraints on resource factors such as energy, land, and water, as well as environmental carrying capacity, are constantly increasing. Social justice, social security, and social contradictions, public safety and safety production issues, and market economy order issues all urgently need to be solved. It is in this context that the "88 Strategy" emerged.

It can be said that the "88 Strategy" is a product of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics to a certain stage, reflecting the process of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in China and Zhejiang.

When conducting research in Zhejiang back then, we heard a widely circulated saying among the people of Zhejiang: "There is water in a small river, and the river is full.". Upon hearing this sentence, we immediately think of another widely promoted saying in the 1950s and 1960s: "A big river has water, a small river is full.". These two sentences have opposite meanings, which one is right or wrong? In fact, according to natural laws, it is true that small rivers are only full when there is water, and even small rivers without water will not be full. However, both of these sentences are metaphors. "A small river has water, a big river is full" means that only by mobilizing and unleashing the enthusiasm of every individual in society, and everyone actively creating wealth, can the wealth of the entire society increase, the government have more taxes, and the country become prosperous and strong. The development of private economy in Zhejiang fully demonstrates this truth.

Learning is reasonable and looking at Xi Jinping's vivid practical strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang from the "88 Strategy"

Merchants from India are shopping at a toy store in Yiwu International Trade City. Shen Jizhong

But it is not without reason that "the big river has water, the small river is full". This sentence needs to be analyzed specifically from two aspects. In the past, all production and life were taken over by the state, and the people had no autonomy. Everything had to wait for the state, and everything depended on the state. The so-called "big rivers have water, small rivers are full" is obviously wrong. But in another sense, it is also essential to leverage the regulatory, managerial, and supervisory roles of the state and governments at all levels. For example, the development and utilization of resources must have a certain level of planning; Necessary guidance and management should be provided for the development of the private economy; Properly handling the relationship between urban and rural areas; Effective measures should be taken to narrow the development gap between different regions; We need to have a comprehensive understanding of the resource endowment, advantages and disadvantages of our region as a whole, scientifically deploy and plan, leverage strengths and avoid weaknesses, and create unique features. In this sense, "a big river has water, a small river is full" is essential.

All of these are new requirements put forward by socialism with Chinese characteristics in the development process. Due to Zhejiang's leading position in the reform and opening up, it also encountered these problems earlier. Therefore, Zhejiang began to contemplate and explore these issues before other regions, and began to implement a certain degree of strategic transformation, which led to the formation of the "88 Strategy". This strategic transformation is not only a unified requirement of the Party Central Committee, but also based on the actual situation of Zhejiang, reflecting its characteristics. By comparison, the characteristics of Zhejiang's development strategy are quite distinct.

The content and ideology of the "88 Strategy" are reflected in many aspects, but the key is to reflect the idea of strategic coordination. If Zhejiang used to focus more on "having small rivers full of water" and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the people through various policy measures, then the "88 Strategy" pays more attention to the issue of "having large rivers full of water" on the basis of "having small rivers full of water", and strives to organize resources throughout the province through proactive strategic planning, guidance, and coordination, promoting comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable development. Although the "88 Strategy" is a provincial-level strategy, it reflects a global perspective and strategic thinking, aiming for the overall situation and major events.

The practice of the "88 Strategy" has opened up a new realm for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang.

The "88 Strategy" reflects the idea of strengthening the Party's strategic planning and unified leadership in economic work; It embodies the idea of realizing socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; It embodies the idea of adhering to and improving the basic socialist economic system, enabling the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation, and better leveraging the role of the government; Reflected the idea of adapting to economic globalization and implementing a more proactive open strategy; Reflects the concept of regional coordinated development strategy and spatial layout; It embodies the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing; It embodies the idea of comprehensively governing the country according to law and building a socialist rule of law country; It embodies the development concept of putting the people at the center.

The "88 Strategy" is a strategy that manages direction, overall situation, and long-term development. Formulate and implement the "88 Strategy" to lead the transformation and upgrading of Zhejiang's economy, and accelerate the realization of "changing cages for birds and phoenix rebirth"; Leading Zhejiang to deepen reform and expand opening up, constantly striving for new advantages in institutional mechanisms; Leading the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in Zhejiang, and continuously improving the level of integrated urban-rural development; Leading Zhejiang to enhance its soft power and focusing on optimizing the development environment; Leading the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in Zhejiang, effectively safeguarding the political ecology of "clear mountains and clear waters".

The core task of Zhejiang in the new era is to vigorously promote the common prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provincial modernization in high-quality development, and to strive to create an important window for comprehensively demonstrating the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era. By working in this direction, the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang will be elevated to a higher level.

The 2. of the "eight-eight strategy" has improved the level of Zhejiang's high-quality development in China.

High-quality development is an important content and requirement of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and it is also the historical necessity of Zhejiang's development embodied in the "August 8 Strategy.

At the end of 2012, the first Central Economic Work Conference held after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to focus on improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that China's economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, and for the first time, major propositions such as "quality first", "quality change", "quality power", and "economic quality advantage" have been proposed. The Central Economic Work Conference after the 19th National Congress believes that promoting high-quality development is the fundamental requirement for determining development ideas, formulating economic policies, and implementing macroeconomic regulation in the current and future periods. It is necessary to accelerate the formation of an indicator system, policy system, standard system, statistical system, performance evaluation, and political performance evaluation to promote high-quality development, create and improve institutional environment, and continuously make new progress in achieving high-quality development in China's economy.

Learning is reasonable and looking at Xi Jinping's vivid practical strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang from the "88 Strategy"

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly regards high-quality development as the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, further highlighting the overall and long-term significance of development quality.

Emphasizing high quality and placing it first indicates that China's development, economy, products, and services are no longer focused on quantity growth and pursuit, but rather on the need to pursue quality and excellence.

Quality is a broad concept that should include multiple levels such as macro, meso, and micro.

From a macro perspective, it mainly refers to the quality of the entire economic development. The shift from high-speed growth to high-quality development is the overall requirement. At this level, all aspects of economic construction must implement this high-quality requirement, use various means, take various measures, especially implement innovation driven strategies, and comprehensively improve the quality of economic development. We must firmly grasp the requirements of high-quality development, adhere to the principle of quality first and efficiency first, and promote changes in quality, efficiency, and motivation.

From a meso perspective, it mainly refers to the quality of various fields of economic and social development, including the technical level and efficiency of production, as well as the quality level of products and services. This quality can be calculated and measured through a series of indicators. To this end, we need to support the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the development of modern service industries, aim to improve international standards, promote China's industries to move towards the high-end of the global value chain, and cultivate several world-class advanced manufacturing clusters.

From a micro perspective, it refers to the quality issues of each specific product and service. This quality directly affects whether the various products and services enjoyed by users are satisfactory, and whether China can have more famous brands emerging. For these products and services, relevant departments have established a series of quality standards, most of which can be measured specifically.

In the R&D laboratory of Hangzhou Zhengyin Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. in Fuchunwan New City, Chunjiang Street, Fuyang District, Hangzhou, automated equipment is used for screen printing of photovoltaic panels. Shen Jizhong

The transition from high-speed growth to high-quality development is a historical task proposed with the transformation of the main contradiction in Chinese society, and a major decision to grasp the changes in the main contradiction in Chinese society.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, how to understand and define the main contradictions in Chinese society has always been a fundamental issue in revolution, construction, and reform, as well as the basis for formulating a series of lines, principles, and policies.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China conducted a new analysis of the basic national conditions of socialism with Chinese characteristics after entering a new era, confirming that the main contradiction in Chinese society has transformed into the contradiction between the growing needs of the people for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development. This new definition is a significant theoretical innovation made in keeping with the times, and also a major political decision made in response to the times. The changes in the main contradictions have put forward many new requirements for the work of the Party and the state, and play an important guiding role in the future strategic direction and measures. Implementing the new development concept, focusing on promoting the transition from high-speed growth to high-quality development, while reducing imbalances in high-quality development, promoting common prosperity, and embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country are all inevitable requirements for solving the main obstacles of our society in the new era.

Since the reform and opening up, the development of Zhejiang has been rapid, ranking first in the country and playing a leading role. However, Zhejiang's industrial structure also has certain problems.We must explore new ways of growth, shift from extensive and extensive growth to intensive and intensive development, actively promote the transformation of economic growth from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement, and strive to achieve new quantitative expansion on the basis of qualitative improvement.

So many aspects of the "88 Strategy" reflect the requirements for high-quality development. For example, promoting the continuous development and growth of state-owned economy, and promoting the continuous scale and level of private economy; Actively aligning with Shanghai, actively participating in cooperation and exchanges in the Yangtze River Delta region, and continuously improving the level of internal and external opening up. Strengthen cooperation with Shanghai and Jiangsu, and promote economic integration in the Yangtze River Delta region led by Shanghai; Adhere to using informatization to drive industrialization, transform and enhance traditional advantageous industries with high-tech and advanced applicable technologies, and vigorously develop high-tech industries.

Learning is reasonable and looking at Xi Jinping's vivid practical strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang from the "88 Strategy"

It can be said that the "88 Strategy" is a bridge and ladder for Zhejiang to transform from high-speed development to high-quality development. In the process of implementing the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang adheres to innovation driven, accelerates transformation and upgrading, and the foundation for high-quality development is becoming stronger, the trend is becoming more obvious, and the momentum is becoming more abundant. In 2022, the total GDP of the province reached 7771.5 billion yuan, with a per capita regional GDP of 118496 yuan. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents reached 71268 yuan and 37565 yuan, respectively, ranking first among all provinces in China for 22 and 38 consecutive years.

This year marks the beginning of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy". At the first meeting of the "New Year" in the province, the Provincial Party Committee requested to take a new perspective, firmly grasp the big logic of deepening the implementation of the "88 Strategy" and building an "important window" with the "two priorities", adhere to innovation as the first driving force, reform as the key move, and opening up as the necessary path, and implement the "No.1 Development Project" of digital economy innovation and improvement with greater efforts, achieve a major breakthrough in optimizing the business environment and improving the "No.1 Reform Project", and create a more resilient, dynamic, and competitive "sweet potato economy".

The third plenary session of the 15th provincial Party committee just held pointed out that we should focus on demonstration and guidance, accelerate the creation of landmark achievements, to create a provincial practice example of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a new model of transformation, upgrading, innovation and development, a new highland for the high-quality development of the private economy, a practical example of the continuous narrowing of the "three major gaps", a provincial practice example of the superiority of the socialist democratic political system with Chinese characteristics, a strong province of high-level culture, a benchmark for the green development of ecological civilization, a high-level safe Zhejiang rule of Zhejiang, and a clean Zhejiang, and a new era.

The essence of the "88 Strategy" lies in the creative implementation and innovative transformation of development. These deployments are important measures to continuously promote the deepening and implementation of the "88 Strategy" in the new era and new journey, and can also play a demonstrative and guiding role in the high-quality development of the country.

3. "Eight-Eight Strategy" Shows Zhejiang Characteristics of Chinese-style Modernization

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward and emphasized the issue of Chinese-style modernization. In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the word "modernization" appears 86 times, together with the title. Among them, "building a socialist modern country in an all-round way" appeared 20 times, "Chinese-style modernization" appeared 11 times, "socialist modernization construction" appeared 5 times, "national governance system and governance capacity modernization" appeared 4 times, "building a socialist modern power in an all-round way" appeared 3 times, and "modern economic system" appeared 3 times.

Modernization is a historical process of dialectical unity between universality and particularity, commonality and individuality. Chinese path to modernization should not only follow universality and generality, but also pay attention to particularity and individuality.

To promote Chinese path to modernization, we must first solve the road problem. In modern China, many people with lofty ideals learned from the West and promoted modernization, but also made certain achievements, such as the Westernization Movement, the Revolution of 1911, and so on. But at that time, the Qing government insisted on using Western learning for practical purposes. After the Xinhai Revolution, warlord warfare emerged, so China only introduced world civilization to a certain extent and developed modern industry. However, the overall modernization was struggling and could not be achieved.

The establishment of New China began a new process of modernization in China. The CPC did not follow the path of Western modernization, but chose the path of the Soviet Union. But practice has proven that there are places on this road that are suitable for China, as well as places that are not suitable for China. So, starting from 1956, Mao Zedong said he wanted to "learn from Russia.". From "learning from Russia" to "learning from Russia", we are striving to explore a socialist modernization path suitable for China itself. Especially after the reform and opening up, we have embarked on a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After decades of reform and opening up, "Chinese path to modernization" has become a new paradigm in the development of world modernization.

Another strategic issue that needs to be addressed in Chinese path to modernization is how to comprehensively and coordinately promote modernization in the context of unbalanced development in different regions of China. Since the reform and opening up, the Party and the state have formulated an overall strategy for regional coordinated development, emphasizing coordinated regional development, leveraging the advantages and enthusiasm of various regions, and gradually forming a new pattern of mutual promotion, complementary advantages, and common development in the East, West, and Central regions. The basic content is to deepen the development of the western region, comprehensively revitalize old industrial bases such as the Northeast region, vigorously promote the rise of the central region, actively support the eastern region to take the lead in development, and form a reasonable regional development pattern.

Narrowing the gap between the East and the West is not about stopping and waiting for the West to catch up, but about continuing to move forward better and faster, driving and assisting the development of the central and western regions. Zhejiang is qualified to take the lead in Chinese path to modernization, and must also take the lead in modernization.

Zhejiang is one of the leaders and demonstrators of Chinese path to modernization. Zhejiang's modernization construction not only takes the lead in the country, but also has a unique personality and distinct characteristics. The practice of the "August 8th Strategy" comprehensively demonstrates the characteristics of Chinese path to modernization in Zhejiang——

Learning is reasonable and looking at Xi Jinping's vivid practical strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang from the "88 Strategy"

Firstly, it is a modernization that the people consciously pursue and participate in, with strong driving force and vitality. Secondly, it is the modernization of the socialist market economy, which is relatively fully developed and has strong economic vitality. Thirdly, it is the modernization steadily promoted by the Party's leadership in reform and opening up, implementation of relevant strategies and development plans. Fourthly, it is the modernization that benefits the people the most and is moving towards common prosperity. Fifth, the industrial system is relatively complete, industrialization is nearing completion, and modernization is rapidly developing towards informatization and intelligence. Sixth, it is a modernization that has achieved significant results in comprehensive social development, cultural education, democracy and the rule of law, and social governance. Seventh, there is a significant improvement in environmental quality and an increasingly harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in modernization. Eighth, it is modernization with a high degree of openness and deep integration with globalization and domestic related regions. Commonness lies in individuality. These important characteristics of Zhejiang modernization further enrich the characteristics of Chinese path to modernization.

In a live broadcast room of a company located in Hangzhou, the host is promoting snack products. Shen Jizhong

The modernization of Zhejiang still needs to develop better and faster in the journey of building a socialist modernized country across the country. I offer a few suggestions from a research and thinking perspective.

Firstly, fundamentally consider and grasp the laws of governing the country.

The rapid and healthy development of a society largely depends on two mechanisms at a deeper level. One is the dynamic mechanism, and the other is the balance mechanism. Without motivation, society cannot develop and progress; Without balance, society will become chaotic and turbulent. The pros and cons of any society are fundamentally determined by these two mechanisms and their balance with each other. The social manifestation of the dynamic mechanism is vitality, and in the economic field, it is efficiency. The social manifestation of the balance mechanism is order, and in the economic field, it is fairness.

In the past, our system was highly centralized and lacked vitality. The fundamental reason is that when solving the balance mechanism, the construction of the dynamic mechanism was overlooked. The reform and opening up have enhanced China's vitality. However, while we are committed to strengthening the driving force mechanism, many complex factors and situations have also emerged in social life. There have been imbalances in urban and rural areas, regions, wealth, economy and society, and human and nature.

There are two ways to treat this "cause": first, when solving the problem of motivation, it is necessary to pay attention to balance, establish a balance mechanism that matches the new motivation mechanism in a timely manner, and solve the imbalance problem in the new situation in a timely manner. Secondly, it is to regulate, constrain, and guide the power to play a role in a positive and healthy direction. The methods of regulation, restraint, and guidance are firstly legal, secondly moral, and thirdly management.

To solve the wealth gap and achieve common prosperity, it is also necessary to handle the relationship between motivation and balance. The widening gap between rich and poor, imbalanced social development, does not meet the requirements of socialism. However, if we rob the rich to help the poor, it will undermine people's enthusiasm for creating wealth.

Volunteers from Baitaling Community in Nanxing Street, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City distributed free love lunches to the elderly at the community service station. Shen Jizhong

There are many principles, experiences, and approaches to governing a country. But to delve deeper, it is this fundamental issue of social operation mechanism. To promote Chinese path to modernization and the modernization of the national governance system and capacity, we must fundamentally grasp the relationship between power and balance, combine the stimulation of vitality and the maintenance of harmony, and form a social operating mechanism that is coordinated and organically unified between the power mechanism and the balance mechanism. Leaders and cadres at all levels should also pay attention to this relationship at all times in their actual work. When paying attention to power and vitality,

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