Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 05:53 AM

August 22nd local time

The Japanese government announced after holding relevant cabinet meetings

Starting from August 24th

Discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea

According to the plan, the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea

It will last for at least 30 years!

Why should nuclear contaminated water be discharged into the sea?

On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the northeastern waters of Japan, triggering a massive tsunami. Affected by the earthquake and tsunami, a large amount of radioactive material leaked from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In order to cool the reactor, Tokyo Electric Power Company had to continuously inject fresh water into it and pump out contaminated groundwater around the reactor. After treatment, these waters still contain high concentrations of radioactive substances, mainly tritium, which is difficult to remove. At present, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has accumulated over 1.3 million tons of contaminated water, and storage space is about to be depleted.

The Japanese government claims that discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea is the most reasonable solution, and filtered and diluted nuclear contaminated water will not pose any harm to the environment and human health. However, these arguments did not convince the international community and the domestic population of Japan.

Once nuclear contaminated water is discharged into the sea, it will undoubtedly have immeasurable impacts on the global marine environment, food safety, and human health. The German Institute of Marine Sciences has pointed out that the Fukushima coast has the world's strongest ocean currents. Within 57 days from the date of discharge, radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean. Three years later, the United States and Canada will be affected by nuclear pollution, and 10 years later, it will spread to global waters.

Nearly 90% of adults believe it undermines Japan's image

According to a nationwide telephone public opinion survey conducted by Kyodo News Agency from August 19th to 20th, as many as 88.1% of Japanese people are concerned about the discharge of contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, which may cause significant or certain damage to Japan's image.

Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

The poll also showed that 81.9% of respondents believe that the Japanese government's explanation of nuclear contaminated water discharge is "insufficient," with only 15% believing it to be "sufficient.". In addition, 29.6% of respondents supported emissions, 25.7% opposed it, and 43.8% expressed "no objection", with differing opinions.

At the same time, in front of the Prime Minister's residence in Tokyo, many Japanese people spontaneously organized a rally to express their dissatisfaction with the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea.

On August 18th, citizens gathered in front of the Prime Minister's residence in Tokyo, Japan to protest against the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaoyu

Affected by factors such as nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea, the support rate of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his cabinet has been continuously declining recently. According to a Kyodo poll, the support rate for the Kishida cabinet was only 33.6%, maintaining the worst level.

On August 21st, during a meeting with Fumio Kishida, President of the National Fisheries Association of Japan, Yasushin Sakamoto reiterated his opposition to the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea without gaining national understanding, which remains unchanged.

In addition, during a meeting with Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Yasuhiro Nishimura, Yasushin Sakamoto stated that once nuclear contaminated water begins to be discharged into the sea, it is likely to continue for decades. Japanese fishing industry practitioners are very uneasy and concerned about this.

US and South Korea tacitly agree

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been tirelessly negotiating with all parties regarding the final plan.

On August 20th, Fumio Kishida visited the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to inspect the nuclear wastewater discharge facilities and met with senior executives such as Tokyo Electric Power Company President Tomohiro Kobayakawa, demanding that he make every effort to ensure safety with a sense of nervousness and take measures against the damage to Japan's image. He reiterated once again that the discharge of nuclear wastewater cannot be delayed.

In recent months, Japan has also lobbied the international community on the issue of nuclear wastewater being discharged into the sea.

On August 18th, leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea held talks at Camp David, the presidential resort in Maryland, USA.

The Japanese side revealed before the meeting that Fumio Kishida will explain in the meeting that "there is scientific basis for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea to ensure safety.". Although this issue was not ultimately discussed as a public topic, both the United States and South Korea have shown tacit agreement. According to reports, Kishida expressed gratitude for the support provided by the United States. Regarding the International Atomic Energy Agency's previous claim that Japan's sea discharge plan meets international safety standards, South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol also claimed to "believe in the test results.".

Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

On August 16th, South Korean fishermen held banners to protest against Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea in the coastal area of Gangnam gun, Jeollanam do, South Korea. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Siyu

On August 21st, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, stated that China has repeatedly expressed a firm stance on the Japanese government's strong push for the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan into the sea. The Japanese government disregards domestic and foreign opposition, disregards the international community's doubts about the legitimacy, legality, and safety of the discharge plan, ignores the risks of the discharge plan damaging the global marine environment and human health, and insists on promoting the nuclear contaminated water discharge plan, which is extremely selfish and irresponsible. China expresses serious concern about this and will closely monitor the development of the situation.

Koreans are starting to panic and hoard salt

According to Xinhua News Agency, many people in the Japanese scientific community have questioned the safety, effectiveness, and long-term impact of nuclear wastewater treatment facilities on the sea. Tokyo University marine geochemist Shigeru Isaka stated that the accumulation of radioactive tritium in marine fish and marine organisms after it is converted into organically bound tritium in the ocean is a concern. He also emphasized the importance of evaluating the long-term effects of radioactive isotopes.

Not only in Japan, doubts about the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea are still echoing around the world.

In South Korea, there are constant public protests against this matter. A survey in July showed that 80% to 85% of South Korean respondents opposed Japan's plan to discharge nuclear wastewater, fearing that it would have an impact on seafood and the marine environment. Due to concerns about pollution, South Korea has experienced panic hoarding of salt, and salt prices have recently skyrocketed.

The South Korean government is investing reserve sea salt in the market to cope with fluctuations in the sea salt market.

On July 26th, citizens purchased government reserve sea salt at a supermarket in Seoul, South Korea. Shen Jizhong

After the news was released, the Chinese and South Korean stock markets and salt related concept stocks surged.

On the 22nd, salt related stocks such as Daesang Holdings surged in South Korea, with market expectations that consumers will seek to store sea salt before Japan's treated wastewater is discharged from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Insan's increase once reached as high as 30%, the largest increase since June 12th; Daesang Holdings rose 9% at one point, the largest increase since June 16th; Boratr rose 24%, Pumuone rose 4.4%, and Sempio rose 12%.

In terms of A-shares, as of the daily limit up of Jiangyan Group, Dahu Shares and Suyanjing Shen have risen by over 6%. Jieqiang Equipment, mainly engaged in the production and sales of core components for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense equipment, saw a surge of over 11%.

Can we still eat safe seafood?

Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

According to data released by the General Administration of Customs of China, the import of fish and other aquatic products from Japan in July this year was 234.51 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 29%. According to the analysis of Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the 21st, China launched a comprehensive inspection of radioactive substances in aquatic products imported from Japan in July this year, and the import volume may decline due to this impact.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Yi

Faced with the Japanese government's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, many people are worried about whether they can still eat safe seafood on their dining tables.

Since the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, China has implemented stricter testing standards for imported food from Japan. Imported food and feed from certain regions of Japan must provide a certificate of radioactive substance testing and a certificate of origin issued by the Japanese government; Inspection and quarantine institutions in various regions shall conduct radioactive substance testing on imported food, and only after passing the test can it be imported.

Since 2012, the monitoring of radioactive substances in food has been included in the scope of national food safety risk monitoring.

So, everyone should remain vigilant and not overly worry. The seafood we purchase through legitimate channels basically meets national testing standards and can be consumed with confidence.

[News link] It's coming the day after tomorrow! Japan's nuclear contaminated water will start being discharged into the sea on the 24th. Can imported seafood still be eaten?

The most worrying thing is still here. The day after tomorrow, the contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will be discharged into the sea.

On the 22nd, the Japanese government announced after a meeting of relevant officials that it will start discharging contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea from August 24th. On the 21st, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida said that the understanding of fishermen has made progress, and the schedule of water discharge from the Fukushima nuclear accident has entered the final adjustment stage.

The problem of dealing with nuclear contaminated water in Japan has been troubling Japanese society for more than 10 years. On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the northeastern waters of Japan, triggering a massive tsunami. Due to the dual impact of the earthquake and tsunami, a large amount of radioactive material leaked from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. These soon to be discharged nuclear contaminated water are the cooling water continuously injected into the reactor to prevent core melting after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. In addition, there is continuous automatic inflow of rainwater and groundwater.

According to a nationwide telephone public opinion survey conducted by Kyodo News Agency from August 19th to 20th, as many as 88.1% of Japanese people are concerned about the discharge of contaminated water from Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, which may cause significant or certain damage to Japan's image.

People from multiple countries strongly oppose the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea

Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

On July 7th, the South Korean government released a separate research report on the safety of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The report points out that if Tokyo Electric Power Company complies with disposal regulations to discharge nuclear contaminated water, the concentration of radioactive substances will meet emission standards and target values, as well as international standards.

On August 12th, multiple environmental groups and people from various regions in South Korea held a nationwide rally in the center of Seoul to condemn the government of Yoon Seok yeol and prevent the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. About 7000 people participated in the rally, demanding that the South Korean government actively formulate countermeasures and oppose Japan's discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

On August 18th, Japanese people once again held a rally near the Prime Minister's residence in Tokyo, demanding that the government abide by its promise not to dispose of nuclear contaminated water without authorization and withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Protesters held up slogans such as "Do not discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea" and "The government must abide by commitments". Around the live speaker, the crowd occasionally echoed loudly. In the crowd, several members of the Japanese parliament also came to the gathering site to express their support for the gathered people.

In July, the Japan Fisheries Association and others submitted approximately 33000 signatures to Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, opposing the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea. Until today, the Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Organization is still strongly opposing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. However, no matter how much opposition the Japanese people and neighboring countries may have, the Japanese government has always refused to advance.

Some people condemn, while others are satisfied

Regarding the issue of Japan's disposal of nuclear contaminated water, multiple speakers have provided the latest response.

On August 21st, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, stated in response to questions from reporters that China has repeatedly pointed out that discharging into the sea is not the safest and most reliable disposal plan. Japan's choice of discharging into the sea due to economic cost considerations will bring unnecessary risks to neighboring countries and the world. The Japanese side should face the legitimate and reasonable concerns of the international community, fully communicate with neighboring countries and other stakeholders, stop forcefully promoting plans to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, discuss other disposal options besides discharge into the sea, and dispose of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water in a responsible manner.

On August 16th, Asahi Shimbun reported that the South Korean government and ruling party have expressed to Japan that if nuclear contaminated water cannot be avoided from being discharged into the sea, they hope to implement it as soon as possible to reduce the negative impact on next spring's parliamentary elections. The relevant reports from Japanese media have been questioned and criticized by the opposition party in South Korea, and the South Korean government has been refuting them for two consecutive days. The South Korean government stated on August 18th that it has never made such a request.

On August 18th, the first head of the South Korean State Adjustment Office, Park Hyo ran, emphasized at a press conference that the South Korean government's judgment on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea is based on comprehensive scientific research and without any political factors, considering the health and safety of the South Korean people. A South Korean journalist questioned whether the relevant reports from Japanese media were real-time, and Park Hyo ran stated that this is an issue that the South Korean government has never considered or could not consider.

Americans have different attitudes. On August 15 local time, at a press conference of the United States State Department held in Washington, D.C., Antony Blinken said that the United States was "satisfied" with Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge plan, which began in late August at the earliest.

Antony Blinken replied, "On the issue of water drainage from Fukushima, we are satisfied with Japan's plans. These plans are safe and comply with international standards, including the crucial nuclear safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency have carried out close and active coordination on their plans. They have gone through a transparent process based on science, and we are satisfied with this."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning previously pointed out at a regular meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the International Atomic Energy Agency is invited by Japan to conduct relevant evaluations and reviews, and the scope of authorization is limited to evaluating the discharge plan into the sea. The report is not a "passport" for Japan's discharge into the sea, and cannot prove that discharge into the sea is the only safest and most reliable option for disposing of nuclear contaminated water.

Koreans are starting to panic and grab salt! How significant is the impact?, Japan Confirms Time for Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea | Fukushima | Time

Can imported seafood still be eaten?

Due to concerns about nuclear pollution and water pollution of seafood, Korean consumers have recently purchased a large amount of salt and seafood, and retailers have also stocked up due to concerns about supply shortages, leading to an increase in the price of Korean seafood.

Marcos Aureliana, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxic Substances and Human Rights, has stated that Japan has stated that nuclear contaminated water will be treated and radiation will be controlled within acceptable international standards. However, there are technical limitations in the treatment process, namely the "advanced liquid treatment system," so there is no guarantee that everything will be successful.

The German Marine Science Research Institute has pointed out that the Fukushima coast has the world's strongest ocean currents. Within 57 days from the date of discharge, radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean. Three years later, the United States and Canada will be affected by nuclear pollution, and 10 years later, it will spread to global waters, affecting global fish migration, ocean fishing, human health, ecological security, and other aspects. The potential threat to human society and marine ecological environment health is difficult to estimate.

Once nuclear contaminated water is officially discharged into the sea on a large scale, can imported seafood still be eaten?

The General Administration of Customs of China has previously made it clear that in order to prevent the export of Japanese food contaminated with radiation to China, Chinese customs prohibit the import of food from ten counties including Fukushima, Japan. Food from other regions of Japan, especially aquatic products, will be strictly reviewed and accompanied by certification documents, and supervision will be strengthened. 100% inspection will be strictly implemented, and the detection and monitoring of radioactive substances will continue to be strengthened to prevent the import of products with risks. The customs also said that they will take all necessary measures in a timely manner according to the development of the situation to ensure the safety of consumers on the dining table.

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