Keep Sober and Firm in Solving the Unique Problems of the Big Party Xi Jinping | Marxism | Sober

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:39 AM

Author: Dai Yanjun

The CPC is the party with the largest organization and the largest number of members in the world. As a Marxist political party, its large scale and large number of people are a clear advantage of the party. This advantage has played an irreplaceable role in various historical periods of the party's leadership in China's revolution, construction, and reform. Just as everything in the world has two sides, there are also great difficulties. Especially for a big party like the CPC, which has been established for more than one hundred years, with the continuous expansion of the party's organizational scale and the increasing number of party members, under the circumstances of great changes in the party's activity environment, there will inevitably be many problems unique to the big party. Maintaining clarity and firmness in solving the unique difficulties of the Party is an inherent requirement for the construction and development of the Party and its cause.

Clear understanding of the reasons behind the unique difficulties faced by the major party

The huge change in the external environment is an important reason for the CPC to have its own unique problems. In the course of more than one hundred years of historical development, the CPC has grown from a party with more than 50 members to the world's largest party with more than 96 million members; From a political party that fought with blood for 28 years to seize power and experienced various hardships, it has become a political party that has long held the power of the country; The environmental changes experienced by a political party that has been in power for a long time under planned economy and relatively closed conditions, to a political party that has been in power for a long time under market economy and reform and opening up conditions, are unique among world political parties. In the face of such changes in the environment, the whole party must always remember its original intention, keep in mind its mission, and always maintain the political nature and fine traditions of a Marxist political party, which will inevitably become a difficult problem faced by the party.

The huge scale of the organization, the large number of party members, and the complex composition of the party member team are another important reason for the formation of its own unique difficulties. The reason why the CPC has been able to continue to develop and grow in the extremely difficult revolutionary war years, the reason why it can unite and mobilize the broad masses of the Chinese people at all levels and in all fields as far as possible, and the reason why it has become the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, in terms of organizational positioning, is that it is a nationwide and mass political party. At the same time, the huge organizational scale and complex composition of the party member team pose more challenges to the party's own construction, especially in the management and education of the party member team. Our party insists on putting ideological construction in the first place, always attaches importance to the construction of style and discipline, and attaches importance to the political life within the party, in order to always maintain the progressiveness and purity of the party in politics, ideology, organization, and style. Today, under new historical conditions, the organizational structure of the Party has undergone significant changes. However, as a mass political party, the huge organizational scale and complex team composition still pose many new challenges to the construction of the Party's politics, ideology, organization, work style, and other aspects.

The special and arduous nature of shouldering tasks is also the main reason for the unique difficulties faced by the big party. Looking back over a hundred years of history, the CPC has always led the Chinese people in arduous exploration to do things that have never been done before, so it will inevitably encounter unique problems that other political parties have never encountered. It is in the process of solving problems one by one that the CPC continues to develop and grow through continuous learning, exploration and innovation. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Party led the people in a semi feudal and semi colonial country to carry out an anti imperialist and anti feudal revolution led by a proletarian political party, with farmers as the main body, and achieved victory; During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Party led the people to establish a socialist system in an agricultural country with almost no modern industrial foundation, and made significant achievements in socialist construction; During the period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, the Party led the people to combine socialism with the market economy, develop the socialist market economy, and promote rapid economic development; In the new era, the Party has led the people to make unremitting efforts to promote Chinese path to modernization. Once again, history has placed a more arduous task before the CPC.

Deeply understanding the essential relationship revealed by the unique difficulties of the big party

In the speech of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping used six "how to always" to make a high-level summary of the unique problems of the big party, and profoundly revealed the nature of the unique problems of the big party, that is, the party is advancing itself. Several relationships need to be dealt with in the development of construction and leadership.

It is of great significance for the CPC, a Marxist party, to handle the relationship between integrity and innovation. The development process of more than one hundred years is also the process of continuous innovation of the CPC. In the face of the changes in the environment and tasks of the Party in various historical periods, the CPC has combined the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. It has continued to innovate in theory, practice, systems and other aspects. It has formed a series of major theoretical achievements in the theory of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, and has made a series of great achievements in revolution, construction and reform in practice. History has proven that innovation is an inexhaustible driving force for the Party's progress and development. In the new era, facing unprecedented changes, the Party's self construction and various work require continuous innovation. The premise of innovation is to uphold integrity. The reason why the Party has always been at the forefront of the times and conforms to the trend of the times in its over 100 year historical development is because it has always adhered to the guidance of scientific theory, maintained its unchanged original intention, and has always had clear goals and a strong sense of mission. To uphold integrity is to uphold such original aspiration and mission, because once this fundamental principle is forgotten, the drive for innovation will also dry up. As a large party united by common ideals, beliefs, and political beliefs, once this foundation is lost, the party also loses its ideological foundation of unity and solidarity.

Dealing with the relationship between adapting to changes in the external environment and maintaining its progressiveness nature is an important issue that the Party needs to solve in promoting its own construction. Over the course of over a hundred years of historical development, changes in the external environment are not subject to human will. The Party must adapt to and actively lead such changes in order to ensure the development of the Party itself and the prosperity of its cause, and to ensure the completion of the Party's tasks and the achievement of its goals. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the CPC summarized historical experience, scientifically judged the characteristics of the times, complied with the tide of the world scientific and technological revolution and the requirements of economic globalization, led the Chinese people to carry out reform and opening up, establish a socialist market economic system, and the economy and society developed rapidly, which fundamentally strengthened the country's comprehensive national strength, improved the people's living standards, and the superiority of the socialist system was better reflected. At the same time, the CPC itself is also facing the test of reform, opening up and market economy. This test is not only shown in its ability to control the economy, govern society, develop culture, protect ecology, etc., but also in its own construction, that is, to strive to maintain a clean and upright political environment within the Party and ensure that Party cadres at all levels are clean and honest.

It is an inevitable requirement for the CPC to handle the relationship between the Party's leadership of social revolution and continuous self revolution. The earth shaking changes that have taken place in Chinese society for more than a hundred years have proved the ability of the CPC to lead social revolution. However, due to the complexity of the society, the process of understanding, the difficulty of the task, and the severity of the test, the CPC will also make mistakes, and there will also be various unhealthy factors within the party that will endanger the vitality and combat effectiveness of the party and are incompatible with the nature and purpose of the party. Timely correction of these mistakes and elimination of unhealthy factors are necessary for the smooth development of the cause led by the Party, and this work of correcting mistakes and eliminating unhealthy factors is the Party's self revolution. On the one hand, only through continuous self revolution can we ensure that the Party can better lead and promote social revolution; On the other hand, the Party's self revolution was not achieved in a vacuum, but rather in leading a social revolution. Therefore, in leading the practice of social revolution, constantly strengthening the consciousness of self revolution, enhancing self revolutionary ability, and improving self revolutionary efficiency have become the long-term task of the Party.

Firmly grasp the key requirements for solving the unique difficulties of the Communist Party of China

Adhere to the guidance of scientific theory, learn and apply Marxist worldview and methodology effectively. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that why the CPC can, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, in the final analysis, it is the Marxist line, which is Chinese and contemporary. In the past, revolution, construction, and reform relied on the guidance of Marxism. Today, solving the unique problems of the Party still relies on the guidance of Marxism. Firstly, strengthening the guidance and theoretical armament of Marxism, strengthening the construction of the Party, is itself the main task of solving the unique problems of the Party; Secondly, Marxism is a powerful weapon for us to accurately analyze and judge the root and crux of the unique difficulties faced by the major party; Thirdly, Marxism provides an important methodology for us to effectively solve the unique problems of the Party in practice.

Continuously deepening reforms, improving the Party's leadership system and the Party's self construction mechanism. Further improve the mechanism of power supervision and restraint, better leverage the role of mass supervision, and enable power to operate under the sunshine; Further improve the assessment and incentive system for cadre work, fully mobilize the work enthusiasm and creativity of Party members and cadres; Further improve the political life system within the Party, especially strengthen the relevant systems that are conducive to the active participation of Party members in Party affairs, and fully leverage the important role of Party members in solving various problems within the Party; Further unblock various information channels within the party, reduce the possibility of information retention caused by large scale and multiple links, and form a work mechanism that is more conducive to timely discovering and solving problems.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, fully utilize the wisdom and strength of the entire Party. Solving the unique difficulties of the big party is the task of the entire party, and we must fully utilize the wisdom and strength of the entire party to complete it. The problems we have encountered today, such as the leadership level and governance ability of the Party, and the purification of the political ecology within the Party, have all been encountered in history. However, under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and with the wisdom and strength of the entire Party, they can be effectively resolved.

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