Ke Te Pai Becomes a Leading Cloth for People in Mountainous Areas to Become Rich | Topic | Mountainous Areas

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:44 AM

In 2003, Professor Wang Renmin from Zhejiang University, carrying a blanket and clothes, made a bumpy journey from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province to Shanghu Town, Pan'an County, Jinhua City. As one of the first batch of science and technology envoys in Zhejiang Province, he traveled a thousand miles for no other reason. With his agricultural skills, he helped the people here to lift themselves out of poverty and become prosperous.

Over the past 20 years, Wang Renmin learned how to ride a motorcycle on mountain roads in Pan'an, broke countless pairs of shoes, and got used to eating sweet potatoes and potatoes from his hometown. Most importantly, he successfully promoted the mechanization of tea production in the local area, leading villagers to plant economic crops such as blueberries and golden lotus, becoming a well-known "wealth leader" in the area.

In 2022, Wang Renmin officially retired. He, who was supposed to live a comfortable life, couldn't let go of his farmer friends in Pan'an and couldn't forget the bits and pieces of work and life here. He resolutely took on the job of the 15th batch of science and technology special envoys. So, villagers can often see this technology envoy with dark skin and a hint of elegance in the fields.

In Pan'an County, there are many technology envoys like Wang Renmin - Pu Jinbao, Si Jinping, Zhu Kaiyuan

Since 2003, a total of 282 science and technology special envoys, 9 science and technology special envoys, and 1 legal person science and technology special envoy have come to Pan'an County to carry out assistance work, effectively alleviating the urgent demand for various scientific and technological talents in the local socio-economic development.

The government's "nanny style" service makes the special mission of science and technology connect with Pan'an

Pan'an County is the hometown of Chinese medicinal materials, and among the "Zhejiang Eight Flavors" of Chinese medicinal materials, the "Pan Five Flavors" play a crucial role.

According to statistics, there are 1219 domestic and wild Chinese herbal medicines in Pan'an County. How were these 1219 Chinese herbal medicines counted? It was Pu Jinbao, a researcher and technology envoy from the Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and his team who spent more than 6 years collecting more than 3000 concentrated medicinal specimens and taking more than 100000 photos in Dapanshan, Pan'an County. They "counted" the types of Chinese herbal medicines in Pan'an and compiled the first local medicinal plant resource record - "Dapanshan Medicinal Materials Record".

"Understanding medicinal plant resources, studying their wild living environment, and conducting several generations of breeding are necessary to screen out high-quality medicinal plant germplasm suitable for artificial breeding," said Pu Jinbao.

Pan'an County is one of the first pilot counties for the science and technology special envoy system in Zhejiang Province. Based on the actual situation in mountainous areas, the local government continuously promotes institutional and mechanism innovation around selection, dispatch, and management.

The local tradition of selecting science and technology special envoys from departments such as the Science and Technology Bureau and the Agriculture Bureau has been broken, and practical special envoys have been hired based on industry characteristics and actual needs, targeting higher education institutions, scientific research institutions, and provincial and municipal experts.

In terms of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, Pan'an County has hired 9 science and technology envoys from universities such as Zhejiang A&F University and Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to carry out more than 80 technical research, demonstration and promotion projects.

In addition to agriculture, more than 80 special envoys are also active in fields such as industry and social undertakings. Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zhejiang Dasheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly carry out key technology research and development of related products such as broken wall Ganoderma spore powder, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10; Zhejiang Forestry Research Institute and Shanzhizhou Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. jointly developed the "Forest Fungi and Insect Ecological Cycle Model"; Lou Yi, a technology envoy from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, helped Panfeng Blade Co., Ltd. improve the quenching and tempering process of blades, breaking through the technical bottleneck of heat treatment that has plagued the enterprise for many years

In order to enable technology envoys to carry out their work in Pan'an County with peace of mind, comfort, and ease, the local party committee and government have carried out security services in accordance with the "nanny style" standard, and launched the "three services", which include designated accommodation hotels, specialized office spaces, and dedicated personnel for docking services.

The "1030" operating mode allows Ketu to deeply cultivate Pan'an

On the wall of the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University, there is a work schedule hanging: supporting Pan'an County's application for "Hometown of Huangjing in China" - progress of 100%, serving enterprises or bases no less than 50 times per year - progress of 55%, and project team members with 10 or more people stationed in enterprises or research institutions in Pan'an County - progress of 50%

Zhou Aicun, a teacher at the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University, introduced that Gongfu College was established at the end of last year and has carried out 7 national, provincial, and municipal research projects in more than half a year, developing 12 products with the same origin as medicine and food.

In 2013, Si Jinping, Dean of the Provincial Modern Grain Industry College of Zhejiang A&F University and Chief Expert of the Innovation Chain of Dendrobium officinale National Science and Technology Commissioner, formed an alliance with Pan'an County. Over the past 10 years, he led his team to develop and strengthen the Dendrobium officinale and Polygonatum industries in Pan'an County, promoting the industrialization of traditional Chinese medicine in Pan'an County.

"At first, I came to Pan'an alone, and later led a group of five teachers to serve, hoping to help local farmers more." Sijinping sighed, but even so, he and the team members couldn't get busy.

Si Jinping believes that personal strength is always limited. To develop the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Pan'an County well, it requires interdisciplinary support and must leverage the overall faculty and student resources of Zhejiang A&F University. So, under his matchmaking and bridging, the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University emerged.

The Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University takes the technology envoy as the leader and implements the "1030" operation mode, which introduces 10 teachers and 30 graduate students to carry out research topics, product development, talent cultivation, and other work around the traditional Chinese medicine health industry.

A group of 40 teachers and students has been stationed in Pan'an for a long time to serve. When pharmaceutical farmers and companies need help, Sijinping no longer worries about not being able to solve problems in a timely manner.

Whether it is a technology special envoy, a technology special envoy, or a legal person technology special envoy, they are unable to stay or serve in the local area for a long time due to their own job responsibilities. Regarding this, Zhou Aicun stated that Pan'an County is leading the way with science and technology envoys, integrating and leveraging resources from research institutes, and building a full-time research service platform locally. They are exploring ways to solve this problem.

Zhou Aicun works at Gongfu College for more than 5 days a week, and has enough time to travel to enterprises and meet pharmaceutical farmers. Soon, he teamed up with Zhejiang Xianrengu Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Co., Ltd. to develop Huangjing Ginseng Tea, upgrading traditional granular tea bags to instant granular tea bags. This upgrade not only enhances the effectiveness of the product, but also expands its market space.

"The '1030' model actually has a goal - to develop ten major series and 30 products for the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Pan'an County." Si Jinping sighed, saying that without the Gongfu College, such a big task cannot be completed.

"One acre of mountain costs ten thousand yuan", a major industry that enables science and technology to create wealth in Pan'an

On the pine tree, there are circles of dendrobium growing, and under the pine tree, various Chinese medicinal herbs such as Huangjing, Sanyeqing, and Octagonal Lotus are planted. "The simulated wild planting model of 'dendrobium on trees and herbal medicine under trees' not only maximizes the usable space of mountains and forests, but also significantly enhances the economic added value of traditional Chinese medicine." Zheng Fangzheng, the person in charge of Pan'an County Fangzheng Rare Medicinal Materials Development Co., Ltd., introduced that this planting model was carried out under the guidance of Si Jinping.

Zheng Fangzheng was a native Pan'an medicinal farmer who grew Fritillaria and Yuanhu with his parents since childhood. At the age of 16, he traveled all over the country to purchase medicinal herbs. During this period, a Wenzhou merchant asked him to help purchase Dendrobium officinale. Within two to three years, he brought back thousands of kilograms of Dendrobium officinale for Wenzhou merchants, creating considerable profits.

In 2006, Zheng Fangzheng moved dendrobium back to Pan'an County for planting. The start went smoothly and the returns were also high. But the weather was unpredictable, and the cold wave of winter froze most of the dendrobium to death, causing him and the farmer to suffer heavy losses.

Despite the heavy mountains and rivers, there was no way out. Upon hearing the news, Sijinping rushed to cultivate a cold resistant Dendrobium seedling by improving tissue culture technology. The survival rate of the seedlings increased from 50% to over 90%.

Afterwards, Si Jinping also helped Zheng Fangzheng carry out simulated wild planting, develop understory traditional Chinese medicine cultivation, explore the integration of agriculture and tourism, and develop Dendrobium derivative products... Nowadays, in addition to Dendrobium seedlings and mature medicinal materials, Dendrobium officinale noodles, biscuits, mooncakes, beverages, medicinal wines and other products are also highly sought after in the market.

"I hope to continuously promote technology and plant Dendrobium officinale on the land of Zhejiang, forming a large industry of 'one acre of mountain costs ten thousand yuan'," said Si Jinping.

From 2003 to 2022, the per capita annual income of rural residents in Pan'an County increased from 2000 yuan to 24299 yuan, and the contribution of the science and technology special envoy is indispensable.

In the future, Pan'an County will actively explore innovation and promote the work of science and technology envoys to continue to contribute to rural revitalization.

◎ Our reporter Jiang Yun intern Lu Xinyi

In 2003, Professor Wang Renmin from Zhejiang University, carrying a blanket and clothes, made a bumpy journey from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province to Shanghu Town, Pan'an County, Jinhua City. As one of the first batch of science and technology envoys in Zhejiang Province, he traveled a thousand miles for no other reason. With his agricultural skills, he helped the people here to lift themselves out of poverty and become prosperous.

Over the past 20 years, Wang Renmin learned how to ride a motorcycle on mountain roads in Pan'an, broke countless pairs of shoes, and got used to eating sweet potatoes and potatoes from his hometown. Most importantly, he successfully promoted the mechanization of tea production in the local area, leading villagers to plant economic crops such as blueberries and golden lotus, becoming a well-known "wealth leader" in the area.

In 2022, Wang Renmin officially retired. He, who was supposed to live a comfortable life, couldn't let go of his farmer friends in Pan'an and couldn't forget the bits and pieces of work and life here. He resolutely took on the job of the 15th batch of science and technology special envoys. So, villagers can often see this technology envoy with dark skin and a hint of elegance in the fields.

In Pan'an County, there are many technology envoys like Wang Renmin - Pu Jinbao, Si Jinping, Zhu Kaiyuan

Since 2003, a total of 282 science and technology special envoys, 9 science and technology special envoys, and 1 legal person science and technology special envoy have come to Pan'an County to carry out assistance work, effectively alleviating the urgent demand for various scientific and technological talents in the local socio-economic development.

The government's "nanny style" service makes the special mission of science and technology connect with Pan'an

Pan'an County is the hometown of Chinese medicinal materials, and among the "Zhejiang Eight Flavors" of Chinese medicinal materials, the "Pan Five Flavors" play a crucial role.

According to statistics, there are 1219 domestic and wild Chinese herbal medicines in Pan'an County. How were these 1219 Chinese herbal medicines counted? It was Pu Jinbao, a researcher and technology envoy from the Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and his team who spent more than 6 years collecting more than 3000 concentrated medicinal specimens and taking more than 100000 photos in Dapanshan, Pan'an County. They "counted" the types of Chinese herbal medicines in Pan'an and compiled the first local medicinal plant resource record - "Dapanshan Medicinal Materials Record".

"Understanding medicinal plant resources, studying their wild living environment, and conducting several generations of breeding are necessary to screen out high-quality medicinal plant germplasm suitable for artificial breeding," said Pu Jinbao.

Pan'an County is one of the first pilot counties for the science and technology special envoy system in Zhejiang Province. Based on the actual situation in mountainous areas, the local government continuously promotes institutional and mechanism innovation around selection, dispatch, and management.

The local tradition of selecting science and technology special envoys from departments such as the Science and Technology Bureau and the Agriculture Bureau has been broken, and practical special envoys have been hired based on industry characteristics and actual needs, targeting higher education institutions, scientific research institutions, and provincial and municipal experts.

In terms of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, Pan'an County has hired 9 science and technology envoys from universities such as Zhejiang A&F University and Zhejiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine to carry out more than 80 technical research, demonstration and promotion projects.

In addition to agriculture, more than 80 special envoys are also active in fields such as industry and social undertakings. Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zhejiang Dasheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly carry out key technology research and development of related products such as broken wall Ganoderma spore powder, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10; Zhejiang Forestry Research Institute and Shanzhizhou Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. jointly developed the "Forest Fungi and Insect Ecological Cycle Model"; Lou Yi, a technology envoy from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, helped Panfeng Blade Co., Ltd. improve the quenching and tempering process of blades, breaking through the technical bottleneck of heat treatment that has plagued the enterprise for many years

In order to enable technology envoys to carry out their work in Pan'an County with peace of mind, comfort, and ease, the local party committee and government have carried out security services in accordance with the "nanny style" standard, and launched the "three services", which include designated accommodation hotels, specialized office spaces, and dedicated personnel for docking services.

The "1030" operating mode allows Ketu to deeply cultivate Pan'an

On the wall of the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University, there is a work schedule hanging: supporting Pan'an County's application for "Hometown of Huangjing in China" - progress of 100%, serving enterprises or bases no less than 50 times per year - progress of 55%, and project team members with 10 or more people stationed in enterprises or research institutions in Pan'an County - progress of 50%

Zhou Aicun, a teacher at the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University, introduced that Gongfu College was established at the end of last year and has carried out 7 national, provincial, and municipal research projects in more than half a year, developing 12 products with the same origin as medicine and food.

In 2013, Si Jinping, Dean of the Provincial Modern Grain Industry College of Zhejiang A&F University and Chief Expert of the Innovation Chain of Dendrobium officinale National Science and Technology Commissioner, formed an alliance with Pan'an County. Over the past 10 years, he led his team to develop and strengthen the Dendrobium officinale and Polygonatum industries in Pan'an County, promoting the industrialization of traditional Chinese medicine in Pan'an County.

"At first, I came to Pan'an alone, and later led a group of five teachers to serve, hoping to help local farmers more." Sijinping sighed, but even so, he and the team members couldn't get busy.

Si Jinping believes that personal strength is always limited. To develop the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Pan'an County well, it requires interdisciplinary support and must leverage the overall faculty and student resources of Zhejiang A&F University. So, under his matchmaking and bridging, the Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University emerged.

The Gongfu College of Zhejiang A&F University takes the technology envoy as the leader and implements the "1030" operation mode, which introduces 10 teachers and 30 graduate students to carry out research topics, product development, talent cultivation, and other work around the traditional Chinese medicine health industry.

A group of 40 teachers and students has been stationed in Pan'an for a long time to serve. When pharmaceutical farmers and companies need help, Sijinping no longer worries about not being able to solve problems in a timely manner.

Whether it is a technology special envoy, a technology special envoy, or a legal person technology special envoy, they are unable to stay or serve in the local area for a long time due to their own job responsibilities. Regarding this, Zhou Aicun stated that Pan'an County is leading the way with science and technology envoys, integrating and leveraging resources from research institutes, and building a full-time research service platform locally. They are exploring ways to solve this problem.

Zhou Aicun works at Gongfu College for more than 5 days a week, and has enough time to travel to enterprises and meet pharmaceutical farmers. Soon, he teamed up with Zhejiang Xianrengu Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Co., Ltd. to develop Huangjing Ginseng Tea, upgrading traditional granular tea bags to instant granular tea bags. This upgrade not only enhances the effectiveness of the product, but also expands its market space.

"The '1030' model actually has a goal - to develop ten major series and 30 products for the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Pan'an County." Si Jinping sighed, saying that without the Gongfu College, such a big task cannot be completed.

"One acre of mountain costs ten thousand yuan", a major industry that enables science and technology to create wealth in Pan'an

On the pine tree, there are circles of dendrobium growing, and under the pine tree, various Chinese medicinal herbs such as Huangjing, Sanyeqing, and Octagonal Lotus are planted. "The simulated wild planting model of 'dendrobium on trees and herbal medicine under trees' not only maximizes the usable space of mountains and forests, but also significantly enhances the economic added value of traditional Chinese medicine." Zheng Fangzheng, the person in charge of Pan'an County Fangzheng Rare Medicinal Materials Development Co., Ltd., introduced that this planting model was carried out under the guidance of Si Jinping.

Zheng Fangzheng was a native Pan'an medicinal farmer who grew Fritillaria and Yuanhu with his parents since childhood. At the age of 16, he traveled all over the country to purchase medicinal herbs. During this period, a Wenzhou merchant asked him to help purchase Dendrobium officinale. Within two to three years, he brought back thousands of kilograms of Dendrobium officinale for Wenzhou merchants, creating considerable profits.

In 2006, Zheng Fangzheng moved dendrobium back to Pan'an County for planting. The start went smoothly and the returns were also high. But the weather was unpredictable, and the cold wave of winter froze most of the dendrobium to death, causing him and the farmer to suffer heavy losses.

Despite the heavy mountains and rivers, there was no way out. Upon hearing the news, Sijinping rushed to cultivate a cold resistant Dendrobium seedling by improving tissue culture technology. The survival rate of the seedlings increased from 50% to over 90%.

Afterwards, Si Jinping also helped Zheng Fangzheng carry out simulated wild planting, develop understory traditional Chinese medicine cultivation, explore the integration of agriculture and tourism, and develop Dendrobium derivative products... Nowadays, in addition to Dendrobium seedlings and mature medicinal materials, Dendrobium officinale noodles, biscuits, mooncakes, beverages, medicinal wines and other products are also highly sought after in the market.

"I hope to continuously promote technology and plant Dendrobium officinale on the land of Zhejiang, forming a large industry of 'one acre of mountain costs ten thousand yuan'," said Si Jinping.

From 2003 to 2022, the per capita annual income of rural residents in Pan'an County increased from 2000 yuan to 24299 yuan, and the contribution of the science and technology special envoy is indispensable.

In the future, Pan'an County will actively explore innovation and promote the work of science and technology envoys to continue to contribute to rural revitalization.

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