Jointly Build a Beautiful Online Spiritual Home | Internet | Spiritual Home

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:27 AM

Network civilization is an important part of social civilization in the new situation and an important field for building a strong online country.

From July 18 to 19, the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province. With the theme of "the great journey of network gathering civilization forces", the conference exchanged experiences in the co construction of network civilization, talked about the cultivation of cyberspace civilization, promoted the exertion of network civilization power, and provided rich civilization nourishment and strong spiritual support for the construction of a powerful country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

Network content construction, allowing positive energy to generate large traffic

Building a network civilization cannot be achieved without high-quality online content supply.

"We should deepen the spread of theory on the Internet, and draw a colorful picture of theory transmission in cyberspace with the pen of practice and the ink of life, fully demonstrating the vitality of the theory tree, so that the theory can be spread more widely and deeply." Ren Xianliang, Secretary General of the World Internet Conference and President of the China Federation of Cyber Social Organizations, said at the Internet Content Construction Forum.

"We need to strengthen the supply of high-quality online content in news promotion and public opinion guidance, strengthen ideological and value guidance, and jointly create the beauty of civilization and the beauty of the times," said Xu Lijing, Deputy Editor in Chief of People's Daily.

"Bringing in the spring of theory and nourishing the civilization of the internet," Yang Gu, the President of Guangming Network, said in sharing his practical experience of exploring theoretical communication and breaking through "self talk". He has persisted in promoting core values through all media for many years and has achieved increasingly significant dissemination results.

In recent years, a series of excellent works with content, warmth, and power have stimulated emotional resonance in the online space, jointly promoting the deepening and implementation of network civilization construction.

Delivering the first takeout for lighthouse workers on the isolated island in over 40 years; Using video special effects to help a disabled youth achieve their dream of "running"... A video played by Chen Rui, Chairman and CEO of Bilibili, on the main forum of the conference touched people. Chen Rui said, "As an online platform, we need to guide and amplify content that is upward and beneficial, form a positive cycle, and let more young people become the backbone of maintaining a good online atmosphere."

Photo after photo of exquisite Su embroidery works unfolded on the slide, blooming on the big screen and spreading to the world through the internet... At the International Exchange and Mutual Learning Forum on Internet Civilization, Yao Jianping, a representative inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage projects and a master of Chinese arts and crafts, showcased the modern dissemination form of ancient Su embroidery art. She said: "We will continue to base ourselves on the root of excellent culture, innovate communication methods, leverage the digital Internet, and strive to let excellent culture participate in the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, and participate in the exchange, mutual learning and coexistence of world civilizations."

Peng Guohua, chief editor of the People's Forum magazine, said that in recent years, the People's Forum has been accelerating the pace of media integration development, strengthening the construction of network communication means, taking telling stories of Chinese path to modernization as the main theme, integrating thematic interviews, graphic features, micro videos and other forms, and launching a series of media integration works, which have been well received by netizens and readers.

Governance in accordance with laws and regulations, ensuring that the cyberspace is upward and beneficial

Building a good network civilization culture cannot be achieved without effective network governance.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the rule of law and regulations in the management of pipeline networks has been placed in a more prominent position. At the conference, many guests mentioned the importance of a sound legal and regulatory system for the construction of online civilization.

"Our country adheres to the rule of law thinking and the rule of law way to improve the ability of network governance, and the rule of law foundation of network civilization construction has been constantly consolidated." Hu Ming, secretary of the Party Committee of China University of Political Science and Law, said that in recent years, more than 100 laws, regulations and management provisions, including the Network Security Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law, have been issued, completing the basic construction of the network legal system, and ensuring the healthy operation of the Internet on the rule of law track.

In addition to establishing rules and regulations, the implementation of laws and regulations by relevant departments also plays a prominent role in improving the effectiveness of Internet governance and building a civilized network environment. Zhang Xueqiao, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, used personal information protection public interest litigation as an example to introduce the judicial protection of citizens' online rights by "digital prosecution". He said that the procuratorial organs should actively explore the construction of a big data supervision model for public interest litigation supervision of personal information protection, actively perform their duties in accordance with the law, create a "three-dimensional" digital governance new ecosystem where the legitimate rights and interests of personal information are protected, personal information processing activities are regulated, and the rational use of personal information is promoted.

How to coordinate development and security, achieve the unity of promoting development and lawful management, has always been an important issue in network governance. Not long ago, the National Cyberspace Administration and seven other departments jointly issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services". In response, Sun Weimin, Chief Engineer of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the National Cyberspace Administration, said that relevant departments adhere to the principle of balancing development and security, promoting innovation and combining legal governance, encouraging innovative development of generative artificial intelligence, exploring the implementation of inclusive, prudent, and graded supervision, clarifying the overall requirements of supervision, so as to ensure development with safety, promote security with development, and better benefit society and the people with new technologies and applications.

Civilized Internet Management and Internet Access, Creating a Good Network Civilization Ecology Together

At the main forum of the conference, the "New Era Youth Network Civilization Convention" was solemnly released, calling on young people in the new era to work together to build a network civilization ecosystem. As one of the five on-site signatories of the convention, Lang Zheng, a "salute doll" from the Wenchuan earthquake 15 years ago, said that he witnessed the earth shaking changes in his hometown and deeply experienced the great love of humanity. I hope the online world is filled with love and warmth like the real world.

Network platforms play an indispensable role in building a good network civilization ecosystem.

"Taking rumor governance as an example, in recent years, under the guidance of regulatory authorities, through the collaboration of professional institutions, university scholars and other authoritative resources, measures have been launched to mark rumor refutation labels, expand the reach of rumor refutation information, and strengthen user literacy education. The initiative of platform users to participate in the dissemination of rumor refutation information has significantly increased." Guo Kaitian, Senior Vice President of Tencent Group, introduced that Tencent has established a normalized ecological governance mechanism, further focused on deep-seated issues in the network ecosystem, carried out targeted work, encouraged valuable and caring technological innovation, and hoped to promote collaborative governance of the network ecosystem through interactive openness, connecting multiple entities.

Yang Yuanxi, co-founder of Kwai Technology, introduced that since 2023, Kwai has accumulated 7 groups of iterations and developed relevant governance models, intercepted more than 10.98 million cheating requests, and cleared 209 thousand false comments in e-commerce.

The ecosystem of cyberspace is becoming increasingly clear, gathering efforts to draw a "concentric circle" of civilization construction both online and offline.

The "leadership message board" built by People's Daily has become an important platform for following the online mass line. "Facing future development, we look forward to making full use of the Internet to help build a digital and intelligent civilization," said Ye Zhenzhen, chairman of People's Daily Online.

Wu Minjie, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told the story of her creation of poetry videos at the conference, explaining that excellent traditional Chinese culture still has its unique charm in the online space. "Today, walking in the tide of the internet, as self media workers, we will strive to light up the light of civilization in our hands, and let Chinese culture warm the world and nourish people like a trickle."

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