Jinxiu Tianfu New Picture Scroll Ecology | Development | Picture Scroll

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:06 PM

A New Scroll of Splendid Tianfu

Research Group of Qiushi Magazine

Sichuan is known as the "Land of Abundance" and "Blessed Land on Earth", and is also a hot land filled with red marks, playing an important role in the overall development of the country.

In early summer, the research team visited the land of Sichuan and deeply felt the new practices and new atmosphere of the cadres and masses striving for a new era and new journey.

Guiding ideology and setting direction

Walking into Yongfeng Village, Taihe Town, Dongpo District, Meishan City, I saw that an "immersion" teaching was being held to study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

"In June last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yongfeng Village under the scorching sun and urged us to strictly observe the red line of arable land, protect this treasure land of grain production, grasp grain production firmly, and build a higher level of 'Tianfu granary' in the new era ......" Following in the footsteps of the General Secretary, Li Xueping, the party secretary of Yongfeng Village, led more than 10 Sichuan provincial department-level cadres "trainees" into the rice fields, deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions to Sichuan and his deep feelings for the people, and appreciate the gratifying achievements of rural revitalization along the way.

At the end of 2022, the special plan for the construction of the core area of the "Tianfu Granary" in Yongfeng District was released: to improve the quality of 3340 acres of high standard farmland, accelerate the promotion of 1.5 kilometers of ecological ditches, and blacken out 13.8 kilometers of main village roads... With the implementation of the plan, Yongfeng Village is changing rapidly, and villagers are delighted. Li Xueping introduced to the research team that on the basis of adding more than 130 acres of farmland last year, the village has also added more than 200 acres this year. "Rural development is becoming more promising, and farmers are becoming more motivated to grow crops!"

"General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Sichuan and the spirit of the series of important instructions for Sichuan work are the 'Sichuan Page' of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and provide a scientific guide for promoting the governance of Sichuan and the prosperity of Sichuan to a new level," said Wang Xiaohui, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee. He stressed that Sichuan has always adhered to the principle of strengthening loyalty, following the scientific guidance of the general secretary's important instructions, combining the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics with the spirit of the general secretary's visit to Sichuan and the series of important instructions on Sichuan's work, building a normal long-term mechanism for implementation, and promoting the implementation of all instructions and requirements in Sichuan. Ensure that all work always moves forward in the direction guided by the general secretary.

Sichuan is a major province in China's economy, population, agriculture, resources, and science and education. However, its large population, weak foundation, imbalance, and underdevelopment are also the basic conditions of the province. Focusing on the overall situation of the Party and the country, and based on its own characteristics and advantages, Sichuan strives to find the coordinates of reform and development in the new era and new journey, clarify the main direction of reform and development, and vigorously explore innovative reform and development paths.

Focusing on the major propositions put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Sichuan and the outstanding problems in the development pointed out, Sichuan has carried out in-depth investigations and studies, asking questions and finding answers in cities, rural areas, enterprises, and fields, and forming a batch of high-quality results. The provincial party committee formulated the "General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Instructions to Supervise the Implementation Rules", held a special meeting to listen to the implementation of the implementation, and formulated measures for in-depth advancement, and implemented them one by one.

The Second Plenary Session of the 12th Sichuan Provincial Party Committee deliberated and passed the Decision on Deeply Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Sichuan's Development on the New Journey of Building a Socialist Modernized Country in an All round Way, which clearly proposed to take the construction of the Chengdu Chongqing Double City Economic Circle as the overall traction, implement the development strategy of "four modernizations in sync, urban and rural integration, and five regional co prosperity", and deploy and promote the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Sichuan.

Jinxiu Tianfu New Picture Scroll Ecology | Development | Picture Scroll

On December 20, 2022, all 16 million kilowatt hydroelectric units of Baihetan Hydropower Station were put into operation for power generation, marking China's construction of the world's largest clean energy corridor on the Yangtze River. C Visual image provided by Hao Fei/photographed

The synchronization of the four modernizations refers to promoting the synchronous evolution of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization in terms of time, spatial integration, and functional coupling, with a focus on solving the problems of development paths and strategic priorities; "Urban rural integration" means adhering to the principle of using cities to drive rural areas and promoting agriculture through industry, coordinating the promotion of new urbanization and rural revitalization, with a focus on reconstructing urban-rural relations and shaping a good development ecology; The "Five Districts Co Prosperity" refers to adhering to the leading role of Chengdu's core, urban agglomeration, and growth pole support, promoting the coordinated development of Chengdu Plain, South Sichuan, Northeast Sichuan, Panxi Economic Zone, and Northwest Sichuan Ecological Demonstration Zone at a high level, with a focus on overall coordination and linkage, and synchronously achieving modernization while narrowing regional disparities. "The three are closely connected and internally integrated, forming an organic whole that promotes and relies on each other." Li Wenxing, Director of the Political Research Office of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, introduced that "synchronization of the four modernizations, urban-rural integration, and joint development of the five regions" will organically combine "national needs" and "what Sichuan can", together forming the "four beams and eight pillars" to promote Sichuan's modernization construction.

Every time it rains, Shiyi Village in Beichuan County, Mianyang City is shrouded in clouds and mist, resembling a "mountain fortress on the clouds". The beautiful scenery fascinates tourists. During this year's May Day holiday, about 15000 people flooded into Shiyi Village, and Qiang Village created a new high of 3.48 million yuan in tourism revenue.

In Zhaojue County, more than 600 kilometers away from Shiyi Village, the Yi compatriots in Daliang Mountain wrote a strong voice on the outer wall of their beautiful new home: "General Secretary Xi Jinping, Kasasha!" "The Communist Party, Vajiva!" The simple language expresses the heartfelt love of the Sichuan people for the leaders, and also carries the determination and confidence to build a richer and more peaceful hometown and live a happier and more comfortable life.

Four Modernizations Synchronous Power Addition

Entering the Panzhihua Vanadium Rail and Beam Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group, a wave of heat rushed towards us. The steel rail production line is operating at full capacity, with an average of one hundred meter steel rail rolling down the line every 7 minutes. With advantages such as high purity, high dimensional accuracy, high flatness, and high surface quality, Panzhihua Steel's steel rails have been laid on more than 70% of railway lines in China and exported to more than 30 countries and regions worldwide. "This steel rail production line is an industrial big data application production line jointly developed by us, Xingyun Zhilian, and Sichuan Industrial Big Data Innovation Center." Feng Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Factory Director of Pangang Vanadium Rail Beam Factory, introduced. He said that after the latest renovation and upgrading, the production line has built a heavy rail big data analysis platform, which is highly intelligent in the production process and can meet the production needs of various types of steel rails such as ordinary railways, high-speed railways, subways, and trams, better helping China's high-speed rail to run at a global speed.

Sichuan's industrialization is in a transitional period from the middle to the later stage, urbanization is accelerating, agricultural modernization is improving quality and efficiency, and informatization is releasing momentum. Promoting the "Four Modernizations" will be a collaborative process of multiple tasks, multiple goals, and multiple paths in parallel. It is from this reality that Sichuan proposes to vigorously promote the synchronous development of the four modernizations. The Secretary of the Party Committee of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Gao Wei, explained to the research group the essence of "synchronizing the four modernizations".

New industrialization is the main engine. In response to the problems of insufficient main support and low industrial level in industrial development, Sichuan highlights the leading role of new industrialization, accelerates the development of high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing, and builds a strong manufacturing province with high quality. Focusing on the development of characteristic and advantageous industries, we will implement the six major advantageous industries of electronic information, equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, energy and chemical engineering, food and textile, and medicine and health to enhance and multiply their quality, and create a number of national and even world-class advanced manufacturing clusters. Sichuan and Chongqing work together to build four trillion level industries, including electronic information, automotive industry, equipment manufacturing, and consumer goods industry. In 2022, the added value of Sichuan's power battery, crystalline silicon photovoltaic, and vanadium titanium industries increased by 131.9%, 75.9%, and 30.9%, respectively. In the first half of this year, these industries continued to maintain a strong development momentum.

Informatization is the key attraction. Sichuan seizes the opportunity of the national "East Calculation and West Calculation" project, focuses on promoting the improvement and doubling of digital empowerment advantage industries, and continuously releases new momentum. The digital workshop for blade processing at Dongfang Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. of Dongfang Electric Group can achieve a machining accuracy of 0.03 millimeters, equivalent to one-third of the thickness of an A4 paper, under the rotation and swing of the robotic arm. Heavy duty gas turbines are known as the "jewel on the crown" of the equipment manufacturing industry, and the blades are one of the core components. In March of this year, China's first domestically produced F-class 50 MW heavy-duty gas turbine commercial demonstration unit, independently developed by Dongfang Electric Group, was officially put into commercial operation in Qingyuan, Guangdong, filling the gap in China's independent gas turbine application field. Tian Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Turbine Power Equipment of Dongfang Steam Turbine, introduced that during the G50 development process, Dongfang Steam Turbine has obtained 136 authorized invention patents, formed over 1000 gas turbine design/manufacturing standards, and fully mastered the entire process of independent design, manufacturing, and testing of heavy-duty gas turbines. In the first quarter, the newly effective orders of Dongfang Steam Turbine increased by 30% year-on-year, and the total industrial output value increased by 14% year-on-year.

Urbanization is a necessary path. The Outline of the Construction Plan for the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle clearly emphasizes the guidance of the two cities, strengthens the interaction between the two circles, promotes the coordination of the two wings, coordinates the development of large, medium and small cities and small towns, and promotes the formation of a spatial pattern that is dense, intensive and efficient. Seizing this strategic opportunity, Sichuan adheres to the new urbanization centered on people, optimizes the urban system structure, accelerates the urbanization of agricultural transfer population, promotes the integration of industry and city development, promotes the construction of new cities, continuously improves the level of urban governance, and accelerates the construction of livable, resilient, smart, and humanistic cities.

Agricultural modernization is the fundamental support.Keeping in mind the instructions, Sichuan will comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food security, recite the Six Character Classic of "Excellent, Green, Special, Strong, New, and Solid", and accelerate the transition from a major agricultural province to a strong agricultural province. In the National Modern Agriculture Industrial Park of Tianfu Granary in Chongzhou City, Chengdu, covering an area of 100000 acres, the comprehensive demonstration base for high yield, stable production, and high efficiency of grain production is located. The farmland is contiguous, with complete infrastructure such as ditches, machine plowing roads, and fortifications. Yang Fuming, the person in charge of the demonstration base, said, "Thanks to the construction of high standard farmland, the entire process of farming is now mechanized, and the average income per mu is increased by about 300 yuan compared to the past." The local government has built digital farmland, developed smart rice, and established three-level field managers to ensure that "good farmland will be used well"; Promote farmland management and protection mechanisms, establish commercial insurance for management, and achieve "good farmland managed by people"; Explore the construction of a new agricultural management system consisting of "land stock cooperatives+agricultural professional managers+comprehensive agricultural services", and solve the problems of who will cultivate, operate, and serve. This year, Sichuan will ensure a stable planting area of over 96 million mu of grain, produce more and better grain, and firmly grasp the harvest.

The picture shows the cross factory building of Dongfang Electric Motor Co., Ltd. of Dongfang Electric Group. C Visual image supply to the universe/camera

Jinxiu Tianfu New Picture Scroll Ecology | Development | Picture Scroll

Sichuan has the highest production of 15 agricultural products in the country, with 1 out of every 10 pigs coming from Sichuan, 1 out of every 10 cups of tea coming from Sichuan, 2 out of every 10 pounds of rapeseed oil coming from Sichuan, and 7 out of every 10 bags of kimchi coming from Sichuan. In order to further polish the golden signboard of a major agricultural province, Sichuan has issued the "Action Plan for Building a Higher Level" Tianfu Granary "in the New Era" and other measures, clarifying the future "task book" and "roadmap": in terms of goals, anchor the "six strong" goals of strong food security and food supply guarantee ability, strong agricultural foundation, strong agricultural scientific and technological equipment, strong business services, strong risk resistance ability, and strong quality, efficiency, and competitiveness; On the path, we should firmly establish industrial thinking, enhance standardized production, strengthen social services, and solidify project support, promote the "three chain isomorphism" of production supply chain, deep processing chain, and brand value chain, and promote the coordination between new industrialization and agricultural modernization; In terms of methods, by focusing on key areas, addressing weaknesses, and seeking breakthroughs, we aim to drive quality and efficiency improvement through key breakthroughs.

Integration and co development of urban and rural areas

Qionghai, the second largest natural freshwater lake in Sichuan, is located in Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture. Surrounded by mountains, shaded by green trees, and filled with flying birds, the climate here is pleasant. On the south bank of Qionghai, there is a large stone tablet ancient village, which is one of the important stations on the ancient "Southern Silk Road" and the Tea Horse Ancient Road. Ma Hui, member of the Standing Committee of the Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee and Secretary of the Xichang Municipal Party Committee, introduced that "we support the construction of characteristic restaurants, bookstores, tea houses and other business carriers in the village based on ecological, historical and cultural resource advantages." The village has developed the homestay tourism industry in the form of "company+farmers", with 415 villagers participating in the operation, and the average income of each villager exceeds 30000 yuan. "Life is getting better now. My relatives run homestays and earn tens of thousands of yuan in just one 'May Day' holiday," said Duan Yuanjun happily.

The integrated development of urban and rural areas is an important symbol of modernization. Jiang Yongmu, Dean of the School of Economics at Sichuan University, believes that in promoting modernization, the focus and difficulty of Sichuan still lie in rural areas. Based on reality, Sichuan has made it clear that the focus of urban-rural integration is to reconstruct urban-rural relationships, shape a good development ecology, coordinate the promotion of new urbanization and rural revitalization, promote the extension of urban infrastructure to rural areas, the coverage of public services to rural areas, and the dissemination of modern civilization to rural areas, accelerating the formation of a new situation of common prosperity between urban and rural areas.

On January 18, 2023, villagers of Shiyi Village, Beichuan County, Sichuan Province jumped up in the "Shalang" to celebrate the New Year. C Visual Image of Poplar/Photo taken

Strengthen the county-level economy and consolidate the bottom support. Sichuan, with 183 counties and the largest number in the country, regards the development of county-level economy as an important entry point to smooth the urban-rural economic cycle. Develop and implement a plan to cultivate strong county economies, strong districts, and strong towns, giving county-level governments more autonomy in resource integration and utilization. From a practical perspective, guide the accelerated development of surrounding counties in big cities, differentiated development of professional functional counties, rational development of main agricultural product producing areas, orderly development of key ecological functional areas, and transformation and development of population loss counties. Build the county into a bridgehead for urban-rural integration development. In 2022, a total of 17 counties and districts in Sichuan were included in the list of the top 100 counties and districts in China, with a strong momentum of industrial development. The research team learned that the lithium-ion new material industry in Shehong City has risen rapidly, achieving a production value of 32.062 billion yuan, accounting for 58% of the city's industrial output value; Xichang City is exploring a new model of integrated cultural and tourism development with "vacation leading and scenic city integration", and has won 76 national level tourism "signs" including national level tourist resorts; Pengzhou City and Shifang City jointly develop the characteristic industry of Chuanxiong, with Chuanxiong's sales accounting for 3/4 of the country's total; Wait a minute.

Build urban-rural channels and promote the circulation of factors. Transforming "Shu Road" into "Shu Road Smooth", Sichuan vigorously promotes the construction of a strong transportation province. In 2022, the total length of highways in the province reached 405000 kilometers, and the total length of expressways opened to traffic reached 9179 kilometers, ranking third in the country. The total length of national and provincial trunk roads and rural roads reached 39000 kilometers and 357000 kilometers, respectively, ranking first in the country. The "Jintong Project" for rural transportation has achieved full coverage in all counties, effectively solving the "last mile" problem of people's travel, making "mountain goods entering the city and urban goods going to the countryside" more smooth and convenient, effectively driving farmers to increase their income and become prosperous.

Sichuan adheres to market-oriented allocation, focusing on the three aspects of "land", "money", and "people", promoting coordinated development of urban and rural industries, integrated layout of infrastructure, and inclusive sharing of public services. By promoting the revitalization of "land", rural land resources can be preserved and utilized effectively; Make sufficient articles on "money" to ensure that rural construction funds are secure and in place; Make a good article about "people", so that rural talents can be attracted and retained.

Relying on the cultural resources of Qiong Kiln and the foundation of tea and bamboo industry, Mingyue Village in Ganxi Town, Pujiang County, Chengdu City, has implemented rural living environment improvement. The old site of Qiong Kiln has been "married" with cultural and creative projects, and a tourism professional cooperative has been established. The village collective, villagers, and government industry support funds are allocated with equity funds in a ratio of 1:1:1 to coordinate the construction of tourism projects and the development of rural tourism. This has enabled the villagers to live the life that urban people aspire to, and has also turned a large number of urban people into "new villagers".

Balanced allocation of resources to achieve benefits for the people. The integrated construction of public infrastructure in Sichuan, the implementation of rural living environment improvement and improvement actions, the improvement of people's quality of life, and the new appearance of beautiful rural areas. The basic solution to the problem of rural drinking water safety has been achieved, with a 98% coverage rate of administrative villages for the collection, transportation, and disposal of rural household waste, and the implementation of 4G and fiber optic connectivity in every village. A basic social security system covering urban and rural areas has been established, and the three-level medical service system at the county and rural levels has been continuously improved. All 183 counties have achieved basic balanced development of compulsory education at the county level, and have basically achieved "cultural centers in counties, cultural stations in towns, and cultural squares in villages.".

Sichuan highlights the leadership of party building, takes multiple measures to strengthen the grassroots cadre team, solves governance pain points, bottlenecks, and difficulties, and enhances the efficiency of urban and rural governance. In Jiajiang County, Leshan City, a leading group for the pilot work of urban-rural integration development reform has been established to explore the establishment of party organizations in town level and village level areas, promote the improvement of community governance quality and efficiency, and transform community functions from "management oriented" to "service-oriented". Kaijiang County, Dazhou City is exploring the integration of emerging business formats such as commercial districts, logistics, and property management into party organization management, integrating different types of social resources, and helping urban grassroots governance achieve effective results, significantly improving the happiness, sense of gain, and sense of security of the masses.

Five Districts Jointly Promote "One Chess Game"

Jinxiu Tianfu New Picture Scroll Ecology | Development | Picture Scroll

On May 5th, a press conference was held in Chengdu to promote the development of the "Five Districts Together" and high-level regional coordination, showcasing the "construction plan" for Sichuan to promote the development of the "Five Districts Together".

Sichuan has a vast territory, significant geographical differences, and rich and diverse historical and cultural heritage, forming five regional economic sectors: Chengdu Plain, South Sichuan, Northeast Sichuan, Panxi, and Northwest Sichuan. The historical foundation and current conditions of economic and social development vary in different regions, and there are differences in development between different regions. The development foundation of revolutionary old areas, poverty-stricken areas, and ethnic minority areas is weak, and the lack of regional coordinated development is quite obvious.

The picture shows the main stadium of Dong'anhu Sports Park, the main venue of the Chengdu Universiade, captured on March 27, 2023. C Visual image provided by Tian Piao/Photo taken

How to make different regional economic sectors showcase their strengths and shine?

"This is not simply a requirement for all regions to achieve the same level of economic development. Sichuan cannot pursue a single core development path of 'one city dominates' or' one branch excels', nor can it engage in the egalitarianism of peak shaving and valley filling." In the view of Professor Dai Bin from Southwest Jiaotong University, 'the joint development of the five regions' helps promote regional linkage, regional coordination, complementary advantages, and functional adaptation, effectively narrowing regional disparities, and solving the problem of imbalanced development.

How can the five districts prosper together? Sichuan insists on playing a good game of chess, playing the concerto well, and promoting a good trend of coordinated linkage and competitive leapfrogging in the regional economy of the province.

——Focusing on building a modern Chengdu metropolitan area

Chengdu actively leverages the radiation and driving role of the central city, deepens cooperation with Deyang, Meishan, and Ziyang, strengthens overall linkage and intra city development, and accelerates the construction of a more dynamic modern Chengdu metropolitan area.

On December 16, 2022, the investment promotion departments of the four cities jointly went to Shenzhen to hold the "Chengdu Urban Circle Joint Investment Promotion Conference" with an overall image for key enterprises in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area; In the same month, the panoramic map of key industrial chains in the Chengdu metropolitan area jointly compiled by the four cities was released; In February of this year, four cities jointly went to the Yangtze River Delta region to carry out global investment promotion in the Chengdu metropolitan area, and signed a joint investment cooperation agreement on site. The four cities focus on the concept of "building circles and strong chains", focusing on key industries such as electronic information, intelligent manufacturing, and biopharmaceuticals. Through group joint investment, joint construction of industrial parks, and joint cultivation of advantageous industrial clusters, they promote the coordinated and distinctive development of industries.

Tianfu Tong's "interoperability and mutual benefit" covers 28 districts and counties, 22340 designated medical institutions have opened cross regional medical settlement, 1490 enterprises have carried out cross city industrial cooperation, and 430 government service items have been processed across regions... In 2022, the gross domestic product of the Chengdu metropolitan area reached 2.62 trillion yuan, accounting for 46.2% of the province's total, and a modern metropolitan area with international competitiveness and regional driving force is taking shape.

——Focus on strengthening secondary growth poles and cultivating emerging growth poles

Standing on the observation platform of the Planning Department of Tianfu New Area, looking out, the buildings surrounding the lake constantly "grow" and outline the urban skyline with errors and irregularities.

Jinxiu Tianfu New Picture Scroll Ecology | Development | Picture Scroll

By the lake, the identification of high-tech industrial projects is particularly prominent. On the east side of the lake, multiple circular buildings form the "Chengdu Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Island", which is the world's first industrial carrier mainly focused on the incubation and cultivation of unicorn enterprises. Two kilometers southeast of the lake, the National Supercomputing Chengdu Center stands quietly like a "sapphire", making it the first national supercomputing center built and put into operation in western China.

Adhere to multi center and cluster development, Sichuan will build Tianfu New Area and provincial-level new areas with high quality, promote the construction of Mianyang, Yibin Luzhou, and Nanchong Dazhou provincial economic sub centers with "one center, one plan", enhance the level of Leshan regional central city, and create an important engine and new growth point to support the high-quality development of the province.

——Efforts will be made to promote the distinctive development of five major regions

The sand jars with different shapes are evenly arranged in the oval shaped stove, and flames burst out of the pit. The sand vessels gradually take shape in the fusion of soil and fire... At the Black Sand Active Museum in Yingjing County, Ya'an City, the scene of black sand coming out of the furnace is quite spectacular. A "Chinese Black Sand City" that integrates sightseeing, leisure, health and vacation, black sand production and sales, and cultural experience is forming.

Chengdu, together with Mianyang, Suining and other cities, has successfully applied for the advanced manufacturing industry cluster of electronic information in Chengdu Chongqing region. Yibin Luzhou has worked together to build a world high-quality Baijiu industry cluster, a national comprehensive freight hub model city to strengthen the chain, and a national modern circulation strategic pivot city. Liangshan Prefecture and Panzhihua City have jointly promoted the high-quality development of the Anning River basin, Nanchong has accelerated the construction of five 10 billion level manufacturing projects, and Aba Prefecture has accelerated the creation of a national ecological civilization construction demonstration area. Giving play to comparative advantages and highlighting industrial characteristics have become an important idea for Sichuan to promote the high-quality development of five large areas.

——Focus on promoting leapfrog development in underdeveloped areas

Hundreds of workers are busy on the clothing processing production line in the clothing factory workshop of Mu'endi Community, a relocation and resettlement site in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture. On the exterior wall of the factory, red slogans such as "Home Employment, Pursuing Prosperity, Employment Assistance, and Changing the Face" are very eye-catching.

According to Bai, Deputy Secretary of the Zhaojue County Party Committee and County Mayor, "In order to enable relocated residents to live, work, and develop, we have created 'employment bases' at their doorstep, such as the Mu'endi Clothing Factory and Zhilun Electronics Factory, to help relocated residents find employment nearby." At the Mu'endi Clothing Factory, more than 230 relocated residents from five large resettlement communities have been working here.

For the high-quality development of revolutionary old areas, poverty-stricken areas, ethnic areas, and mountainous areas around the basin, Sichuan focuses on key areas such as infrastructure construction and the cultivation of advantageous industries, implements differentiated support policies, and constructs a mechanism for pairing and co prosperity between developing areas, departments, enterprises, and underdeveloped areas. Efforts are made to enhance the "hematopoietic" function and endogenous driving force, and to create a regional development pattern of "starting with development, helping the rich before the rich".

The Chengdu Plain Economic Zone plays a significant role as a "ballast stone", the integrated development of the South Sichuan Economic Zone has made significant progress, the revitalization and development momentum of the Northeast Sichuan Economic Zone is good, the transformation and upgrading pace of the Panxi Economic Zone is accelerating, and the green development characteristics of the Northwest Sichuan Ecological Demonstration Zone are distinct. The vivid scene of "Five Districts Revitalizing Together" is a microcosm of the competitive development of various regional economic sectors in Sichuan.

The "Land of Abundance" is full of vitality, with a promising future ahead

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Two women were stabbed to death and reported to have committed a crime 4 days before the follow-up visit for schizophrenia. Suspect of a bloody murder case in a Hong Kong shopping mall appeared in court today. Male | Last Friday | Murder case

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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee: The focus of Henan's "summer harvest" has shifted to agricultural machinery in the northern region of Henan Province. | Support | Science | Organization | Province | Northern Henan | Summer Harvest | Rush Harvest

Currently, the highly anticipated summer harvest work in Henan has shifted its focus to the northern region of Henan. According to the Henan Daily client, on June 4th, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, presided over a special video scheduling meeting on the "Three Summers" work in the province, listened to the situation report, analyzed and judged the situation, and arranged and deployed the next steps of work. Governor Wang Kai made specific arrangements. On the evening of May 31, 2023, in Xiafutou Village, Xuliang Town, Boai County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, villagers braved light rain in the wheat fields to harvest wheat. Visual China Map Lou Yangsheng pointed out that the current summer harvest battle in the province has entered the decisive stage. Doing a good job in summer harvest in northern Henan Province is related to the summer grain yield and seed safety. We should focus on seizing opportunities and make every effort to organize the wheat harvesting work in the northern Henan region, minimize losses, and protect the interests of farmers to the greatest extent possible. Accurate forecasting is essential

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Xinhua All Media+| Welcome home! What innovative technologies are protecting the return journey of Shenzhou 15? Spaceship | Shenzhou | Technology

On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu all safely and smoothly exited the spacecraft, and the Shenzhou-15 manned flight mission was a complete success. What innovative technologies are there to safeguard the return journey of Shenzhou 15 in this mission? On June 4th, the return capsule of the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Zhen photographed that "the sky and the ground" ensure the high-precision return of spacecraft. For the Shenzhou series spacecraft, the return and re-entry GNC technology is directly related to the life safety of astronauts. Taking the success of this return mission as a symbol, China has comprehensively upgraded its GNC system since the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, which features autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking, autonomous adaptive prediction and re-entry return guidance, and has completed a comprehensive update and replacement

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The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【