Investigator: A typical miser, a deputy director of Gansu fell from grace! Taking bribes in multiple real estate speculations | Li Juliang | Handling cases

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:05 PM

On June 16th, the Intermediate People's Court of Wuwei City, Gansu Province publicly announced the verdict on the bribery case of Li Shengfa, former deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Gansu Province. The defendant Li Shengfa committed the crime of bribery and was sentenced to 12 years and 3 months in prison, with a fine of 1 million yuan; For the recovered bribes and property, the judgment shall be made to confiscate them in accordance with the law and turn them over to the national treasury; The property that has not been recovered from the case shall be ordered to continue to be recovered.

Li Shengfa, former deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Gansu Province, was sentenced in the first instance of the bribery case. According to the picture, Wuwei Intermediate Court

After trial and investigation, it was found that from 2006 to 2020, the defendant Li Shengfa, while serving as the county mayor and party secretary of Yongjing County, Gansu Province, the party secretary of Kangle County, the deputy mayor of Pingliang City, the organization minister of Baiyin City, and the deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Gansu Province, used the convenience of his position or position to provide assistance to others in project contracting, project payment settlement, and other aspects. He received more than RMB 22.81 million in property from others, and generated more than RMB 620000 in illegal gains.

The Intermediate People's Court of Wuwei City believes that the defendant Li Shengfa, as a state official, took advantage of his position, power, or position to illegally accept property from others, with a particularly large amount of money, and sought benefits for others. His behavior constitutes the crime of bribery. Considering that the defendant Li Shengfa had a confession and repentance, but had been bribed for a long time and some of the stolen money had not been recovered, the above judgment was made.

According to public information, Li Shengfa, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1964 in Linxia, Gansu Province, worked as a primary school teacher for one year after graduating from a normal school. Later, he joined the Propaganda Department of Linxia County Committee and successively served in the County Committee Propaganda Department, United Front Work Department, Office, Linxia Health Bureau, and Linxia County Committee Secretariat.

In 2005, Li Sheng was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and County Mayor of Yongjing County, Linxia Prefecture. Later, he became the Deputy Mayor of Pingliang City, a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Organization of Baiyin City, and even a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Gansu Province. In April 2021, with the approval of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision initiated an investigation into Li Shengfa's suspected serious violations of discipline and law, and took detention measures. In November 2021, Li Shengfa was "double opened".

On January 12, 2022, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released an analysis article on Li Shengfa's serious violation of discipline and law. The following is an excerpt from the article:

Investigator: A typical miser, a deputy director of Gansu fell from grace! Taking bribes in multiple real estate speculations | Li Juliang | Handling cases

"The poverty and hardship of the first 40 years made me particularly eager for money."

Li Shengfa was born into a poor family in Linxia Prefecture. When he was young, he rarely had enough to eat except for the Chinese New Year. "I remember when I was about to go to school, I would squat by the chicken coop every day. As soon as the hen came out of the coop, she carefully picked up the warm eggs and saved them up. Finally, she gathered enough 20 eggs, paid the tuition fee, and arrived at the hopeful campus." Li Shengfa recalled, "I knew I had carried the expectations of my family, so I didn't dare to slack off and worked hard to study."

In 1981, Li Shengfa was admitted to Linxia Normal School and was assigned to teach at a village school in Linxia County after graduation. At that time, Li Shengfa was enthusiastic and willing to work hard. By chance, he was transferred to the Propaganda Department of Linxia County Committee the following year. After going through multiple job positions, my salary gradually increased and my quality of life improved. He should have put more energy into working for the party, but his mind began to drift, thinking all day about how to invest and make quick money, leading to debt.

Li Shengfa. According to the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

"My family came from a poor family and I was eager to change my difficult life after working, but my wrong investment made the economic situation worse. It wasn't until I was 40 years old that I was able to live a life without having to pay off debts." Li Shengfa admitted, "The poverty and hardship of the first 40 years have left a deep imprint on my heart, making me particularly eager for money."

In 2006, Li Shengfa's career took a new step forward. He was promoted to the position of Secretary of the Yongjing County Party Committee, and his power increased. He also had more contact with people. In the eyes of some, Li Shengfa became a prey that must be taken down.

"After becoming the county party secretary, for the first time, someone put a file bag containing two cigarettes on my desk. I couldn't refuse, but after accepting it, I always felt uneasy. In the end, between returning and not returning, Li Shengfa chose the latter and took the first step of accepting gifts." After accepting the tea from the second person and the calligraphy and painting from the third person, I gradually became accustomed to it. When I give these gifts to family and friends during holidays, I still feel a sense of achievement, feeling that I have the ability and face to become an official. "

Investigator: A typical miser, a deputy director of Gansu fell from grace! Taking bribes in multiple real estate speculations | Li Juliang | Handling cases

With the passage of time, Li Shengfa gradually became imbalanced in his interactions with various bosses. "Why do I work so hard but live in poverty?" "Why do bosses make money so easily?" These two questions have become his inner demons, constantly eroding his ideological defense.

Especially after accepting the high-end banquets of his bosses, his ideals and beliefs became more and more shaken. He put aside his sense of purpose and discipline, and his usual management and service targets became "brotherhood in the world". Normal project negotiations became "friendly cooperation". Under the domination of desire, Li Shengfa frequently stepped on the "red line" and crossed the "minefield". Even after the 18th and 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he still did not restrain himself and repeatedly accepted banquets and travel arrangements from private business owners. He did not eat non delicacies and did not drink non limited edition high-end wines. After meals, he insisted on going to nightclubs to sing and entertain, and accepting paid wine accompaniment services. In this way, Li Shengfa went from being cautious and cautious to being extravagant and indulgent, from occupying small positions to being greedy and restrained, sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of illegal and disorderly behavior.

Li Shengfa received some gold bars. According to the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

After investigation, from 2006 to 2020, Li Shengfa took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in real estate development, company registration, engineering contracting, and job promotion. He received bribes from 18 people, including Chen, totaling more than 22.81 million yuan.

Money invested in "real estate speculation", indifferent and indifferent to my brother's family

In 2007, Li Shengfa forged proof materials and applied for an ID card under the pseudonym "Li Juliang", while also obtaining another ID card for his son. Under the cover of two ID cards, Li Shengfa embarked on his "dual life".

As a "Li Shengfa", he showed positivity, integrity, and self-discipline. His self analysis in democratic life meetings was profound and practical, and he also reminded other party members and cadres to "look in the mirror" and "dress up properly" regularly; As a "Li Juliang", he had no bottom line principles, ignored discipline and laws, and was reckless.

Investigator: A typical miser, a deputy director of Gansu fell from grace! Taking bribes in multiple real estate speculations | Li Juliang | Handling cases

In order to evade supervision, Li Shengfa applied for multiple bank cards under the name of "Li Juliang" as a "hidden cloak" for his property resale, bribery, and other activities. He never handles banking business in places such as Linxia, Yongjing, and Kangle. Most of the stolen money is personally brought to Lanzhou and deposited at different bank branches. According to investigation, from September 2007 to June 2014, Li Shengfa deposited 8.1 million yuan under the name of "Li Juliang".

In 2008, Li Shengfa purchased his first property in Lanzhou for value-added purposes under the name of "Li Juliang". He then sold it and earned a net profit of 390000 yuan. After 2009, Li Shengfa used his and his son's two fake ID cards to purchase multiple properties in Yongjing County, Beihai, Guangxi, Xi'an, Shaanxi, and other places. The rapid expansion of assets brought about by "speculating in real estate" overwhelmed his mind. In 2019, despite hearing that he was being investigated by the organization, he still purchased three old houses in Lanzhou City waiting for demolition compensation.

Part of the cultural relics and colored pottery received by Li Shengfa. According to the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

"I used the name of 'Li Juliang' to handle the procedures for buying and selling real estate, and I also used the bank card under his name to pay for the house. I am confident that I have done it perfectly, but now it has become the iron evidence of my illegal activities." At the detention point, Li Sheng cried bitterly, "That set of properties buried me like coffins, and piles of banknotes buried me like piles of cryptocurrency..."

"Li Shengfa is a typical miser who is ungrateful and lacks righteousness." The investigators said that when Li Shengfa was seeking education, his siblings sacrificed a lot to support him. However, after becoming a leading cadre, Li Shengfa was very stingy with his elder brother and sister-in-law in order to flaunt his integrity, and only gave them a few hundred yuan as a gesture of goodwill during the Chinese New Year; My nephew's family of four are still squeezed into a very small affordable house, and Li Shengfa once sold three units in the community where my nephew lives; When his niece bought a house in Lanzhou two years ago, due to financial constraints, she borrowed money everywhere. Li Shengfa was unwilling to lend a helping hand, but he himself bought three properties in Lanzhou as an investment... He invested most of his money in "real estate speculation" and was indifferent to the warmth and well-being of his brother's family.

Discovering that the situation is not right, transfer gold, calligraphy, painting, and other belongings to family and friends' homes

In 2020, Li Shengfa felt that the situation was not right and quickly transferred his family's gold, calligraphy, painting, pottery, and other belongings to the homes of relatives and friends. He also forged evidence and conspired with the bosses to confess. After being detained, he continued to be disloyal and dishonest to the organization. He repeatedly explained problems, often resorted to exaggeration and forced reasoning to justify himself, seriously delaying the handling of the case, and causing obstacles to the handling of the case.

Investigator: A typical miser, a deputy director of Gansu fell from grace! Taking bribes in multiple real estate speculations | Li Juliang | Handling cases

In a November 2021 notice, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision pointed out that Li Shengfa had malicious intentions, deliberately forged false identities to conceal property, formed an offensive and defensive alliance, forged evidence, and dug up space to resist organizational review and investigation... Greed was inflated, and he was enthusiastic about buying and speculating in real estate, seeking huge profits; Treating public power as a private tool for personal business and profit, paving the way and bridging the way for relatives to undertake projects, condoning and tacitly allowing the use of their positions to influence the contracting of projects and make money; The worldview is distorted, and being an official means making money. The view of political achievements is misplaced, and "image engineering and face engineering" are carried out, seriously infringing on the interests of the masses and causing adverse effects; Being dishonest and bringing bad family values; Indulging in greed, using their power to intervene and interfere in engineering projects, colluding with unscrupulous businessmen, and accepting huge bribes. Their behavior seriously tarnishes the image of party members and cadres, seriously pollutes the political ecology of the place of employment, and seriously damages the business environment of the place of employment.

According to the investigators, during the period when Li Shengfa was diligent and hardworking, his wife was frugal in managing the household, and his son Li was filial and sensible, making him a good student with excellent character and education. However, as Li Shengfa's thoughts deteriorated and his behavior became deviant, he gradually formed a distorted value system of worshipping money and pursuing pleasure. After graduating from university, he insisted on doing business. In 2017, under the contact of Li Shengfa, Li successfully undertook a financial subsidy project and an infrastructure construction project, with a total project amount of 9.37 million yuan; At the beginning of 2019, under his leadership, Li undertook a kindergarten construction project with a total amount of 4.86 million yuan

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. With a parent like me who is not upright, my child has failed to learn and made many illegal mistakes. The responsibility lies entirely with me." Li Shengfa regretted deeply.

During the detention period, Li Sheng wrote a letter to Li, "In the future, our family must not have a family tradition of pursuing fame and fortune... Living a simple, safe, peaceful, and healthy ordinary family life is actually the happiest life."

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