International figures reaffirm firm commitment to the one-China principle

Release time:May 25, 2024 06:29 AM

International figures have continued to speak out in recent days, reaffirming their firm commitment to the one-China principle. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing all of China and resolutely opposes any form of "Taiwan independence."

Laureano Ortega, Advisor to the President of Nicaragua on Investment, Trade and International Cooperation: Nicaragua defends the one-China principle. We defend this principle and take concrete actions. This was also recognized by the 1971 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758. Nicaragua Compliance with this resolution is required. Taiwan is only a province of the People's Republic of China. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. We believe that only the great Chinese people can solve the Taiwan issue without any external interference.

Gong Thaparansi, former deputy prime minister of Thailand and president of the Thailand-China Friendship Association: Lai Chingde’s remarks are a serious provocation to the one-China principle and aggravate tensions. As we all know, the one-China principle has always been a universal consensus of the international community and a basic norm of international relations under the United Nations system. The Thai government and other countries firmly support the one-China principle.

Richard Silembe, Chairman of the Zambia Leadership Movement Party: We firmly adhere to the one-China principle. Taiwan will never be independent at any time because Taiwan is part of China.

Najira Azharuni, senior researcher at the UAE Trend Research and Consulting Center: The UAE government has always adhered to the one-China principle and appreciates China's efforts to maintain it.

Government figures from many countries reiterated their firm commitment to the one-China principle >>

Many governments and international organizations reiterated their adherence to the one-China principle >>

International figures reaffirm firm commitment to the one-China principle
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What exactly does the United States want?, Former French Ambassador to the United States tweets: How to treat Chinese Defense Minister | China | United States

Recently, former French Ambassador to the United States, Gerald Arrow, raised a thought-provoking question on Twitter, "Strangely, they sanctioned China's defense minister, imposed tariffs on Chinese imports, and significantly restricted technology exports to China... Now they are surprised by China's tough stance. What exactly does the United States want?" Recently, the US Ministry of Defense claimed that "China has rejected the US proposal to hold a meeting between the two defense ministers in Singapore.". Regarding this, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying pointed out bluntly on Twitter that the United States has been complaining about not being able to talk to the Chinese Defense Minister, but in fact, the Chinese Defense Minister is still on the US sanctions list. "Shouldn't the US at least lift sanctions before proposing a meeting? Or perhaps the US actually doesn't mind violating its own sanctions?"

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is leading the way in causing trouble and provocation. The US military claims that Chinese warships are "unsafe" to approach American ships and cause trouble. Response | US | warships | Wang Wenbin | provocation | China | China
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is leading the way in causing trouble and provocation. The US military claims that Chinese warships are "unsafe" to approach American ships and cause trouble. Response | US | warships | Wang Wenbin | provocation | China | China

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference on June 5th. A reporter asked: US military officials claimed that a Chinese warship approached a US warship in an "unsafe manner" in the Taiwan Strait last Saturday. What is China's response to this? Wang Wenbin: The spokesperson for the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army of China has responded to this. You can refer to it. What I want to emphasize is that the truth is that the United States is the first to cause trouble and provoke, while China is the second to handle it in accordance with the law and regulations. China has always respected the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by countries under international law. The actions taken by the Chinese military are necessary measures to respond to provocations from relevant countries, which are completely reasonable, legal, safe and professional. China firmly opposes any country causing trouble in the Taiwan Strait region and resolutely defends national sovereignty, security, and regional peace and stability.

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My Ambassador to Japan: If the Japanese side insists on setting restrictions on Sino Japanese semiconductor cooperation, it will lose Japan's commercial reputation and the future of the semiconductor industry. On June 2nd, Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao was invited to attend the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade Exchange and give a speech. Embassy envoy Song Yaoming, President of the Japan Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Yokohiro Kano, Chairman of the Council, Takao Hatsui, and more than 60 members of the economic community participated. On June 2nd, Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao was invited to attend the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade Exchange and delivered a speech. Wu Jianghao stated in his speech that since its establishment in 1954, Japan International Trade Promotion has been committed to restoring and promoting trade between China and Japan, promoting the signing of the China Japan Civil Trade Agreement, and hosting commodity fairs in each other's countries. He is the "icebreaker" and "digger" of the resumption of trade cooperation between China and Japan after the war. This year marks the conclusion of the China Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty

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Netizens commented on polarization, 5 pieces for 23 yuan! Recently, many people have been buying this "big guy" Feizixiao | lychee | netizen

As the lychee season gradually improves, the prices of "Feizixiao" lychees in many fruit shops in Hangzhou have recently dropped to single digits. This morning, the weather girl discovered at several fruit and fresh food stores that the price of Feizixiao ranges from 5.8 yuan to 9.8 yuan per kilogram, which is close to the "cabbage price" compared to when it was first launched. In addition to the commonly seen Feizi Xiao, many orange enthusiasts have recently discovered a "new variety" of lychee on the Hangzhou market: Litchi King. In terms of body size, the lychee king can be considered a big guy in the lychee world. Just take a look at the reference points of orange friends: lemon, eggs, fists, palms... you can tell how big it is. Although he is big, the reputation of the lychee king is very polarized. Orange friend said crookedly, "It seems that this lychee king has been selling very well lately. Children must buy it when they see it.".

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Sudden! Leading real estate companies may delist their stocks | Announcement | Leading companies

After Blu ray Development and Jiakai City, there may be another A-share delisted real estate company. On the evening of June 2nd, ST Taihe issued a risk warning announcement regarding the termination and suspension of the company's stock listing. As of June 2nd, the closing price of Taihe Group Co., Ltd.'s stock has been below 1 yuan/share for 20 consecutive trading days, which has touched the mandatory delisting requirement for trading under Article 9.2.1 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules. According to relevant regulations, the company's stock will be suspended from trading starting from June 5th, and there is a risk of delisting the company's stock. According to Wind data, as of the close on June 2nd, ST Taihe's stock price closed at 0.43 yuan/share, a decrease of 4.44%. The company's stock has hit the daily limit down for 13 consecutive trading days, with a total closing market value of 1.1 billion yuan. As of the end of the first quarter