Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:11 AM

At around 7:20 am on July 20, 2023, Yang Cheng, a police officer from the Hebei Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau, suddenly experienced an acute myocardial infarction while on duty in the north of Yuantongqiao, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City. Despite emergency medical treatment, all efforts were unsuccessful. Unfortunately, he died at 8:52 am on the same day at the age of 49!

After Comrade Yang Cheng's unfortunate sacrifice, the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Political Department of the Gansu Provincial Department of Public Security, and the Traffic Management Bureau of the Gansu Provincial Department of Public Security successively sent condolence telegrams, and the Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions posthumously awarded Comrade Yang Cheng the title of Gansu May Day Labor Medal. Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, issued instructions, expressing deep condolences for Comrade Yang Cheng's sacrifice on duty, sincere condolences to Comrade Yang Cheng's family, and demands to learn from Comrade Yang Cheng's high level of professionalism and tenacious work style, and to care for the public security officers with heart and emotion. Ren Zhenhe, Deputy Secretary and Governor of Gansu Province, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Huang Ruixue, Deputy Governor, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, and Liu Jianxun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, have successively issued instructions and directives. Xiao Chun, Deputy Secretary and Executive Deputy Director of the Party Committee of Gansu Provincial Public Security Department, expressed condolences and condolences on behalf of the Party Committee of the Office, and Wei Jinwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, issued instructions. More than a thousand police officers and auxiliary police officers from relevant units and departments in Gansu Province and Lanzhou Public Security Bureau have come to offer condolences, condolences, and farewell.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

From olive green to navy blue

Comrade Yang Cheng grew up in a hot military camp and has always maintained his military character. He has worked in the army for 12 years, practicing the solemn oath of "obeying the Party's command, being able to win battles, and having a good work style" through practical actions. He has diligently practiced his ability to kill enemies, forged his steel will, bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, and fought bravely for the first place. Comrade Yang Cheng often tells his family and colleagues about the painful moments and unforgettable years of rescue and disaster relief, military support, and mission execution in the army. He always says, "It was the Party and the people who cultivated me.".

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

Rooted in the front line of traffic management for 19 years, the overall requirement of "loyalty to the Party, serving the people, fair law enforcement, and strict discipline" was neatly written on the homepage of Yang Chenggong's work notebook. He remembers and does it this way. Taking off his military uniform and joining the police camp, his position, responsibilities, and attire are constantly changing. His political nature of loyalty to the Party remains unchanged, consistent, and unwavering.

The enthusiastic "Xiao Yang" in the mouths of the masses

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

In 2004, according to organizational arrangements, Comrade Yang Cheng transferred to the Lanzhou Public Security Bureau. After joining the police, he actively sought advice from his comrades, humbly communicated with the people in his jurisdiction, constantly asked questions and suggestions from the people, summarized the problems and suggestions raised by the people, and deeply studied solutions. Soon, he went from an outsider in public security business to a recognized business backbone in the institute and a word-of-mouth "enthusiastic little Yang" from the people in his jurisdiction. In 2005, the Lanzhou Public Security Bureau established the Hebei Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment. Through global selection, Yang Cheng became one of the first team members, and this work lasted for 19 years.

Yang Cheng has a catchphrase, "We are serving the people.". Whenever he mediates conflicts among the masses and feels wronged, he always likes to use this sentence to enlighten everyone; When leading a team to charge and carry out urgent, difficult, and dangerous tasks, he always uses this sentence to motivate everyone. This sentence seems to give him and everyone endless courage and motivation. The personnel in the Miaotanzi and Second City Courtyard areas under the jurisdiction of the brigade are complex and the traffic is busy, making it difficult to control order. Any mishandling during law enforcement can lead to controversy and criticism. Yang Cheng has been working here for 19 years and has not received any illegal or disciplinary complaints or petitions. He has also become good friends and neighbors with people of all ethnic groups in the surrounding area, establishing a deep fish and water relationship.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

In Yang Cheng's eyes, the interests of the masses are nothing small. Faced with the problem of the proliferation of black motorcycle passengers, he combines strength and softness, empathizes with the difficulties faced by illegal operators, patiently communicates and explains laws and regulations one by one, and educates and guides them to no longer illegally carry passengers. He often said, "The essence of law enforcement lies in serving the people. Whether it's small vendors or motorcycle drivers, they are all the people we serve. We must respect and uphold their dignity."

In 2022, while patrolling, he encountered a Beijing female tourist's car with a flat tire. Without a word, Yang Cheng pushed the hidden danger vehicle to a safe area that did not affect traffic, helped change the tire under the scorching sun, and guided the correct travel path. The female tourist was very grateful and requested to leave a phone number and add a WeChat account before thanking him. He smiled and politely declined. Afterwards, the female tourist sent a thank-you letter to the brigade, and it was only then that everyone learned about Yang Cheng's story of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

In May 2023, while patrolling, Yang Cheng discovered an elderly person helplessly seeking help on the roadside. He got off the car and patiently asked to calm the elderly person's emotions. After confirming that his family was not local and that the elderly person may have Alzheimer's disease, Yang Cheng drove a police car to escort the elderly person to take care of his relatives in Lanzhou. Over the years, he has repeatedly assisted the masses and escorted patients for emergency medical treatment. He has received six banners, thank-you letters, and dozens of phone calls from the masses. His advanced deeds have also been specially reported by the news media under the title of "Being a Good Servant of the People in All Times", which has received strong feedback.

The captain of the "Iron Man" team members

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

The area near Qingbaishi in the jurisdiction of Hebei Brigade is prone to natural disasters such as mudslides and landslides. The old comrades on the team all said, "Whenever there is a danger, Yang Cheng will definitely charge at the forefront. In the past, the team had fewer personnel, and he was considered young, always demanding to be the first to charge. Later, the team grew stronger, and he said that he was a party member, a team leader, and experienced, always leading young civilian auxiliary police officers to defend the most dangerous positions.".

On a certain day in July 2018, when a rainstorm suddenly fell in the city, Yang Cheng responded to the call immediately, left home and returned to work, quickly organized the police force, and carried out emergency traffic evacuation under the Chengguan Yellow River Bridge. Due to the rapid rainfall and low-lying terrain, the section under the bridge was severely flooded, causing passing vehicles to stall and unable to pass. Despite suffering from rheumatic disease, Yang Cheng stepped into the water that submerged his knees and led his comrades to help passing drivers. One after another, he pushed the vehicles with hidden dangers to a safe area, and it was like this all night. After taking off my shoes after the task was over, I realized that my legs and feet had already soaked.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

In November 2018, Lanzhou experienced a sudden blizzard and extremely bad weather. The traffic police detachment sounded the "speed reduction and accident suppression" rally signal. He gave up rest at the first time and took the initiative to participate in the most arduous task of ensuring smooth traffic on National Highway 212. In the cold wind and pitch black night, I stand guard with my comrades for more than 12 hours every day, warming the cold winter with my blood and illuminating the image of the police in the hearts of passing drivers with a touch of fluorescent yellow.

Since 2020, the epidemic has been fluctuating multiple times, and Yang Cheng has never slackened. He runs around the community alleys in his jurisdiction every day, persuading vehicles to return and serving the people. He has worked tirelessly day and night, guarding his position, and leading a team to persuade more than 2600 vehicles to return. With responsibility and responsibility, he has built an indestructible fortress of prevention and control with his comrades.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

The righteous "Yang Ge" in the mouths of comrades

The Beilongkou checkpoint is an important position for controlling and persuading the return of large trucks at night. Many truck drivers and bosses want to make friends with Yang, be flexible and convenient. But as time passed, everyone knew that it was no problem to seek protection from Yang Cheng for official matters, and that illegal and irregular matters could not be handled by seeking protection from Yang Cheng. He is not only strict with himself, but also leads by example, strictly implementing the 1+N management system of police officers binding auxiliary police, and using his own righteousness to influence every comrade around him. In his 1+3+N pocket book, he records a lot of family history and care. In the workplace, regardless of age, he is often referred to as "Brother Yang". This is not only recognition and respect for his 19 years of service as a police officer, but also the prestige he has accumulated by uniting colleagues, taking care of and leading young comrades. Being upright in one's own conduct and upholding the integrity of the people, and cultivating a clean and upright demeanor through words and actions, not only himself but also his colleagues have never experienced any illegal or disciplinary issues.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

The position of traffic police is on the front line of the road, while Yang Cheng travels through all the road sections under the jurisdiction of Hebei Brigade. He is the always on duty "Iron Man" captain, leading the team to continuously strengthen road control, seize key time periods, road sections, vehicles, and personnel to effectively enforce the law, and make every effort to eliminate unsafe factors in road safety management. Faced with the actual road conditions of peak congestion caused by the construction of the Baitashan Tunnel on Beibinhe Road, Yang Cheng repeatedly studied and proposed solutions such as dividing points and sections, assigning positions and personnel, and assigning responsibilities for evacuation. He led the team to achieve rapid response, timely evacuation, and efficient cooperation, effectively alleviating traffic congestion.

"Regardless of work or life, the master is always a great person. He can handle anything optimistically, patiently explain it, and has a good mentality, good temper, and a way to resolve conflicts. But he just left..." Li Junhong, an auxiliary police officer who has worked with Yang Cheng for 11 years, choked up.

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

Holding a heart, not carrying half a blade of grass

In the workplace, he is the "People's Police"; In the eyes of his parents, he is the son who is "invisible"; In the words of his wife, he is a husband who gathers less and leaves more; In the child's memory, he is the father who always works overtime. Over the course of more than a decade, Yang Cheng, with his dedication to serving the people, has integrated the strength and warmth of law enforcement, the principles and loyalty of work, and devoted all his energy to the cause of public security traffic management. On the afternoon before the sacrifice, Yang Cheng posted a post on his social media: "I was ashamed to be at home today. The person who had my teeth filled actually fell asleep. The doctor said it wasn't a big problem to fall asleep, but snoring was a bit excessive."

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng

The green mountains remain silent, and the sky is filled with tears. Yang Cheng has left forever, dedicating his beautiful years to his country, people, and beloved cause, but leaving regrets for his beloved family and dear comrades in arms.

Comrades, keep going!

Instructions from the Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security sends a condolence telegram, Lanzhou Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Officer Yang Cheng sacrificed Comrade | jurisdiction | Yang Cheng
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