Institutions are not allowed to hire personnel with criminal records such as sexual assault. The notice for standardized management of art examination training has arrived! Proposition scoring experts are not allowed to participate in institutional training activities. Art | Work | Institutions

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:39 AM

Standardize art examination training and establish a sound long-term mechanism

——The Ministry of Education and four other departments jointly issued a notice on strengthening the standardized management of art examination training in deepening the governance of non disciplinary extracurricular training

Recently, the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Art Examination Training in Deepening the Governance of Non disciplinary Extracurricular Training, making comprehensive arrangements for the standardized management of art examination training, meeting the diverse learning needs of students, and protecting their personal safety and health.

The Notice deeply implements the decision and deployment of "double reduction", emphasizes the need to deepen the governance of non disciplinary extracurricular training, comprehensively regulate the behavior of art examination training, focus on key issues and links, adhere to education as the foundation, seek truth from facts, adhere to internal and external linkage, address both symptoms and root causes, adhere to comprehensive implementation, and steadily promote. By 2024, the long-term mechanism of art examination training management will be basically sound, and the satisfaction of the people will be significantly improved.

The Notice proposes to strictly regulate the main body of art examination training, and institutions conducting art examination training must obtain qualifications for extracurricular art training, achieve complete certificates and licenses, and be uniformly included in the management of the national comprehensive platform for extracurricular education and training supervision and service. To strengthen the management of practitioners, personnel should have corresponding teacher qualifications or professional abilities of corresponding categories. in-service teachers and staff of art majors in ordinary higher education institutions, as well as experts in provincial unified exams and university entrance exams, are not allowed to participate in the training activities of institutions. Institutions are not allowed to hire personnel with criminal records of sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, violent injury, etc. for training. We need to standardize the management of training fees, adhere to the public welfare nature, set reasonable prices and clearly mark prices, implement full supervision of training pre fees, and ensure the safety of funds. We must standardize the order of training, publicity, and enrollment, strictly prohibit institutions from false marketing and hyping up exam admission results, and prohibit institutions from colluding with in-service teaching staff of schools to obtain training students, organizing exam cheating, and interfering with exam order.

The Notice emphasizes the need to maintain the bottom line of training safety management, establish safety management systems for institutions, implement civil defense, material defense, and technical defense, and require training programs with physical contact to have open, transparent, and safe venues. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as institutions and employees infringing on the physical and mental health of minors. To standardize centralized accommodation training, institutions must obtain corresponding business qualifications for providing services beyond the permitted scope, such as food and accommodation, and report to the training department to implement personnel, venue, and condition allocation requirements. We need to strengthen the management of student internal and external connections, clarify the responsibilities of schools, parents, and training institutions, and ensure student safety.

The Notice clearly states that it is necessary to promote the improvement and efficiency of art education on campus, support the development of art themed high schools, strengthen the allocation of art teachers in high schools, coordinate the unified distribution of art education resources within the jurisdiction, and provide teaching guidance for students. We should reasonably introduce extracurricular art examination training resources, establish standardized standards and procedures, and ensure that the cost standards for introducing training projects are significantly lower than those for providing homogeneous training services outside of school. Charging students should adhere to the principle of public welfare.

The Notice requires that under the unified leadership of Party committees and governments, all regions should play the role of the "double reduction" coordination mechanism at all levels, increase overall coordination and linkage, clarify departmental responsibilities, and strengthen regulatory responsibilities. Carry out special governance and severely punish illegal and irregular behaviors of training institutions. Strengthen supervision and inspection, and hold accountable places and responsible persons who fail to implement responsibilities, take inadequate measures, and cause adverse consequences or impacts in the progress of work.

Four departments including the Office of the Ministry of Education

On Deepening the Governance of Non disciplinary Extracurricular Training

Notice on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Art Examination Training

Education Supervision Department [2023] No. 2

Education departments, development and reform commissions, public security departments, market supervision and management bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, as well as education bureaus, development and reform commissions, public security bureaus, and market supervision and management bureaus of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

In order to implement the relevant requirements of the central government, consolidate the achievements of the special governance action for art examination training, fully implement the opinions of the Ministry of Education and thirteen other departments on regulating non disciplinary extracurricular training for primary and secondary school students, meet the diverse learning needs of students, protect their personal safety and health, and in response to the prominent characteristics and actual situation of art examination training, we hereby further strengthen the standardized management of art examination training. The following notice is issued.

General 1. requirements

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, implement the "double reduction" decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, deepen the governance of non-discipline off-campus training, comprehensively standardize the training behavior of art examinations, focus on key issues, key links, adhere to internal and external linkages, address both symptoms and root causes, adhere to comprehensive policies, and steady progress. By 2024, the long-term mechanism of art examination training management is basically sound, the satisfaction of the people has increased significantly.

2. work focus

1. Strictly regulate the training subject. All kinds of business entities are aimed at students at the Senior high school stage, and carry out relevant professional ability training for music, performance, dance, art and design, broadcasting and hosting art, calligraphy, opera and other college art majors, such as provincial unified examination and college examination subjects, and must obtain art off-campus training qualifications. Adhering to the principle of "complete license", the institution shall register as a legal person in accordance with the law after obtaining an administrative license. The competent department of art training should unblock the examination and approval channels, strictly check and control, and urge the training institutions to standardize the use of names, which shall not contain the names of other legal persons such as art colleges, professional academies and groups, industry organizations, etc. that may cause ambiguity or mislead the public; the art examination and training programs of the institutions shall be marked, and the project identification of the existing training institutions shall be completed by the end of September 2023; institutions should be integrated into the management of the national comprehensive platform for supervision and service of off-campus education and training, and the list of compliance institutions should be announced to the public in a timely manner.

2. Strengthen the management of employees. Provincial art training authorities should clarify the relevant requirements for art examination and training practitioners, ensure that practitioners have corresponding teacher qualifications or professional abilities, are familiar with the laws of education and teaching, and the physical and mental development characteristics of students. Training and teaching activities should adhere to the correct educational orientation, focus on cultivating students' artistic core literacy, oppose mechanical exam oriented training, and prohibit subject based training. The in-service teachers and staff of art majors in ordinary higher education institutions, as well as the expert judges who participate in the provincial-level unified examination of related art majors and the proposition and evaluation of college entrance examinations, are not allowed to participate or indirectly participate in the art examination training activities of training institutions. Implement a system for checking the admission of employees, and institutions are not allowed to hire individuals with criminal records of sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, violent injury, and other illegal activities for training. The information of institutional employees should be publicly disclosed and entered into the national regulatory platform.

3. Strengthen the management of training fees. Various regions should adhere to the public welfare nature of art examination and training, and guide institutions to reasonably determine fee items and standards. Training institutions implement clear pricing for fees, and publicly disclose information such as training content, training duration, fee items, and fee standards. Various regions should incorporate the fees for art examination training into the non disciplinary training market monitoring system and focus on monitoring them. Strictly implement the regulatory requirements for pre fees for off campus training, and urge institutions to implement full pre fee supervision through bank custody, risk margin, and other methods in accordance with regulations; For centralized accommodation training, it should be ensured that the one-time pre collection of training fees does not exceed 3 months and is fully included in the pre fee supervision. Encourage institutions to operate on a training first and then charging basis.

4. Standardize the order of publicity and enrollment. Various regions should regulate the promotional behavior of training institutions, strictly prohibit them from engaging in false commercial marketing and hyping up exam admission results. Strengthen the enrollment management of training institutions, strictly prohibit institutions from recruiting students at schools, prohibit obtaining training students through promotion and recommendation by in-service teaching staff in primary and secondary schools, and prohibit recruiting students in the name of relevant art schools and their faculty. It is strictly prohibited for institutions, teachers, judges, and other personnel to engage in internal and external collusion, organize exam cheating, and interfere with exam order. Those who fabricate false information, mislead parents, take advantage of opportunities to profit, or disrupt the order of teaching and examination by institutions, or those who receive benefits or obtain fund rebates from in-service teaching and administrative staff of schools, shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law and regulations. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

5. Hold onto the bottom line of safety management. Each region should implement the legal representative and actual controller of the institution as the first person responsible for safety management. The competent department for art training should supervise the institution to establish a safety management system, improve the construction of safety risk prevention measures such as civil defense, material defense, and technical defense in accordance with relevant regulations, and ensure the personal and property safety of underage students during training. For professional training with certain risks, institutions should establish a safety prevention system that combines professional personnel protection, professional equipment protection, and professional teaching standards, and develop safety emergency response plans. For training programs involving physical contact such as film and television performances and dances involving minors, institutions should ensure that the training venue is transparent and open, install video surveillance, and do not conduct one-on-one training in a closed environment. Strictly crack down on training institutions and practitioners who violate the physical and mental health of minors and other illegal and criminal activities. Institutions that have committed malignant cases such as sexual assault, malicious injury, and abuse of minors shall be thoroughly investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.

6. Standardize centralized accommodation training. The competent authorities for art training in various regions should strengthen the management of centralized accommodation training for art exams. Institutions are not allowed to provide accommodation, catering and other services beyond the permitted scope to students without authorization. If relevant services need to be provided, institutions should obtain corresponding business qualifications and comply with national requirements on fire protection, safety prevention, housing and construction, environmental protection, hygiene, food management, etc., or independent legal persons with relevant qualifications and safety standards should provide corresponding services, and students should voluntarily choose. Institutions conducting centralized accommodation training or accepting students from other places should report relevant information to the training authority and implement requirements for personnel, venue, and condition allocation. Art examination training shall not disrupt the normal teaching order of the school. In principle, centralized accommodation training should be arranged on national statutory holidays, rest days, or winter and summer vacations.

7. Strengthen the management of student internal and external connections. Education administrative departments in various regions should urge schools to strengthen student management. If high school seniors are unable to provide art exam teaching guidance, and need to leave school for short-term art studies, they should do a good job of connecting home and school. Students and parents should first submit a written application, obtain the consent of the school, and agree on the responsibilities of all parties. During external training, the main responsibility of the training institution and the guardianship responsibility of parents shall be strictly implemented, and the institution shall establish an information communication mechanism with parents. The school should make good teaching connections for art exam students who have left the school, ensure the completion of national curriculum teaching tasks, and meet the learning needs of students in cultural courses.

8. Promote the improvement and efficiency of art education on campus. Adhering to the principle of being based on the campus, various regions should increase financial investment and actively improve the quality of art education and teaching on campus, based on the coordinated promotion of the reform of enrollment for art majors in universities. Encourage diversified education in high schools, layout art themed high schools based on actual conditions, and support their development. Reasonably plan and cultivate students with artistic education needs. We need to strengthen the allocation of teachers for art majors in ordinary high schools and offer diversified art elective courses based on the actual situation of the school. Various regions can coordinate art education resources within their administrative regions and provide centralized tutoring for students on campus. For county-level areas with limited resources, it is possible to explore the coordinated planning and distribution of resources within the city and even the province. School teachers are responsible for additional art examination teaching, tutoring, and corresponding management work within the school, which is included in the workload.

9. Reasonably introduce extracurricular art education resources. For on campus resources that cannot meet the needs of students, education administrative departments in various regions can appropriately introduce off campus training institutions for art exam training resources based on actual needs, providing centralized tutoring for art exam students. The education administration department should clarify the standards, requirements, procedures, and introduction cost standards for off campus training institutions and service projects, determine the list of allowed introduction service projects in compliance institutions, timely publicize them, and dynamically evaluate and adjust them. The education administration department, together with relevant departments such as development and reform, determines the introduction fee standards through bidding and other competitive methods, which are significantly lower than the fee level for providing homogeneous training services outside of school. If it is necessary to charge students, various regions can adopt methods such as proxy charging, adhere to the principle of public welfare, and the charging standard is the introduction fee standard minus financial subsidies. The school shall select the service items on the list based on actual needs, and shall not increase the fees or obtain profits from proxy fees. Students shall voluntarily participate.

3. organization implementation

1. Strengthen organizational leadership. Under the unified leadership of the party committee and the government, all localities should formulate work plans in combination with local conditions, give full play to the role of the "double reduction" coordination mechanism, clarify the responsibilities of each member unit in accordance with the requirements of the division of labor in non-discipline training management, and tighten and compact responsibilities to avoid regulatory blind spots. The education administrative department should strengthen overall planning and coordination, guide schools to improve the quality and efficiency of art education and the introduction of off-campus resources, and cooperate with cultural and tourism departments to do a good job in the approval of art training institutions, the identification of art examination and training projects and other daily supervision; Development and reform departments should strengthen the management of fees charged by training institutions and cooperate with the introduction of off-campus resources; the market supervision department shall, in accordance with its duties, do a good job in the supervision of the price behavior and commercial marketing publicity of training institutions in accordance with the law; the public security organs shall be responsible for investigating and dealing with crimes and inquiring about criminal records in accordance with the law. Give full play to the role of expert steering committees, expert groups and industry associations at all levels, follow up and study various new situations and problems in a timely manner, and strengthen business guidance.

2. Carry out special governance. Each region should focus on the autumn semester, especially during important periods such as before and after the art exam, and organize special governance for art exam training, with a focus on comprehensive inspections of training qualifications, training fees, training safety, and recruitment order. We need to establish a comprehensive regulatory mechanism across departments such as education, culture and tourism, market regulation, and public security to enhance law enforcement collaboration capabilities. Smooth channels for complaints and reports, achieve information sharing, timely transfer of clues, and impose severe penalties on various illegal and irregular behaviors in accordance with the law and regulations, forming a warning and deterrent effect.

3. Pay attention to supervision and publicity. Each region should conscientiously fulfill its responsibilities, and the training supervisory department, in conjunction with relevant departments, should strengthen the supervision, inspection, and assessment of the governance of art examination training and the improvement of quality and efficiency within the school. Serious accountability should be held for places and relevant responsible persons who fail to implement their responsibilities and take inadequate measures in the progress of work, resulting in adverse consequences or impacts. We need to strengthen publicity and guidance, timely interpret relevant policies such as art examination reform, training management, and resource introduction, help schools, parents, institutions, and others accurately understand the policy spirit and reform direction, guide reasonable expectations, and create a good social atmosphere.

Please carefully organize and summarize the work of art examination training governance and campus resource construction by the provincial education administrative department, and report to the Ministry of Education by the end of December 2023.

Office of the Ministry of Education, Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

Office of the Ministry of Public Security, Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation, Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation

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