I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:34 AM

Today in the "China on the Production Line" series of reports, let's get to know several entrepreneurs in factories. Although they have a significant age difference and work in different industries, their biggest commonality is that they all exude a spirit. This spirit includes patriotism, innovation, strong social responsibility, and a broad international perspective.

Entrepreneurs born in the 1960s: Ten years of sharpening a sword and sticking to the manufacturing industry

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Firstly, let's get to know an entrepreneur born in the 1960s. This factory worker, who is nearly 60 years old, has been steadfast in the industry for over 10 years, dedicated to the research and development and manufacturing of high-precision and cutting-edge equipment. After ten years of sharpening, the company has finally become a world-class equipment supplier for factories.

When the reporter arrived at this factory located in Shanwei, Guangdong, it happened that the factory was installing a new production line. Dai Dishui was originally engaged in engineering construction, but in 2012, he transitioned into the field of equipment manufacturing. At that time, the domestic linear motor market was just starting. Although there were only a dozen people starting the business, everyone recognized that linear motors would be widely used in emerging fields such as CNC machine tools, semiconductors, and photovoltaic cells. Over the years, after going through countless hardships, we have finally developed our own linear motor product.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong Decangweier Technology Co., Ltd.: Previously, we had to rely on imported components for assembly. So, now we have invested in high-precision equipment and started making all the components ourselves.

From assembling imported spare parts to fully independent research and development, Dai Di Shui has chosen the most difficult path. The first obstacle is a huge investment. The loan limit of the bank is already full, and the government has also provided support for everything it can. Faced with difficulties, Dai Dishui and several shareholders mortgaged their personal assets and added 70 to 80 million yuan in investment. At the most difficult time, Dai Dishui even sold his golf membership.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong DeKangWeier Technology Co., Ltd.: If we focus solely on this task, we will throw away all these unnecessary things.

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong DeKangWeier Technology Co., Ltd.: After entering this industry, we realized that key components in the automation field are almost monopolized by foreign countries, and we can sell them for as much money as we want. In 2017, a slider on the guide rail increased from about 70 yuan to 160 yuan.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong DeKangWeier Technology Co., Ltd.: It's more than doubled, you still have no choice but to buy.

I had no choice but to buy, mainly because the domestic equipment manufacturing industry was generally large and not strong at that time. The purity of raw materials and the precision of manufacturing directly determine the quality of the product. For example, the guide rail, one of the core components of a linear motor, requires extremely high strength and stability of the steel due to the need to withstand millions of levels of wear and tear.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong DeKangWeier Technology Co., Ltd.: We require 4 micrometers for the accuracy and straightness of its head and tail. What is the concept of 4 micrometers, which is about one twentieth of a hair strand. So it cannot deviate so much, indicating that the accuracy of this device, which is straightness, requires very high precision.

In order to overcome technical difficulties, the company has formed a research and development team and established professional laboratories to improve product reliability and accelerate iteration and upgrading. With strong support from the local government, the factory will be selected as a specialized, refined, and innovative enterprise this year, which can receive more policy support from the country. It used to be difficult to find high-quality steel and other raw materials, but now there are also large domestic steel enterprises that can produce them. More and more upstream and downstream enterprises are intensifying technological innovation and jointly improving the level of the industrial chain.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dai Dishui, founder of Guangdong DeKangWeier Technology Co., Ltd.: We have just entered this industry before, and it is even more difficult for you to find such components. Now there are many alternative options available. In addition, with the progress of semiconductors in recent years, their comprehensive capabilities, algorithms, and so on have greatly improved. So, I am very confident to see that our country has this capability.

"The Second Generation of 80s Factory": Innovation is a Gene in Me

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

After reading the entrepreneurial stories of the post-60s generation, let's get to know another post-80s generation. Chenghai, Guangdong is the toy capital of China, and Qiu Zhihong is the second generation successor of a toy family enterprise in Chenghai. What are the new characteristics of Qiu Zhihong, born in the 1980s, compared to his brave and hardworking parents? Can they take on the baton of sticking to the manufacturing industry well?

When the reporter saw Qiu Zhihong, he was holding a video conference with European clients to discuss this year's Christmas toy orders.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Qiu Zhihong said that despite his ease of communication with foreign clients now, when his family decided to send him abroad for study, he had no foundation in English at all.

Qiu Zhihong, the person in charge of Chenghai Toy Enterprise in Shantou: At the beginning of New Zealand, I was also completely clueless about English and couldn't say a word clearly.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Learning English well and helping his family with foreign trade in the future is Qiu Zhihong's simplest idea when studying abroad, and it is also a way for many Chaoshan family businesses to cultivate successors. But Qiu Zhihong's father hopes that this educational experience can hone the spiritual will of the next generation to be independent and hardworking. Starting from the second year of studying abroad, the family no longer provided tuition and living expenses for Qiu Zhihong. Instead, a container filled with toy products was sent out from his home in Shantou.

Qiu Zhihong, the person in charge of Chenghai Toy Enterprise in Shantou: A container was moved to my host family from 6 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock in the evening.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Qiu Zhihong, the person in charge of Chenghai Toy Enterprise in Shantou: Later tuition and living expenses were included.

Qiu Zhihong said that initially, the main reason for entering the market was through cheap prices. But as the business grew bigger, how to innovate became his top priority. After returning from studying in New Zealand, Qiu Zhihong established his own toy company in Shantou. Unlike their elders who mainly focus on processing and production, the design and research and development positions in the new factory account for a considerable proportion.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Qiu Zhihong, the person in charge of Shantou Chenghai Toy Enterprise: We also have a research and development team in Hong Kong, and we invest approximately 10% to 20% of our company's profits in product research and development every year.

Not only does Qiu Zhihong spend a lot of time visiting customers around the world every year to understand market demand, but when he has free time, he also plays with toys with his four year old daughter, enjoying rare parent-child time and understanding children's real feelings about toys.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

The toy industry in Shantou is also constantly upgrading towards the mid to high end, and orders for high-tech toys are also increasing. In March of this year, the largest chain supermarket in Australia awarded Qiu Zhihong the Best Product Innovation Award of the Year. Prior to this, Chinese toy companies had always received the Best Cost Performance Award.

Qiu Zhihong, the person in charge of Chenghai Toy Enterprise in Shantou: Every year, more than 100 new products are loved by them. As a second-generation toy, we are really happy.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

"The Second Generation of Post-95 Factories": A Direct and Non Turning Business

Next, we will meet a "post-95s" entrepreneur who quickly gained popularity by updating their succession life on social media. Through her, we can also see her unique understanding of running a business.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Xu Lingji, who now appears to be effortless, looked quite different when he first returned home in 2018. At that time, Xu Lingji returned to her own distribution box production factory to work, and she began to imagine her future career life.

Xu Lingji, Project Manager of Hangzhou Lingji Electric Instrument Complete Set Co., Ltd.: A female entrepreneur and strong woman. She receives millions of large orders every year and tens of millions of large orders every year. She suddenly shoulders the heavy burden of the company's business, but upon returning, she discovers that the factory is a large workshop. At that time, I stopped taking on business and didn't think about anything. Let's first fix the factory.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

But returning to work at the factory doesn't seem like what my father said, "Gently loosen the pine tree and earn hundreds of thousands.". In the first two months, Xiaoxu could only receive a basic salary of 5000 yuan per month. In the following months, due to not receiving any business, her salary was forced to drop again and again. At the beginning, Xu Lingji couldn't go back on his promise, so he plunged into the workshop and started with the work of gluing, wiring, and cutting materials.

Hangzhou 95s entrepreneur Xu Lingji: When I came back, I wore beautiful clothes for a day or two, but they were all worn out and couldn't be worn anymore, so I threw them all away. A T-shirt worth 50 yuan, I dare not wear it too expensive. It's already considered expensive. I used to wear it for only 10 yuan. I used to work in the workshop and my whole body was covered in engine oil. I couldn't even wash it off, so I had to throw it away. So, I'll wear it cheaper.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Following the principle of "I am a brick in the factory, I need to move wherever I need it", Xu Lingji gradually gained an understanding of the products and became familiar with the workers. With doubled confidence, she embarked on the "three fires of new officials" model. Unexpectedly, the new management methods and regulations she formulated did not receive recognition from her father and the older generation of management.

Xu Lingji's father Xu Lihua: She is quite reckless and likes to move forward. She is always a standard. We are a family workshop, and you cannot compare with large enterprises. Theory should be combined with practice. When your theory cannot be combined with practice, we must approach it with practice. She is just very resistant, so when she resists, I am even more resistant than her because my temper is also quite violent and I scold easily. I scolded and she cried.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

The easing of contradictions began with Xu Lingji truly completing his first major project independently. Starting from December last year, Xu Lingji updated a series of posts online, which quickly attracted many "factory second-generation" messages and interactions from all over the world, and also attracted new customers, receiving orders of 300000 yuan for the factory.

Xu Lingji, a 95s entrepreneur from Hangzhou: It's like finding a blind date. I will show my conditions, the content of my products, and my factory area to everyone and make it public. Customers who like me and are interested in me will come knocking on their doors.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

The rapidly growing popularity of the internet has also found a closer supplier for the factory - another post-95s "factory second-generation" Xu Ran, who is also located in Yuhang Street. After online communication, on-site factory visits, and product sampling, Xu Ran's spray coating processing factory and Xu Lingji's distribution box factory quickly matched successfully. In the future, the spray molding of these distribution box boards will be contracted by Xu Ran.

Xu Ran, the person in charge of Hangzhou Shuntong Technology Co., Ltd.: It's not that we tend to have a good relationship, we rely on our relationship to get your business. We have technical requirements. If you approve of my technology and I approve of your product, we can start working together directly.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Nowadays, through various online bidding platforms, factories take the initiative to win multiple bids; The newly introduced intelligent typesetting software effectively reduces raw material waste. Only half a year has passed, and the company's output value has exceeded that of last year's entire year.

Xu Lingji, a 95s entrepreneur from Hangzhou: Young people are willing to move forward with great enthusiasm, and the difficulties and difficulties they encountered in the early stages are basically similar to mine. Although I may complain about being so tired and suffering, I still feel fulfilled in my heart and don't want to disappoint my parents or let the factory disappear from my hands. The road is long and obstructed. Anyway, with everyone working together, so many of us will definitely be able to create a new world.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

The New Era's Call for Entrepreneurial Spirit

Whether it's the post-60s generation, the post-80s generation, or the post-95s generation, there is a strong determination among the leaders of these manufacturing companies not to be afraid of hardship and not to accept defeat. Currently, with the deepening development of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, how should Chinese manufacturing entrepreneurs meet the challenges? The reporter interviewed experts who have long been concerned about the Chinese economy.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dong Yu, Executive Vice Dean of the China Development Planning Research Institute at Tsinghua University. For this interview, he made an appointment with the reporter at the Zhongguancun Software Park in Beijing.

Dong Yu, Executive Vice Dean of the China Development Planning Research Institute at Tsinghua University: The Zhongguancun Software Park we are visiting today is a very representative place for the growth of innovative enterprises in China. In such a place, we can see how many new enterprises have grown, and how many young entrepreneurs have gone global here.

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Dong Yu, Executive Vice Dean of the China Development Planning Research Institute at Tsinghua University: In this park, we can see a lot of small businesses waiting to be incubated here. At the same time, there are also many important platform enterprises in our country. More importantly, in this process, the government builds a platform to create various soft and hard environments for those enterprises. When they gather together, different industries and forms of enterprises can better generate chemical effects.

Dong Yu said that innovation is a very important component of entrepreneurial spirit. To lead the continuous development of enterprises, entrepreneurs must be explorers, organizers, and leaders of innovative development. Besides, what qualities and spirit do the new generation of entrepreneurs need to possess?

I have this kind of energy all over me!, China's third-generation private entrepreneur Qiu Zhihong | Chenghai | Production Line

Shen Pingping, founder of Zhongguancun Software Park Technology Enterprise: For me, entrepreneurs are those who want to do something, while entrepreneurs are those who help many people do a lot of things. This is what I think distinguishes them.

Dong Yu, Executive Vice President of the China Development Planning Research Institute at Tsinghua University: When an entrepreneur not only sees the profits of the enterprise itself, but also thinks about social responsibility, it actually means that the enterprise has a broader perspective, which will be reflected in his capture of market opportunities and his joint promotion of economic and social benefits. I believe that they will stand out and drive the growth of various industries in our efforts to promote the construction of a modern industrial system and high-quality development.

Everyone has this strength!, </div></article><divclass =
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