I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:15 PM

How powerful is the power to go home? How difficult is the road home? For travelers who have been trapped in mountainous areas for many days, have no water, electricity, or signal, and have lost contact with their families, no comforting words can compare to a single sentence: "Let's go, let's go home.". On August 2nd at 12:00, two colleagues and I followed an emergency rescue team composed of the Beijing Mobile Third Brigade of the People's Armed Police, the Beijing Fire Rescue Department, and the Mentougou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. We set off from the Xiehejian Railway Station in Mentougou District, traveled a 14 kilometer mountain road, and advanced to Anjiazhuang Village, where Z180 train passengers were stranded, for interviews and filming.

On August 2nd, rescue personnel hiked into the mountains to help transfer stranded passengers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

On July 29, Beijing issued the highest level red warning signal for rainstorm. The continuous heavy rainfall for several days led to serious floods on many sections of railways located in Mentougou District. Three trains, K396, Z180 and K1178, were stranded in Mentougou District. A large number of passengers were stranded in the mountains with water, power and signal interruption, waiting to be rescued.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

On August 2nd, some stranded passengers went to transfer buses with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

For the stranded traveler and me, this is a journey back home with a shared destiny. Using the lens to record is my mission as a journalist. Robert Capa once said, "If you don't shoot well enough, it's because you're not close enough." Photographers need to go deep into the first scene, to the front, to be closer and closer to the rescue scene, rescue personnel, and stranded passengers, to leverage the advantage of one picture over a thousand words, and record precious historical moments. I tried my best to find the shooting angle and used the shutter to like all the people who were watching and helping in this life rescue.

The Fengsha Railway connects Shacheng Town in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou and Fengtai in Beijing. It winds through high mountains and deep valleys, heading north along the Yongding River, winding and winding, with dense tunnels and bridges. Armed police soldiers each carry around 30 kilograms of rescue supplies, and after gathering at Xiehejian Railway Station, they walk along the Fengsha Railway towards Anjiazhuang Village on foot.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

The radiance of humanity, with no lovers and emotions, and mutual assistance and assistance, shines particularly brightly in this disaster. It takes 14 kilometers of mountain road from Xiehejian Railway Station to Anjiazhuang Village, which usually takes five to six hours. The continuous heavy rainfall has increased the humidity in the mountainous areas, and the hot and humid weather has greatly consumed physical energy. The 14 kilometer race within two and a half hours almost exceeded my physical limit. Along the way, I and the soldiers of the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force sang "Unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel..." to cheer myself up. Listening to the echoes of the song in the mountains also gave me the motivation to move forward.

After walking for two and a half hours, I successfully arrived at Anjiazhuang Village! After communicating with the on-site staff of China Railway Group, it was learned that there are still the last batch of 184 passengers stranded here, most of whom are key passengers such as the elderly, young, weak, and pregnant. Among them, 5 special passengers need to be transported on stretchers. After an hour of rest, stranded passengers on the Z180 train placed in Anjiazhuang Village waved goodbye to the villagers who had been taking care of them for many days. The transfer operation began, and armed police soldiers and stranded passengers walked along the railway towards 5 kilometers in front of the No. 7 tunnel at Luopo Ridge Railway Station.

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

On August 2nd, a tunnel was blocked by a landslide at the exit. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

Looking down from the air at this winding team, just like the same "passage of life", I deeply feel that only peace is the closest way home. As we walked forward, the collapsed trees on the riverbed, the remaining water stains on the bridge piers, the damaged roadbed, and the tunnel blocked by the collapse at the exit... The damage to the Fengsha Railway caught our eyes, and the difficulty of walking on the road far exceeded our expectations. In the pitch black and dark narrow tunnel, there is mud and standing water. Although the rain has stopped, there is still water leaking through the stone crevices in the tunnel. The marching team in front occasionally hears sounds such as "standing water ahead, keep moving to the right" and "slippery sleepers, be careful", reminding the personnel behind to pay attention.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

The accumulation of goodwill and the transmission of love make the journey home full of warmth. "You've run this line a hundred times, haven't you? Are you very familiar with it?" a armed police soldier asked while supporting the Z180 train attendant next to him. "Very familiar, very familiar, but it's still my first time hiking on it. Next time, let's take the train," the train attendant replied with a smile. This flight attendant's socks were worn out on the first day of being trapped. These days, she has been serving stranded passengers barefoot and wearing the leather shoes she wore while on duty, with blisters all over her feet. "These young girls in their twenties are also the treasures and heartstrings of their parents, and it's difficult for them these days," said the traveler. This team, consisting of over 500 people, including elderly, young, weak, pregnant, medical and rescue personnel, is like a long dragon, encouraging and supporting each other on the railway line, silently moving forward.

This is the passenger transfer scene of Z180 trapped train captured on August 2nd. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

Along the way, a landslide caused damage to the roadbed, and a suspended railway lay between trapped passengers and transfer trains. Walking on the suspended railway, one can clearly feel the vibration of the railway. I saw on site that in order to ensure the safety of passengers, the railway repair staff specially made some wooden boards to be laid on the suspended railway to prevent passengers from stepping into the air when passing by, and constantly reminded the rescue team to control the number of people passing by and maintain spacing.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

On August 3rd, stranded passengers of trains K396 and Z180 arrived at Beijing Fengtai Station. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

At 2:10 am on August 3rd, with the full organization and joint efforts of China Railway Group, local governments, and the People's Armed Police Force, the last batch of passengers stranded at Anjiazhuang Station and Luopoling Station on trains Z180 and K396 arrived at Fengtai Station in Beijing smoothly by transfer buses. In the carriage, passengers who had been lost for several days had just charged their phones and immediately reported safety to their families. The heart hanging on the other side of the phone finally fell.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

The people who successfully escaped the danger were on the train back home, some were sleeping soundly, some were working hard, and some were exchanging experiences from the past few days with each other. Their tired faces showed long-awaited smiles. I quickly took out my camera to record this joyful and warm scene, which also put an end to my 15 hour shoot. What we gain is hope that we never give up, and warmth between people. It is the weight of commitment and responsibility towards life.

Late at night, the railway line covered in scars finally safely sent away the passengers she carried, echoing with the victory song "Unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel..." After she recovered from her injuries, she continued to "welcome" guests from all directions with a smile. I will also depart again, witness more historical moments with emotion, and record more unforgettable moments with heart.

This is a train from Wuhai West Station to Beijing Fengtai Station - K396. If everything goes smoothly, the passengers at the station will arrive at Fengtai Station in Beijing at 9:49 am on July 30th, embarking on their planned journey - a rare study tour, a relaxing vacation, or a wonderful performance.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

On August 1st, on a blocked railway line near Shuiyuzui Village in Mentougou District, Beijing, staff from China Railway Sixth Bureau cleared debris on the track and made every effort to restore traffic. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

And the accident happened like this. The train they took was hit by the unprecedented extremely heavy rainstorm in 140 years in Beijing. Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall processes have occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas, causing floods and geological disasters. Data shows that from 20:00 on July 29th to 21:00 on August 1st, the average rainfall in Beijing reached 273.3 millimeters, with an average of 481.7 millimeters in Mentougou District. Due to the landslide caused by rainstorm, some houses in Shuiyuzui Village, Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District were washed down, and the K396 train was also forced to stay near Luopoling Station in Mentougou District.

On August 1st, in Shuiyuzui Village, Mentougou District, Beijing, firefighters from the Beijing Daxing District Fire Rescue Detachment who were reinforced here were transporting an injured villager. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

On August 2nd, I drove to Mentougou for the third time after the disaster occurred. After days of emergency repairs by relevant departments, the amount of mud and water on the road has decreased compared to the previous day. The wounded in the villages have also been transported one after another, and water and food have been delivered to the villagers. However, the reconstruction of buildings washed away by floods and landslides may take some time. I drove directly to the entrance of Shuiyuzui Village and planned to follow the previous interview route on foot to climb up the suspended Fengsha Railway. Firstly, it is possible to take photos of railway repairs and the search and rescue of injured personnel. Secondly, armed police officers and soldiers rush to the front line to deliver supplies and transfer train passengers outward. The Fengsha Railway is their route on foot.

On August 2nd, passengers of train K396 rested near the Miaofengshan Town Government in Mentougou District, Beijing, waiting for transfer. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Just as I walked to the bridge connecting Longjiazhuang Village and Shuiyuzui Village, I met a group of people head-on. They were carrying luggage and bags, looking tired, and many people had mud on their feet. There were several armed police soldiers in the team. My intuition tells me that this should be the passengers transferred from the trapped train.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

I quickly stepped forward to confirm that they were indeed passengers of train K396, divided into several batches, escorted by armed police soldiers, and gradually transferred on foot along the railway. Surprisingly, among the group of over 30 passengers, there were many children, some of whom looked only three or four years old and were covered in sweat. It was hard to imagine how they followed the adults out.

I immediately started interviewing and filming, and followed them to a small park next to the government of Miaofengshan Town for a temporary stay. Taking advantage of this precious opportunity, I stepped forward to understand the situation and learned that there were many students on this train who had left their parents to attend summer camps or record programs in Beijing, as well as children who came to travel with their families during the summer vacation, ranging in age from three to four to ten years old. They set off around 8 o'clock in the morning, escorted by soldiers from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force, and walked for over 3 hours along the Fengsha Railway, which was interrupted by flash floods and mudslides, to reach Shuiyuzui Village. Many children walk the entire journey on their own. On the scene, some children took off their shoes, drying their feet while eating bread and ham sausages sent by the armed police soldiers. Some children are full of energy and start playing games with stones, scissors, and cloth, while others fall asleep lying on their backpacks.

On August 2nd, passengers of train K396 rested near the Miaofengshan Town Government in Mentougou District, Beijing, waiting for transfer. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

The grandmother of a four year old child looked at the child playing next to her and said, "Being trapped these days is really a test for children.". "Fortunately, we met some kind-hearted villagers in Luopoling Village, and we should thank them. The villagers and the village secretary were so kind that they brought home eggs and rice and cooked porridge for us."

A 7-year-old child named Wang Yubo, I asked him if he was tired after walking on such rugged mountain roads and railway tracks for over three hours, but he said he was not tired. When asked what he was doing in Beijing, he said he was coming to participate in a performance called "Where is the Motherland". "Here is a blue ocean, a green field, and a yellow plateau. Where is the motherland? The motherland is in my heart, and I love you China." Despite facing danger and going through countless hardships, many children still smiled happily, as if they were not experiencing a disaster, but an adventure. This innocent and optimistic young man, who had no sense of sorrow, gave me a great impact and encouragement in the scene of devastation at that time.

On August 2nd, near the government of Miaofengshan Town in Mentougou District, Beijing, officers and soldiers of the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force guided passengers to queue up and take a bus for transfer. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers

Two hours later, the transfer buses will arrive one after another, and they will depart again for the train station, then they can proceed to their next destination. In the crowd of people riding the bus, I found a child with red eyes. He is 9-year-old Wu Tianqi from Inner Mongolia. After asking, he found out that he was looking for an armed police uncle who had accompanied him for over three hours. He wanted to say goodbye and thank him for escorting and accompanying him all the way. However, as we were about to board the car and hadn't found it yet, the child was so anxious that she was about to cry. Finally, before boarding the train, he found the armed police uncle who helped him get out of trouble. Wu Tianqi stood straight, raised his right hand, and paid a standard Young Pioneer salute. I was on the side, quickly recording this scene with a camera.

On August 2nd, in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, before transferring by vehicle, Wu Tianqi saluted and thanked Wang Leiming from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force. Wu Tianqi, a third grade elementary school student from Inner Mongolia, followed his family on the K396 train to Beijing and was trapped due to heavy rainfall. On the morning of August 2nd, he followed his family and was escorted by officers and soldiers from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force. He was transferred on foot from Luopoling Village to the government of Miaofengshan Town. After a brief rest, he will continue to be transferred to Fengtai Railway Station. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Guided by armed police soldiers and local government staff, passengers boarded the bus one after another, waving happily outward. The bus slowly departed, and the just filled small garden quieted down. No one wants to go through this journey again, but everyone probably remembers this summer in their hearts. They remember the enthusiastic people who helped them in difficulties, the soldiers who escorted them out, and wish everyone a smooth journey.

I am returning home with stranded passengers, and I am on the scene. The story behind the photos | Walking directly to hiking | Transportation | Passengers
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