Hubei Province focuses on enhancing new drivers of economic development (High Quality Development Research Tour) Development | National | High Quality

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:40 AM

Nowadays, in the Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone, known as the "China Optics Valley", this unique beam of light continues to shine in innovation: China Information Technology Group has developed the first domestically produced silicon based coherent optical transceiver chip with a speed of over 1 terabit/second; Huagong Laser has manufactured China's first high-end wafer laser cutting equipment with 100% localization of core components... Currently, the scale of the optoelectronic information industry in the Optics Valley Science and Technology Innovation Corridor has approached 800 billion yuan, accelerating its push towards a trillion yuan scale.

The beam of light from Guanggu reflects the solid steps taken by Hubei to accelerate the construction of a national leading area for building a new development pattern and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development.

Take on the responsibility of Hubei, inspire its capabilities, and hone its achievements.

Last June, the 12th Party Congress of Hubei Province proposed to strive to build a leading area for building a new development pattern nationwide. "Building a national leading area for building a new development pattern is a historical mission that we must shoulder in implementing major national strategies. It is an inherent requirement of 'building a fulcrum, leading the way, and composing a new chapter' in the new development stage, and an important path for Hubei to comprehensively promote socialist modernization construction." The main person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee said.

Efforts are being made to build a leading area, and the land of Jingchu presents a new atmosphere of development.

Enhancing the level of scientific and technological innovation through cohesion, and continuously increasing the "new content" of the economy

The most essential feature of building a new development pattern is to achieve high-level self-reliance and self-improvement. Hubei Province has abundant scientific and educational resources, accelerating the construction of pilot areas and prioritizing science and technology.

Guided by the onboard BeiDou navigation system, vehicles automatically accelerate, decelerate, change lanes, and turn according to the road conditions... In Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, more than 200 autonomous taxis and 55 autonomous buses run on the road every day, serving citizens. A closed-loop intelligent connected vehicle industry chain is being formed here, which includes research and development, testing, demonstration applications, commercial operations, and production manufacturing.

Hubei is one of the provinces with the highest degree of automobile industrialization and the most complete industrial chain in China, while Wuhan Economic Development Zone is one of the regions with the highest degree of automobile industry agglomeration in the country, known vividly as the "China Automobile Valley".

Faced with the new trend of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, "Optics Valley" and "Car Valley" are deepening their two-way linkage, focusing on promoting advantageous enterprises in fields such as 5G communication, artificial intelligence, high-precision maps, automotive grade chips, and Beidou navigation to build a virtuous innovation ecosystem of joint technology development and product cooperation and matching with automotive vehicle enterprises.

Last May, Dongfeng Group located in Chegu and China Information Technology Corporation located in Optics Valley teamed up with Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other units to jointly establish the Hubei Province Automotive Standard Chip Industry Technology Innovation Alliance.

"By gathering advantageous resources and collaborating, we have achieved the first production of three domestic blank automotive grade chips, and completed the first domestic automotive grade MCU chip based on RISC-V instruction set architecture..." You Zheng, Deputy General Manager of Dongfeng Company, recounted the innovative achievements of the consortium.

From automotive grade chips to fiber lasers, from advanced low-carbon metallurgy to biomedical imaging, Hubei has established six industrial technology innovation consortia based on industry leading enterprises, driving the integration and innovation of upstream, midstream, and downstream industries, as well as large, medium, and small enterprises in the industrial chain.

As night falls, the laboratory building in Hongshan, Hubei is still brightly lit. "We focus on the field of biological breeding, improve mechanisms for talent introduction, strengthen organized scientific research, and work together to achieve great things." Yan Jianbing, Executive Vice Director of Hubei Hongshan Laboratory and Vice President of Huazhong Agricultural University, said that the laboratory has achieved a number of important research results. "For example, the discovery of key genes for increasing yield in corn and rice was selected as one of the top ten scientific and technological progress news in China in 2022."

"The high-energy innovation platform is an effective carrier for activating innovation resources, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and achieving innovation driven development." The person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology introduced that in recent years, Hubei has focused on national major strategic needs and the needs of industrial innovation development in the province, combined with advantageous disciplines and key industries, and has established 10 laboratories in fields such as optoelectronic science and biological breeding.

Focusing on the five advantageous industries of optoelectronic information, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, life and health, high-end equipment, Beidou, and future industries such as artificial intelligence and quantum information in the province, Hubei has made breakthroughs in strengthening the construction of regional innovation systems and promoting deep integration of industry, academia, research and application. The driving effect of scientific and technological innovation is increasingly evident. Four industrial clusters in the province have been selected as national strategic emerging industry clusters, with 16 national innovative industrial clusters. The added value of high-tech industries has exceeded one trillion yuan, and the contribution rate of high-tech manufacturing to industrial growth has exceeded 30%. The economic "new content" continues to rise.

Solidly promote comprehensive watershed management, safeguard the clean water of one river and one reservoir

To govern Jing and Chu, we must first control water. Hubei is the province with the longest runoff mileage of the Yangtze River, as well as the location of the Three Gorges Dam Area and an important water source area for the South to North Water Diversion Project. Ensuring that "one river flows eastward and one reservoir delivers clean water to the north" is the heavy responsibility of Hubei.

The morning light is faint, and the surface of Liangzi Lake is sparkling with ripples. Approaching, a patch of "forest green" emerged underwater. Rows of upright bamboo poles are lined with large green nets.

"This net is not for fishing, but for growing grass." Lake ranger Yang Qiwei put on a red vest and propped up a small boat to patrol the lake. "Look, there are large areas of submerged plants such as bitter grass and black algae planted under the net. Every morning, we need to control insects and remove impurities according to the growth cycle of different aquatic plants."

Liangzi Lake is the second largest lake in Hubei Province. In history, the long-term practice of blocking aquaculture has led to a decrease in the self purification capacity of the lake's water body. Although all aquaculture has been completed, the recovery of the lake's self purification capacity is slow. In recent years, relying on the Liangzihu National Field Science Observation and Research Station of the School of Life Sciences at Wuhan University, the Liangzihu District of Ezhou City has comprehensively promoted the experience of "using grass to clean water" and implemented the restoration project of aquatic vegetation in the lake area.

"Water grass can further purify the water quality of shallow lakes and restore aquatic ecology. After long-term observation, the restoration of aquatic vegetation in the 'grass water purification' area is good, and the transparency of the lake water is relatively improved." Li Yang, a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Life Sciences at Wuhan University, introduced that this year, the entire Liangzi Lake will have a "net fence and grass planting" area of 7000 acres.

Adhering to precision, science, and the rule of law in pollution control, Hubei is fighting a better defense of blue sky, clear water, and clean land with higher standards, and promoting new breakthroughs in pollution prevention and control in key areas, areas, and indicators.

On June 1st, the first cross city ecological compensation fund for the first level tributary of the Yangtze River in Hubei Province was disbursed this year: Wuhan City paid 3 million yuan of ecological compensation funds to Xiantao City.

Tongshun River is an important tributary of the Yangtze River, flowing downstream from Qianjiang and Xiantao in Hubei, and merging into the Yangtze River within Wuhan. In May last year, following the principle of "whoever exceeds the standard, pays, benefits, and compensates", Wuhan and Xiantao signed the "Ecological Compensation Agreement for Cross City Water Quality Assessment in the Tongshun River Basin".

Xiantao adheres to the principle of using small watersheds as units, water systems as veins, and problem oriented approaches to promote comprehensive watershed management and continuous improvement of water environment quality. According to ecological environment monitoring data, from June to December last year, most of the water quality national examination sections in the Xiantao to Wuhan section of the Tongshun River were classified as Class III, which is better than the agreed Class IV target.

Since the beginning of this year, the entire province has deeply implemented the Outline of Hubei Province's Comprehensive Basin Governance and Coordinated Development Plan, adhering to basin coordination, unit control, and system balance, strengthening coordination and cooperation between basins, cities, and counties, and coordinating water disaster prevention and control, water resource conservation, water ecological restoration, and water environment governance, laying a green foundation for high-quality development. Nowadays, the water quality of the Hubei section of the Yangtze River is stable at Class II, while the water quality of the Danjiangkou Reservoir remains above Class II.

Seize key weaknesses and forge strengths, striving to embark on a development path of smooth circulation and comprehensive openness

The new development pattern is not a closed domestic cycle, but an open domestic and international dual cycle. The low level of opening up to the outside world is the biggest weakness of Hubei, and it is also the potential to promote high-quality development in Hubei.

Amidst the darkness, cargo flights from all over the country arrived at Ezhou Huahu Airport one after another, with staff busy unloading and loading cargo. In the early morning, flights loaded with goods gradually departed.

Huahu Airport is the first professional cargo airport in China, which opened on July 17th last year. As of now, 14 domestic passenger routes, 21 domestic freight routes, and 7 international freight routes have been opened, with an international freight volume exceeding 14000 tons, making it Hubei's "air export port".

In the Yangluo Port area of Wuhan Port, trucks shuttle non-stop, and the long arms of the gantry crane dance. On the dock, a liner loaded with car parts and other goods is preparing to set sail for Busan, South Korea; The China Europe freight train, filled with electronic products, is about to depart for Europe at the nearby iron water intermodal transportation station

To accelerate the construction of a new inland opening-up highland in serving and integrating into the domestic and international dual circulation, efforts should be made to open up channels, strengthen transportation hubs, optimize the collection and distribution system, and continuously optimize the market-oriented, legal, and international business environment.

Recently, Xiangyang Zhengda Co., Ltd. purchased 1300 tons of wheat bran from Kazakhstan for feed processing. "In the past, when we imported wheat bran, the procurement, customs declaration, and clearance processes took more than a month, resulting in long transit time and high costs." The head of the company's raw material procurement department, Xiang Yun, said that now, relying on the huge overseas resources and perfect logistics system of Hubei Chuxiang Supply Chain Group Co., Ltd., the logistics time has been shortened to half a month, and the raw material prices are still much cheaper.

Since last year, Hubei has successively built platforms such as Guokong, Chuxiang, Huafang Chain, Changjiang Automobile Chain, and Supply and Marketing System Supply Chain, promoting supply and demand docking in various links such as raw materials, design, production, trading, and logistics, and helping enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Hubei adheres to optimizing the business environment with cost control as the core. In June this year, Hubei Province released several measures to further reduce enterprise costs. "We have carefully reviewed the policy measures for reducing enterprise costs introduced by our province since the second half of last year, analyzed and evaluated them item by item, and based on this, we have studied and launched 33 policy measures that meet the new expectations of enterprises, are more abundant in gold, and more operational." Liu Haijun, Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province, introduced that according to preliminary calculations by relevant departments, these policy measures can reduce costs for enterprises in the province by about 65 billion yuan in the second half of this year.

Seizing the key weaknesses and forging strengths, Hubei is striving to embark on a development path of smooth circulation and comprehensive openness. In the first half of this year, China Europe freight trains operated 560 trains, which has exceeded the total number of trains operated last year; Attracting investment of over 100 million yuan and signing 5366 projects, achieving the best level in history.

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At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【