Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:53 PM

Editor's note: If a county is governed, the world will be safe, and if a county is prosperous, the country will be strong. Counties across China are determined to move forward with practical efforts and continuously promote high-quality economic and social development. A hard won transcript and a highly anticipated new journey. In the first year of comprehensively implementing the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in order to stereoscopically demonstrate the vivid practice of China's counties in implementing the new development concept, comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, and feel the vigorous atmosphere of the grand China and dynamic counties in the new era, the Central Broadcasting Network specially plans to launch a series of theme reports of "Grand Plan ·" County "on the Sail. More than 100 journalists from 33 local channels go to the county, watch development, explore changes, immerse in interpreting the" resilient password "of high-quality development of China's county economy, and share with you the county landscape of Chinese path to modernization.

News from China Central Broadcasting Network, Wuhan, June 14 The Huangpi Mulan Grassland Scenic Area in early summer is filled with the fragrance of grass. On the grassy slope in the distance, there are faintly visible groups of cattle and horses, grazing leisurely. Tourists under the slope set up all kinds of tents, or barbecue, or walk, embrace nature, good life at ease.

Since the beginning of this year, Nie Quan, the person in charge of Mulan Grassland, has received several inspection teams from other places, many of which are from real grasslands. What left a deep impression on him was that many members of the inspection team sighed, "Our grassland needs to learn and learn from your 'little grassland'."

Huangpi District is located in the northern part of Wuhan City, with three parts of forest land and three parts of farmland, and two parts of urban and rural areas and two parts of water. Its unique geographical environment has created its diverse scenery; Located at the largest Tianhe International Airport in central China, as well as the core node of the railway freight hub in central China, Wuhan North Marshalling Yard, its excellent location advantage gives it unlimited momentum. With abundant mountain and water resources and beautiful tourist attractions, Huangpi is also known as the "Wuhan City Garden".

Aerial photo of Huangpi urban area

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country. Having been awarded the title of "First Batch of National Comprehensive Tourism Demonstration Zones" and "Top 100 Industrial Zones in China", Huangpi has become the first county-level economic entity in Hubei with a GDP exceeding 100 billion yuan, and its county-level economic scale has been ranked first in the province for four consecutive years. For many years, Huangpi has made good use of its geographical advantages, continuously promoted comprehensive tourism, and focused on building a strong industrial zone, continuously promoting high-quality development and achieving new results.

Upgrade of Global Tourism to 360000 People Eating "Tourism Meals"

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

According to the Huangpi County Annals, "General Mulan, also from Xiling, Huangjun." Mulan Tianchi, located in Huangpi, is said to be the place where Mulan lived and practiced martial arts when she was a child. Taking advantage of the Mulan culture, there are 23 scenic spots created within the Huangpi area, forming the "Mulan Tour" cultural and tourism brand. On weekends or holidays, countless tourists come to Huangpi.

Bird's-eye view of Huangpi Mulan Grassland Scenic Area

"There are more tourists in the scenic area, and the business of rural tourism is good, even if it's busy, it's happy." 73 year old Peng Sanxian and his daughter-in-law were busy greeting tourists who came to dine. Peng Sanxian was originally a villager from Niejiagang Village, Wangjiahe Street, Huangpi District. Due to the construction of Mulan Grassland Scenic Area, he relocated to Grassland New Village next to the scenic area and opened a farmhouse.

"Originally, the soil in the village was barren, and it was difficult to eat water. Going out to work was the only way out for many people." Peng Sanxian told reporters that his son had also gone out to work in his early years. In recent years, with the increase of tourists in the scenic area, the business of his own farmhouse has also been getting better and better. "My son takes the cooking skills he learned outside home to become a chef, and on weekends or holidays, he can't even flip the platform.".

In Huangpi, there are still many villagers like Peng Sanxian who have become rich through tourism.

Data shows that Huangpi has 18 scenic spots with a 3A level or above, ranking among the top counties and cities in China in terms of quantity. It receives over 20 million tourists annually, with an annual comprehensive tourism income of 15 billion yuan, driving 360000 people to enjoy "tourism meals", accounting for one-third of the total resident population in the region.

The 2023 Wuhan Mulan Tourism Conference will be held in Huangpi, China

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

Seeing the villagers living a good life, Nie Quan also understood his father's insistence more and more. Nie Quan introduced that in order to improve the poverty situation in his hometown, his father returned to invest in 2003 and initially decided to establish a cattle farm. The Huangpi District Government and relevant officials from Wangjiahe Street took the initiative to come to their homes and provide suggestions, encouraging them to utilize local high-quality mountain and water resources to create characteristic scenic spots, which gave rise to the Mulan Grassland.

In 2013, Nie Quan took over the Mulan Grassland project from his father, struggling with how to reverse the continuous losses of the scenic area.

In 2014, Huangpi packaged four 4A level scenic spots, Mulan Tianchi, Mulan Mountain, Mulan Grassland, and Mulan Yunwu Mountain, and declared them as "Huangpi Mulan Cultural Ecological Tourism Area", which was rated as a national 5A level tourist attraction. At the same time, the district has invested a total of 20 billion yuan to improve the supporting facilities for tourism public services, built a 130 kilometer tourism loop, and connected adjacent scenic spots in 15 minutes. The entire tourism loop is accessible in 2 hours, and the tourism loop bus is fully covered, opening up the "main artery" for the development of tourism in the entire area.

It was during this year that the development of Mulan grassland reached a crucial juncture of turning losses into profits.

Nie Quan seized the opportunity to use a professional operation team to improve service quality, play the "Mulan Culture" card well, hold bonfire parties, arrange live performances, launch high-end homestays, and create different amusement themes throughout the year. At the same time, buying expensive soil to cultivate and replant grasslands, hosting international kite festivals to attract domestic and foreign tourists... By 2019, the annual passenger flow and income of the scenic area have shown explosive growth.

In the first quarter of this year, the tourist flow in the scenic area has exceeded 20% of the same period in 2019. The strong trend of cultural and tourism recovery has given Nie Quan full confidence in the future development of Huangpi tourism.

Mulan Flower Village, which has launched new night tour products, is also experiencing strong growth in passenger flow. Ge Tiancai, the first secretary of Dutang Village in Yaojiaji Street, Huangpi District, took local resources and led the villagers to establish the Wuhan Dutang Tourism Professional Cooperative. They transferred 1800 acres of wasteland, planted colorful flowers, and revitalized the idle houses of over a hundred households in Dutang Village. They transformed them into farmhouses and homestays, and focused on "flower viewing tours" to create a Mulan Flower Township scenic area with flower appreciation throughout the four seasons.

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

On January 18, 2023, the Mulan Night City in Huangpi Mulan Flower Township officially opened, attracting many tourists to visit and play

During this year's Spring Festival, Mulan Flower Township launched the "Mulan Night City", which combines the renovated idle houses of villagers with the local culture, presenting the most typical and distinctive scene stories from "Mulan Ci" in the form of interactive immersive scenes of agriculture, culture, and tourism, forming a themed night city where there is dining, shopping, and entertainment. On the day of opening, it was very popular, with a daily passenger flow of over 30000 people. The once "hollow village" has become a popular tourist check-in destination.

Nowadays, Huangpi has gradually formed a development pattern of comprehensive landscape, comprehensive tourism, integration of scenery and city, integration of village scenery, and integration of industries. The well-known slogan "Where to go in Wuhan on weekends? Huangpi Scenic Area awaits you!" has also become the best witness to the development of Huangpi's tourism industry.

The new mode of the new format enables the reproduction of "goods to Hankou live"

In Huangpi, there is also a rising international trade city.

As the largest county-level economic region in Hubei Province, Huangpi District seizes the opportunity of Wuhan's creation as an international consumption center city, adheres to the "four combinations" of online and offline, domestic and foreign trade, wholesale and experiential consumption, and trade exhibitions and physical market trade, enhances traditional consumption levels, and cultivates consumption hotspots. Hankou North is an important focus among them.

Hankou North International Commodity Trading Center

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

"Hankou North is committed to building a 'China's largest and world leading' modern commercial and logistics platform, which has achieved 'buying and selling the world' and become an important window for Wuhan and even the central region to open up to the outside world. Cao Tianbin, the relevant person in charge of Hankou North Market in Wuhan, witnessed the tremendous changes in this land.".

"At the beginning of the construction, it was still a mudflat, and now it has become a bustling new city with high-rise buildings and crowds of people." Cao Tianbin still remembers that on October 28, 2009, the five markets of Hankou North small commodities, leather goods, shoes, children's products, and hotel products were opened at the same time, and even the roof was full of people, and everyone was very excited.

"When it opened, the market area was only 500000 square meters, but now there are 6 million square meters under construction, which is also something we have been persistently doing in the past 15 years." Cao Tianbin told reporters that over the years, more than 30000 merchants and more than 50000 employees have started from here, either from scratch or starting a second business, expanding the brand and scale. They are also witnesses to the rise of Hankou North.

Fu Yali, a straightforward person from Guangshui, Hubei, started her own business at Hankou North Brand Clothing City in 2012. At first, there was no source of goods, so she went to Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and other places to inspect and select products and pick them up; Without any customers, she joined the "Tuoke Xing" team organized by Hankou North to carpool to surrounding cities to distribute flyers and promote

It was also during this year that 3000 clothing brand operators, along with over 20000 brands, relocated to the north of Hankou, gradually forming the largest individual clothing market in central China.

In just over a decade, Fu Yali started as an agent brand, registered and established her own brand, and shifted from offline retail and wholesale to live streaming sales on online e-commerce platforms. Her entrepreneurial career has been constantly evolving in line with the development pace of Hankou North.

In Hankou North Brand Clothing City, a female anchor is livestreaming sales

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

Since 2018, Hankou North has focused on the new model of "e-commerce+live broadcast", introduced more than 60 industrial Internet and e-commerce platforms, multi type live broadcast platforms, and supply chain organizations, attracted nearly 600 anchors to settle in, and professional operation teams have provided live broadcast training for offline distributors, to build a national full type live broadcast industrial park. In 2023, Hubei Huafang Supply Chain Company, the largest textile and clothing supply chain company in Hubei, was established in Hankou North, focusing on building a globally leading textile and clothing industry supply chain.

In the north of Hankou, thousands of merchants like Fu Yali have taken root here, working together to recreate the trade legend of "live goods to Hankou".

In addition to the professional market, in recent years, Hankou North has successively built leisure and amusement venues such as Hankou Commercial Museum, Ferris Wheel, Children's Theme Park, and Food Street. At the same time, the focus is on building commercial blocks such as Hankou Town and Wanguo Town to broaden consumption boundaries.

On December 28, 2022, the "Three Towns" of Hankou North Flower Town, Flavor Town, and Famous Car Town opened simultaneously, achieving a combination of wholesale and experiential consumption, adding new growth poles to Wuhan's development into an international consumption center.

The immersive experience block in Hankou Town has become a popular check-in spot for internet celebrities

In the North Flower Town of Hankou, tourists can be seen everywhere pushing shopping carts and strolling in the "flower sea" to choose their favorite flowers. This place has a 2500 square meter fresh cut flower trading hall, which is the largest constant temperature trading area in the country. Every morning, there is a large quantity of fresh flowers produced in Yunnan, which undergo standardized post harvest treatment at the base, and are transported with water and turnover baskets throughout the process, directly supplied to Wuhan, enjoying the same quality and price as Yunnan.

"The small town model is a product of the integrated development of culture, commerce, and tourism. By integrating 'travel, shopping, entertainment, and shopping' into one, it attracts tourists and upgrades experiential consumption scenarios." Cao Tianbin said that the 'small town model' has reference significance for traditional professional markets and wholesale markets in China. In the future, we will continue to explore more "small town models", introduce high-quality and large-scale industrial sources from across the country to Hankou North, leverage the gathering, radiation, and influence of Hankou North, firmly grasp the market price discourse power through production and sales coordination, and reshape the supply chain.

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

Industry Accelerates Agglomeration "Huangpi Made" from Here to the World

In an intelligent warehouse of approximately 6000 square meters, boxes of neatly stacked goods automatically shuttle back and forth between the shelves, and nearly 50 unmanned handling robots are each performing their duties to transport goods to designated sorting stations; Customized flexible production line, where the robotic arm and manual labor work together, with an average of one main equipment produced every 5 minutes

In the newly opened Shekou Climbing Technology Park Phase I intelligent factory, thousands of customized computers are shipped from here to various parts of the world every day.

In the intelligent warehouse, robots are moving goods

"This is a 5G intelligent factory with world-class standards," Jing Yixin, the head of the climbing technology product development business group, told reporters. Since settling in Huangpi in 2015, the company has expanded its production capacity in the Sanyi factory. This year, the newly built Shekou Climbing Technology Park has a total construction area of 170000 square meters.

Rooted in Huangpi for nearly a decade, Ascend Technology has obtained more than 220 authorized patents, and has become a national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise. It has the world's largest online customized computer sales volume, achieving an annual production capacity of 1.3 million units and sales revenue of nearly 4 billion yuan in 2022, and delivering "Huangpi made" customized computers to more than 130 countries and regions around the world.

With the rise of mobile Internet and intelligent devices, the traditional PC industry has been greatly impacted. How can climbing technology achieve continuous performance growth?

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

In Jing Yixin's view, this is due to the fact that enterprises have seized the opportunity of the rise of e-commerce and met the experiential needs brought about by changes in user consumption habits; On the other hand, it cannot be separated from a series of information technology industry chain policies and support in Huangpi.

Climbing up the technology production workshop, workers are assembling customized computers

The information technology industry chain is one of the "nine major industry chains" in Huangpi. In 2022, Huangpi will launch a special support policy, setting up an annual industrial special support fund of 50 million yuan to support information technology enterprises from small to large throughout their entire lifecycle.

"Next, Ascending Technology will focus on new intelligent terminals, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and other key areas to strengthen research, development and innovation, further gather industrial advantages in the industrial chain, optimize industrial ecology, and promote the high-quality development of the modern industrial system in Huangpi District," said Jing Yixin.

Not only are computers climbing, but more and more advanced manufacturing bases are accelerating their agglomeration in Huangpi, promoting a large number of "Huangpi made" products to go global.

Simulation testing, maintenance, and debugging equipment... At Wuhan CRRC Changke Rail Vehicle Co., Ltd. located in Huangpi, production line operators are using VR simulation technology to simulate the real production process in a "digital factory". In an immersive large screen display, real-time and accurate information such as the dynamic positioning of each operator, the operating status of the equipment, and the overall energy consumption of the production line are displayed.

According to the data, 65% of subway vehicles in Wuhan are produced here, and the first fully automatic intelligent driving train in Hubei Province is also made in Huangpi.

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

Wuhan Rail Transit Industry Innovation Base located in Huangpi

"Wuhan Changke Company will drive the Wuhan rail transit industry towards digitalization and intelligence through industrial technology innovation, achieving the Wuhan rail transit industry to be based in Wuhan, expand to the whole country, and radiate to the world." said Wang Zhonghai, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of the company.

Currently, Huangpi is leading the way with BYD Blade Power Battery Wuhan Company to build a new energy manufacturing base; Build a jewelry fashion manufacturing base with a leading national gold and jewelry production enterprise as the leader; Building a rail transit manufacturing base with Wuhan CRRC Changke as the leader; Taking the Binli high-end intelligent connected vehicle project as a breakthrough, plan to build a complete vehicle manufacturing base. Using the "four major industrial clusters" to support the high-quality development framework and create a new highland for the development of Wuhan's manufacturing industry.

The beginning showed remarkable results. In the first quarter of 2023, 27 major projects were started in Huangpi, with a total investment of 19.91 billion yuan, a 9.6% increase in fixed assets investment and a 9.4% increase in total retail sales of consumer goods. The former hometown of Mulan is anchoring its development positioning as a "big Hankou, new space", fully leveraging its unique advantages and making comprehensive efforts to rebuild a hundred billion yuan Huangpi.

【 Hundred Schools of Reading City 】

Damei Huangpi can be expected in the future

Li Luping

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

What kind of place is Huangpi in Wuhan? Overlooking the map of Wuhan, perhaps some answers can be found through a set of data.

Huangpi covers an area of 2261 square kilometers, accounting for a quarter of Wuhan's total area, and is the largest district in Wuhan. Huangpi has the highest mountain in Wuhan - Shuangfengjian, the cleanest lake - Mulan Lake, and the largest forest park - Sushansi Forest Park. Huangpi has 31 rivers of all sizes, with half of the forest area and one sixth of the water area in Wuhan.

The cultural context here is long, and many people are proud of Wuhan's 3500 year history of construction, which originates from Panlong City in Huangpi. The Panlong City Site, dating back 3500 years, is the most clearly laid out and rich site of the early Shang Dynasty in the Yangtze River Basin. It is an outstanding representative of the bronze civilization in the Yangtze River Basin and is known as the "root of the city" of Wuhan.

The business here is prosperous. It has the second largest comprehensive business market in China. The bustling citizens here choose and buy goods from all over the world. The retro style street tells about the mottled memory of Laohankou, the street view of historic buildings, the fresh and diverse cross dressing games, the dazzling China-Chic cultural and creative products, and frequently explodes the citizens' "circle of friends".

Huangpi is one of the first "National Comprehensive Tourism Demonstration Zones". In 2020, it was awarded the title of "China's Influential Comprehensive Tourism Demonstration Zone". It has now built one 5A level scenic spot, eight 4A level scenic spots, and six 3A level scenic spots. Today in Huangpi, there is a new cultural and tourism atmosphere created by the Mulan culture everywhere. With Mulan Avenue as the axis, there are 23 scenic spots distributed between the hills, hills, lakes, and fields on both sides of the Avenue, attracting tourists from all directions to come and take photos for tourism.

In Huangpi, tourists can experience the grassland scenery of the central Chinese metropolis; Appreciate the picturesque romantic sea of flowers blooming throughout the four seasons; Along the tourism loop, savor the Mulan culture and its spiritual connotations in the unique Mulan series scenic spots.

At the same time, the total industrial output value of Huangpi has reached a milestone of 100 billion yuan, maintaining the first place in the province in terms of county economic scale for four consecutive years, and ranking among the top 100 investment potential areas in China, the top 100 industrial areas in China, and the key area for high-quality development in Hubei.

Huangpi, Hubei: Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture, and Tourism, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, Taoyuan, a 100 billion strong area, Expanding the New Space Tourism of Hero City | Huangpi | Hero

History and reality merge and intersect here, standing at a new historical juncture of catching up and crossing, Huangpi will unleash unprecedented development and opportunities.

In the past decade, this magical land has become even more colorful. The construction of infrastructure such as Hankou North Avenue, Julong Avenue, Wuhan Ring Expressway, Fourth Ring Road, Light Rail Line 1, and Huangpi Global Tourism Highway, as well as the subsequent global tourism and the rise of Hankou North, have written about the new changes in Huangpi; The planning and construction of the Wuhan National Airport Economic Demonstration Zone depicts a new connotation of the great changes in Huangpi.

Today, whether walking on Mulan Avenue, traversing Julong Avenue, or driving on the tourist highway in Huangpi, flying among the mountains and waters of Huangpi, one can feel the charming charm of Huangpi in high-quality development.

With a thousand years of rich cultural heritage and cultural confidence, the beautiful Huangpi has a promising future.

Chief Editor: Zong Shaofeng, Hu Miaomiao

Video: Zhang Zhuo Zhu Na

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