How should I open it?, We are in action: youth, big research development | youth | research

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:41 PM

[Big research, we are taking action]

Youth, how should it be opened?

——Research on the ideological status of young people

Guangming Daily Research Group

Editor's note

What posture should youth be? What should a young person look like?

More than a hundred years ago, revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao believed in this way: "The civilization of youth, the civilization of struggle, the struggle against circumstances, the struggle against the times, and the struggle against experience."

Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the youth: "There is only one youth in a person's life. Now, youth is for struggle; in the future, youth is for memory."

Striving for beauty has become the common aspiration of today's youth; Sweating on the track has become a contemporary youth figure. At the same time, youth is also mottled and confused.

In December 2021, Guangming Daily published a series of comments by Guan Mingwen, including "Lying flat is not advisable", "Lying flat is impossible", and "Struggle is just right", praising struggle and admonishing "lying flat", sparking heated discussions.

On the occasion of the nationwide investigation and research, we once again enter the youth group, listening to everyone talk about changes, feelings, confusion, and the future.

The essence and spirit of young people are related to the spiritual outlook of the entire society.

He deeply pointed out that "Chinese youth in the new era are more confident, self reliant, and full of speculative spirit. At the same time, they also face the practical influence of various social trends, inevitably encountering ideological confusion in ideals and reality, ideology and problems, self-interest and altruism, ego and ego, nation and world, and more in need of in-depth and meticulous education and guidance.".

The instructions of General Secretary have pointed out the direction for our research this time.

Recently, the research team of Guangming Daily went deep into more than 10 provinces, regions, and cities, visiting various youth groups, sensing their pulse, and listening to their voices.

The act of youth

"What kind of youth do you long for?" "How does the life you long for reach?"

The most youthful answer given to the research team by the 80s generation, the 90s generation who have gradually become pillars, and the 00s generation who have just entered the workforce is: ride the wind and waves, charge forward!

1. Fragrance, blooming in the fields, mountains and forests

Chen Yanhui, a young person born in the 1980s and a professor at the School of Resources and Environment of Fujian A&F University, believes that "planting" youth into the fields is a natural choice for someone who loves the environment and cares about agriculture.

"Soil pollution prevention and control" is Chen Yanhui's research direction, which is not something that can achieve immediate results. After every winter harvest, he would sprinkle newly developed soil amendments on the fields, and after more than ten seasons, he never missed them.

The local farmers told the research team that they initially did not believe that this young man wearing glasses would understand land better than the farmers. But as the rice grown in the fields improves year by year, the villagers are increasingly inseparable from this young "old master".

Yan Lixia, a rural planner born in the 1990s, travels through fields and villages in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Xinjiang, conducting resource surveys and drawing future scenic spots.

"Being able to connect personal development with national plans such as rural revitalization is both luck and pursuit." She described her own state from this, "The youth living in the body are speeding."

The transformation of rural revitalization from a blueprint to a reality relies on millions of young people who have clear goals and are diligent and hardworking.

Xie Yanzhou, Associate Professor of the College of Agriculture at Northwest A&F University and an expert in wheat breeding for the post-80s generation, often said, "Planting wheat is like raising young children, you need to be patient."

Wheat breeding has a long cycle and low success rate, and even after ten years of hard work, it may not be possible to approve varieties. However, he and his colleagues have consistently bred new wheat varieties such as Shannong 33, Xinong 239, and Xinong 369, sprinkling the color of youth on the earth.

2. Craftsmanship, originating from ordinary positions

Wen Xiaozhen, a manual molding operator in the blank process of a magnetic material production enterprise in Jiangxi, is a young expert who reassures colleagues and the factory. He is affectionately known as the "Dinghai Shenzhen".

Faced with the research group, Wen Xiaozhen repeatedly mentioned that youth is the best time to put in hard work. "After mastering a technology proficiently, I will apply to work on a more difficult and arduous operating end." She has been "fighting monsters and upgrading" all the way, and has won honors such as "Most Beautiful Worker" and "National Excellent Migrant Worker".

The depth of effort put in, the depth of youth.

The youth we encounter the most in our research are those who focus on the present, do their best, and learn what they have learned. They work diligently in ordinary positions, savoring the meaning of struggle and the value of life.

There were almost no female inspectors before. In 2021, seven young women, including Zhang Yue and Hu Fan, graduated from university and joined the inspection team of the Yueshan Engineering Section of China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau to undergo a physical examination of the steel rails. Many times, they have to ride bicycles back and forth along the railway, and ultrasonic flaw detectors weighing tens of kilograms often bruise their legs.

"Ten million railways, safety first. We feel very proud!" Accompanied by the roar of the train, youth extends through technological advancement.

In the new era of China, "every action leads to the top scorer, and there are talented people everywhere", which has been continued by countless youth stories.

At the foot of Wugong Mountain in Pingxiang, Jiangxi, a young wrestling team brought a different kind of warmth to the children at Mata Central School. The joy they had during training was unforgettable for the research team.

"An ordinary physical education teacher can bring something extraordinary to left behind children." Zeng Hanjin, a young physical education teacher who formed a wrestling team, was full of ambition. "Cultivate a few professional talents! Tennis' Backbasket Youth ', popular' Village BA 'in the north and south of the country, which one is not from the countryside?" He wants to lead the children to experience "the distant world that exists outside the Wugong Mountain.".

3. True knowledge, the path of seeking beauty

"There are not so many overnight achievements, nor are there so many 'myths' that can fly from the wind!" Gu Bin, who worked at a 985 university in Beijing from Xinjiang, had his dream set in place after his first encounter with chips in 2007. He has been deeply involved in the chip field for 16 years.

"Short and straightforward research is rapidly put into production and monetized, stirring your heart." Gu Bin told the research team that the path of scientific research is full of temptations. Like him, researchers who are willing to stay calm in the laboratory, endure loneliness, and withstand failure are like embarking on a long and difficult journey.

In universities, research institutions, and high-tech enterprises, the research team has encountered many young people who are traveling long distances.

Li Rui, born in the 1980s, is a senior engineer at a research institute of a state-owned enterprise in Shandong. He resigned from his high paying job in Germany many years ago and returned to China to form a team to tackle artificial intelligence.

He constantly reminds himself with the title of "programmer": "Just like a program needs to 'code' one character at a time, a digital building needs to be 'built' layer by layer, and advancing towards high-tech must be down-to-earth." The philosophy of his partners is highly consistent: "Which 'bottleneck' technology will give you for nothing?"

At the entrance of science, all hesitation must be eradicated, and any cowardice is of no use.

The sea is surging, the river is turbulent, how many secrets are there to seal the bottom of the water? Underwater archaeology is a highly challenging task, but more and more young people are joining this team.

Liang Guoqing, a young archaeologist from the Archaeological Research Center of the National Cutural Heritage Administration, once participated in underwater archaeological projects such as the Ming Dynasty shipwreck of "Nan'ao No.1" in Guangdong. He told the research team that today's youth are not lacking in courage and knowledge, with a resilient character that is not afraid of difficulties and a curiosity to challenge the unknown.

4. Dreams arise from "finding oneself to suffer"

"Xiaocao Guo, once just a natural part of my college textbooks, is now the entirety of my scientific research work." Deep in the Nujiang Grand Canyon, Yang Shaobing, associate researcher at the Institute of Medicinal Plants of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, found his mission.

Since 2015, Yang Shaobing has been undertaking the task of supporting technical backbone talents in Nujiang, Yunnan. He has been walking with young team members in deep mountain forests, breeding varieties, teaching techniques, solving diseases, and connecting with the market for local farmers. "To achieve modernization in agriculture and rural areas, researchers need to hone their skills," he said.

The research team has seen that many young people are rooted in difficult places, living up to the books they have read, the roads they have walked, and their youth.

Huang Haifen, a grassroots cadre born in the 1990s, set his career starting point at the roof of the world. Before graduating from college, this Chaoshan girl had obtained the admission qualification of a bank in Guangzhou, but she came to Linzhi, Xizang with a dream.

"Splashing sweat in the most needed places is far more valuable than piling it up in the city! The border areas really crave more young people to work and start businesses, bringing advanced concepts and technologies." Huang Haifen told the research team that she grew up quickly here and was not long after being recognized as a "third class merit" by Bayi District of Linzhi City.

5. Challenge and seize opportunities in innovation

Fan Le, a young man born in the 2000s from rural Hebei, dressed in bright work clothes and became a delivery boy, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Beijing, connecting supply and demand.

"Running 80 orders a day during the probationary period is considered qualified, but I have set a goal of 120 orders for myself. This job can help me temporarily settle down in a big city. Of course, I also have longer-term plans. Fan Le's ideal is to start a decoration company with friends." Most of my salary can be saved up, and I can save up a few more years to get it done! "

Research has found that in the emerging new industries in recent years, a large number of hardworking young people are active. They love work, are passionate about innovation, and are good at accumulating knowledge, striving step by step to achieve their ideals.

Green building engineer Liu Jun is familiar with almost every alley in the west of Beijing, and this young man from Hunan is like an "old Beijing". In recent years, old residential areas in Beijing have gradually implemented green renovations of old houses. Liu Jun and his colleagues are patient and go door-to-door to do ideological work.

Green building technology is easy to implement, but the green concept cannot be deeply rooted in people's hearts in a day. Liu Jun said, "We are learning 'Liang Sicheng', but we are willing to guest star in 'Fei Xiaotong'. The old alleys have been transformed, and the concept of energy conservation and emission reduction is reflected in the details of residents' lives.".

Research has found that in urban and rural areas, as well as ordinary alleys, there are places where young people can incubate their dreams, and there are places where young people can work and start businesses. Young people have clear goals and life plans for struggle——

Lan Ying, a post-90s youth and elderly care worker in Tianjin, uses scientific nursing techniques to take care of the elderly in the nursing home. As early as her postgraduate studies, she discovered that "the parents of the first generation of only children have gradually entered advanced age, and elderly care services will face greater challenges", firmly believing that "challenges also mean opportunities for young people.".

Li Ziang, a post-90s youth and respiratory therapist in Wuhan, Hubei, carefully summarizes his experience after each visit and adds "tags" to the "case search engine" on his computer and mobile phone. His goal is to develop personalized respiratory treatment plans for patients as quickly as possible when needed for "120".

Tang Ruixi, a post-2000s youth and organizer in Kunming, Yunnan, is studying spatial planning knowledge while working. Her philosophy is that in the future, customers will not only want a clean home environment, but also a healthier lifestyle and aesthetic experience. She wants to help them achieve

6. Expand and turn hobbies into skills

On social media platforms, Xue Fei, a young person born in 1995, introduced herself as a "public exam trainer/stage makeup artist". Between two completely unrelated professions, there was a "slash" that made her life even more fulfilling.

During the day, I teach test questions at a public examination training institution, and at night, I put on makeup for actors at a drama club. This master's student found a sense of belonging in Shanghai after graduation. Although her financial strength is still a long way from buying a house, her two incomes have added more confidence to her.

"Slash Youth" is a group of young people who choose multiple professions and identities, freely switching roles in different work scenarios.

In 2020, Guangming Daily conducted a survey on "slash youth", and about 52% of the surveyed youth confirmed that they had "slash youth" around them. They generally hold the idea of developing hobbies into skills in an open social environment, allowing themselves to have more choices in the future.

Xiao Lei, a young generation born in the 2000s in Hefei, Anhui, is a "dance teacher/independent photography studio operator/fitness coach". In his self introduction, there is more than one "slash": he regards serving as a dance teacher in school as his "foundation for standing up"; Teaching yoga and aerobics in the gym is a manageable task; Running an independent photography studio during leisure time stems from interests and hobbies.

"Am I a bit greedy?" Xiao Lei said, "But I do love it all."

On young people like Xiaolei, the research team felt a positive energy and a proactive vision. Economic development, social openness, and changes in individual attitudes have posed a "multiple-choice question" in front of contemporary youth. Many young people with active thinking and broad interests have filled in multiple answers.

The Itch of Youth

Youth is charming, with sunshine, vitality, passion, and boldness... but it also has pains that bind the steps of growth.

Research has found that most young people pursue their dreams and pursue "poetry and distant places"; There are also some young people who are worried about gains and losses, experiencing fluctuations and confusion——

1. "Nit tribe"

Xiaolin, a young man born in the 1990s in Fuzhou, Fujian, studied Environmental Engineering Technology in college. After graduation, he joined an environmental protection technology company and resigned one year later. When asked about the reason, she complained about frequent business trips, remote locations, and daily dealing with sewage and waste, which made her increasingly uncomfortable.

After returning home, Xiaolin originally wanted to rest while looking for a job. "But it's too comfortable to stay at home chasing dramas and playing games every day. As time goes on, I don't want to go out anymore." Parents not only have to take care of food and drink, but also give monthly pocket money. Relatives helped introduce several jobs, but she refused them on the grounds of "not being free" and "too much pressure". After squatting at home for 6 years, she admitted that she didn't know if she could adapt to social life again.

It is heartbreaking that Xiaolin is not an exception.

The "Home Dwelling Self Help Alliance" group on a certain social media platform has gathered 66000 young people who have failed their education, do not want to find a job, and have been "squatting" at home for a long time. Some people feel insecure after being laid off, afraid of failure again, and never step out of their homes; Some people don't like to interact with others and lack motivation to work; Some people also bluntly say, "Working hard is too tiring, 'lying flat' is really comfortable"

These young people who are unwilling to work, addicted to the virtual world, and spend long periods of time at home "gnawing on the elderly" are known as the "nit tribe" by sociologists. According to the 2020 Global Youth Employment Trends Report released by the International Labour Organization, the phenomenon of the Nit ethnic group has become a global problem that troubles countries.

A parent in Henan told a research group, "After graduating from vocational high school, my child has been idle at home. He doesn't care about anything and just plays with his phone every day, becoming increasingly decadent. When he is urged to work, he makes a big fuss." The whole family is exhausted but helpless.

2. The phenomenon of "45 degrees"

The research team found that compared to the "lying flat" attitude of the "Nit tribe," more young people choose to "lie flat at 45 degrees" when facing high work pressure, intense peer competition, and high social expectations. They do not want to give up and do not want to do their best.

Chen Fei, a young man born in the 1990s from Suqian, Jiangsu, works in a public institution. He told the research team, "In county-level units like ours, the ceiling for upward mobility is too low, and the vast majority of people work until retirement, at most they are just department heads. In the past two years, I have worked overtime every day, and I haven't seen anything more than those who spend all day fishing. There is no sense of gain, why bother working hard?" Gradually, he learned to be "smart" and worked slowly, appearing to have a lot of work at hand and very busy, "so that the leader won't assign new tasks.".

Qin Li, who teaches at a university in Guizhou, has just turned 33 years old this year. He complained to the research team that he was not valued in the college, received few resources, and ranked according to seniority. "I can handle each class one by one, and I'm getting less and less enthusiastic. Anyway, the evaluation and awards have nothing to do with me. I also want to change careers. Firstly, I don't have the courage, and secondly, this ordinary university doesn't have the pressure of 'either promotion or leaving'. So, I just want to be an outsider and 'lie flat', which is quite comfortable!"

The head of the human resources department of a company in Changsha, Hunan Province, observed that nearly 40% of the company's employees hold a "just get by" attitude towards their work, and feel tired when the workload is slightly increased, thinking it is impossible to shirk. "They are not satisfied with their own state of being, but they do not have a clear career plan."

In the survey, many respondents reported that "sometimes they feel comfortable 'lying flat', and sometimes they fall into deep anxiety and self blame." "At the age of 26, they fantasize about life at 62." They are fond of contradictory expressions, such as calling themselves "useless" or forming a group to "mourn." Psychologists say that these young people are prone to feelings of loneliness and frustration, presenting a fragile psychological state.

3. "Neutral" status

Liu Jianfeng, a young man born in the 2000s from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, had thought of venturing into Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou when he graduated last year, but he was also worried about the cost of living and the high competition pressure in big cities. After returning to the county town, I found that finding a satisfactory job was not easy either. "Either the income is low, or it is unstable, and the risk of starting his own business is not small." He has not yet determined his job search direction.

Liu Jianfeng's state has been described by scholars as "neutral" - just like when driving in "neutral", lacking power transmission. They are new to society and have a willingness to strive, but lack direction and support, falling into a state of no sense of purpose.

He Jiangtao from Foshan, Guangdong has changed three jobs in the past two years after graduation. Firstly, he resigned from a state-owned enterprise in Guangzhou and went to a foreign company, feeling bored; When the industry is in a downturn, it is difficult to pay commissions, and I feel that there is no future, so I quit my job; Starting a business with a partner and conducting cultural curation, we finally received a few projects, but often received tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan in advance funding and didn't know when they would receive the payment, making them feel that "starting a business is too difficult, so let's just break up.". He Jiangtao was somewhat disheartened. Facing the persuasion of relatives to let him return to his hometown, he "didn't know whether to refuse or where to wander".

During the survey, many people reported that in the past few years, the COVID-19 epidemic has led to the reduction of jobs and opportunities, which has a negative impact on their pressure bearing capacity and future expectations; Risks such as excessive overtime, 35 year old layoffs, internal competition, and salary cuts leave them in a state of confusion and unsure of what to do.

Under this mentality, many young people follow the trend. Some people join the postgraduate entrance examination team, "I'll take it if others take it," and it's up to them to find a stable place as soon as possible. Some frequently switch jobs, and from one mountain to another, life is always elsewhere.

4. "Internet celebrity dream"

"I became envious after watching others make a lot of money from filming short videos, which led me to fall into the 'trap'. Xiaoran, a short video blogger born in the 1990s who lives in Shenyang, Liaoning, admitted that she had seen a screenshot of an internet celebrity posting" 150000 yuan in three days "on a certain platform before." I was immediately stimulated, I can't earn so much in a year of work! "

After tossing and turning for several days, Xiaoran decided to quit her job and start shooting short videos full-time. She even spent 7000 yuan to enroll in a crash course for this. During the six-month period, except for one or two videos with decent views, nothing else caused much hype. She had a twisted mindset - she specialized in filming exaggerated, vulgar, and controversial content, even at the cost of fabricating plots, "as long as there is traffic and fans can increase," until she was banned by the platform and finally woke up.

With the rise of new formats such as online live streaming, some inexperienced young people see it as a "trend" of low investment and high return. According to the Development Report of China's Online Performance Industry, as of December 2021, there have been nearly 140 million online performance anchor accounts in China, of which 40% are young people aged 24 to 30.

In the survey, some interviewed young people openly stated that their dream is to become "internet celebrities". "How tiring it is to work seriously. Being an online anchor, filming videos, and easily earning tens of thousands of yuan per month!" "Those bloggers with millions of fans are all ordinary people, aren't they?"

Under the influence of "Internet celebrity dreams", "rapid monetization" and "overnight wealth" have become the "aspirations" of many young people.

"For a period of time, I thought I could make a lot of money through online games, but not only did I waste time, but I also owed 130000 yuan in foreign debt. I worked hard and only paid it off after a few years." Cheng Wenhao, a young man born in the 1980s who works at an electronics company in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, said to himself. "I had fallen a lot and had to struggle to get up. I spent all day thinking about making fast money and lying down to earn it, either being deceived or going the wrong way.".

The Question of Youth

Research brings us joy: young people aspire to grow and become talented, are brave enough to strive for progress, and most are able to face difficulties and challenges rationally. They are willing to strengthen their weaknesses, hone their willpower, and cultivate a better version of themselves.

There are also lingering questions: what are the reasons behind the itch of youth? What impact will it have on the path of life? How to view it?

In the survey, many interviewees provided their own analysis——

1. Pursuing "undefined youth"

In a survey, when asked about "your ideal youthful appearance," this type of response is most typical: "Discover your versatility, constantly try new things, and not be someone else's shadow!"

The research team found that times are changing, and young people are also changing. In the context of rapid intergenerational changes, continuous iteration of business formats, and increasingly fierce competition, this generation of young people is no longer satisfied with a single dimensional "success model" and a "conventional" lifestyle. They pursue "undefined youth" with colorful struggle experiences.

"The era constantly creates new forms of young people's achievements and careers, and the country actively provides a combination of incentives for young people to persevere. Young people themselves have never lost the spiritual foundation to stand at the forefront. These subjective and objective conditions determine that contemporary young people are always the most dynamic and creative group." said Lv Xiaokang, a professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government Management at Nankai University.

In recent years, the Party and government have rectified the education and training industry, rectified the chaos in the "food circle", deepened the reform of the professional title system, promoted the "housing for all people" initiative, and strictly controlled the online gaming industry. A series of obstacles that hinder young people's entrepreneurship are being cleared. In the view of Hou Yanshe, a professor at the School of Marxism at Renmin University of China, these "combination fists" not only govern negative phenomena, but also provide institutional incentives and spiritual mobilization, empowering young people's growth while reducing pressure.

2. Self deprecation is a personality expression that relieves stress

Wang Zhen, who works as a real estate agent in Beijing, is born in 1985. At work, he often runs with soreness in his waist and legs, and talks with dryness in his mouth and tongue. Every morning, he spends over an hour taking the subway from Daxing to Chaoyang, squeezing into the rush hour crowd with his chest pressed against his back. Wang Zhen told the research team, "'Lying flat 'is my catchphrase, but in reality, I really can't lie down!"

Yang Zimu, who was admitted to a 985 university in Shanghai from the county seat of Anhui, claimed to be a "waste wood" but was a professional scholarship recipient, an active member of social practice and club activities, and a sports expert. "I feel a lot of pressure and often joke around, feeling quite relaxed," she told the research team.

Research has found that compared to their parents, contemporary youth have a more assertive personality and more outgoing expression.

"Faced with the 'all weather' work and academic pressure, they are unwilling to talk about 'hard work'. Self mocking the 'Buddhist style' and shouting 'lie flat' is actually an emotional release when feeling occasional anxiety and fatigue." Xie Yujin, a professor at the School of Marxism at Central University of Finance and Economics, believes.

Professor Lian Si from the Central Youth League School pointed out that in the face of increasing social pressure, some young people try to cope with it with a "defensive pessimism" mentality and relieve themselves in a humorous way. For example, for most young people, self deprecating "lying flat" is just a buffer, not a goal. We need to analyze the actual situation of "lying flat" on a case by case basis.

3. Youth are the most sensitive group to social changes

Young people are rich in dreams and most likely to perceive social changes. In the research, many experts use "barometers", "wind vane", and "probing needles" as metaphors to talk about youth.

In the past few decades, China's economy has grown rapidly, people's lives have significantly improved, and the education level of the labor force has significantly increased. People's expectations for future development, income, and employment have been constantly rising.

"Recent research has found that young people have significantly higher expectations of vertical mobility for individuals in the next five years than other age groups, especially among the 18-20 age group, where everyone believes that the social class in which an individual belongs will move upwards or remain unchanged in the next five years." said Wang Junxiu, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Zhang Liangxun, Deputy Director of the China Youth Research Center, believes that emotional expressions such as "lying flat" are a reflection of "problems that arise after development" in the mentality of young people. "Currently, the number of college graduates is constantly increasing, but the imbalanced and insufficient development cannot meet the demands of young people for better jobs and higher incomes. If high expectations cannot be achieved in the short term, it may bring a sense of loss and frustration to some young people, especially those who are employed for the first time."

Professor Li Hongxiu from the Education Department of Tianjin Normal University pointed out that many parents have high expectations for their children, hoping that they will become "dragons and phoenixes among people". However, excessive care in daily life also makes young people lack the ability to cope with stress and regulate emotions. Some people are prone to losing confidence after encountering setbacks in their studies and careers, and may even detach from society in the short term, develop into long-term abandonment of struggle, and even return to their families to "grow old".

4. The support chain from campus to society is not yet sound

In the survey, some young people who have just stepped into the workplace from the ivory tower coincidentally talked about a phenomenon: when they were in school, they longed to do a good job after graduation, but only after encountering several obstacles did they realize the obstacles and obstacles when looking for a job. Many graduates have shifted their career choice philosophy from "not settling for it" to "seeking stability", and even have slow employment, lazy employment, fear of employment, and lack of employment.

Lian Si refers to this sense of uncertainty and even fear as the "22 year old phenomenon". "After graduation, young people begin to feel the difficulties of work, life, and marriage and childbirth, especially when some young people encounter unexpected events and have insufficient personal life experience to cope with. If they do not receive timely help and guidance, they are prone to falling into negative emotions."

Professor Wang Yuhang from the National Institute of Opening up at the University of International Business and Economics believes that young people who have just entered society are actually full of ideals and enthusiasm in their hearts, but lack clear planning in their development direction

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The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet
The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【