His second hometown is at the Antarctic target | surface | Antarctica

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:45 AM

"Crossing the polar day and night, advancing from the edge of the ice sheet to the inland hinterland, exploring from the surface to Antarctic aviation, in order to explore the relevant design goals and field applications of energy information systems in ice and snow environments." Wang Yuchen, a member of China's 36th, 38th, and 39th Antarctic Expedition Teams, summarized his experience of three consecutive trips to Antarctica.

Recalling embarking on the path of Antarctic scientific research, Wang Yuchen attributed his motivation, courage, interest, and perseverance to his mentor. "My mentor Professor Dou Yinke often said, 'With 200% effort, strive for 1% hope.'"

In the 39th Antarctic scientific expedition mission, Wang Yuchen was mainly responsible for the installation and debugging of aviation research instruments, as well as the summarization and organization of data. "Because of my mentor's words, I repaired many seemingly irreparable instruments and equipment, and persisted in completing many tasks that I found difficult to complete a second time when looking back."

Scientific research in Antarctica is interesting, but of course, it is also fraught with difficulties. "The severely delayed network speed, inconvenient transportation conditions, limited resources, and harsh natural environment. Every scientific research requires several times more effort and energy than usual. However, these have not become obstacles for me to explore Antarctica," said Wang Yuchen.

During an inspection, the axle of the sled broke and the container on top tilted. At that time, it was snowstorm weather, with temperatures approaching minus 30 degrees Celsius. In this harsh situation, the mechanics crawled under the sled to repair the body, while Wang Yuchen and his research team members passed tools and blocked wind and snow to their teammates under the sled. "If you keep one motion still, your teammates under the sled will be completely buried by the heavy snow in just a few minutes," said Wang Yuchen.

Facing the cold wind, after about 2 hours of perseverance, the sled body was finally repaired and perfected, and the team set off again.

How did you persist in such a difficult environment? To answer this question, Wang Yuchen showed the romantic side of a science student: "Here, the air is always clean, night falls, moonlight can illuminate the road, and looking up at the starry sky, the Milky Way is like pouring milk soaking the night sky. Accompanied by aurora and starlight, I lie in the dug snow pit and gaze at the universe. The vast universe and the tiny me, humans and nature converse freely here. Like seeds buried in genes, Antarctica has become my second home."

On November 20, 1984, 591 members of China's first Antarctic expedition team departed from Shanghai and arrived at the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica after a journey of more than 30 days, starting the construction of the Antarctic Great Wall Station. It has been 39 years since then. "The huge waves in the westerly belt and the hurricanes in the southeast pole all witness the patriotism, pragmatism, innovation, and hard work of Chinese polar explorers." Wang Yuchen sighed.

"For me, the Antarctic scientific expedition is not only a rare experience, but also a imprint of youth." This post-90s doctor, who has tasted the ups and downs in Antarctica, smiled innocently in front of the camera wearing the red uniform of the scientific expedition team, revealing not only the youthful and promising appearance of a man from heaven and earth.

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