High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:56 PM

Pay attention to international focal points and gain insights into the world. Welcome to this episode of "High end Interview". The guest we are going to have a conversation with today is Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siarde. Eight years ago, he became the first European foreign minister to sign the "the Belt and Road" cooperation agreement with China. During the COVID-19 epidemic, he visited China twice to thank China for providing vaccines for Hungary. The Ukrainian crisis has escalated comprehensively for more than a year, and he appreciates the Chinese plan to promote peace talks. What are the new expectations for cooperation between the two countries from Foreign Minister Seydo during his visit to China? How can Hungary embark on its own development path in the face of a deeply changing international situation? Today, we are searching for answers together in the conversation.

Zou Yun: Mr. Foreign Minister, thank you very much for accepting the exclusive interview in the "High end Interview" column. You have visited China twice in the past few years, but both were during the COVID-19 epidemic. Your experience during your visit to China must have been different, and now everything is back on track. How do you feel?

SIALDO: I think the COVID-19 epidemic has brought serious challenges to all of us and affected all of us, but it also highlights the friendship between the two countries and nations. During this difficult period, we have proven that the two countries can rely on each other.

Zou Yun: Indeed, both sides have experienced ups and downs.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Seardo: Yes. During the most difficult period, Hungary successfully purchased vaccines from China, which was of great help to us. Because at that time, the European Commission could not guarantee the necessary vaccines for European countries, so we had to wait for the vaccines. Some patients have passed away, and our healthcare system is under tremendous pressure. Therefore, we have decided to negotiate with China and Russia regarding the purchase of vaccines. After clear research and judgment, our experts believe that the vaccines of Sinopharm can save people's lives and reduce the death rate of COVID-19 infection. Therefore, we have vaccinated over one million Hungarians with the National Pharmaceutical Group's vaccine, which is very helpful for us. We acted quickly and raced against time, which also helped us reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the economy.

Zou Yun: Hungary is a friend of China in Europe. The two countries have established a profound friendship and achieved many milestone achievements. As you said, Hungary is the first EU member country to recognize and use Chinese vaccines during the COVID-19 epidemic, the first European country to sign a memorandum of understanding on "the Belt and Road" cooperation with China, and the first Central and Eastern European country to set up a RMB clearing bank and issue people's currency bonds. Mr. Foreign Minister, how do you define the bilateral relationship between the two countries? How do you view the future development of bilateral relations?

Seardo: This is not by chance. A few years ago, the leaders of both sides elevated the positioning of the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. When it comes to strategic cooperation, we are not just talking about it, but actively promoting it. It has been proven that in the past few years, bilateral cooperation has served the common interests of both countries. And I think the key to this is that we have always established partnerships based on mutual respect. We never teach Chinese people how to live their lives well; We have never attempted to teach Chinese people what kind of lifestyle they should adopt; We have always refused to accept pressure from within Europe on our country, and have refused to judge, criticize, and preach about China. So I believe that the mutually respectful relationship between the two countries has brought significant results. In addition to the cooperation achievements you have listed, I would like to add that we are very proud to have become the largest investment destination for Chinese companies in the Central European region. In recent years, China has become Hungary's largest source of investment for many consecutive years. This year should be the same. Many large Chinese companies have decided to invest in Hungary. CATL is the world's largest manufacturer of new energy vehicle batteries and is about to complete the largest green space investment in the history of Hungarian economic development. More Chinese new energy vehicle companies are deploying their European production capacity in Hungary. This is very important to us because we have never seen China as a risk or threat. We have always rejected this approach in Europe. Therefore, we cannot understand the argument of "decoupling" or "de risk". Because there is no "risk", why talk about "reducing risk"? We have always believed that we can cooperate with China to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and we will continue to do so in the future.

Zou Yun: After the April NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting, you said that Hungary does not want NATO to become an anti China group, and emphasized the importance of mutually beneficial cooperation rather than confrontation. Why are you making such a statement? What role do you think Hungary can play in strengthening China Europe cooperation?

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Seattle: When other countries see China as an opponent, to be honest, I don't understand why.

Zou Yun: What do you think of China?

Seattle: We view China as a partner, a country that brings enormous opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation. If you view a country as a competitor, it means you will engage in competition, your partners and other countries will also participate, and then you will fall into competition with each other. I don't think Hungary will compete with China in any field and become a competitor to China. Therefore, instead of discussing competition, risks, and threats, we should study how to cooperate and how to leverage advantages. I remember in 2010, the GDP of EU countries accounted for 22% of the world's total, while China accounted for 9%. Last year, the proportion of China's gross domestic product in the world increased to 18%, while Europe accounted for 17%. This means that things have changed in the past thirteen to fourteen years, with China's share surpassing that of Europe. I think China should not be seen as a threat or risk. We should cooperate with China and develop together. Our way of proving this is by treating China fairly and successfully attracting a large amount of investment into Hungary. This helps Hungary's economy maintain growth, create new employment opportunities, ensure people's living standards, bring the country's most advanced modern technology, and maintain continuous progress. We can prove that there are indeed many benefits to cooperating with China, which is much greater than the benefits of viewing China as a threat or risk.

Zou Yun: So you mentioned that Hungary has become the intersection of Eastern and Western investment.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Seardo: That's right, that's right. We always believe in interconnectivity, and we firmly believe that global sharing of labor resources is a good thing. Therefore, we firmly oppose dividing the world into different camps again. Unfortunately, many aspects are currently developing in an unfavorable direction.

Zou Yun: That's exactly the question I want to ask. You just emphasized, and have repeatedly emphasized on different occasions, that we believe in interconnectivity and support the establishment and maintenance of connections rather than forming cliques. But now the world is shrouded in emotions of anti globalization and unilateralism.

Seattle: We attach great importance to this series of global initiatives because they are highly aligned with our strategy and align with our historical experience. Hungary is located in the Central European region, which has been a loser in various conflicts between the East and the West in modern history, as countries caught in the cracks are unable to benefit. Throughout our decades of history, whenever there is a conflict between the East and the West, regardless of the reason, timing, and stakeholders, we are always the losers. We don't want to be associated with failure anymore, we want to stand on the side of victory. Therefore, we are eager to achieve interconnectivity and promote cooperation between the East and the West. That's why we have always supported Eurasian cooperation. Unfortunately, due to the crisis in Ukraine, the situation has become increasingly complex. We regret to see that the connections between the East and the West are gradually weakening, and we do not know whether these severed connections will be restored in the future, nor do we know how long it will take.The more we work hard to consolidate multilateralism, the more we can reduce the various adverse situations and their consequences we see.

Zou Yun: You once said that you are very proud because you became the first European foreign minister to sign the memorandum of understanding on "the Belt and Road" cooperation with China in the summer of 2015. Mr. Foreign Minister, what makes you so proud? What is your vision for new developments in the future?

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Seardo: When we came to power in 2010, our government had already realized that maintaining stability requires being down-to-earth. Therefore, although we are members of Western integration alliances such as NATO and the European Union, we must also engage with Eastern countries. Because we already understood at that time that Eastern countries were developing rapidly. For us, it is evident that at some point in time, in fact last year, the East and the West will reach equilibrium. Therefore, we attach great importance to establishing connections with Eastern countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea, which have contributed significantly to global economic growth. The "the Belt and Road" initiative can help remote regions achieve connectivity, so I am honored to be the first European foreign minister to sign a cooperation agreement. We will continue to carry out more projects under the "the Belt and Road" framework. We are renovating and upgrading the Hungary Serbia Railway, which will connect Budapest with the capital of our southern neighbor Serbia, Belgrade. If we had not joined the "the Belt and Road" initiative early, this project would not have been realized, at least not in this form.

Hungarians refer to their country as the "westernmost Eastern country" and the "easternmost Western country". In the current trend of the world's economic center shifting eastward, Hungary adheres to the policy of "opening up to the east" and strengthens economic and trade cooperation with Eastern countries.

Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Hungary has been calling for a ceasefire, refusing to follow closely with the United States, and unwilling to be seen as a pawn on the European "chessboard". Hungarian Prime Minister Orban has repeatedly stated that Europe needs strategic sovereignty and should maintain an independent and autonomous policy in international affairs. When the European Commission submitted multiple rounds of sanctions against Russia, Hungary repeatedly voted against them, believing that the sanctions would endanger Hungary's energy security and the development of Europe. Orban once metaphorically said, "At first I thought we were just shooting at our own feet, but the result showed that we were shooting at our own lungs, causing the European economy to gasp for breath."

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: Some Western leaders have been blinded by the war frenzy. I heard them give provocative speeches, urging the Ukrainian army to make more sacrifices on the battlefield. The consequence of doing so is that more and more deadly weapons are being transported to Ukraine.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: Speaking of the current crisis in Ukraine, you have repeatedly stated that the solution proposed by Europe has not been effective, and the only way to resolve the dispute is through ceasefire and peace talks. Mr. Foreign Minister, I think this is why Hungary did not provide weapons and other military equipment to Ukraine like some EU or NATO member countries, but instead provided large-scale humanitarian aid to Ukraine. So, what do you think is the biggest challenge in obstructing a ceasefire?

Seardo: I think the biggest problem is that the transatlantic camp is mostly talking about war, and there are many voices advocating for war.

Zou Yun: But this is of no use, right?

Seardo: It's useless. This is a tragedy, a complete tragedy. We are a neighboring country of Ukraine, and we have experienced a huge humanitarian crisis triggered by war. We have received over one million refugees from Ukraine, despite our short border with Ukraine. Please imagine the situation faced by Romania or Poland. In order to avoid more casualties and prevent more people from losing their lives, we must end this war.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: How to end this war?

Seardo: An immediate ceasefire is necessary before peace talks can begin. Because war is always the product of diplomatic failure, while peace is the result of diplomatic success. We should create space for diplomacy, and we should leave room and space for initiating peace talks. But as long as there are countries that believe they can solve problems on the battlefield, things will become increasingly complex. Therefore, China's role is extremely important. I have said that the current discourse on war is louder than the call for peace. So the peace camp must make a sound and raise the volume. So Hungary is happy to see China's stance document on promoting peace talks, and we attach great importance to it. We support this document and hope that it can lay the foundation for achieving peace in Ukraine.

Zou Yun: As you said, Hungary supports and recognizes China's fair and objective position on the Ukraine issue, and praises China's efforts to promote peace talks. Can you provide specific feedback on China's recent stance paper on resolving the Ukrainian crisis?

Seardo: We have two strong reasons to support this plan. Firstly, a country has finally proposed a plan. Having a plan is very important. Secondly, the plan advocates for peace. At present, there are very few plans on how to achieve peace, unfortunately, there are many more statements on how to continue the war. Therefore, the position paper proposed by the Chinese government should be supported. Because it is conducive to creating space for peace talks, which will ultimately lead to a sustainable peace agreement, which may be the foundation of a future European security framework. We must include Russia in Europe's future plans, otherwise we will achieve nothing. Therefore, it is very important to comprehensively discuss how to achieve peace, how to maintain peace in Europe in the future, and what role Russia will play in it. We can talk about excluding Russia from the future of Europe, but this is an unrealistic illusion.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: The NATO Secretary General recently stated that all member states have agreed that Ukraine will eventually join NATO. However, the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Borrell, stated that this is not something that the NATO Secretary General can decide alone, and Ukraine has not yet been considered for membership. Mr. Foreign Minister, what's going on? What is Hungary's position on further expansion of NATO?

Sialdo: Hungary supports expansion for both NATO and the European Union. However, expanding employees also requires rules and regulations. NATO must not be involved in conflicts, and we must do our best to avoid any form of direct confrontation between Russia and NATO. Obviously, any country in a state of war cannot join NATO, and this is not feasible. Because all new members of NATO want to make NATO safer, not the opposite. So there is no doubt that Ukraine's accession to NATO is completely unrealistic now. Ukraine has become a candidate country for joining the European Union. But to become a member of the European Union, a country must meet a series of factual and clear prerequisites. Our position is very clear, there is no shortcut to joining the European Union.

Zou Yun: The energy issue is one of the main problems facing Europe after the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis. Last year, the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline caused a heavy blow to European energy. Hungary expresses support for a comprehensive, in-depth, orderly, and detailed investigation into this matter. Mr. Foreign Minister, why do you think it is important to conduct such an investigation? What impact does the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline have on Hungary's energy security?

Seardo: Energy supply security is a sovereign issue. Because if this cannot be achieved, a country cannot make decisions independently and will be constrained by external factors. Therefore, energy supply security is not only a security issue, but also a sovereignty issue. If an attack is launched on critical infrastructure related to energy security, it should be regarded as an attack on the sovereignty of a certain country or countries. The Nord Stream is a critical infrastructure in Europe, and according to our understanding, blasting or destroying critical infrastructure is an act of terrorism. The fact is that there has not yet been a comprehensive, fair, and impartial international investigation into this behavior. This is too outrageous! This is a scandal! My question is, how could someone possibly blow up critical infrastructure in Europe without anyone giving an explanation? No one condemns it? No one is conducting an investigation either?

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: Many Western media have not even reported on this.

Seardo: This itself indicates many issues. Our country has made a lot of efforts in recent years to ensure energy supply security. We have jointly built a pipeline with Russia, Türkiye, Bulgaria and Serbia, called the "Türkiye Stream" pipeline, through which natural gas is transported from Russia to Hungary. A few years ago, when we were building pipelines, we faced strong threats and even sanctions from our partners and allies. They said we shouldn't build a pipeline that doesn't pass through Ukraine. We say, listen, for us, our own energy security comes first. It is obvious that we hope to have a safe transit transportation pipeline. It has been proven that if we had not built this pipeline a few years ago, we would not be able to guarantee the country's energy supply now. We do not have natural gas ourselves. If we cannot guarantee the supply, then industry cannot operate, the economy cannot operate, and we cannot provide heating for people's houses and residences. Now we have secure energy and natural gas supplies, thanks to the pipeline we have built. The supplier country is reliable, and the transit country is also very reliable.

Zou Yun: Mr. Foreign Minister, you were only 36 years old when you became the Foreign Minister of Hungary. In the past decade, the world landscape has experienced unprecedented challenges and changes. So, what is your main experience in assuming this position?

Seattle: I think what has happened in recent years has proven that only countries that are not afraid of pressure and adhere to national interests can become stronger. If a country abandons its national interests, strategic assets, and cannot resist pressure and adhere to its traditions, culture, religion, and ethnic characteristics, then the country will be lost. I believe that the challenges in recent years have shown that Hungarians can maintain success because we respond to the crisis we face in a "Hungarian way". We are not moving towards the so-called "international mainstream".

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: What is the uniqueness of the "Hungarian way"? Is it adhering to one's own beliefs?

Seattle: The key lies in where the compass of national development points. Our compass always points in the direction of safeguarding national interests. We always prioritize national interests and take corresponding actions. During the European immigration wave, we did not allow immigrants to enter Hungary without restrictions. We have always maintained decision-making power, making independent decisions on who is allowed to enter and who is not allowed to enter. We have set up walls along the border. When the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, we did not wait for the European Commission to reach an agreement with vaccine manufacturers, but purchased vaccines from Eastern countries. When it comes to war, we have made it clear that our top priority is to avoid being drawn into it and to protect the Hungarians from the impact of war and its consequences. So we do not provide weapons and make every effort to ensure national security.

Zou Yun: You used to be a professional five-a-side football player.

Seardo: Not a professional athlete.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: In a competition, team unity and cooperation are crucial. Is there any similarity between five-a-side football and diplomacy?

Seattle: There are many similarities between sports and politics. Both are team collaborations. Ultimately, we need to rely on our teammates and team. Regardless of individual abilities, the sum of abilities of team members is the most important. Of course, you also need to correct your mistakes. You need to have enough courage to fight for yourself. Even when facing stronger opponents, you must fully respond and never give up. So, I believe that the experience on the football field can also be well applied to politics.

Because recently, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang emphasized during his visit to Europe that Taiwan's return to the motherland is an integral part of the post World War II international order, but some countries are trying to distort China's internal affairs into international issues.How do you view China's goal of achieving national reunification?

Seardo: We adhere to the One China principle. There is no doubt about this. This indicates our position. We always support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries in the world, including China. We are concerned that some statements and actions may have serious consequences in China and surrounding areas. Therefore, we urge all countries to respect the One China principle, just like us.

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

Zou Yun: Mr. Foreign Minister, it is an honor to have a conversation with you. Thank you for sharing your experience and valuable insights. Thank you.

Seardo: Thank you for this interview opportunity. Thank you!

Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyardo wrote in an interview with Taiwan:

Salute to the great Chinese people!

High end Interview | Exclusive Interview with Hungarian Foreign Minister Siyar Multi Focus | International | Foreign Minister

During the interview, Foreign Minister Seydo talked to us about numerous international hot topics, including the Ukraine crisis, NATO's eastward expansion, and the explosion of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline. He stated that Hungary's compass always points towards safeguarding national interests, and in his view, the best way to safeguard national interests is to cherish peace, eliminate disputes, and cooperate for mutual benefit.

Chief Planner | Shen Haixiong

Director System | Li Ting

Producer | Chen Jie

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