Heavyweight! 20 Measures to Restore and Expand Consumption Release Express Delivery | Consumption | Heavy Duty

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:14 PM

The General Office of the State Council Forwards the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Measures to Restore and Expand Consumption

State Office Letter [2023] No. 70

To the people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as to the ministries and commissions of the State Council and directly affiliated institutions:

The Measures for Restoring and Expanding Consumption issued by the National Development and Reform Commission have been approved by the State Council and are now forwarded to you for careful implementation.

General Office of the State Council

July 28, 2023

Measures for restoring and expanding consumption

National Development and Reform Commission

In order to deeply implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, fully leverage the fundamental role of consumption in economic development, and continuously enhance the sustainable driving force of high-quality development, in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the following measures are proposed to restore and expand consumption.

General 1. requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and strive to promote high quality Development, give priority to the restoration and expansion of consumption, optimize the virtuous circle promotion mechanism of employment, income distribution and consumption chain, enhance consumption capacity, improve consumption conditions, and innovate consumption scenarios, fully tap the advantages of the super-large-scale market, smooth the economic cycle, release consumption potential, and better meet the needs of the people for a high quality life.

——Adhere to a better combination of an effective market and a promising government. Adhere to market laws and consumption trends, fully leverage the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of the government, accelerate the construction of a unified national market, improve service quality, stimulate market vitality, unleash potential demand, and strive to create a good ecology for promoting consumption upgrading.

——Adhere to a better combination of optimizing supply and expanding demand. Integrate the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening the supply side structural reform, enhance the adaptability and flexibility of the supply structure to changes in demand, expand new consumption spaces, create new consumption scenarios, enrich consumption experiences, and lead and create new market demands with high-quality supply.

——Adhere to a better combination of quality upgrading and innovative development. Highlighting the popularization and inclusiveness, accelerating the construction of urban and rural consumption infrastructure, improving the long-term mechanism for expanding household consumption, effectively protecting consumer rights, creating a convenient and trustworthy consumption environment, and continuously improving consumer convenience, comfort, and satisfaction.

2. stable bulk consumption

Optimize car purchase use management. Regions are not allowed to add new car purchase restrictions, and regions that have implemented purchase restrictions optimize car purchase restrictions according to local conditions. Efforts to promote the full abolition of second-hand car restrictions, facilitate the registration of second-hand car transactions and other policies have been introduced to take effect. Promote the consumption of cars for renewal, encourage trade-in, and shall not impose discriminatory policies on non-locally produced cars. Increase financial support for automobile consumption. Increase the supply of urban parking spaces, improve parking conditions in crowded places and scenic spots, and promote the sharing and utilization of parking resources.

Expand the consumption of new energy vehicles. Implement policies such as building a high-quality charging infrastructure system, supporting new energy vehicles to go to rural areas, and continuing and optimizing the reduction and exemption of new energy vehicle purchase tax. Scientifically layout and moderately advance the construction of charging infrastructure system, accelerate the promotion and application of battery swapping modes, and effectively meet the charging and swapping needs of residents for travel. Promote the optimization layout of public charging infrastructure in residential areas and implement residential electricity prices, study the implementation of peak and valley time of use electricity pricing policies for charging infrastructure, and promote the reduction of electricity costs for new energy vehicles.

Support the demand for rigid and improved housing. We will do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, people's livelihoods, and stability, improve the basic system and support policies for housing security, expand the supply of affordable rental housing, and focus on solving the housing problems of new citizens, young people, and other groups facing housing difficulties. Steadily promoting the renovation of old residential areas, further leveraging the role of special residential maintenance funds in the renovation of old residential areas and the renovation of old residential elevators, and continuing to support urban residents in extracting housing provident fund for the installation of elevators and other self occupied housing renovations. Actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages in mega cities. We will continue to promote the project of improving the quality and safety of rural houses, continue to implement the renovation of dilapidated rural houses, support the seismic renovation of rural houses in areas with 7 degrees or above of fortification, encourage synchronous energy-saving renovation and quality improvement of rural houses, and improve the living conditions of rural residents.

Enhance the consumption of home decoration, home furnishings, and electronic products. Promote household decoration consumption and encourage the integration of fully intelligent indoor assembly. Promote smart home appliances, integrated home appliances, functional furniture and other products to enhance the level of smart and green home furnishings. Accelerate the implementation of home appliance after-sales service improvement actions. Deepen the exchange of old appliances for new ones and strengthen the recycling of waste household appliances. Utilize new technologies such as ultra-high definition video, virtual reality, and flexible displays to promote supply side technological innovation and upgrade of electronic products. Support wearable devices and smart product consumption, and create new scenarios for electronic product consumption applications.

3. Expanding Service Consumption

Expanding consumption of food and beverage services. Advocate healthy food and beverage consumption, oppose food and beverage waste, support food festivals in various places, create special food districts, and carry out food and beverage promotion activities. According to local conditions to optimize the catering establishments to extend the relevant provisions of business hours. Cultivate the mode of "central kitchen cold chain logistics catering store of planting and breeding base", tap the potential of prefabricated vegetable market, accelerate the construction of prefabricated vegetable base, fully embody the principles of safety, nutrition and health, and improve the catering quality and distribution standardization level. Promote transparent kitchen, let consumers eat at ease.

Enrich cultural and tourism consumption. Fully implement the paid leave system, encourage staggered leave and flexible work schedules, and promote holiday consumption. Strengthen the integration of regional tourism brands and services, and actively organize cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities. Improve tourism infrastructure, strengthen the construction of smart scenic spots, and improve the quality of tourism services. Encourage various regions to formulate and implement policies such as scenic spot ticket reduction and free opening during off-season. On the basis of ensuring the autonomous choice of tourists, we support the cooperation of scenic spots in different regions to promote a joint ticket model, and encourage scenic spots to implement a one ticket multiple use system based on actual conditions, better meeting the diverse needs of tourists. Promote the standardized and innovative development of nighttime cultural and tourism consumption, guide museums, cultural centers, amusement parks, etc. to extend their opening hours, and support the construction of a "24-hour living circle" in areas with conditions. Create an immersive new space for performing arts and build a new type of cultural and tourism consumption cluster.

Heavyweight! 20 Measures to Restore and Expand Consumption Release Express Delivery | Consumption | Heavy Duty

Promote consumption of cultural and sports exhibitions. Accelerate the approval process and continue to release excellent film works and artistic performances. Optimize the approval process, strengthen safety supervision and service guarantee, and increase the supply of large-scale events such as drama festivals, music festivals, art festivals, anime festivals, and concerts. Encourage the hosting of various sports events and increase the audience for offline and online sports events. Vigorously develop intelligent sports equipment and enhance the level of scientific fitness intelligence. Implement the action of improving the facilities of national fitness venues, strengthen the construction of sports parks, and make up for the shortcomings of national fitness facilities. Select and determine a new batch of national sports consumption pilot cities. Encourage all regions to increase policy support for activities such as product exhibitions, expos, trade fairs, shopping festivals, folk festivals, brand exhibitions, and specialty markets, and further expand exhibition consumption. Carry out activities such as "Time honored Brand Carnival" to promote brand consumption.

Enhance consumption of health services. Adhere to the equal emphasis on traditional Chinese and Western medicine, promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources, jointly build medical consortia such as urban medical groups and county-level medical communities, strengthen basic medical and health services, improve service quality and level, and focus on increasing high-quality traditional Chinese medicine, health care, rehabilitation, health tourism and other services. Develop "Internet plus medical health", further improve the Internet diagnosis and treatment charging policy, and gradually include eligible "Internet plus" medical services into the medical insurance payment scope. Develop services and products for health management, daily care, and rehabilitation for the elderly, and support various institutions in organizing senior universities and participating in senior education. Actively expanding the supply of inclusive services and promoting the improvement and efficiency of public consumption.

4. promotes rural consumption

To carry out green products to the countryside. Regions where conditions permit can provide appropriate subsidies for green smart home appliances to the countryside, home appliances for new ones, etc., and provide differentiated policy support according to product energy efficiency and water efficiency. Carry out activities of green building materials to the countryside, and encourage areas with conditions to provide appropriate subsidies or loan discounts for the consumption of green building materials.

Improve the rural e-commerce and express logistics distribution system. Vigorously develop rural live streaming e-commerce and instant retail, and promote e-commerce platforms and enterprises to enrich the supply of products and services for rural areas. Improve the three-level express logistics and distribution system in counties and rural areas, accelerate the comprehensive level of e-commerce and express delivery in rural areas, support the construction and transformation of county-level logistics and distribution centers and township logistics stations, integrate postal, express, supply and marketing, e-commerce and other resources, promote intensive distribution, and encourage rural passenger vehicles to transport mail and express. Build village level postal and logistics comprehensive service stations, install intelligent express boxes in rural areas with conditions, increase the density of rural retail outlets, and gradually reduce logistics and distribution costs.

Promote characteristic products to enter the city. Deepen the promotion of agricultural production and the "three products and one standard" of agricultural products, develop product industries with distinct regional, ethnic, and local characteristics, vigorously develop rural e-commerce and contract agriculture, and broaden the upward channel for characteristic agricultural products. Guide various online and offline platforms to continuously increase consumer assistance efforts, open special halls, areas, and counters to promote the smooth sales of characteristic products in poverty-stricken areas, drive farmers to increase their income and wealth, and enhance their consumption capacity.

Vigorously develop rural tourism. Promote the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" and build livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas. Implement the cultural industry empowerment plan for rural revitalization, protect and inherit excellent local culture, revitalize and tap into rural cultural and tourism resources, and improve the efficiency of rural cultural and tourism facilities. Promote the implementation of rural homestay service certification, cultivate and release a batch of graded tourism homestays, and create a batch of high-quality homestays. Support the development of forest homes, forest trails, health oxygen bars, starry sky camping, motels and other products by business entities, and create a number of new formats such as beautiful countryside, landscape agriculture, agricultural experience, wilderness exploration, outdoor sports, and study tours tailored to local conditions, expanding rural ecological tourism and leisure tourism.

5. expand new consumption

Expand digital consumption. We will promote the construction of digital consumption infrastructure and enrich the application scenarios of the fifth generation mobile communication network and gigabit optical network. Accelerate the digital transformation of traditional consumption and promote the standardized development of digital consumption such as e-commerce, live broadcast economy and online entertainment. Support the integrated development of online and offline commodity consumption, and improve the quality level of online shopping festival. Develop new retail formats such as instant retail and smart stores. Encourage digital technology enterprises to build digital platforms for life services, promote the intelligence of digital life, and create digital consumption formats and intelligent immersive service experiences. Strengthen security supervision such as mobile payment. Upgrade information consumption, promote the construction and transformation of information consumption experience centers, improve the level of information consumption demonstration city construction, hold a series of high-quality information consumption activities, and promote the integration and application of a new generation of information technology and more consumption fields. Promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform economy, continue to promote innovation and breakthroughs, open up more new fields and new races, and further improve service standards in related fields.

Promote green consumption. Actively develop the green and low-carbon consumption market, improve the production and promotion mechanism of green and low-carbon products, and promote the green renewal and quality upgrading of durable consumer goods for residents. Establish a sound standard system for energy conservation, low-carbon, and green manufacturing, improve the certification and labeling system for green products, and encourage the development of group and enterprise standards in advance. Widely carry out actions to create thrifty government agencies, green families, green communities, and green transportation, oppose extravagance, waste, and excessive consumption, advocate rational consumption, and accelerate the formation of a simple, moderate, green, and low-carbon lifestyle and consumption model.

6. improve consumption facilities

Accelerate the cultivation of multi-level consumer centers. Deepen the construction of international consumption center cities, scientific layout, cultivate and develop a number of regional consumption centers and local characteristic consumption centers. Further promote the construction of Hainan international tourism consumption center. We will upgrade the urban commercial system, promote the transformation and upgrading of pedestrian streets, develop intelligent business circles, create a "quarter of an hour" convenient living circle, build a hierarchical and classified urban consumption carrier, and improve the convenience of residents' consumption. Strengthen community convenience services, rationally distribute services such as elderly care, child care, catering, housekeeping, retail, express delivery, fitness, hairdressing, maintenance, and recycling of waste materials, and promote the construction of a complete community.

Efforts will be made to fill the gaps in consumer infrastructure. Combining the promotion of urban renewal, strengthening the hardware functional connection between the transformation of existing areas and supporting the development of new consumer scenarios. Strengthen the construction of county-level commercial systems, construct and renovate a number of township commercial centers, markets, and new rural convenience stores, and promote the transformation and upgrading of key commercial streets and alleys. Steadily promote the construction of cold chain facilities in production and sales areas, fill the gaps in cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural product storage and preservation, and promote the two-way integration of urban and rural cold chain networks.

Improve support policies for consumer infrastructure construction. Implement special investment policies to promote consumption, support the construction of consumer infrastructure, equipment updates and upgrades, and upgrade key production lines. Include eligible projects in the scope of local government special bond support. Support the issuance of real estate investment trust funds for eligible consumer infrastructure. Support the reasonable land use needs of various regions to ensure the construction of consumer infrastructure. Allow enterprises to build temporary simple buildings on construction land in strict accordance with the requirements of civilized city standards and relevant regulations on temporary construction and planning management in the location, while complying with national spatial planning, not changing the structure and nature of land use, and ensuring safety, to expand new consumption scenarios.

7. optimize the consumption environment

Strengthen financial support for the consumer sector. Guide financial institutions to increase comprehensive financial support for accommodation and catering, cultural tourism, sports and health, elderly care, and housekeeping services in a market-oriented manner. Pay more attention to real consumer behavior as the basis, strengthen the use and flow of consumer credit supervision, and promote a reasonable increase in consumer credit. On the basis of strengthening the construction of the credit system, reasonably optimize the interest rate, repayment period and credit line of small consumer credit and credit card.

Continuously improving the quality of consumer services. Comprehensively carry out the action of reassuring consumption and improve the service standards in key service consumption areas. We will crack down on counterfeit and shoddy behavior in accordance with the law, continue to promote the creation of trustworthy markets, trustworthy stores, trustworthy online stores, trustworthy catering, trustworthy scenic spots, and trustworthy factories, accelerate the formation of a closed-loop trustworthy consumption system that includes returns and exchanges, quality traceability, clear pricing, supervision, and evaluation, and create a trustworthy consumption environment.

Improve the long-term mechanism for promoting consumption. Further improve the mechanism for promoting consumption. Explore the establishment of a consumption dynamic big data monitoring platform system, and conduct research and compilation of consumption outlook indices. Accelerate the construction of consumer credit system. Continuously deepening reforms, accelerating the clearance of various regulations and practices that restrict consumption, orderly breaking down institutional and hidden barriers in the consumption field, and promoting the coordination and unity of standards, rules, and policies in different regions and industries.

All relevant departments should fully leverage the existing interdepartmental collaboration mechanisms, strengthen collaborative linkage, strengthen supervision and implementation, and refine work plans and supporting policies based on actual conditions. Each region should strengthen its territorial responsibility, improve its work mechanism, carefully organize and implement measures tailored to local conditions, explore effective practices, and effectively promote the implementation and effectiveness of various measures.

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At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【