He went from being a police officer to a prisoner, and mistakenly became a member of the Three Teachings and Nine Streams. He once worked for the Young Heroes program | Cases | Heroes

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:02 PM

Editor's note:

In theory, those who pledge loyalty to the party when joining should not deviate from their original intention or forget their mission;

In theory, those who have been promoted and entrusted with important responsibilities should not abuse their power for personal gain or seek pleasure;

In theory, those who have received educational warnings should not knowingly violate and try the law;

But there are not so many "reasonable" cases in life where one's actions are wrong and one mistake becomes the "case" of regret that is too late

In order to thoroughly implement the work concept of the sixth plenary session of the eleventh session of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on firmly establishing the integrated promotion of "three non corruption" through the investigation and handling of cases, and to do a deep, practical and detailed investigation and handling of cases "the second half of the article", so that party members and cadres dare not fear because of fear, cannot because of the system, and do not think because of awareness, from March 29, 2022, the "Incorruptible Sichuan" website and WeChat official account launched the column of "Case Theory", which effectively promoted the interpretation of discipline, explanation and warning with cases.

Stay tuned.

Yi Gang, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Gongjing Branch of Zigong Public Security Bureau


Yi Gang, male, born in October 1975, from Zigong, Sichuan. He joined the work in July 1994 and joined the CPC in December 2001. He used to be the head of the United Police Station of Da'an Branch of Zigong Public Security Bureau, the leader of the patrol and control team of Da'an Branch, and the member and deputy director of the Party committee of Gongjing Branch. In July 2020, he underwent disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Da'an District.

In December 2020, Yi Gang was expelled from the Party and held public office due to his serious violation of Party discipline, which constituted a violation of his duties and was suspected of committing a crime; In December 2021, Yi Gang was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and fined 330000 yuan in accordance with the law for the crimes of bribery, bribery, bending the law for personal gain, and opening a casino.

[Case Regret]


In the detention room, the investigators sat opposite Yi Gang, who remained silent. Faced with this police officer with rich experience in handling cases and interrogations, the investigators remained patient. After a long silence, the investigators decided to leave. At the moment they stood up, Yi Gang slowly spoke up, "You may not have thought that I used to be a hero..." The investigators paused and looked at Yi Gang seriously. At this moment, Yi Gang's eyes were red and he completely repented.

Formerly a young hero

Mistakenly submitting to the Three Teachings and Nine Streams

Yi Gang was born into an ordinary family in the 1970s and grew up in the 1980s and 1990s when Jin Yong's martial arts novels were popular. The martial arts heroes who leapt to the screen buried a "heroic dream" in the heart of the young Yi Gang, who once admired justice and aspired to punish evil and promote good. In 1997, at the age of 22, Yi Gang successfully became a glorious police officer. At that time, he was full of ambition and believed that he finally had a stage to realize his "heroic dream".

On a late night in the early summer of 2001, while on duty, Yi Gang received instructions from the command center that three gunmen were robbing a taxi driver in his jurisdiction. Yi Gang immediately brought a police officer to the scene of the crime. After fierce struggle, Yi Gang subdued all three robbers. During the post inspection, Yi Gang found that the three "gun guns" held by the robbers were all filled with steel balls and iron sand.

"At that time, I was only thinking about saving people and completely disregarding danger." Looking back at the scene, Yi Gang's eyes showed a rare expression.

With outstanding work performance, Yi Gang quickly grew into a instructor, director, and patrol control team leader. However, as his time as a police officer increased and his position was promoted, some social "three teachings and nine streams" gradually emerged around Yi Gang. He was usually invited to eat and socialize, and gifts of cigarettes and alcohol were given to him during holidays and festivals.

The wind rises at the end of the green duckweed, and the waves form between the gentle waves. The transformation of thoughts often begins with small things. "At that time, I felt that these were normal interactions between friends, as long as they didn't charge any money, it didn't matter." Yi Gang was already caught up in the "warm water boiled frog" style of "hunting," but he was completely unaware of it.

In his interactions, Yi Gang discovered that the world of his "friends" was very "exciting", and he enjoyed drinking, eating, playing cards, and singing with them. Through frequent cup pushing and cup changing, he became "good brothers" with those people. However, some "friendship like lilies", although initially "sweet", are ultimately "a cup of poisonous wine". Whether it's "reminiscing about the past while eating" or "seeking warmth while seeking comfort from the cold", behind them are "poachers" who intentionally make "emotional investments" after seeing the enforcement power in Yi Gang's hands. Until the incident, Yi Gangfang woke up like a dream.

Once greed sprouts

Why don't you just go with the flow

The "leakage" in work style, even if it is small, if not alerted and resisted, will sow dangerous seeds, gradually degenerate from wind and decay.

He went from being a police officer to a prisoner, and mistakenly became a member of the Three Teachings and Nine Streams. He once worked for the Young Heroes program | Cases | Heroes

In 2012, Yi Gang discovered that some of his colleagues were driving good cars, smoking good cigarettes, and occasionally visiting high consumption places. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he could roughly guess the answer. Once, a colleague who had a good relationship with Yi Gang invited him to a dinner party. In the private room, Yi Gang saw a boss quietly stuffing an envelope into the colleague's hand

This dinner had a great impact on Yi Gang. After going back, Yi Gang couldn't help but recall the scene time and time again, gradually having the idea of "why can others do what I can't do? Why is everyone doing what I don't do?".

Not long after, Yi Gang received a request from his friend Wang to take care of a game room in his jurisdiction. When he first received 2000 yuan in cash from Wang, Yi Gang struggled repeatedly in the face of rationality and greed, ultimately choosing to deceive himself and find reasons - "this is a human relationship between 'friends'," so he took the 2000 yuan into his pocket.

Greed is like fire, if not restrained, it will start a prairie fire; Desire is like water, if not restrained, it will soar to the sky. Afterwards, Yi Gang went on a rampage on the road of violating discipline and law.

As a police officer, Yi Gang is well aware that making money in casinos is easy. In order to seek personal gain, Yigang spared no effort to violate laws and regulations. From 2012 to 2013, Yigang set up gambling game machines in a store in its jurisdiction for others to gamble, and illegally profited more than 200000 yuan from a small test of its skills.

In addition to directly engaging in business operations, Yi Gang often uses its enforcement power to create favorable relationships and gain considerable benefits for itself. Some of the clients hope that their "field" will not be inspected, while others hope that they will be punished lightly after being inspected

From 2012 to 2018, Yigang received more than 50 petitions and a total of 542000 yuan in bribes, with a personal gain of 396000 yuan. It's ironic that due to the large number of people giving money, some people's names are not clear to Yi Gang, only knowing that the other person's nicknames are "Huang Da Jie" and "Pang Wa Er".

Step by step wrong

In the end, they all lost the game

Looking back on his life experiences of gradually crossing the red line and committing crimes, Yi Gang was deeply saddened and filled with regret for his unforgettable experiences.

In March 2018, social worker Dong was arrested by the public security organs for opening a mobile casino. Despite knowing that Dong was suspected of committing a crime, Yi Gang tacitly allowed Dong to collude with relevant personnel to replace Dong as the "top boss" of the casino, and concealed interrogation records of other individuals involved in the case. During this period, a policeman raised an objection. Yi Gang was furious and shouted directly at the policeman: "Your wings have grown hard? Are you the captain or I am the captain, and do you the final say or I the final say?" Under Yi Gang's strong intervention, the credibility of law enforcement was seriously trampled. Afterwards, Dong presented a "thank you fee" of 3000 yuan to Yi Gang.

In September 2018, in order to seek personal promotion, Yi Gang requested the attention of Wu, the then director of the Da'an Branch, and offered him a bribe of 20000 yuan in cash.

In April 2019, Yi Gang was transferred to the position of Deputy Director of Gongjing Branch. After arriving at the unit, Yi Gang temporarily restrained himself, but no matter how low-key he was, the fact of violating discipline and law would not change. Shortly thereafter, clues about the Yi Steel issue came into the sight of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission.

On July 22, 2020, Yi Gang will never forget this day. After the task force read out the detention decision to Yi Gang, his mind went blank and his expression froze. That night, Yi Gang, who had regained his senses, remained awake all night, filled with fear. He knew very well that his reputation, status, and job would all be lost, and his happy and happy family would also be shattered.

Yi Gang fell into the net, one stone stirred up a thousand waves. Originally, during his tenure, Yi Gang not only tried the law himself, but also stirred up a pool of clean water. Under his influence, some police officers were not thinking about how to use their power well and perform their duties well, but how to follow Yi Gang to use the power granted by the country and the people as a tool for seeking benefits and rent. In his confession, Yi Gang wrote: "Under the influence and drive of his own wrong behavior, my good brother and subordinate Wang also began to accept money from the management and service objects. An excellent police officer was brought into the sewer by his most trusted elder brother, and my guilt towards him will accompany him for a lifetime!" After investigation, under the influence or direct drive of Yi Gang, the atmosphere of the unit was severely damaged, and a total of 7 people in the political and legal system of Da'an District went on the path of violating discipline and law. Only 2 police officers from the patrol and prevention team were punished by staying in the party for inspection and dismissal.

The successful investigation of the Yi Gang case has caused a huge shock in the public security system of Da'an District. After the completion of the case, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision deeply explored the deep-seated reasons behind Yi Gang's serious violations of discipline and law, as well as the shortcomings in strict management of the Party and the police. They formulated a "case to promote reform" plan, clarified 17 rectification measures, promoted the establishment and improvement of 25 rules and regulations, including the "Regulations on the Evaluation and Supervision of Police Cases", and produced a warning education film called "Clean Work with the Alarm Bell ringing" to be broadcasted at the district wide warning education conference, profoundly revealing the painful lessons of the Yi Gang case, so that the majority of police officers can take it as a warning and the alarm bell ringing.

[Case Description]

Yi Gang's transformation from a respected police officer to a despised "prisoner" by the world is fundamentally due to ideological problems. Because his ideals and beliefs have been shaken, his original purpose has deteriorated, his outlook on life and values have been distorted, and his reverence for discipline and law has disappeared, which has led to his current ending. As a law enforcer, Yi Gang lost the bottom line of discipline and law, did not abide by the law, violated the law, bent the law for personal gain, did not stand up for cases, did not investigate cases, and did not investigate crimes. He used public power as a tool for personal gain. His behavior completely deviated from his original mission, betrayed the people's position, and became a "black sheep" in the public security team.

Looking at the half life experience of Yi Gang, it is both hateful and pitiful, making people sigh with regret. Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must bear in mind that Party discipline and national laws are the most basic code of conduct and an insurmountable "red line". If there is no Party discipline in the heart and no national laws in the eyes, it is like a blind person riding a blind horse, facing a deep pool at night, destined to cause trouble and self destruction. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that "there are principles in human relationships and politics in social interactions", and to manage the circle of friends and life around us well, so that those who have ulterior motives have no opportunities to take advantage of.

——Member of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Da'an District

Supervisory Commission member Zhang Qiang

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