He himself denies that a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported to have lent more than 20 million yuan in high interest loans | Report | Changde | Pengpai News | Creditor | Hainan Province | Haobo | Li Chao

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:29 PM

After 12 years, Li Chao, a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, was once again reported.

In 2011, he was reported for violating business regulations and other related issues. The Hainan Commission for Discipline Inspection has given Li Chao the punishment of revocation of his party position and administrative dismissal.

In mid June of this year, 11 members of the Creditor Committee of the Haikou Sunshine Baroque Plaza project submitted materials to the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, reporting in real name that Li Chao, through his agents Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian, provided Yang Haobo, the former owner of the Sunshine Baroque Plaza project, with over 20 million yuan in high interest loans in 2010 and 2011, and planned to turn the "Commercial Housing Sales Contract" that was used as a loan guarantee into a real sale, taking away 27 sets of shops worth more than 30 million yuan.

In a video notarized by the notary office in 2019, Yang Haobo stated that he did not know Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian, and borrowed more than 20 million yuan from Li Chao, a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In 2019, Yang Haobo told a notarization video that he didn't know Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian, and the money was lent to him by Li Chao. All the pictures in this article are taken by Xie Yinzong, a journalist from Pengpai News

Li Chao told Pengpai News that the above statement is "nonsense" and that these creditors are "extorting". He claimed that there were court rulings for these payments, and the video notarized by Yang Haobo was not supported by evidence.

Yang Haobo and his company signed an agreement with creditors to clear their debts.

On July 6th, staff from the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision told Pengpai News that after verification, relevant departments have not yet received any materials from creditors of the Sunshine Baroque Plaza project who reported Li Chao in real name. After receiving the clues provided by Pengpai News, they have transferred the report of Li Chao to the Cadre Supervision Office of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

He himself denies that a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported to have lent more than 20 million yuan in high interest loans | Report | Changde | Pengpai News | Creditor | Hainan Province | Haobo | Li Chao

Discipline Inspection Commission officials were reported to have been granted over 20 million yuan in high interest loans under their real names

The Sunshine Baroque Plaza project is located in Xiuying District, Haikou City. The project was originally developed by Haikou Hongcai Property Management Co., Ltd., with Sichuan native Yang Haobo as the actual controller.

Deng Changde, the head of the creditor committee for the Sunshine Baroque Plaza project, told Paper that he and his friends have invested billions of yuan in the project through referrals. The development funds for the project mainly come from high-interest private loans. In June 2013, the project was completely shut down due to a broken funding chain.

Deng Changde said that in order to revitalize the project, with the approval of the majority of creditors, they established a permanent institution representing creditors - the Creditor Committee.

On September 10, 2013, debtor Yang Haobo held the first creditors' meeting with creditors. The meeting reached an agreement that both parties will settle their debts or implement debt restructuring through negotiation and settlement.

On October 27 of the same year, Yang Haobo reached a debt repayment agreement with all creditors. Yang Haobo and his controlled Hainan Sunshine Baroque Industrial Co., Ltd., Hongcai Company, and Ding'an Lianhai Industrial Co., Ltd., as debtors, agree to transfer all assets to creditors for lawful disposal, in order to offset all debts owed to creditors. The assets include the land and buildings of the Sunshine Baroque Plaza project under the name of Hongcai Company, as well as the land and buildings of the Ding'an Sunshine Baroque Commercial Plaza project.

Deng Changde said that during the process of clearing creditor's rights, a Sichuanese named Wei Fuliang submitted an arbitration application to the Hainan International Arbitration Court on March 31, 2015, requesting arbitration of the dispute over the 27 units of commercial housing sales contract signed between him and Hongcai Company.

"Even if we dispose of all of Yang Haobo's assets, we cannot recover the losses. Suddenly, 27 sets of shops worth around 30 million yuan have to be taken away." Deng Changde said that they learned from Yang Haobo that he does not know Wei Fuliang. Wei Fuliang is actually the agent of Li Chao, a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. These 27 sets of shops were loan guarantees made by Yang Haobo when he borrowed more than 17 million yuan from Li Chao in 2011 and 2012, and are not real transactions.

He himself denies that a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported to have lent more than 20 million yuan in high interest loans | Report | Changde | Pengpai News | Creditor | Hainan Province | Haobo | Li Chao

Yang Haobo also told Deng Changde that besides Wei Fuliang, Li Chao also had an agent named Mao Jian. In 2010, when he borrowed 3 million yuan from Li Chao, he lent it in the name of Mao Jian.

Deng Changde said that these two loans totaling 20 million yuan, with a monthly interest rate of over 3 cents, are high interest loans.

On December 20, 2019, during the trial of other cases, Yang Haobo went to the Qiongzhou Notary Office to notarize his loan due to poor health. In the video, Yang Haobo specifically talked about Li Chao's borrowing. "I don't know Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian, it's Li Chao. Li Chao is a public official of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection... He said he lent me the names of Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian, borrowed 20 million yuan, and used Xiuying's over 2000 square meter shop as collateral to sign a sales contract." Yang Haobo said in a notarized video, "I paid him several million yuan in interest, and the accounts that received the loan interest were all Li Congyan's accounts, which Li Chao provided to me.".

The reported person responded that it was a creditor's "extortion"

Regarding the report from creditors such as Deng Changde, Li Chao stated in an interview with Pengpai News on June 30th that the report about him lending high interest loans to Hongcai Company is nonsense and has been confirmed by criminal judgments.

As for the situation where Yang Haobo stated in the notarization that Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian were the agents of Li Chao, Li Chao said, "What evidence does he have? The court has tried and ruled, and he said it is? These creditors are extorting money there." After that, Li Chao hung up the phone.

On July 11th, Wei Fuliang told The Paper that Li Chao was his uncle. In 2011, he paid more than 17.38 million yuan to Yang Haobo in his name, which was the full amount of money he used to buy a house. There was no borrowing or lending, and the money was his own, not Li Chao's. He also had relevant vouchers.

The criminal case involving Yang Haobo is currently undergoing a second trial. In this case, the Ding'an County Public Security Bureau in Hainan entrusted the Hainan Fair Judicial Appraisal Center to conduct judicial accounting appraisal on Yang Haobo's illegal absorption of public deposit funds. The judicial appraisal opinion stated that Wei Fuliang's more than 17.38 million yuan and Mao Jian's 3 million yuan were both loans, and Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian were also listed as creditors. At the same time, the purchase and sale registration of 27 sets of shops is also stated in the opinion letter as "for mortgage loans". According to the information provided by Deng Changde, from April 2011 to January 2012, Yang Haobo issued multiple payment application forms, paying over 5.94 million yuan to Li Congyan and Chengdu Hankun Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. in the form of "payment to Wei Fuliang". Deng Changde said that this over 5.94 million yuan is used to pay interest on the loan of over 20 million yuan for Wei Fuliang and Mao Jian.

He himself denies that a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported to have lent more than 20 million yuan in high interest loans | Report | Changde | Pengpai News | Creditor | Hainan Province | Haobo | Li Chao

The judicial accounting appraisal opinion commissioned by the Ding'an County Public Security Bureau stated that Wei Fuliang borrowed more than 17.38 million yuan and Mao Jian borrowed 3 million yuan. Yang Haobo previously stated that all of this money was lent to him by Li Chao.

After lending more than 17.38 million yuan, Yang Hongbo paid more than 5.94 million yuan in interest from 2011 to 2012, which was transferred to Li Congyan and Chengdu Hankun Environmental Protection Company, with the majority indicating "payment to Wei Fuliang".

The Commission for Discipline Inspection claims to have transferred the leads

According to a survey conducted by Pengpai News, this is not the first time Li Chao has been reported. According to public reports, in July 2011, the whistleblower "Guo Weidong" reported Li Chao's illegal business practices and manipulation of stone field evaluation auctions through the internet and letters, which attracted high attention from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and established an investigation team.

According to Nanhai Net, the main leaders and responsible leaders of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection attach great importance to this and have issued instructions, requiring careful investigation and verification, and quickly establishing an investigation team.

In June 2012, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that it had seriously investigated and dealt with the disciplinary violations of Li Chao, former deputy director of the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, who engaged in profit-making activities.

According to the announcement, Li Chao was born in July 1963 and transferred from the military to the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in September 2000. In October 2006, he was appointed as a deputy department level disciplinary inspector and inspector of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. From May 2009 to November 2011, he served as the Deputy Director of the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In July 2011, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection received a real name report regarding Li Chao's involvement in profit-making activities. The relevant leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection have had multiple conversations with Li Chao, but he lacks sufficient understanding of his mistakes and did not take timely measures to eliminate negative effects, resulting in the whistleblower posting again online, causing follow-up and onlookers, and causing a negative impact. After in-depth investigation and verification, in January 2012, the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection made a decision to revoke Li Chao's party position and impose administrative dismissal penalties.

He himself denies that a cadre of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported to have lent more than 20 million yuan in high interest loans | Report | Changde | Pengpai News | Creditor | Hainan Province | Haobo | Li Chao

According to a survey by Pengpai News, 10 years after Li Chao was demoted and dismissed, in January 2022, a cadre named "Li Chao" attended the democratic life meeting of the Hainan Provincial Party School and publicly reported that his position was a third level researcher of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Authoritative sources told Pengpai News that there is only one middle-level cadre in the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection named Li Chao.

Deng Changde said that they submitted a real name report on Li Chao to the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on June 13 this year, but have not received a response.

On July 6th, staff from the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision replied to Pengpai News that they have not yet received any "reports" regarding the issue of Li Chaofang's high interest loans, as the interview content involves case investigation work, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will not accept any interviews.

The day before, when Pengpai News called the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the staff had replied that the "clues" regarding the report of Li Chaofang's high interest loan by Pengpai News on June 29 had been transferred to the Cadre Supervision Office. If there was any information related to the case, they would proactively contact the informant.

Deng Changde told Pengpai News on July 12th that after learning that the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision had not received the materials for their real name report of Li Chao, they sent the materials to the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision by postal express delivery on July 7th. On July 9th, it was shown that the email had been signed for.

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